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Test Your Knowledge - Quiz #7

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Test Your Knowledge - Quiz #7
17. Christians and Hindus disagree on
A) The existence of one God who is separate from the world

B) The doctrine of salvation
C) The poor are generally closer to God than are the rich
D) All of the above
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Buddhism is one of a family of religions called Dharmic (the others in this family are Hinduism, Jainism, and Sikh Buddhism developed partly as a reaction to the caste system of Hinduism Today, Buddhism is considered the fifth largest religion in the world (with perhaps 350 million adherents, behind Chinese Folk Religions (worship of a pantheon of deities and also ancestor veneration Buddhism originated with Sidhartha Gautama, who was born circa 560 BC. in India. Gautama rejected luxury and asceticism in favor of the middle road to reach a transcendent, blissful state called nirvana. This middle road involves giving up desire or craving in order to become dispassionate and detached from worldly ambition and to lead the right kind of life as specified by Sidhartha. Gautama became the Buddha or enlightened one upon reaching nirvana during his lifetime. Page 15 of 24
APOLOGETICS - Comparative Religions

Gautama (the first bodhisattva) was the first to discover nirvana. In Mahayana Buddhism, bodhisattva refers to one who delays reaching nirvana in order to help others reach nirvana. In Theravada Buddhism, bodhisattva refers to one on the path to becoming a Buddha Today Buddhism is a family of religions

-Theravada Buddhism–the Buddhism most closely following Gautama–is found mostly in Sri Lanka, Burma, and Southeast Asia. Religion is a full-time occupation primarily for monks.

-Mahayana Buddhism- the great vehicle. Mahayana Buddhism holds that anyone who trusts in a bodhisattva may reach nirvana. This religion emphasizes faith in Buddha. Mahayana holds Buddha as eternal, as truth. It is found in China, Korea, Japan, and Vietnam.

Nichiren Shoshu Buddhism is a branch of Mahayana. Originated in the 13 th century BC, this faith is based upon the teaching of Dengyo
Diashi ( Japan, 8 th Century)–who held only one Scripture is of supreme authority–The Lotus Sutra. The chief object of worship is a shrine known as the Dai-Gohonzon located at the base of Mount Fuji in Japan. This sect was revived by one man–Nichiren Shoshu–in 1945, and grew to over 16 million adherents by 1970! The members evangelize this one true religion with the aim of converting the world–“by force if necessary

Zen Buddhism is a branch of Mahayana Buddhism. Zen has no sacred scriptures, but employs any writings–Buddhist or not. Zen developed about 500 AD. and emphasizes meditation to understand the infinite and to achieve enlightenment. Zen encourages intuition, not logic. Zen encourages one to avoid evaluating information, whereas Christianity teaches one to test all things (1 Thessalonians 5:21-22).

Shingon: Japanese Buddhist Sect–magical and estoeric in nature, initiates a practitioner into the mysteries of

Word (mantra) Act (mutra) Thought (manas)

This sect originated in Tantrism, dating prior to the 7 th century AD.

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