Computer System Structures

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Figure 2.13 A layered operating system.

An operating-system layer is an implementation of an abstract object made up of data and the operations that can manipulate those data. A typical operating-system layer—say, layer M—consists of data structures and a set of routines that can be invoked by higher-level layers. Layer M, in turn, can invoke operations on lower-level layers.

The main advantage of the layered approach is simplicity of construction and debugging. The layers are selected so that each uses functions (operations) and services of only lower-level layers. This approach simplifies debugging and system verification. The first layer can be debugged without any concern for the rest of the system, because, by definition, it uses only the basic hardware (which is assumed correct) to implement its functions. Once the first layer is debugged, its correct functioning can be assumed while the second layer is debugged, and so on. If an error is found during the debugging of a particular layer, the error must be on that layer, because the layers below it are already debugged. Thus, the design and implementation of the system are simplified.
Each layer is implemented only with operations provided by lower-level layers. A layer does not need to know how these operations are implemented;

it needs to know only what these operations do. Hence, each layer hides the existence of certain data structures, operations, and hardware from higher-level layers.

The major difficulty with the layered approach involves appropriately defining the various layers. Because a layer can use only lower-level layers, careful planning is necessary. For example, the device driver for the backing store (disk space used by virtual-memory algorithms) must be at a lower level than the memory-management routines, because memory management requires the ability to use the backing store.
Other requirements may not be so obvious. The backing-store driver would normally be above the CPU scheduler, because the driver may need to wait for I/O and the CPU can be rescheduled during this time. However, on a large system, the CPU scheduler may have more information about all the active processes than can fit in memory. Therefore, this information may need to be swapped in and out of memory, requiring the backing-store driver routine to be below the CPU scheduler.
A final problem with layered implementations is that they tend to be less efficient than other types. For instance, when a user program executes an I/O operation, it executes a system call that is trapped to the I/O layer, which calls the memory-management layer, which in turn calls the CPU-scheduling layer, which is then passed to the hardware. At each layer, the parameters may be modified, data may need to be passed, and so on. Each layer adds overhead to the system call. The net result is a system call that takes longer than does one on a nonlayered system.

These limitations have caused a small backlash against layering in recent years. Fewer layers with more functionality are being designed, providing most of the advantages of modularized code while avoiding the problems of layer definition and interaction.

We have already seen that as UNIX expanded, the kernel became large and difficult to manage. In the mid-1980s, researchers at Carnegie Mellon University developed an operating system called Mach that modularized the kernel using the microkernel approach. This method structures the operating system by removing all nonessential components from the kernel and implementing them as system and user-level programs. The result is a smaller kernel. There is little consensus regarding which services should remain in the kernel and which should be implemented in user space. Typically, however, microkernels provide minimal process and memory management, in addition to a communication facility. Figure 2.14 illustrates the architecture of a typical microkernel.

The main function of the microkernel is to provide communication between the client program and the various services that are also running in user space. Communication is provided through message passing, which was described in Section 2.4.5. For example, if the client program wishes to access a file, it must interact with the file server. The client program and service never interact directly. Rather, they communicate indirectly by exchanging messages with the microkernel.

Figure 2.14 Architecture of a typical microkernel.
One benefit of the microkernel approach is that it makes extending the operating system easier. All new services are added to user space and consequently do not require modification of the kernel. When the kernel does have to be modified, the changes tend to be fewer, because the microkernel is a smaller kernel. The resulting operating system is easier to port from one hardware design to another. The microkernel also provides more security and reliability, since most services are running as user—rather than kernel— processes. If a service fails, the rest of the operating system remains untouched.
Drivers all run in user space, keeping them out of kernel space, whereas drivers loaded as part of a monolithic kernel design can typically touch any memory addresses at all.
Some contemporary operating systems have used the microkernel approach. Tru64 UNIX (formerly Digital UNIX) provides a UNIX interface to the user, but it is implemented with a Mach kernel. The Mach kernel maps UNIX system calls into messages to the appropriate user-level services. The Mac OS X kernel (also known as Darwin) is also partly based on the Mach microkernel.

