Chicago Debate League 2013/14 Core Files

NC Extensions: A/t - #7 “Chinese Aggression Turn” [4/4] 349

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2NC Extensions: A/t - #7 “Chinese Aggression Turn” [4/4] 349

5) China is peacefully expanding into Latin America, and is not looking to cause aggression.

[Juan Gabriel; professor of international relations at the Universidad Torcuato Di Tella in Agentina; “Latin America, China, and the United States: a hopeful triangle” 2/09,]

Today, Beijing's approach to the region involves an active economic diplomacy characterised by pragmatism, based on conciliation, seeking stability, concerned not to irritate Washington, and aimed at strengthening interstate ties. Therefore, China's expanding interest in the region appears to be moderate, not challenging, and in favor of the status quo.

2NC Extensions: A/t - #8 “Corruption Turn” 350

1) Non-unique: Their evidence says corruption exists now, and that China can at-worst keep the status quo. There is no risk that Chinese influence will increase corruption in Latin America, or that the plan would decrease the corruption that already exists.
2) Chinese aid to Latin America is given to promote both economies and avoid dependence or corruption.

[Ariel, Director of the University of Miami's Center for Latin American Studies; “Exporting Corruption,” Winter,]

In addition to promoting business activity abroad, Beijing’s “Going Out” policy involves foreign aid. China’s foreign assistance has been driven mainly by its demand for natural resources, especially energy, and diplomatic goals—chiefly, the effort to politically isolate Taiwan, which is diplomatically recognized by a number of nations in Central America and the Caribbean. China has delivered assistance without following bureaucratic procedures and with an aura of secrecy, and has given preference to public works with high visibility. The new San José National Football Stadium in Costa Rica is an example. The $140 million China invested in building or revamping cricket stadiums in the Caribbean for the 2007 World Cup is another. The official Chinese position is that foreign aid responds to South-South solidarity and follows the principles articulated by Zhou Enlai, China’s first premier, in the 1960s, which established that assistance to other countries should promote mutual benefit, avoid any form of dependence, establish a partnership between equals, and have no strings attached.

2NC Extensions [Critical Immigration]: A/t - #1 “Self-fulfilling prophecy” [2/2] 351

1) We can objectively determine whether China is a threat based on policies passed by military and governmental leaders.

[John, founder / Director emeritus of the China Support Network; “Why We Can't Dismiss the China Threat,” 3/17, Accessed 7/16/12]

The bigger problem is over the left shoulder of Hu Jintao, because former President Jiang Zemin could provoke or start a war, while the rightists are a peaceful, unarmed movement. We do not know that Hu Jintao is a leader committed to peace. We know that in late 2004, Hu approved a massacre of villagers in Hanyuan County, and by some reports, more people were killed than in the Tiananmen massacre. But suppose, for the sake of argument, that Hu wants peace, and Jiang wants war. My press conference statement said, "We have concern about the military ambitions of Jiang Zemin, whom we believe can still provoke a war, even from retirement. We may learn today that he's really not retired, remaining active while he is titularly out of power for public relations purposes. Many, many things can happen without full play in the press." On March 1, Zhou Yongjun relayed word that "before Jiang Zemin retired, he had quietly changed the Party-Administration-Military power structure of China into a new structure of 5 'leaders groups,' with himself as the heads of them all. They are: the central policy group; central diplomacy group; national war preparation group; anti-Taiwan-independence and anti-foreign military interference headquarters; and, the first political commissar of Zhongnanhai guarding troop." That last group is akin to the Secret Service in the USA, meaning that they have guns trained on the national leaders and their families. The dissidents were warning us that Jiang Zemin has undertaken maneuvers behind the scenes to quietly consolidate power. If true, then Jiang Zemin becomes an invisible hand behind the throne of the puppet emperor. Observers of China will remember that in a recent transition, Jiang Zemin "packed" the Politburo Standing Committee with cronies from his "Shanghai faction," so that Jiang's men surround Hu Jintao in any case. Is Hu Jintao really at leave to govern? Dissidents assert that the presence of Jiang Zemin on the scene increases the mortal danger to Taiwan (and, by extension, the United States). According to Chinese dissidents, "Jiang asked all provinces/municipalities/counties to set up 'Wartime leaders groups' before 2005. These groups, which are at the core of all levels of power, are under direct control of Jiang Zemin. This way, there formed another set of power systems from the local governments to the central government. And at the top of this pyramid is Jiang Zemin." Dissidents also note that Jiang wants to change China to embrace a hereditary system of national leadership, so that his son can succeed him. If Jiang's family were to lose "head of state" status, then there would be no more immunity for the crimes, of which Jiang stands accused (genocide, crimes against humanity, etc.) Danger of war is also seen in three aspects. One, China won't renounce the use of force with Taiwan. Two, China won't curb or reverse its deployment of missiles opposite Taiwan. And three, its National People's Congress is expected to pass a new "anti-secession" law this month, to provide the legal pretext or cover as enabling legislation for a Taiwan war. The law being passed is, itself, dangerously close to a declaration of war. In the light of this, only the most gullible child would believe Li Zhaoxing's assurances of "no China threat." I can simply ask my readers, from this one paragraph alone, are matters moving in a more peaceful direction? Or, are matters moving in a direction to be more on a war time footing? That there is a "China threat" was never more timely advice.

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