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Incompatibility with Orthodox Christianity

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Incompatibility with Orthodox Christianity.
McDowell points out

Brahman is an impersonal concept, whereas the Christian God is personal and loving. In Hinduism, man has no self-worth, whereas in Christianity, man is created in the image of God and is of great value to God. In Hinduism, man fails in his struggle for ultimate peace primarily through ignorance, whereas in Christianity, man sins against God. In Hinduism, man is reincarnated until he is liberated from the material universe, whereas in Christianity, man lives once and chooses to believe in Christ (thereby receiving eternal life with God) or to reject Christ (thereby spending eternity apart from God. Hinduism is pantheistic and Christianity is monotheistic/Trinitarian.
-Hinduism says there are many gods, but what evidence is offered to support the reality of such gods Christianity says there is one God, who is revealed in Jesus Christ. Christianity offers evidence for the divinity of Christ—such as Messianic prophecy, the testimony of Biblical writers who risked their lives to testify that Jesus is the Christ, and from extra-Biblical sources (such as the historian

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