Another example is QNX, a real-time operating system for embedded systems. The QNX Neutrino microkernel provides services for message passing and process scheduling. It also handles low-level network communication and hardware interrupts. All other services in QNX are provided by standard processes that run outside the kernel in user mode.

Unfortunately, the performance of microkernels can suffer due to increased system-function overhead.
Consider the history of Windows NT. The first release had a layered microkernel organization. This version’s performance was low compared with that of Windows 95. Windows NT 4.0 partially corrected the performance problem by moving layers from user space to kernel space and integrating them more closely. By the time Windows XP was designed, Windows architecture had become more monolithic than microkernel.

From WikiPedia:

In computer science, a microkernel (also known as μ-kernel) is the near-minimum amount of software that can provide the mechanisms needed to implement an operating system (OS). These mechanisms include low-level address space management, thread management, and inter-process communication (IPC). If the hardware provides multiple rings or CPU modes, the microkernel is the only software executing at the most privileged level (generally referred to as supervisor or kernel mode). Traditional operating system functions, such as device drivers, protocol stacks and file systems, are removed from the microkernel to run in user space. In source code size, microkernels tend to be under 10,000 lines of code, as a general rule. MINIX's kernel, for example has fewer than 6,000 lines of code.

Microkernels were developed in the 1980s as a response to changes in the computer world, and to several challenges adapting existing "mono-kernels" to these new systems. New device drivers, protocol stacks, file systems and other low-level systems were being developed all the time. This code was normally located in the monolithic kernel, and thus required considerable work and careful code management to work on. Microkernels were developed with the idea that all of these services would be implemented as user-space programs, like any other, allowing them to be worked on monolithically and started and stopped like any other program. This would not only allow these services to be more easily worked on, but also separated the kernel code to allow it to be finely tuned without worrying about unintended side effects. Moreover, it would allow entirely new operating systems to be "built up" on a common core, aiding OS research.

Microkernels were a very hot topic in the 1980s when the first usable local area networks were being introduced. The same mechanisms that allowed the kernel to be distributed into user space also allowed the system to be distributed across network links. The first microkernels, notably Mach, proved to have disappointing performance, but the inherent advantages appeared so great that it was a major line of research into the late 1990s. However, during this time the speed of computers grew greatly in relation to networking systems, and the disadvantages in performance came to overwhelm the advantages in development terms. Many attempts were made to adapt the existing systems to have better performance, but the overhead was always considerable and most of these efforts required the user-space programs to be moved back into the kernel. By 2000, most large-scale (Mach-like) efforts had ended, although OpenStep used an adapted Mach kernel called XNU, which is now used in the OS known as Darwin, which is the open source part of Mac OS X.[2] As of 2012, the Mach-based GNU Hurd is also functional and its inclusion in testing versions of Arch Linux and Debian is in progress.
From UC Berkeley:

      • Moves as much from the kernel into “user” space

        1. Small core OS running at kernel level

        2. OS Services built from many independent user-level processes

        3. Communication between modules with message passing

      • Benefits:

        1. Easier to extend OS

        2. Easier to port OS to new architectures

        3. More reliable (less code is running in kernel mode)

        4. Fault Isolation (parts of kernel protected from other parts)

        5. More secure

      • Detriments:

        1. Performance overhead severe for naïve implementation

Perhaps the best current methodology for operating-system design involves using loadable kernel modules. Here, the kernel has a set of core components and links in additional services via modules, either at boot time or during run time. This type of design is common in modern implementations of UNIX, such as Solaris, Linux, and Mac OS X, as well as Windows.
The idea of the design is for the kernel to provide core services while other services are implemented dynamically, as the kernel is running. Linking services dynamically is preferable to adding new features directly to the kernel, which would require recompiling the kernel every time a change was made.
Thus, for example, we might build CPU scheduling and memory management algorithms directly into the kernel and then add support for different file systems by way of loadable modules.
The overall result resembles a layered system in that each kernel section has defined, protected interfaces;

but it is more flexible than a layered system, because any module can call any other module.

