Contents background and Summary of Discussions in Fifth Dean’s Committee meetings New Initiatives

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Agricultural Statistics 1+1

Theory: Review of basic descriptive statistics (Frequency distribution, mean, variance, standard deviation etc.,).Probability: Definition and concept of probability; Binomial, Poisson and Normal Distribution and its properties; Introduction to Sampling: Random Sampling; the concept of Standard Error; Tests of Significance-Types of Errors, Null Hypothesis, Level of Significance and Degrees of Freedom, Steps involved in testing of hypothesis; Large Sample Test-SND test for Means, Single Sample and Two Samples (all types); Small Sample Test for Means, Student’s t-test for Single Sample, Two Samples and Paired t-test. F test; Chi-Square Test in 2x2 Contingency Table, Yate’s Correction for continuity; Correlation: Types of Correlation and identification through Scatter Diagram, Computation of Correlation Coefficient ‘r’ and its testing. Linear Regression of Y on X and X on Y. Inter-relation between ‘r’ and the regression coefficients, fitting of regression equations. Analysis of variance-one way and two way; Experimental Designs: Basic principles of Experimental Designs, Completely Randomized Design (CRD), Layout and analysis with equal and unequal number of observations, Randomized Block Design (RBD), Layout and analysis.

Practicals: Computation of Arithmetic Mean, Variance, standard deviation and CV for Un-Grouped and Grouped data; Computation of simple probability; addition and multiplication rule; computation of Binomial and Poisson probabilities. Computation of probabilities using normal distribution. SND test for Means, Single Sample; SND test for Means, Two Samples; Student’s t-test for single sample; student’s t test for two sample ; paired t test and F test; Chi-Square Test in 2x2 Contingency Table, Yate’s Correction for continuity; Computation of Correlation Coefficient ‘r’ and its testing; Fitting of regression equations-Y on X and X on Y; One way and two way analysis of variance. Analysis of Completely Randomized Design (CRD); Analysis of Randomized Block Design (RBD).

  1. Physical Education, Health Education and Recreation 0+1

Practicals: Introduction to physical education. Posture, exercise for good posture, physical fitness exercises for agility, strength, coordination, endurance and speed. Rules and regulations of important games, skill development in any one of the games, football, hockey, cricket, volleyball, badminton, throw ball, tennis. Participation in one of the indoor games, badminton, chess and table tennis. Rules and regulations of athletic events, participation in any one of the athletic events, long jump, high jump, triple jump, javelin throw, discuss throw, shot put, short and long distance running, Safety education, movement education, effective way of doing day-to-day activities. First-aid training, coaching for major games and indoor games. Asans and indigenous ways for physical fitness and curative exercises. Exercises and games for leisure time, use and experience.

  1. National Service Scheme 0+1

Practicals: NSS-Orientation of students in national problems, study of philosophy of NSS, fundamental rights, directive principles of state policy, socio-economic structure of Indian society, population problems, brief of five year plan. Functional literacy, non-formal education of rural youth, eradication of social evils, awareness programmes, consumer awareness, highlights of consumer act. Environment enrichment and conservation, health, family welfare and nutrition.


  1. Introductory Agriculture, Principles of Agronomy and Soil Management 2+1

Theory: Art, Science and Business of crop production, Basic elements of crop production; Factors affecting crop production; History of Agricultural Development; Ancient Indian Agriculture, Chronological stages of development of agriculture, Agricultural research and education with special reference to India and Karnataka. Contribution of agriculture and horticultural crops to national economy. Importance and scope of agriculture, horticulture, sericulture, animal husbandry and forestry as farming enterprises and relation to industry. Women in agriculture-Multifaceted roles and tasks, work stress factors. Soil factors, weather factors, ecology, crop distribution, adaptation and crop production centers. Factors affecting plant growth, dry and irrigated agriculture, farming system approach and value addition in agriculture. Agro-climatic zones of India and Karnataka; methods of crop production; Tillage-meaning, concepts and types of tillage, crops stand establishment, planting geometry and its effect on growth and yield. Classification of crops, selection of seed material. Importance of soil in crop production. Concepts of soil fertility and productivity and their improvement. Effects of tillage on soil physical properties and root growth. Requirement of ideal seedbed. Green manuring, manure and fertilizer management for different cropping systems. Fallowing-Advantages and limitation, Agronomic management for different soils. Agronomic management of problematic soils.

