ManageMent accounting in support of the strategic ManageMent process – for More inforMation viSit www.ciMaglobal.coM
2introduCtion objeCtives
In the s management accounting was criticised for becoming too internally focused on operational issues and was providing little help to managers making strategic decisions. The term strategic management accounting (SMA) was introduced by Simmonds (1981, p) and defined by him as the provision and analysis of management accounting data about a business and its competitors, for use in developing and monitoring business strategy. Since then several attempts have been made to refine this definition and identify a set of techniques that can be classified under the banner of SMA. However there has been little agreement within the academic and professional literature on the definition of SMA and the associated techniques, nor is the term widely used by practising accountants (Langfield-Smith, 2008; Jorgensen and Messner; 2010; Nixon et al., 2011).The project seeks to investigate and enhance understanding of:1. the extent to which management accounting is utilised to support strategic decision making and the strategic management process within organisations.
2. the most common aspects of strategic decision making where management accounting is seen to make a significant contribution.
3. the management accounting tools that are utilised in a strategic context.
4. the extent to which it is possible to define the concept of strategic management accounting within a wider definition of management accounting.