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Test Your Knowledge - Quiz #4

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Test Your Knowledge - Quiz #4
8. Protestants accept the following as the authoritative standard for the practice of their faith
A) Church tradition
B) 66 Books of the Bible and the Apocrypha
C) 66 Books of the Bible
D) 66 Books of the Bible and church tradition
9. Which of the following is not a valid test for the reliability of a historical document
A) Scientific experimentation
B) Internal evidence test
C) External evidence test
D) Bibliographical test
10. The three branches of the Christian Church agree
A) The 66 Books of the Old and New Testament are inspired by God
B) There is one God made known as the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit
C) Jesus Christ is the only way to salvation
D) All of the above
11. In explaining the Trinity, one might present all of the following except
A) God is one
B) The Holy Spirit gives life
C) The Holy Spirit is a force like electricity
D) Jesus arose from the grave, revealing himself as the Son of God Page 5 of 24
APOLOGETICS - Comparative Religions

12. The Dead Sea Scrolls are important in confirming the reliability of the Old Testament because
A) The Dead Sea Scrolls are more accurate than the Massoretic text, thereby providing a more reliable copy of the Old Testament
B) The Dead Sea Scrolls generally agree with the Massoretic text, suggesting that the
Massorites copied the Old Testament faithfully over the centuries.
C) The Dead Sea Scrolls confirm that God parted the waters of the Dead Sea, allowing the
Israelites to cross.
D) None of the above
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