The approach is also similar to the microkernel approach in that the primary module has only core functions and knowledge of how to load and communicate with other modules;

but it is more efficient, because modules do not need to invoke message passing in order to communicate.

Figure 2.15 Solaris loadable modules.

The Solaris operating system structure, shown in Figure 2.15, is organized around a core kernel with seven types of loadable kernel modules:

1. Scheduling classes

2. File systems

3. Loadable system calls

4. Executable formats

5. STREAMS modules

6. Miscellaneous

7. Device and bus drivers

Linux also uses loadable kernel modules, primarily for supporting device drivers and file systems.

Hybrid Systems
In practice, very few operating systems adopt a single, strictly defined structure. Instead, they combine different structures, resulting in hybrid systems that address performance, security, and usability issues.
For example, both Linux and Solaris are monolithic, because having the operating system in a single address space provides very efficient performance. However, they are also modular, so that new functionality can be dynamically added to the kernel.
Windows is largely monolithic as well (again primarily for performance reasons), but it retains some behavior typical of microkernel systems, including providing support for separate subsystems (known as operating-system personalities) that run as user-mode processes. Windows systems also provide support for dynamically loadable kernel modules.

We provide case studies of Linux and Windows 7 in in Chapters 18 and 19, respectively. In the remainder of this section, we explore the structure of three hybrid systems: the Apple Mac OS X operating system and the two most prominent mobile operating systems—iOS and Android.

Components of a Linux System
The Linux system is composed of three main bodies of code, in line with most traditional UNIX implementations:
1. Kernel. The kernel is responsible for maintaining all the important abstractions of the operating system, including such things as virtual memory and processes.
2. System libraries. The system libraries define a standard set of functions through which applications can interact with the kernel. These functions implement much of the operating-system functionality that does not need the full privileges of kernel code. The most important system library is the C library, known as libc. In addition to providing the standard C library, libc implements the user mode side of the Linux system call interface, as well as other critical system-level interfaces.
3. System utilities. The system utilities are programs that perform individual, specialized management tasks. Some system utilities are invoked just once to initialize and configure some aspect of the system. Others —known as daemons in UNIX terminology—run permanently, handling such tasks as responding to incoming network connections, accepting logon requests from terminals, and updating log files.

Figure 18.1 illustrates the various components that make up a full Linux system. The most important distinction here is between the kernel and everything else. All the kernel code executes in the processor’s privileged mode with full access to all the physical resources of the computer. Linux refers to this privileged mode as kernel mode. Under Linux, no user code is built into the kernel. Any operating-system-support code that does not need to run in kernel mode is placed into the system libraries and runs in user mode.

Unlike kernel mode, user mode has access only to a controlled subset of the system’s resources.

Figure 18.1 Components of the Linux system.

Although various modern operating systems have adopted a message passing architecture for their kernel internals, Linux retains UNIX’s historical model: the kernel is created as a single, monolithic binary.

The main reason is performance. Because all kernel code and data structures are kept in a single address space, no context switches are necessary when a process calls an operating-system function or when a hardware interrupt is delivered.

Moreover, the kernel can pass data and make requests between various subsystems using relatively cheap C function invocation and not more complicated interprocess communication (IPC).

This single address space contains not only the core scheduling and virtual memory code but all kernel code, including all device drivers, file systems, and networking code.
Even though all the kernel components share this same melting pot, there is still room for modularity. In the same way that user applications can load shared libraries at run time to pull in a needed piece of code, so the Linux kernel can load (and unload) modules dynamically at run time. The kernel does not need to know in advance which modules may be loaded—they are truly independent loadable components.
The Linux kernel forms the core of the Linux operating system. It provides all the functionality necessary to run processes, and it provides system services to give arbitrated and protected access to hardware resources. The kernel implements all the features required to qualify as an operating system.
On its own, however, the operating system provided by the Linux kernel is not a complete UNIX system. It lacks much of the functionality and behavior of UNIX, and the features that it does provide are not necessarily in the format in which a UNIX application expects them to appear. The operating-system interface visible to running applications is not maintained directly by the kernel. Rather, applications make calls to the system libraries, which in turn call the operating-system services as necessary.
The system libraries provide many types of functionality. At the simplest level, they allow applications to make system calls to the Linux kernel. Making a system call involves transferring control from unprivileged user mode to privileged kernel mode; the details of this transfer vary from architecture to architecture. The libraries take care of collecting the system-call arguments and, if necessary, arranging those arguments in the special form necessary to make the system call.

