THEOLOGY XVI. Evil Harvey writes that as far back as the time of Plato (c. 427-347 BC, people
have tried to explain the problem of evil. Any theism (Christianity, Judaism, Islam, etc) that attributes goodness and power to the deity is faced with this problem. Ab theodicyb is one’s way of explaining God’s goodness in light of the evil that exists in the universe. Christians express the problem of evil in this way How can an all- powerful and all-loving God allow evil to exist If
he is both powerful and loving, he
should be able to prevent evil, and he would seem to want to prevent evil. Many Christian attempts to resolve this dilemma fall into one of the following two categories:
1. Evil is unavoidable in any finite and stable physical order where there are free beings.
ab Satan exercised his freedom by rebelling against God, and introduced evil into the world through Adam and Eve. Adam and Eve exercised their freedom and sinned.
There is no answer available to man. This calls for childlike faith in the Scriptures, which tell both of the sovereignty and love of God.
Although we can’t fully resolve the problem of evil, we can understand several truths related to this problem.
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