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Table of Contents

Requesting Assistance from Outside Emergency Response Resources 9

Responding to Incidents Outside Your Normal Area of Operation Upon Official Request 11

1Guidelines for Interoperable Radio Communications 15

1.1How to Use the OKFOG 15

1.2Established Emergency Communications Plans 15

2incident command system (Ics) 17

3Responding to Incidents with Established Incident Command 20

3.1Communications When Responding Outside Normal Service Area 20

3.1.1Know Your Interoperability Channels 21

3.1.2Identify Channels Used in County of Incident 21

3.1.3Using Calling Channels 22

3.2Plain Language 23

3.3Identification Procedures 24

3.4Encryption 25

4County emergency Interoperable Communications 29

5guidelines for the programming and use of interoperability radio channels 156

5.1Eligibility for Participation in a Mutual Aid System 156

5.2Use of Interoperability Channels 156

5.3Oklahoma Statewide VHF Mutual Aid Channels 158

5.4Narrowbanding of VHF and UHF Radio Frequencies 161

5.5Limitations on Use of Interoperability Channels 162

5.6Channel/Talkgroup Names 163

5.7Priority Levels 163

5.8Out-of-Area/Itinerant Mobiles 164

5.9FCC and NTIA Rules and Regulations 165

6Interoperability Channels Used in Oklahoma 166

6.1Oklahoma VHF Common Channels 166

6.2National VHF Interoperability Channels 168

6.3National UHF Interoperability Channels 169

6.4Non-Federal 800 MHz National Mutual Aid Channels 172

6.6Non-Federal 700 MHz National Mutual Aid Channels 181

6.7Oklahoma Wireless Information Network (OKWIN) Interoperability Talkgroups 183

6.8UHF MED Channels-Wideband 184

6.9UHF MED Channels-Narrowband 187

6.10oklahoma emergency management vhf radio system 191

7Recommendations for Programming the Oklahoma Interoperability Channels 196

8Standard Operating Procedures for the Use of Interoperability Resources in Oklahoma 199

8.1Application of Interoperability Resources 199

8.2General Rules Governing the Use of Interoperability Resources 200

8.3Shared channel/Talkgroup Rules of Use 201

8.4National Mutual Aid Interoperability Channels Use 202

8.4.1Procedures for VCALL10, UCALL40 or ICALL/8CALL90 204

8.4.2Procedures for VTAC, UTAC and ITAC Channels 204

8.5Statewide Interoperability Gateways 207

9OKWIN Regional Interoperability Procedures 209

9.1Central Region 212

9.2Northeast Region 216

9.3Southwest Region 218

9.4Southeast Region 220

9.5Northwest Region 222

Appendices 224

Appendix A–Phonetic Alphabet Standards 225

Appendix B–Standard Abbreviations 229

Appendix C–NOAA Weather Radio (NWR) “All Hazards” Broadcasts 231

1Guidelines for Interoperable Radio Communications

The OKFOG is a pocket-sized listing of land mobile radio (LMR) channels that are often used for interoperable communications among first responders in Oklahoma. It provides SOPs for the use of interoperable communications resources by emergency responders.

1.1How to Use the OKFOG

The OKFOG may be used by emergency responders when requiring radio interoperability on statewide and regional radio channels. When using these shared resources, emergency responders should follow the SOPs provided herein. The OKFOG also provides communications guidance for response to incidents using the National Incident Management System (NIMS) and the Incident Command System (ICS). This guide provides technical information for radio technicians when programming interoperable channels in radios. It is recommended that all public safety agencies have these channels programmed in radios rather than waiting until a disaster is imminent or occurring to do the programming. The OKFOG may also be of use to emergency communications planners.

1.2Established Emergency Communications Plans

The OKFOG is the statewide guide for possible use in a situation where no other radio interoperability arrangement was promulgated by local authorities or where emergency responders are unaware of such an arrangement. The OKFOG does NOT supersede any Federal, State, tribal, local, or regional emergency communications plan. If you are dispatched to a disaster or incident scene and have no other information on how to make contact with other emergency responders, the OKFOG provides SOPs and identifies mutual aid radio channels that may be used to make initial contact.

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2incident command system (Ics)

ICS, as a part of NIMS, is a standard, on-scene, all-hazards incident management concept and shall be used during all incidents in the state of Oklahoma.
The ICS organization is both modular and flexible. In many incidents not all ICS positions will be required. For example, when the incident does not require implementation of a Logistics Section, the communications function will report directly to Incident or Unified Command. Likewise, at the onset of an incident, the Communications Unit Leader (COML) may report directly to Incident or Unified Command when a Logistics Section is not yet operational.
The following page contains a basic ICS organizational structure that might be used in response to an incident requiring a multi-agency, multi-disciplinary, and/or multi-jurisdictional response.

3Responding to Incidents with Established Incident Command

When directed to respond to an incident where ICS has been established and you have not been given an assignment, check-in location or communications instructions, you should use following the guidelines:

  1. Contact Incident Command for instructions. (See Section 3.1 for communications procedures when responding outside your normal service area.)

  1. Report to location assigned by Incident Command for check-in. You should check in only once. This will typically be at the Incident Command Post, Staging Area or a Base. In some instances, you may be directed to report directly to an operational assignment.

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