132. Bignoniaceae (Trumpet-creeper Family)
1152. Bignonia capreolata L. 1753 B&B.295
[Anisostichus capreolata (L.) Bureau 1864]
(Bignonia crucigera L. 1753) Shr.482
[Doxantha capreolata (L.) Miers. 1863]
Native high-climbing slender woody vine. Climbing by tendrils. Evergreen. Leaves in distinct pattern of 4's.
Habitat: "Rich soil" (Gray 1867). "Coastal Zone; in river swamps of the Pocomoke" (Shreve et al 1910). "In moist woods" (Britton & Brown 1913). "In rich moist woods and in swamps" (Grimm 1968).
Frequency: "Rare" (Shreve et al 1910). "Virginia to Florida" (Britton & Brown 1913). "Md. and W. Va. to Ohio, Ill. and Mo. south to Fla. and Tex." (Grimm 1968). "In southern Coastal Plain; not common." (B&B 1972)
Sightings: Luce Creek watershed 1/7/1995: Belle Grove Corporation property, growing on tuliptrees ca. 100 ft. SE of Severn Grove Road.
1153. Campsis radicans (L.) Seem. 1867. B&B.295
[Tecoma radicans (L.) DC 1845] Shr.482
[Tecoma radicans (L.) Juss.]
(Bignonia radicans L. 1753)
(Trumpet Vine, Common Trumpetcreeper)
Native pinnate-leaved woody vine. Corolla orange-red.
Habitat: "Moist soil" (Robinson & Fernald 1908). Hedgerows, fences, fields and moist woods. Frequently on Robinia pseudoacacia.
Frequency: "Coastal Zone" (Shreve et al 1910).
Records: Deale, a beach, climbing on trees and walls 7/10/1949, L. B. Smith (US) (Stieber 1967). Near St. James Church, on fences 6/27/1966 & 8/12/1966, Stieber 466 (LCU) (Stieber 1967). Java Farm & Ivy Neck, moderately abundant to abundant in old fields, on fences, etc., Higman 1 (CBC) (Higman 1977). College Creek Woods (Williams 1986a). Back Creek watershed (Williams 1989). Beachwood Park, Governors Bridge gravel pits (Longbottom 1991). Jug Bay Wetlands Sanctuary (Mason et al 1991).
Sightings: Chase Creek watershed (Rucker property 8/27/1999).
Herbaria: CBC. US & LCU (Stieber 1971).
1154. Campsis radicans var. flava Rehd. B&B: Not listed.
(Campsis radicans var. aurea Rehd.)
(Tecoma radicans var. lutea Kirchn.)
(Yellow Trumpet Vine) Orange-yellow flowers.
Sightings: Chase Creek watershed (along road to Ruckers Pond ca. 1980, now absent). Sandy Point State Park (on fence near entrance).
1155. Catalpa bignonioides Walt. 1788. B&B.294
(Southern Catalpa, Common Catalpa)
Medium sized tree native to Gulf States. Escape from cultivation. Leaves abruptly acuminate.
Habitat: Waste places.
Records: Manresa, moist woods 7/1/1966, Stieber 467 (LCU) (Stieber 1967). Picture Spring Branch (Nevamar Pond; Ecological Analysts 1983).
Herbaria: LCU (Stieber 1971).
1156. Catalpa speciosa Warder B&B.294
(Hardy Catalpa, Northern Catalpa, Western Catalpa)
Large tree native to mid-west. Escape from cultivation. Leaves often long-acuminate.
Habitat: Waste places.
Records: In Virginia pine woodland at Hancock's Resolution (Envirens 1991).
Sightings: Chase Creek watershed (near Ruckers Pond).
133. Orobanchaceae (Broom-rape Family)
1157. Epifagus virginiana (L.) Bart. B&B.879
[Leptamnium virginianum (L.) Raf. ex A. Gray 1878] Shr.482
[Epiphegus virginiana (L.) Bart. 1818]
(Orobanche virginiana L. 1753)
Erect (6-18") native leafless branching herb parasitic on beech roots. Flowers dull-magenta. Plant somewhat sticky to the touch.
Habitat: Under beech trees "In rich forests" (Shreve et al 1910).
