Speaker1: [00:33:27] Yeah. And I so appreciate your perspective of how never mind, just to have free energy. But it goes beyond that. And I think you've done a good way to capture the whole idea of. How we can transform our civilization into a much, much more. Oh, my God, Mark, the experience would be so huge, so huge. Oh, no, no, never mind the new idea. Exactly. So what an opportunity for us as a civilization to really appreciate the how incredibly talented we are. Never mind all the possibilities that are out. It could have been so suppressed by all those things. And like I said, at some level, we chose to have that experience. But now I think we're there. I think we're at that point now. And I think that you and I for sure now that we're saying the same language, we know them. Right. So I'd like I really appreciate, Kevin, for you for sharing that with me, because I think you have really captured the evidence, the essence of what our men's group is all about. Cool. And I really appreciate any opportunity we have to to connect again. Yeah, let's hope we do. Yeah, it's so, so great. So I'm just going to. Pausa. The recording.
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