Cis020-1 Introduction to Software Development

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CIS020-1-CIS093-1-Week 1-2-Questions

CIS020-1 – Introduction to Software Development
CIS093-1 – Mathematics and Concepts for Computational Thinking
Section 1.1 - What is Computer Science?

True/False Questions

  1. True or False? Programming defines the field of computer science.

Ans: True, programming is what characterizes the discipline of computer science because it encompasses the study of algorithms and data structures, computer and network design, modeling of data and information processes, and artificial intelligence.

  1. True or False? A representation of a problem that includes the relevant aspects of what is being represented is known as an abstraction.

Ans: False, using abstraction, one can hide the user from pointless information. Only the information that is pertinent is made available to the user.

  1. True or False? In order to solve a problem computationally, two things are needed: a representation that captures all the relevant aspects of the problem, and an algorithm that solves the problem by use of the representation.

Ans: It is true that, in general, computer problems can be solved by a proper representation of all the pertinent components of the problem, as well as by logic and an algorithm that uses representation to solve the problem.

  1. True or False? In the Man, Cabbage, Goat and Wolf problem example, the state [W, E, W, E] indicates that the cabbage and wolf are on the east side of the river, and the man and goat are on the west side.

  1. True or False? Regardless of your skills as a programmer, computing problem solving cannot be performed without the knowledge and use of computer algorithms.

  1. True or False? The Traveling Salesman Problem becomes intractable using a brute-force approach for more than twenty cities.

  1. True or False? There are more possible chess games that can be played than the number of grains of sand it would take to fill the universe solid.

  1. True or False? Any algorithm that correctly solves a given problem must solve the problem in a reasonable amount of time; otherwise it is of limited practical use.

  1. True or False? The brute force approach is one of the most widely used algorithmic programming solutions because it is such an efficient problem – solving method.

  1. True or False? Any algorithm that solves a general computational problem is referred to as tractable.

Multiple Choice Questions

  1. Computer science is fundamentally about

  1. computational Problem Solving

  2. programming

  3. software engineering

Ans: A, B, C

  1. The idea of a brute force approach can be described as

  1. trying all possible solutions to a given problem

  2. a computational approach that uses a great deal of memory

  3. the most efficient, effective, and direct means to solve a problem

Ans: A

  1. An algorithm is of practical use if it

  1. uses the brute force approach

  2. can find a solution a problem in a reasonable amount of time

  3. bypasses the need for computational problem solving

Ans: B

Fill-in-the-Blank Questions

  1. An _____ is a finite number of clearly described, unambiguous, “doable” steps that can be systematically followed to produce a desired result for given input in a finite amount of time.

Open Response Questions

  1. For the Man, Cabbage, Goat, Wolf problem, assume that each state is represented by a sequence of the form [man, cabbage, goat, wolf], in which a value of 0 indicates that the item is on the east side of the river, and a value of 1 indicates that the item is on the west side. For example, [1,0,1,0] would indicate that the cabbage and wolf are on the east side of the river, and the man and goat on the west side.

(a) Give a list of all the invalid states in this representation.
(b) Give a sequence of states that solves the problem (assuming that all items start on
the east side of the river, and the village is on the west side.)

Section 1.2 - Computer Algorithms

True/False Questions

  1. True or False? All algorithms must terminate after a finite amount of time.

  1. True or False? Algorithms are general computational methods for solving specific problems.

  1. True or False? The computation that a given computer performs is only as good as the underlying algorithm used.

  1. True or False? Because computers can execute instructions very quickly and reliably without error, algorithms and computers are a perfect match.

Multiple Choice Questions

  1. Which of these is not an algorithm?

  1. A pasta recipe

  2. A shopping list

  3. The steps used in performing long division

  1. Most algorithms require computers because

  1. they would require too much time and/or detail for a person to apply

  2. algorithms are only written in programming languages

  3. most algorithms are simple and practical enough for computers to understand

Open Response Questions

  1. For the Day of the Week algorithm given below, determine the day of the week for the following dates:

  1. September 14, 1864

  2. April 5, 1971

  3. February 21, 2004

1. Let century_digits be equal to the first two digits of the year.

2. Let year_digits be equal to the last two digits of the year.
3. Let value be equal to year_digits + floor(year_digits / 4)
4. If century_digits equals 18, then add 2 to value, else
if century_digits equals 20, then add 6 to value.
5. If the month is equal to January and year is not a leap year,
then add 1 to value, else,
if the month is equal to February and the year is a leap year, then
add 3 to value; if not a leap year, then add 4 to value, else,
if the month is equal to March or November, then add 4 to value, else,
if the month is equal to April or July, then add 0 to value, else,
if the month is equal to May, then add 2 to value, else,
if the month is equal to June, then add 5 to value, else,
if the month is equal to August, then add 3 to value, else,
if the month is equal to October, then add 1 to value, else,
if the month is equal to September or December, then add 6 to value,

6. Set value equal to (value + day) mod 7

7. If value is equal to 1, then the day of the week is Sunday; else
if value is equal to 2, day of the week is Monday; else
if value is equal to 3, day of the week is Tuesday; else
if value is equal to 4, day of the week is Wednesday; else
if value is equal to 5, day of the week is Thursday; else
if value is equal to 6, day of the week is Friday; else
if value is equal to 0, day of the week is Saturday

Section 1.3 - Computer Hardware

True/False Questions

  1. True or False? The more voltage levels that the hardware is able to utilize and distinguish, the more reliable the hardware design becomes.

  1. True or False? All of the information in a computer system is represented using digits 0-9.

  1. True or False? Digital computers are designed to either use binary values 0,1.

  1. True or False? In binary representation, each digit represents either the value -1, 0, or 1.

  1. True or False? A transistor is an electronic switch that can switch at very high speed.

  1. True or False? Integrated circuits, the building blocks of computer hardware, are made up millions or even billions of transistors.

  1. True or False? The decimal value of the binary number 1001 is 9.

  1. True or False? The binary number 1000 is larger than binary number 0111.

  1. True or False? The number following binary number 1011 is 1100.

  1. True or False? The term “bit” stands for binary digit.

  1. True or False? A byte is a group of (usually) eight bits.

  1. True or False? The algorithm for converting a number in base 10 to base 2 is to successively divide the number by ten until the remainder becomes 0.

  1. True or False? The fundamental hardware components of computer system are the central processing unit (CPU), main memory, volatile memory, input/output devices, and buses.

  1. True or False? Main memory is volatile, meaning that its contents are retained only when power is supplied.

  1. True or False? A Central Processing Unit is designed to execute instructions written as a sequence of bits.

  1. True or False? A flash (USB) drive is an example of a device containing nonvolatile memory.

  1. True or False? Buses provide communication between hardware components.

  1. True or False? An operating system is the part of the hardware that controls all the other hardware components of a computer system.

  1. True or False? An operating system is an example of system software.

  1. True or False? An operating system is what determines the look and feel of a given computer system, not the particular hardware components of the system.

  1. True or False? Moore’s Law states that the number of transistors that can be put on a silicon chip doubles roughly every two years, first predicted in 1980.

Multiple Choice Questions

  1. Computer hardware comprises

  1. applications and programs used by your computer

  2. files stored on your computer

  3. the physical parts of a computer system

  1. All information within a computer system is represented by the use of

  1. graphs, charts, numbers, and complex algorithmic languages

  2. only two digits, 0 and 1

sixteen digits, 0 – 9 and A – F known as hexadecimal representation

  1. The term bit stands for

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