Frequency: "Throughout the state" (Shreve et al 1910).
Records: Java Farm, moderately abundant under mature beech canopy in "western triangle", Higman 249 (CBC) (Higman 1977). Jug Bay Wetlands Sanctuary (Mason et al 1991).
Sightings: Under beech trees, oak-pine woods behind Crownsville Peoples Resource Center 9/27/1993.
Herbaria: CBC. US (Stieber 1971).
1158. Orobanche uniflora L. 1753 B&B.881
[Thalesia uniflora (L.) Britton 1894] Shr.482
(One-flowered Cancer-root, Squaw-drops)
Short (3-10") native leafless herb. Parasitic on roots of various herbs. Flowers white to whitish-lavender.
Habitat: "In rich forests" (Shreve et al 1910). "Damp woods and thickets" (Niering & Olmstead 1979).
Frequency: Throughout the state; being most frequent in the Midland Zone" (Shreve et al 1910).
Sightings: Fort Meade: near Forge Bridge on Little Patuxent (Longbottom, pc 5/11/1992).
134. Lentibulariaceae (Bladderwort Family)
1159. Utricularia biflora Lam. 1791 B&B: No Md. records.
(Utricularia pumila Walt. 1798)
(Two-flowered Bladderwort)
Native submerged aquatic herb. Resembles U. fibrosa, but leaves all alike. Brown & Brown (1984) state that U. biflora occurs in Del. and Va., and may be expected in Md.
Habitat: Shallow water.
Heritage Rating: 1988: B2 (Highly state rare). 1991: Endangered. 2001: S1 (Highly state rare) Endangered.
Records: Cattail Creek Pond above Rt. 2 on 7/9/1988 (Sipple 1993).
(1) Mill Creek watershed: Davidson's pond in St. Margarets.
(2) Chase Creek Watershed: Ruckers Pond (Accidentally introduced from Davidson's Pond ca. 1975, choking half of pond in several years, then declining rapidly. A few blooming plants seen 7/11/87, 8/8/87); extant 8/27/1999, 2002.
1160. Utricularia cornuta Michx. 1803. Shr.481, B&B.883
[Stomoisa cornuta (Michx.) Raf. 1838]
(Horned Bladderwort) Native terrestrial herb.
Habitat: "On wet borders of ponds, or in bogs" (Britton & Brown 1913). "Wet, sandy, muddy, or peaty shores; bogs" (Niering & Olmstead 1979).
Frequency: "Rare; Anne Arundel and possibly Garrett Counties" (Brown & Brown 1984).
Heritage Rating: 1988: B1 (Regionally rare). 1991: Status uncertain.
Records: "Near the head of the Magothy River (Robert K. Miller)" (Shreve et al 1910). Mt. Carmel, in a pool 8/18/1960, N. Hotchkiss & E. C. Leonard (US) (Stieber 1967). One A. A. Co. station (1960) noted by Broome et al Dec. 1979.
Herbaria: US (Stieber 1971).
1161. Utricularia fibrosa Walt. 1788. Shr.482, B&B.885
(Fibrous Bladderwort) Native submerged aquatic herb; leaves alternate, dimorphic.
Habitat: "In shallow water" (Britton & Brown 1913).
Frequency: "Coastal Plain; rare" (Brown & Brown 1984).
Heritage Rating: 1988: B3 (State rare). 1991: Endangered.
Records: "Glenburnie (Robert K. Miller)" (Shreve et al 1910). Broome et al Dec. 1979 noted one station reported, but no plants seen. North Grays Bog, South Grays Bog, Angels Bog, Eagle Hill Bog, Cypress Creek Savanna (Whigham 1981).
1162. Utricularia gemniscapa Benj. 1847. B&B.883
(Utricularia clandestina Nutt. 1848) Shr.481
(Hidden-fruited Bladderwort, Hooded Milfoil)
Native submerged aquatic herb.
Habitat: "In ponds and slow streams" (Brown & Brown 1984).
Records: One A. A. Co. station (1964) noted by Broome et al Dec. 1979. Head of the Severn River in a marsh 10/24/1951, N. Hotchkiss & F. M. Uhler (US) (Stieber 1967). Blackhole Creek Bog by Broersma 1984 (see Sipple 1999, p.379).