Practicals: Area, production, productivity of important crops in World, India and Karnataka; Identification and classification of field crops; Factors affecting crop production; Seedbed preparation for field crops; Study of tillage implements; Methods and practice of ploughing; Practice of puddling; Study of seeding equipments and introduction of remote sensing; Different methods of sowing; Study of manures, fertilizers and green manure crops/seeds (including calculations); Study of intercultivation implements and practice; Study and practice of special implements; Preparation of FYM and compost; Methods of fertilizer application; Participation in ongoing field operations.

  1. Water Management including Micro Irrigation 1+1

Theory: Definition of irrigation; History of irrigation in India; Water resources -their exploitation; Scenario of irrigation in India-canal, tank, well and lift irrigation systems. Soil water relations; Introduction to basic terms in water management & irrigation; study of moisture constants and hydro dynamic relations; Measurement of soil moisture-different direct and indirect methods; Expressions of soil moisture and their mutual relations; Plant water relations-critical stages; Meaning and impact of water stress; Water availability & its relationship with nutrient availability and losses; Water management of crops-its definition, meaning, measurement and relevance in crop production; Concept of evapotranspiration &its measurement; Factors affecting water requirement; Study of water requirement of field crops and horticultural crops. Methods of irrigation-surface, subsurface, sprinkler and drip; Their types and efficiencies; Constraints and advantages of different methods; Efficiency of irrigation; methods to measure them. Quantitative estimation of irrigation water-direct and indirect methods; expressions of flowing water and their mutual relations; Concept of water use efficiency, its relevance and factors affecting it-methods to improve WUE. Assessment of irrigation requirement. Scheduling of irrigation-approaches and methods to schedule irrigation; Development of irrigation plans for individual farms and micro and macro commands. Suitability of irrigation water for irrigation-quality of water & its impact on growth, development and yield of crops. Irrigation control and water conveyance methods-their advantages & disadvantages; Concept of drainage-surface and subsurface methods of drainage. Irrigation practices of important field and horticultural crops.

Practicals: Determination of soil moisture by direct and indirect methods-study of gravimetric, volumetric methods; Study of tensiometers, gauges, resistance blocks, moisture meters, rapid moisture meters, latest electronic devices; Study and determination of maximum water holding capacity, field capacity, permanent wilting point, bulk density and infiltration rates of soil; Concept of capillarity-its demonstration. Study of methods of flow measurement-expressions of flow; Study and use of weirs, orifices, parshall flumes, flow meters, aquameters. Study of surface irrigation methods-field layouts, their significance; Study of sub-surface irrigation methods; Study of sprinkler system-their types, wetting patterns, coverage and field methods to install sprinkler systems; Study of drip method of irrigation-their types and field methods to install them. Study of water requirement of different crops. Study of various on-farm structures for irrigation control, drop structures-their demonstration; Study of drainage structures. Study and practice of various types of numerical problems in irrigation and water management.

  1. Agricultural Meteorology, Rainfed Agriculture and Watershed Management 1+1

Theory: Introduction – History and importance of rainfed agriculture in India and Karnataka. Weather and climate- Earth’s atmosphere, composition and structure. Weather elements – Solar radiation, temperature, relative humidity, atmospheric pressure, wind, cloud formation and classification, precipitation and monsoon. Weather hazards and weather forecasting. Rainfall pattern and aberrant weather conditions of rainfed agriculture. Soil erosion-types, losses and conservation techniques (Mechanical Measures). Infiltration and run-off- In situ soil moisture conservation techniques (Agronomic measures). Tillage – Conservation tillage, fall ploughing and fallowing. Plant ideotypes- crops and cropping systems for drylands. Crop establishment techniques-contingency crop planning and midseason corrections. Use of mulches and anti transpirants. Soil fertility management in drylands- residue management. Watershed management- concepts and components. Water harvesting and recycling. Wastelands – types and management and alternate land use systems. Dryland practices and watershed management suggested for different agro-climatic zones of Karnataka.

