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Stringfellow, Through the Bible In One Year . Vol. 3. Great Truths of the Bible, 198.
Stringfellow, Through the Bible In One Year . Vol. 3. Great Truths of the Bible, BACK TO OUTLINE Page 3 of THEOLOGY - Election and Related Topics


XII. Last Things
The first advent of Christ marked the beginning of the last days of the earth. The doctrine of last
things orb eschatology
explains what will happen as this earth draws to a close, and God ushers in anew heaven and anew earth.

Satan,_the_antichrist,_and_the_false_prophet'>A. Unholy Trinity
In the last days, an unholy trinity consisting of Satan, the antichrist, and the false prophet
will control the world. Unlike the Holy Trinity, the unholy trinity is a poor imitation, seeking to be like God. Satan might indwell the antichrist and the false prophet, but the unholy trinity is not three in one. The Holy Trinity is three persons in one Godhead. The unholy trinity is three separate persons. Satan is depicted in the Book of Revelation as the great dragon and the old serpent—the devil (Rev. 12:9). Many antichrists have already lived on earth (see 1 John 2:18), but an evil dictator will arise to rule the world. This antichrist will rule over a ten-nation league (the revived Roman Empire, and this ten-nation league will be the predominant world power. The antichrist is known as the desolator (see Daniel 9:27), the abomination of desolation (see Matt. 24:15), and the beast out of the sea (see Rev. 13:1). Just as Satan has worked through evil world rulers in the past, Satan will give power to the antichrist (see Rev. 13:4). The Devil will prompt ab false prophet
to lead all non-Christians in worshipping the antichrist (see Rev. 13:8; 16:13). The false prophet will require that all people receive the mark of the beast (or the name of the beast or the number of his name) on their right hand or forehead (see Rev. 13:16-18). Those who do not receive this mark will not be able to buy or sell goods. And those who do not worship the antichrist will be killed (see Rev. 13:14,15). But God will judge those who worship the beast by placing them in eternal torment (see Rev. 14:9-11).

B. Tribulation
A seven-year period of destruction and chaos is coming—more extreme than any tragedy that has previously occurred on earth (see Rev. 7:14). Sometimes the last half of the tribulation is called the great tribulation, because the destruction will be worse during the last three and one-half years. The antichrist will make a covenant with Israel, but in the middle of the tribulation period, he will break that covenant and desecrate the Jewish Temple (see Dan.

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