Herbaria: US (Stieber 1971).
1163. Utricularia gibba L. 1753. Shr.482, B&B.885
(Humped Bladderwort) Native submerged aquatic herb.
Habitat: "In ponds and streams" (Shreve et al 1910). "Shallow water or bogs" (Brown & Brown 1984).
Frequency: "Coastal and Midland Zones; frequent" (Shreve et al 1910).
Heritage Rating: 1988: C (State declining). 1991: Watchlist.
Records: 1.5 miles north of Duvall Bridge, in a pond 7/9/1938, N. Hotchkiss (US) (Stieber 1967). Pond edge at Lake Waterford 8/25/1989 (Sipple 1993). Arden Bog 1998 (Sipple 1999, p.382).
Herbaria: US (Stieber 1971).
1164. Utricularia juncea Vahl. 1804. Shr.481, B&B.883
[Stomoisia juncea (Vahl.) Barnhart]
(Rush Bladderwort) Native terrestrial herb.
Habitat: "On wet borders of ponds, and in bogs" (Britton & Brown 1913). "Wet, sandy or peaty soils and shallow ponds" (Brown & Brown 1984).
Records: 2 miles NW of Gibson Island in a fresh pond 9/26/1959, N. Hotchkiss (US) (Stieber 1967).
Herbaria: US (Stieber 1971).
1165. Utricularia subulata L. 1753. B&B.883
[Setiscapella subulata (L.) Barnhart]
(Zigzag Bladderwort, Tiny Bladderwort)
Native terrestrial herb.
Habitat: "Wet sandy soil" (Britton & Brown 1913).
Frequency: "Infrequent to rare on the Coastal Plain" (Brown & Brown 1984).
Heritage Rating: 1988: C (State declining). 1991: Watchlist.
Records: 3 miles NW of Gibson Island, floating in a bog 5/27/1953, E. P. Killip (US) (Stieber 1967).
Herbaria: US (Stieber 1971).
1166. Utricularia vulgaris L. Shr.481, B&B.885
(Common Bladderwort, Greater Bladderwort)
Submerged aquatic herb.
Habitat: ""In ponds and slow streams" (Shreve et al 1910). Quiet water of ponds and ditches" (Brown & Brown 1984).
Frequency: "Common in the Coastal Zone; apparently absent from the Midland Zone" (Shreve et al 1910).
Records: Bog at Glenburnie (M. A. Chrysler, in Shreve et al 1910; P.185).
135. Phrymaceae (Lopseed Family)
1167. Phryma leptostachya L. 1753 Shr.482, B&B.888
(Lopseed) Erect native perennial herb.
Habitat: "In moist and dry forests" (Shreve et al 1910). "Moist woods, thickets" (Niering & Olmstead 1979).
Frequency: "Rare in the Coastal Zone, and in the Lower Midland District, common in the Upper Midland District and the Mountain Zone" (Shreve et al 1910).
Records: "Infrequent along a road near Old Muddy Creek Road" (Stieber 1971).
Sightings: Bay Ridge R.R. r/w at head of Lake Ogleton (identified by D. H. Williams 1986).
Herbaria: CBC (CBC 1993). US (Stieber 1971).
136. Plantaginaceae (Plantain Family)
1168. Plantago aristata Michx. 1803. Shr.483, B&B.890
(Large-bracted Plantain)
Erect native annual or winter annual herb of western states, adventive in east. Leaves linear.
Habitat: "Cultivated and waste places" (Shreve et al 1910). A weed...in pastures, meadows, and waste land" (Jaques 1959). "Dry, often eroded, gravelly soils, in old fields or pastures" (Brown & Brown 1984).
Frequency: "Throughout the state; locally common" (Shreve et al 1910).
Records: Patuxent R. near Rt. 50, sandy clay 6/7/1966 & 10/29/1966, Stieber 468 (LCU) (Stieber 1967). Rt. 3, S. of jct. Rt. 424, sandy area 7/1/1966, Stieber 469 (LCU) (Stieber 1967). Java Farm, solitary in broken pavement on Fox Point Road near old hay barn; Ivy Neck, infrequent along tractor trail on Scaffold Peninsula, Higman 806 (CBC) (Higman 1977). Jacobsville Park (Longbottom 1991).
