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The law of karma If one’s good deeds outweigh one’s bad deeds, one receives abetter life when reincarnated. If one’s bad deeds outweigh one’s good deeds, one receives a worse life when reincarnated. One can be reincarnated as a human or as some other creature.

Leazer explains that Hinduism teaches that man and the material universe are an illusion, and of little value. The soul of man is a spark of ultimate reality, which is Brahman, and the soul is trapped in a body Brahma created manu, the first man. From manu’s head came the Brahmins (scholar caste, from his hands came the Kshatriya (professional caste, from his thighs came Page 13 of 24
APOLOGETICS - Comparative Religions

the Vaisyas (craftsmen and farmers, and from his feet came the Sudras (laborers. The universe is destroyed and recreated about every 4 billion years, with each cycle being a repeat of the previous cycle. See Man and the Universe at the following website

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