Practicals: Selection of site for Agro-met observatory; Measurement of sunshine and solar radiation; Measurement of air and soil temperature and relative humidity; Measurement of wind speed and wind direction; Measurement of rainfall and its analysis; Rainfall patterns in dryland regions of Karnataka; Measurement of evaporation and atmospheric pressure; Classification of climate and agro-climatic zoning; Preparation of isotherms, isohyets and isobars; Preparation of synoptic charts and crop weather calendars; Visit to crop weather observatory at GKVK; Estimation of soil loss – universal soil loss equation; Study on mechanical measures of soil erosion control; Study on in situ soil moisture conservation techniques for red soils; Study on in situ soil moisture conservation techniques for black soils; Study on in situ soil moisture conservation techniques for dryland orchards; Study on effect of mulches on soil moisture and plant growth; Study of farm pond-construction and maintenance; Study of special implements used in dryland agriculture; Visit to operational research project of dryland and model watershed.

  1. Farming Systems, Organic Farming and Sustainable Agriculture 2+1

Theory: Sustainable agriculture- definition, concept, goals; factors affecting ecological balance- land degradation, water and air pollution, global warming, impact and amelioration; sustainable agriculture practices-natural farming, alternative farming, integrated farming. HEISA, LEISA and BIOFARMS. Farming systems– principles, concepts, components; cropping systems; sequential cropping, crop rotation, relay and ratoon cropping, multistorey cropping, filler and inter planting in orchards; Assessment of multiple cropping advantages; delineation of efficient cropping zones based on RYI and RSI and strategies for improving crop productivity in different zones; IFS models for dry, wet, wastelands and for different agro climatic situations. Organic farming-concept, definition, principles, components, scope, relevance in the present context; organic production requirement, permitted and restricted inputs in organic farming; biological intensive nutrient management, traditional and non-traditional additives in organic farming; Weeds, pests and diseases management practices in organic farming; Quality considerations, certification, accreditation, labeling, marketing and exports. Definition of precision agriculture scope and concept of precision agriculture, components of precision agriculture. Global Positioning System (GPS), Geographic Information System (GIS), Computer software model and remote sensing for aerial/satellite imagery. Site Specific Nutrient Management (SSM) for nutrient and irrigation management practices. Comparative yield, quality and farm profits under SSM practices V/s Uniform Rate Technology (URT) practices.

Practicals: Assessment of multiple cropping advantages and sustainability; Preparation of cropping schemes for rainfed situations, Preparation of cropping schemes for irrigated situations; Preparation of IFS models for rainfed and irrigated lands; Preparation of IFS models for wet and wastelands; Recycling of crop residues in agriculture; Preparation of enriched compost and vermicompost; Composting industrial and urban biowastes; Resource allocation and management of dairy, poultry, piggery, sericulture as a component of IFS; Labour resource management, labour saving techniques, farm records and farm book keeping; Indigenous technical knowledge in organic farming; Preparation and use of botanicals in organic farming; Processing. Certification and accreditation in organic farming.

  1. Principles of Agricultural and Resource Economics 1+1

Theory: Economics: Meaning, Definition, Subject matter, Divisions of Economics, Importance of Economics; Agricultural Economics- Meaning, Definition; Basic Concepts: Goods, Service, Utility, Value, Price, Wealth, Welfare. Wants: Meaning, Characteristics, Classification of Wants, Importance. Theory of consumption: Law of Diminishing Marginal utility: Meaning, Definition, Assumption, Limitations, Importance. Consumers’ surplus: Meaning, Definition, Importance. Demand: Meaning, Definition, Kinds of Demand, Demand schedule, Demand Curve, Law of Demand, Extension and Contraction Vs increase and Decrease in Demand. Engel’s Law of Consumption. Elasticity of Demand: Types of Elasticity of Demand, Degrees of price elasticity of Demand, Methods of measuring elasticity, Factors influencing elasticity of Demand, Importance of Elasticity of Demand. Supply: Meaning, Definition, Law of supply, Supply schedule, Supply curve, Elasticity of supply and importance, Welfare Economics: Meaning, Pareto’s optimality. National Income: Concepts, Measurement. Public Finance: Meaning, Principles. Public Resource: Meaning, Service Tax: Meaning, Classification of Taxes: Cannons of Taxation, Public expenditure: Meaning, Principles. Inflation: Meaning, Definition, Kinds of inflation. Role and Importance of Agriculture in Indian Economy. Significant Economic problems in Indian Agriculture. Natural Resource Economics: Meaning and concepts. Concept of Externality.