Herbaria: CBC. US & LCU (Stieber 1971).
1169. Plantago lanceolata L. 1753. Shr.483, B&B.890
(Lance-leaved Plantain, English Plantain, Buckhorn Plantain, Ribgrass)
Perennial herb naturalized from Europe. Leaves lanceolate.
Habitat: "In cultivated and waste places" (Shreve et al 1910). "A weed...common in lawns, meadows, and waste land" (Jaques 1959). "One of our worst weeds in lawns, meadows and pastures" (Brown & Brown 1984).
Frequency: "Throughout the state; common" (Shreve et al 1910).
Records: Manresa, in fields and roadsides 5/5/1966, Stieber 470 (LCU) (Stieber 1967). Java Farm, infrequent at main building area, Higman 12, 1092 (CBC) (Higman 1977). Back Creek watershed (Williams 1989). Hancock's Resolution (Envirens 1991). Poplar Ridge Park (Longbottom 1991).
Herbaria: CBC. US & LCU (Stieber 1971).
1170. Plantago lanceolata var. angustifolia B&B: Unlisted.
(Plantain) Herb.
Records: Hancock's Resolution (Envirens 1991).
1171. Plantago major L. 1753. Shr.483, B&B.890
(Common Plantain)
Perennial herb naturalized from Europe. Petioles green at base.
Habitat: "In cultivated grounds" (Shreve et al 1910). "A weed...largely confined to waste places and cultivated ground" (Fogg 1956). "Lawns, fields, and roadsides" (Brown & Brown 1984).
Frequency: "Throughout the state; common" (Shreve et al 1910). "Usually much less common than P. rugelii" (Brown & Brown 1984).
Records: Herald Harbor, beach of the Severn 7/3/1927, E. C. & G. M. Leonard (US) (Stieber 1967). South R., at Porter Point on broad creek in a sandy saltmarsh 9/14/1946, E. H. Walker (US) (Stieber 1967). Java Farm, infrequent at main building area and along Fox Point Road, Higman 19 (CBC) (Higman 1977). Picture Spring Branch (Nevamar Pond; Ecological Analysts 1983). Beachwood Park, Jacobsville Park, Lake Waterford Park (Longbottom 1991).
Herbaria: CBC. US (Stieber 1971).
1172. Plantago rugelii Decne. 1852. Shr.483, B&B.890
(Rugel's Plantain, Pale Plantain)
Native herb. Petioles purple or crimson at base.
Habitat: "A weed...fields, roadsides, woods, lawns and gardens" (Fogg 1956). "Lawns, meadows, pastures, and waste places" (Brown & Brown 1984).
Frequency: "Throughout the state; common" (Shreve et al 1910).
Records: Rt. 3, S. of jct. Rt. 424, sandy area 6/20/1966, Stieber 472 (LCU) (Stieber 1967). Patuxent R. near Rt. 50, muddy riverbank 10/29/1966, Stieber 471 (LCU) (Stieber 1967). Back Creek watershed (Williams 1989). Picture Spring Branch (Nevamar Pond; Ecological Analysts 1983).
Herbaria: LCU (Stieber 1971).
1173. Plantago virginica L. 1753. Shr.483, B&B.888
(Hoary Plantain, White Dwarf Plantain)
Native annual or biennial herb.
Habitat: "In dry open situations" (Shreve et al 1910). "In unshaded, dry or sandy soils" (Brown & Brown 1984).
Frequency: "Throughout the state; frequent" (Shreve et al 1910).
Records: Near St. James Church, roadsides 5/21/1966, Stieber 473 (LCU) (Stieber 1967). Ivy Neck, infrequent in grassy old field on Scaffold Peninsula, Higman 692 (CBC) (Higman 1977). Back Creek watershed (Williams 1989). Jacobsville Park, Quiet Waters Park (Longbottom 1991).
Herbaria: CBC. US & LCU (Stieber 1971).
137. Rubiaceae (Madder Family)
1174. Cephalanthus occidentalis L. 1753. Shr.483, B&B.297
(Common Buttonbush) Native shrub or small tree.
