measuring tape in meters (m)
DEVELOPMENT (discuss and elaborate) 15 minutes Discussion on what measuring is all about. Understanding the measurement of length. Using and handling measuring tools. Demonstration on measuring length using the correct technique How to measure objects with centimeter rules Ask several questions to elicit learners concept of measuring length such as everyday examples as in the distance between two places which are far and near to their school or home. Distribute the centimeter rules of
equal length to all learners E.g.
1. What is the distance between the school locations away from the roadside Learners discuss in group to draw conclusions regarding measurements made using standard and nonstandard tools and to name examples of everyday life situations involving the different units of measurements. Learners discover the need to use standard units when comparing different ways of measuring length. Learners follow step by step demonstration by the teacher to develop the skill
2. How far is your home from school in using the correct technique of measuring length by using the standard tools and standard units.
REINFORCEMENT (experimentation and activities) 15 minutes Give activities in groups Measure the length of
different objects like table, chair, desk, door, window etc. Divide the learners in group of 3. Give them different objects to estimate before measuring with ruler. Invite learners with the nearest estimated answer to share their experiences. Ask learners to measure the lengths of different objects in the worksheet with centimeter Learners are grouped in
3. They estimate the length
before measuring example, table, chair, chalk, door, window etc) and then measure the lengths of objects and record the measurement on the worksheet.
rules and record the measurement in centimeter (cm) Prepare to check and mark learners work.
5 minutes
CONCLUSION (Check and give meaningful homework when applicable) Recap and revision Conclude the lesson by asking questions e.g. what did we learn about Learners will listen to the recap and revise by asking question where they did not understand.
LESSON REFLECTION……………………………………………………………………………………
Index of comments3.1
Use fraction concepts as examples
small letters8.3
Too early to introduce the standard units of measurement
is not a good conclusion