The libraries may also provide more complex versions of the basic system calls. For example, the C language’s buffered file-handling functions are all implemented in the system libraries, providing more advanced control of file I/O than the basic kernel system calls. The libraries also provide routines that do not correspond to system calls at all, such as sorting algorithms, mathematical functions, and string-manipulation routines. All the functions necessary to support the running of UNIX or POSIX applications are implemented in the system libraries.

Windows System Components

Figure 19.1 Windows block diagram.

The architecture of Windows is a layered system of modules, as shown in Figure19.1.

The main layers are

  • the HAL,

  • the kernel,

  • and the executive,

all of which run in kernel mode,

  • and a collection of subsystems and services that run in user mode. The user-mode subsystems fall into two categories:

    • the environmental subsystems, which emulate different operating systems,

    • and the protection subsystems, which provide security functions.

One of the chief advantages of this type of architecture is that interactions between modules are kept simple.

The remainder of this section describes these layers and subsystems.
19.3.1 Hardware-Abstraction Layer
The HAL is the layer of software that hides hardware chipset differences from upper levels of the operating system. The HAL exports a virtual hardware interface that is used by the kernel dispatcher, the executive, and the device drivers.

Only a single version of each device driver is required for each CPU architecture, no matter what support chips might be present. Device drivers map devices and access them directly, but the chipset-specific details of mapping memory, configuring I/O buses, setting up DMA, and coping with motherboard-specific facilities are all provided by the HAL interfaces.

19.3.2 Kernel
The kernel layer of Windows has four main responsibilities:

  • thread scheduling,

  • low-level processor synchronization,

  • interrupt and exception handling,

  • and switching between user mode and kernel mode.

The kernel is implemented in the C language, using assembly language only where absolutely necessary to interface with the lowest level of the hardware architecture.

The kernel is organized according to object-oriented design principles. An object type in Windows is a system-defined data type that has a set of attributes (data values) and a set of methods (for example, functions or operations). An object is an instance of an object type. The kernel performs its job by using a set of kernel objects whose attributes store the kernel data and whose methods perform the kernel activities. Kernel Dispatcher
The kernel dispatcher provides the foundation for the executive and the subsystems. Most of the dispatcher is never paged out of memory, and its execution is never preempted. Its main responsibilities are thread scheduling and context switching, implementation of synchronization primitives, timer management, software interrupts (asynchronous and deferred procedure calls), and exception dispatching.

Mac OS X

Figure 2.16 The Mac OS X structure.
The Apple Mac OS X operating system uses a hybrid structure. It is a layered system. The top layers include the Aqua user interface and a set of application environments and services. Notably, the Cocoa environment specifies an API for the Objective-C programming language, which is used for writing Mac OS X applications. Below these layers is the kernel environment, which consists primarily of the Mach microkernel and the BSD UNIX kernel.
Mach provides memory management; support for remote procedure calls (RPCs) and interprocess communication

(IPC) facilities, including message passing; and thread scheduling.

The BSD component provides a BSD command-line interface, support for networking and file systems, and an implementation of POSIX APIs, including Pthreads.
In addition to Mach and BSD, the kernel environment provides an I/O kit for development of device drivers and dynamically loadable modules (which Mac OS X refers to as kernel extensions). As shown in Figure 2.16 the BSD application environment can make use of BSD facilities directly.

iOS is a mobile operating system designed by Apple to run its smartphone, the iPhone, as well as its tablet computer, the iPad. iOS is structured on the Mac OS X operating system, with added functionality pertinent to mobile devices, but does not directly run Mac OS X applications. The structure of iOS appears in Figure 2.17.

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