Habitat: "Swamps and along streams" (Robinson & Fernald 1908). "In swamps, open wet situations and along streams" (Shreve et al 1910).
Frequency: "Common in the Coastal and Midland Zones, infrequent in the Mountain Zone" (Shreve et al 1910).
Records: Vicinity Elvaton (Plitt 7/2/1904). Near St. James Church, grassy area near a ditch, near a branch of Lyons Creek 10/2/1966, Stieber 475 (LCU) (Stieber 1967). Java Farm, solitary at marshy west end of Phalaris meadow; Ivy Neck, solitary on shore of "fresh" cut-off Pond below Sand Point, Higman 175, 947 (CBC) (Higman 1977). Two county shrub-swamp stations mapped by Sipple 1978. Jug Bay Wetlands Sanctuary (Mason et al 1991). Shallow pond near bike trail at Earleigh Heights Road 2/20/1991, 4/12/1991 (Sipple 1993). Old pond site behind Millersville Post Office 12/21/1991 (Sipple 1993).
Sightings: Lake Waterford (before destruction of shoreline by County). Cattail Creek (above Rt. 2.). Hopkins Creek bottom at electric r/w. Severn Run at Dicus Mill Road. Martins Cove pond. Severn shore below Sewell Spring Branch. Shrub swamp near old Severn River bridge. Freshwater pond at Hacketts Point.
Herbaria: CBC. US & LCU (Stieber 1971).
1175. Diodia teres Walt. 1788. Shr.483, B&B.898
(Rough Buttonweed)
Much-branched native low annual herb. Leaves opposite, linear.
Habitat: Poor dry sandy soil. "In dry forests and open situations" (Shreve et al 1910). "A weed...in cultivated fields and waste land, especially where dry" (Jaques 1959).
Frequency: "Throughout the state; common" (Shreve et al 1910).
Records: No locale Oct. 1879, J. D. Smith (US) (Stieber 1967).
Herald Harbor, shaded slope 8/14/1927, E. C. & G. M. Leonard (US) (Stieber 1967). Rt. 3, S. of jct. Rt. 424, sand 7/21/1966 & 8/6/1966, Stieber 476 (LCU) (Stieber 1967). Patuxent Community Pond, pond edge 9/23/1966, Stieber 477 (LCU) (Stieber 1967). Ivy Neck, solitary on tractor trail, Scaffold Peninsula, Higman 1019 (CBC) (Higman 1977). Hancock's Resolution (Envirens 1991). Beachwood Park, Jacobsville Park (Longbottom 1991). Jug Bay Wetlands Sanctuary (Mason et al 1991).
Sightings: Davidsonville USAF transmitter site (Longbottom pc 1991).
Herbaria: CBC. US & LCU (Stieber 1971).
1176. Galium aparine L. 1753. Shr.484, B&B.894
(Bedstraw, Cleavers, Catchweed)
Annual scrambling herb, probably naturalized from Europe. Square stem, sharp-bristly. 4-8 whorled leaves per node.
Habitat: "In forests and open situations" (Shreve et al 1910). "A weed...woodlands and thickets...escaped to fence rows and roadsides" (Fogg 1956). "Woods, thickets and waste places" (Brown & Brown 1984).
Frequency: "Throughout the state; common" (Shreve et al 1910).
Records: Waysons Corner, gravel roadside 6/11/1950, L. B. Smith (US) (Stieber 1967). Manresa, in dense vegetation in moist woods 6/1/1966, Stieber 478 (LCU) (Stieber 1967). Near St. James Church in a moist woods, no date, Stieber 479 (LCU) (Stieber 1967). Java Farm, infrequent on floodplain of North Fork of Muddy Creek, also near old entrance gate, Higman 95, 639 (CBC) (Higman 1977). Picture Spring Branch (Nevamar Pond; Ecological Analysts 1983). Beachwood Park, Jacobsville Park (Longbottom 1991).
Sightings: Chase Creek watershed (Ruckers Ravine).
Herbaria: CBC. US & LCU (Stieber 1971).
1177. Galium circaezans Michx. 1803. Shr.484, B&B.896
(White Wild Licorice) Upright native perennial herb.
Habitat: "Rich woods" (Robinson & Fernald 1908). "In moist and dry woods" (Shreve et al 1910).
