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XVIII. Bibliography
Harvey, Van A. A Handbook of Theological Terms. New York Macmillan Publishing Co, Inc,
1964. Hunt, T. Wand Walker, Catherine. Disciple’s Prayer Life. Nashville, Tennessee Lifeway Press,
Stringfellow, Alan Bi Through the Bible In One Year
. Vol. 3. Great Truths of the Bible. Tulsa, Oklahoma Virgil W. Hensley, Inc, 1981. This book maybe out of print, but maybe available via EBay on the internet. BACK TO OUTLINE Page 1 of THEOLOGY - Bibliography

Module Examination - Theology
1. Which of the following is false A. The Roman Catholic, Eastern Orthodox, and Protestant Churches all accept the complete Jewish Canon as being inspired by God. B. The Roman Catholic Church accepts 11 Books of the Apocrypha as being deuterocanonical and the Eastern Orthodox Church accepts 14 Books of the Apocrypha as being canonical C. The Jewish Canon was completed by about ADD. The Septuagint Version of the Old Testament was completed about AD. 90.
2. Which of the following is false A. The New Testament was written before AD. B. The New Testament canon was approved by most of the Church by ADC. The Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox Churches accept the Pseudipigrapha. D. The Roman Catholic, Eastern Orthodox, and Protestant Churches agree on the New Testament Canon.
3. Tests for canonicity of the New Testament include all of the following except A. Did an Apostle write Scripture or did someone associated with an Apostle write Scripture B. Did the Church have the original Manuscript C. Does the Scripture agree with the traditional teaching of Scripture D. Does the Scripture have the power to renew and sustain Christians
4. Which of the following is false A. The Nicene Creed includes the words "Catholic Church" so Protestants do not accept the Nicene Creed. B. The Apostles Creed emphasizes the humanity of Christ C. The Nicene Creed emphasizes the deity of Christ D. The Eastern Orthodox Church split from the Roman Catholic Church partly because of the words "and the Son" being added to the Nicene Creed
5. Which of the following is false A. The Nicene Creed was written to combat Arianism-the position that Christ was created. B. The Nicene Creed teaches that as coheirs with Christ, believers will someday be equal with Christ. C. The word "begotten" can mean "unique" or it can mean begotten "as a parent to a child" D. The Nicene Creed emphasizes the Trinity.
6. Which of the following is false A. Classical theism holds that an immanent and transcendent God created the cosmos. B. Polytheism is the belief in more than one god. C. The Muslim faith is monotheistic. D. The Christian faith is not monotheistic.
7. All of the following are true except A. Each person of the Trinity has the same role. B. God appeared in the form of theophanies during Old Testament times. C. Everything was created through Christ. D. In Old Testament Scripture, Christ was sometimes called "The Angel of the Lord"
8. The gifts of the Holy Spirit are listed in all of the following passages except Page 1 of Theology Exam

A. Colossians 4:7-12 B. Romans 12:3-9 C. 1 Corinthians 12:4-11,27-31 D. Ephesians 4:11-16 9. Which of the following statements are false A. Holy angels minister to the saints. B. Holy angels are messengers sent from God. C. Fallen angels are not active in the world. D. Angels are created beings.
10. Following is a legitimate argument against evolution A. The Bible teaches that God created man from the dust of the ground. B. There is insufficient fossil evidence linking the species. C. The Bible teaches that man was created in the image of God. D. All of the above
11. According to Stringfellow, a person's soul is all of the following except A. His mind B. His self-consciousness C. His God consciousness D. In Scripture, "soul" is very similar to the meaning of "heart"
12. The temptation to sin is through A. The lust of the flesh B. The lust of the eye C. The pride of life D. All of the above
13. Water baptism is for A. For believers B. For those old enough to commit to follow Christ C. By immersion only D. All of the above
14. Salvation is A. By grace B. Through faith C. Evidenced by works D. All of the above
15. Today Christians do not have to relate to God through a priest because A. Christ is our High Priest B. Christ atoned for our sins C. We are not under the Old Covenant D. All of the above
16. Which of the following parts of the Old Testament Law should we obey today A. The Civil Law B. The Ceremonial Law Page 2 of Theology Exam

C. The Moral Law D. None of the above
17. Soteriology includes A. Regeneration B. Sanctification C. Glorification D. All of the above
18. The following people believe that God chooses people to be saved A. Calvinists B. Arminians C. Bible-believing Christians D. All of the above
19. Which of the following is true A. Calvinists emphasize the sovereignty of God B. Arminians emphasize the love of God C. Bible-believing Christians believe that God knows in advance who will be chosen to be saved D. All of the above
20. The doctrine that Christ will return to earth to establish peace following seven years of tribulation is the A. Premillinnial view B. Postmillinnial view C. Amillinnial view D. None of the above
21. This module teaches that the present Kingdom of God includes A. All people within the church-both believers and nonbelievers B. God's rule over the church C. Both A and B D. Neither A nor B
22. The belief that the elements in communion are literally the body and blood of Christ is called A. Transubstantiation B. Consubstantiation C. Symbolic Commemoration D. None of the above
23. The two conditional covenants are A. Palestinian and Davidic B. Edenic and Mosaic C. Adamic and Palestinian D. Adamic and New Covenant
24. Which of the following is true A. God creates good things and disasters B. God brings good out of evil situations C. We don't know why evil exists Page 3 of Theology Exam

D. All of the above
25. The acrostic ACTS reminds us to pray by A. Expressing our gratefulness to God B. Asking for our needs to be met C. Admitting our sin D. All of the above
1. DC. BA. B
6. DA. CC. DC. DD. DD. CD. DD. AC. AB. DD BACK TO OUTLINE » Page 4 of Theology Exam


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