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results in church growth.

Roman Catholic Church
At some point in the early history of the church, the church became organized as the Roman Catholic Church. Catholics and Protestants disagree regarding the beginning date for the Catholic Church. Catholics hold that the line of bishops overseeing the Catholic Church can be traced to the Apostle Peter. Protestants oppose that view, and claim that the church was placed under the authority of Roman Catholic Popes much later. These opposing claims are addressed in more detail on the website below. At the website, see The Complete Listing of Popes and The Papacy Its History, Dogmas, Genius, and Prospects.”
The Catholic Church was the one official Church until the Eastern Orthodox Church split from the Catholic Church in AD. 1054. Tension within the Catholic Church culminated with the filioque controversy (see Nicene Creed in the training module Theology, resulting in the split. According to Ralph Winter, the Roman Catholic Church officially did little from AD to 1200 to promote missions. However, informal missionary efforts, notably Irish evangelists and their Anglo-Saxon followers, spread the Gospel throughout Europe. Monks established mission compounds that played a key role in keeping the Christian faith alive during times of warfare. Conquering tribes, first the Barbarians and later the Vikings, swept across Europe and were converted to Christianity by their captive population. During this war, Alfred the Great, King of Wessex (a small kingdom that in the southern and southwestern portion of what is now England, allowed worship in the Anglo-Saxon language of the local people. Changing worship from a foreign language (Latin) to the language of

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