Frequency: "Throughout the state; common" (Shreve et al 1910).
Records: Java Farm, infrequent along old entrance road, through mixed hardwood forest, Higman 777 (CBC) (Higman 1977). "Infrequent along roads west of Muddy Creek" (Stieber 1971). Jug Bay Wetlands Sanctuary 5/1/1992 (Sipple 1993).
Sightings: Chase Creek watershed (Rucker property). Martins Pond ravine. Brewer Pond watershed (Sahlin property) 8/9/1995.
Herbaria: CBC. US (Stieber 1971).
1178. Galium hispidulum Michx. Shr.484, B&B: unlisted.
(Galium bermudense L. 1753)
(Coast Bedstraw) Much-branched perennial herb.
Habitat: "Dry or sandy soil" (Robinson & Fernald 1908). "Sandy forests, open situations" (Shreve et al 1910).
Frequency: "Coastal Zone; infrequent" (Shreve et al 1910).
Heritage Rating: 1988: B1 (Regionally rare). 1991: Endangered.
Records: Patuxent Community Pond, edge of the pond 6/14/1966, Stieber 480 (LCU) (Stieber 1967).
Herbaria: LCU (Stieber 1971).
1179. Galium obtusum Bigelow B&B.898
(Galium tinctorium L. 1753)
Britton (1901) shows the 4-parted Galium as G. tinctorium; Shreve (1910) used this reference.
(Bluntleaf Bedstraw, Stiff Marsh Bedstraw)
Erect native perennial herb. Corolla white, usually 4-lobed.
Habitat: "Damp shady places" (Robinson & Fernald 1908). "in moist forests and open situations" (As G. tinctorium; Shreve et al 1910). "Damp shady places, wet meadows and swamps" (Strausbaugh & Core 1964).
Frequency: "Throughout the state; common" (As G. tinctorium; Shreve et al 1910).
Records: Angels Bog, Cypress Creek Savanna (As G. obtusum; Whigham 1981).
1180. Galium tinctorium L. 1753. Shr.484, B&B.896
(Galium claytoni Michx.)
(Clayton's Bedstraw, Stiff Marsh Bedstraw, Dye Bedstraw, Wild Madder)
Erect native perennial herb. Corolla greenish-white, usually 3-lobed.
Habitat: "Swamps and damp places" (As G. claytoni; Robinson & Fernald 1908). "In wet situations" (As G. claytoni; Shreve et al 1910).
Frequency: "Throughout the state; common" (As G. claytoni; Shreve et al 1910).
Records: Dorr's Corner on the Severn Run by a road 7/2/1960, N. Hotchkiss & E. C. Leonard (US) (As G. tinctorium; Stieber 1967). Three county fresh-marsh stations mapped (As G. tinctorium) by Sipple 1978. Angel's Bog (As G. tinctorium; Sipple & Klockner 1984. S&K generally used Fernald 1950 (see S&K 1980, p.65). Angels Bog 6/10/1992, 8/7/1992 (Sipple 1993).
Herbaria: US (Stieber 1971).
1181. Galium trifidum L. B&B.896
(Galium trifidum var. pusillum Gray)
(Small Bedstraw) Slender, much-branching perennial herb.
Habitat: "Bogs, mossy woods and wet shores" (Robinson & Fernald 1908).
Heritage Rating: 1988: B1X (Regionally rare, apparently extirpated In Md.; not seen since before 1950). 1991: Endangered Extirpated.
Records: Marley shore (Plitt 6/19/1899).
Sightings: Cypress Creek Bog 9/1/1990 (Longbottom pc 1991).
1182. Galium triflorum Michx. 1803. Shr.484, B&B.894
(Sweet-scented Bedstraw) Native perennial herb.
Habitat: "Rich woodlands" (Robinson & Fernald 1908). "Moist and dry forests" (Shreve et al 1910).
Frequency: "Throughout the state; frequent" (Shreve et al 1910).
Records: Herald Harbor, sand 8/19/1927, E. C. & G. M. Leonard (US) (Stieber 1967).
Sightings: Chase Creek watershed (Ruckers Ravine).
