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Archaeological Finds.

McDowell also shows that the historical reliability of Scripture has been repeatedly upheld by archaeological finds For archaeological evidence, see

There is one God (1 Timothy 2:5) consisting of three persons (Matthew 28:19):

God the Father (Matt. 6:9) God the Son–Jesus Christ (John 1:1,14) God the Holy Spirit (Acts 5:3,4)
Orthodox Christianity believes in the Trinity because the Bible teaches

There is one God The Father is God The Son is God Page 3 of 24
APOLOGETICS - Comparative Religions

The Holy Spirit is God
God is omnipotent (all powerful, omniscient (all knowing, and omnipresent (present everywhere. He is the one true God, who is the essence of love. The Father is concerned for individual souls--to the extent that he gave his one Son to suffer and die so that individuals may live.

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