Practicals: Law of Diminishing Marginal Utility, Consumers’ surplus, Law of demand, Demand/supply, Demand/supply schedule, Demand/supply curve, Elasticity of demand/ supply methods of measuring elasticity, Engel’s Law of Consumption, Economic importance of Factors of Production- Land, Labour, Capital, Organization (Management) etc.

  1. Seri-Business Management 1+1

Theory: Costs and production theory, importance of sericulture in rural, national and world economy. Special characteristics of sericulture visa-vis other agricultural enterprises. Economics of Mulberry leaf production, Grainage, Chawki rearing, cocoon production, reeling, twisting, Dyeing and weaving. Break ever analysis: Risk and Uncertainty in Sericulture – Future trading speculation, Arbitrage and hedging, contract farming and supply chain management Institutional setup. CSB, Silk exchange, Karnataka silk, marketing Board and KSIC their organizations and functions. Externalities, linkages and market intelligence in sericulture. International trade in sericulture. AOTF-WTO Employment generation under different enterprises of sericulture. Management principles and functions. Organising, staffing, Directing, Motivation Ordering leading, Supervision, communication and control. Difference between Farm and Non-farm Management, Horizontal and vertical integration. Co-ordination in sericulture based industries – meaning – classification and feasibility. Analysis, Nature and scope of Business Management.

Capital Management in Trade and Sericulture industries, meaning, definition and scale of business finance. Sources of capitalization, asset utilization. technology up gradation and replacement strategies. Management of production including human resources, machineries, marketing market segmentation, product life cycle. Pricing policy : meaning, price, differentiation. Project: Definition, project cycle, Appraisal and evaluation techniques, pay Back period, B:C ratio NPV and IRR. Sensitivity analysis. SWOT Analysis. Profit theories meaning definition, Normal profit, economic profit under total and marginal approach. Analysis of Business performance, solvency ratios, Liquidity ratios, Efficiency ratios and profitability ratios. Developing the marketing mi ie., 4 ps -product, price, promotion, place and brand. Planning: Meaning and definition, objectives, policies, strategies and procedures, rules and programmes.

Practicals: Economics of Mulberry Production, Economics of Grainage and Chawki rearing, Economics of cocoon production, Economics of Reeling (Charaka, Cottage basin, Multiend), Economics of Twisting and Dyeing, Economics of Weaving, Evaluation of investment in Sericulture payback period, B:C ratio NPV and IRR, Visits to different institutions concerned to sericulture industries – Silk exchange, Grainage, KSIC, Reeling, Twisting dyeing and weaving units, Time series analysis silk prices, SWOT analysis, Study of value addition in sericulture products , Study of financing institutions, CB, SCB, RRB, NABARD, KSFC etc., Study of export and import of silk goods, Study of profit and loss statement of a firm, Economics of new innovations (strategic), Assignments presentation, Group discussion.

  1. Farm Power, Renewable Energy, Surveying & Soil Water Engineering 1+1

Theory: Introduction to Machinery and equipment in Mulberry cultivation, land preparation, primary and secondary tillage, Intercultivation, Mulberry harvesting and chopping machines. Designing and development of equipments for Pruning, Harvesting, Weeding, Drip designing, planning and Sprinkler irrigation,Water scheduling and conservation techniques, Root pruning methods, Mechanization in mulberry: management of ploughs, cultivators, sprayers, tractor, tiller, weeder, pruning machine, ITK in moriculture, Introduction to environmental engineering – psychometry. Renewable energy, sources of renewable energy, types advantages and limitations. Objectives of surveying types of surveyors, error, chains their types and uses. Ranging of chain lines. Soil erosion, causes and effects of erosion. Erosion by water and wind factors affecting erosion. Methods of erosion control. Irrigation principles, practices and systems surface, subsurface, micro irrigations, Drip irrigation machinery and mechanism, design engineering of layout of drip irrigation for mulberry/host plant production.