Herbaria: CBC (CBC 1993). US (Stieber 1971).
1183. Houstonia caerulea L. 1753 Shr.483, B&B.901
(Common Bluets, Quaker-ladies)
Small erect native herb. Flowers with orange centers.
Habitat: "Dry forests and open situations" (Shreve et al 1910). "Grassy slopes and fields, thickets, and lawns on acid soils" (Niering & Olmstead 1979).
Frequency: "Throughout the state; common" (Shreve et al 1910). Apparently absent from most of A. A. Co.
Sightings: Rays Pond watershed (steep mossy slope at edge of Iliffs Pond).
1184. Houstonia longifolia Gaertn. 1788 Shr.483, B&B.903
(Long-leaved Bluet) Native perennial herb.
Habitat: "Rocky or gravelly ground" (Robinson & Fernald 1908). "Dry, unshaded, rocky, or gravelly soils" (Brown & Brown 1984).
Frequency: "Common throughout" (Brown & Brown 1984).
Records: Jug Bay Wetlands Sanctuary (Mason et al 1991).
1185. Houstonia purpurea L. 1753. Shr.483, B&B.903
(Mountain Houstonia, Large Houstonia, Tall Houstonia)
Erect native perennial herb.
Habitat: "Forests and open situations" (Shreve et al 1910). "In open places" (Britton & Brown 1913). "Dry woods, pine-barrens and prairies" (Gleason & Cronquist 1963).
Frequency: "Throughout the state; common" (Shreve et al 1910).
Records: Near St. James Church, roadsides 6/11/1966, Stieber 474 (LCU) (Stieber 1967). Java Farm & Ivy Neck, infrequent in mixed Hardwood forest, Higman 776, 840 (CBC) (Higman 1977). Jug Bay Wetlands Sanctuary 6/1/1988 (Sipple 1993). Jug Bay wetlands Sanctuary (Mason et al 1991).
Herbaria: CBC (CBC 1993). US & LCU (Stieber 1971).
1186. Houstonia pusilla Schoepf B&B.903
(Small Bluets, Star Violet)
Small erect, much-branched herb. Four-petaled flowers with black cross-shaped centers that have two slightly elongated tips per end.
Habitat: Poor sandy soils.
Frequency: Principal range n. to s. Va. Considered not indigenous, but an accidental introduction with grass seed (Reed 1980; see Riefner 1981. Also Riefner & Hill 1983).
Records: One station (presumably 1951) near Annapolis reported 1979 by Dr. E. E. Terrell (Reveal & Broome 1981). Jug Bay Wetlands Sanctuary (Mason et al 1991).
Sightings: Cattail Creek watershed: Oak Hill Elementary School 3/17/90 by Rucker (common in mowed turf on poor sandy soil toward old Pond). Beverly-Triton Beach area by D. H. Williams.
1187. Mitchella repens L. 1753. Shr.483, B&B.297,901
(Partridge Berry, Twin-berry)
Native trailing slightly woody evergreen herb.
Habitat: "In moist sandy forests in the Coastal Zone" (Shreve et al 1910). Low mossy hummocks in acid woods.
Frequency: "Throughout the state; common" (Shreve et al 1910).
Records: Java Farm, moderately abundant along old entrance road through mixed hardwood forest, especially near old pump house; Ivy Neck, solitary on west shore of Cheston Creek, Higman 93, 774 (CBC) (Higman 1977). Wetland control habitat at Round Bay Bog, Eagle Hill Bog (Whigham 1981). Cypress Creek Savanna, Cypress Creek Cedar Swamp (Sipple & Klockner 1984). College Creek Woods (Williams 1986a). Fishing Creek Farm (Williams 1986b). Back Creek: SPCA property (Williams 1989). Beachwood Park, Jacobsville Park, Governors Bridge gravel pits (Longbottom 1991). Jug Bay Wetlands Sanctuary (Mason et
al 1991).
Sightings: Corcoran tract at Sandy Point 6/18/88. Ravine off lower Gumbottom/Plum Branch 10/15/1988. Mill Creek (McCann property). Chase Creek watershed (Rucker property). Swamp at SW end Boyd Pond (Longbottom, pc 1991).
Herbaria: CBC. US (Stieber 1971).
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