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Since the material universe is an illusion, the highest morality is to renounce all material, emotional, and spiritual rewards
Worship is primarily individualized rather than congregational. Grace is obtained through contact with holy objects and holy persons. The uneducated worship household gods, and the more educated worship through chanting scriptures and acting out sacred stories in plays and songs
Key Terminology.

: one who practices yoga

: Rebirth (successive reincarnations)

Much social injustice has resulted from the caste system. Many lower caste Hindus want to find abetter faith than Hinduism. The law of karma was used by some Germans to justify exterminating Jews. See Is Truth Objective or Subjective at

Jesus claimed to be the truth, whereas there is no universal truth claimed by all sects of Hinduism. So a good question to ask Hindus maybe What is the truth Truth is not established by experience alone. Christians understand that Scripture points to Jesus Christ as being truth (John 14:6).
Christians understand that Scripture points to Jesus Christ as being truth (John 14:6). Sharing Christ with Hindus involves some of the same means as sharing Christ with people of other faiths

Pray and rely on the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Seek to understand their beliefs and values. Listen carefully. Proceed to witness more in depth as they allow. Understand and communicate the Christian faith in simple terms. Use Scripture. If a Hindu wishes to receive Christ, clearly communicate that faith in Christ alone is necessary for salvation—not faith in Christ plus faith in other gods. Page 14 of 24
APOLOGETICS - Comparative Religions

For more information on Hinduism, see

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