Practicals: Study of primary and secondary tillage equipments. Equipments and measuring instruments for temperature, humidity, light and wind. Mulberry harvesting and chopping machines. Study of machines in Mulberry cultivation. Regulation and maintenance of environmental conditions in silkworm rearing. Machineries in Silkworm rearing. Cocoon mixing, deflossing and riddling machines. Stifling machines. Cooking machines. Brushing machines. Study of charaka and cottage basin silk reeling machines. Multiend silk reeling machines. Study of automatic and semiautomatic silk reeling machines. Permeation and silk re-reeling machines. Silk testing equipments, silk throwing. Non-Mulberry silk reeling machines. Spun silk processing machines. Care and maintenance of machineries.

  1. Management of Sericultural Machineries & Equipments 0+1

Designing and development of rearing houses and equipments, Low cost ventilation systems, Management of microclimate with indigenous techniques, gunny cloth, shade net, water pots, charcoal stoves, dusting devices, micro sprinklers. Designing and development of mountages and mounting sheds, Incubation, Leaf preservation and micro climate maintenance equipments and Chawki rearing equipments, Plant protection equipments, Late age rearing equipments, Innovation of disinfectants, organic and inorganic feed fortification, artificial diets, Refinement of ITK, Organic products for plant and silkworm protection. Designing and development of hand spinning devices, Repairs and management of reeling and throwing machines. Chawki rearing chambers. Permeation chambers-sophisticated testing equipments – Tasar and muga reeling machines. Silk twisting and throwing equipments. Structures for rearing equipments for harvesting and chopping mulberry leaves. Revolving mountages – cocoon stifling structures. Cocoon driers. Cocoon harvesting devices. Cocoon sorting machines-riddlers-deflossing machines. Cocoon cooking and brushing machines. Reeling machines – charaka, cottage basin domestic basins filature basins – Automatic reeling basins-re-reeling machines. Permeation chambers. Boilers for production of steam design and planning filature and cotton basin units. Non-Mulberry cocoon reeling machines. Maintenance of machinery, Maintenance kits.

  1. Insect Morphology and Systematics 2+1

Theory: Entomology- Definition/meaning and its scope. History of entomology in India. Factors for insects adbundance. Character of the class Insecta, structure of typical insect. Structure and functions of body wall and its appendages, moulting process, body segmentation, structure of head, mouth parts, types of mouth parts, modifications of insect antennae. Structure of thorax, types of legs, wing venation, modifications and wing coupling apparatus. Structure of abdomen and its appendages, structure of ovipositor, structure of abdomen and its appendages, structure of ovipositor, structure of male and female genitalia. Sensory organs, Metamorphosis and diapause in insects. Types of larvae and pupae. An elementary knowldedge of internal systems and their functions-digestive, circulatory, excretory, respiratory, nervous, secretory (endocrine) and reproductive systems in insects. Types of reproduction in insects. Systamatics: Definition of Taxonomy, systematics, classification and its importance, Brief history of classification, Nomenclature definition, objectives, Guidelines for the Binomial nomenclature as indicated by ICZN. Definitions of Biotypes, species, sub species, genus, family, order, tribe, hierarchy, Taxonomic categories; Type concept in nomenclature, general classification of insects up to orders. Characteristrics and general habits of economically important insect orders and families.

Practicals: Study of phylum Arthropoda, study of insects with special reference to cockroach, study of immature stages of insects, modifications of insect appendges, types of insect mouth parts, dissection of digestive, circulatory including salivary glands, nervous and reproductive systems in insects, collecting and curating insects, and General classification of insects and study of wingless primitive insects (Collembola and Thysanura), Study of insect orders – Odonta, Blattodea, Mantodea, Isoptera, Orthoptera, Phthiroptera, Hemiptera (sub order Heteroptera and Homoptera), Thysanoptera, Coleoptera, Diptera, Siphonoptera, Lepidoptera and Hymenoptera.

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