Contents I-XIII introduction 1-17 Division A: The Bible and Its World 18-56 Division B: History of the Jewish People 57-79 Division C: Rabbinic Literature and Jewish Law 80-93 Division C: Jewish Thought 94-154 Division D: Literatures

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Samantha Baskind (E)

Midrash, Modernity, and the Recollection of Ancient Archetypes: A Reinterpretation

of Jack Levine's "Planning Solomon's Temple"

478 Soviet and Post Soviet Jewish Art

Chairperson: Mirjam Rajner

Wednesday (3 Aug 2005) 09:00 - 11:00 Room: 2716

Tatiana Goriacheva (E)

The Jewish Artist in Soviet and Post-Soviet Russia

Swetlana Czerwonnaja (E)

The Jewish Artists in Soviet and Post-Soviet Russia

Lola Kantor-Kazovski (E)

Vladimir Yakovlev: A Portrait of the Artist As a Blind Man

Bogdana Kozachenko (E)

Private Collections of Judaica in Ukraine: The Collection of I. Dychenko

in Kiev



479 Israeli Art

Chairperson: Ruth E. Iskin

Wednesday (3 Aug 2005) 11:30 - 13:30 Room: 2716

Aviv Livnat (H)

The "Golden Peacock" in the Metal Work of Arieh Merzer

Ronit Steinberg (E)

The Sculpture of Micha Ullman

Batya Brutin (E)

Victim/Agressor Duality in Second Generation Israeli Artwork

480 Architecture and Interior Design – Session A

Chairperson: David M. Cassuto

Wednesday (3 Aug 2005) 15:00 - 17:00 Room: 2716

Marija Rupeikiene (E)

Wooden Synagogues in Lithuania

Rudolf Klien (E)

The Typology of the 19th Century Synagogue in Historical Hungary

Alla Sokolova (E)

Innovations in the Building Activity of the Late 19th Early 20th Century

and Their Influence on the Architecture of the Shtetls of Podolia

700 Architecture and Interior Design – Session B

Wednesday (3 Aug 2005) 17:30 - 19:00 Room: 2716

David M. Cassuto

The Existing Palermo “Miqve” as Mentioned in Rabbi Ovadia Me-

Bartenura Letter

Eugeny Kotlyar

Yakov Gewirtz: Vision and Practice of "Jewish Architecture" in Early

20th Century Russia

Vera Kuznetsova (E)

Synagogues beyond the Pale of Settlement: Jewish Neo-Romanticism in




Jewish Music

481 Dialogue and Confrontation with the Musical Past: Jewish


Chairperson: Judah M. Cohen

Monday (1 Aug 2005) 09:00 - 11:00 Room: 2715

Edwin Seroussi (E)

Opening Remarks

Frank Alvarez-Pereyre (E)

Jewish Music: Changing Patterns in an Anthropological Perspective

Francesco Spagnolo (E)

Recordings Without Field: Reconstructing the Italian Jewish

Ethnomusicological Past

Gila Flam (E)

Research, Archives and Performance: The Case of the Yiddish Song


Lyudmila Sholokhova (E)

Yiddish Folksongs of Religious and National Content from the

Collections of the Vernadsky Library in Kiev

482 The Singing Mirror: Exploring Jewish Musical Historiography

(Special Panel Coordinated by the Jewish Music Forum of the American

Society for Jewish Music)

Chairperson: Edwin Seroussi

Monday (1 Aug 2005) 11:30 - 13:30 Room: 2715

Judah M. Cohen (E)

Re-Sounding with Great Echoes: Judaism, Tradition and Music

Scholarship in an American Context

James Loeffler (E)

Between Wissenschaft and Etnografiia: The Russian Jewish Search for a

Musical Science

Mark Kligman (E)

Beyond Ashkenaz: New Studies from the Jewish Musical Mediterranean

Edwin Seroussi (E)




483 Afternoon Intermezzo – A

Monday (1 Aug 2005) 14:15 - 15:00 Room: 2715

Assaf Shelleg

Contemporary Piano Music of Jewish Inspiration

484 Piyyutim Workshop – "Singing Communities Project" – A

Monday (1 Aug 2005) 14:15 - 15:00 Room: 2729

485 Panel: Sephardi Hazzanut from East and West on the Threshold of

the 21th Century

Chairperson: Essica Marks

Monday (1 Aug 2005) 15:00 - 17:00 Room: 2715

Essica Marks

Maimon Cohen – Moroccan Tradition

Daniel Halfon – Spanish-Portuguese Tradition

Ezra Barnea – Sephardi-Jerusalem Tradition

486 Creating a New Musical Culture: The Israeli Song in Historical


Chairperson: Jehoash Hirshberg

Monday (1 Aug 2005) 17:30 - 19:30 Room: 2729

Shai Burstyn (H)

Cultural Indoctrination in the Early Hebrew “Zemer”

Talila Eliram (H)

The Melody that Made Aliya

Yaakov Mazor (H)

Hasidic Origins of Israeli Folk Songs

Joseph Goldenberg (H)

Old Oriental "Songs of the Land of Israel" and Oriental Songs since the

1970s: Relations and Differences

Nathan Shahar (H)

Bialik’s Poems in Hebrew Folk Song



487 Special Pre-Concert Panel

Chairperson: Judit Frigyesi

Monday (1 Aug 2005) 18:30 - 19:30 Room: 2715

Judit Frigyesi

Andre Hajdu

488 Source and Resources of Jewish Music

Chairperson: Gila Flam

Tuesday (2 Aug 2005) 09:00 - 10:00 Room: 2715

Avigdor Herzog (H)

Archaic Stratum in Jewish Traditional Music

Judith S. Pinnolis (E)

An Update Concerning Some Library and Archival Holdings and Access

to Jewish Music in the United States

489 Jewish Music in the Italian Renaissance

Chairperson: Francesco Spagnolo

Tuesday (2 Aug 2005) 10:00 - 11:00 Room: 2715

Shoshana Liessmann (E)

Jewish Perspectives on Music in 16th Century Italy

Don Harran (H)

Final Thoughts of Rabbi Leon Modena on the Essence of Music

490 Jews and Jewish Identities in Contemporary Music – Session A

Chairperson: Michal Grover-Friedlander

Tuesday (2 Aug 2005) 09:00 - 11:00 Room: 2729

Jacobo Kaufmann (E)

Isaac Offenbach and His Son Jacques

Rita Flomenboim (H)

Jewish and Universal in the Music of Lazare Saminsky

Assaf Shelleg (E)

Castelnuovo-Tedesco's "Jewish Cycle": Some Introductory Remarks



491 Jews and Jewish Identities in Contemporary Music – Session B

Chairperson: Andre Hajdu

Tuesday (2 Aug 2005) 11:30 - 13:30 Room: 2729

Michal Grover-Friedlander (E)

Singing and Disappearing: The Angelic in Seter's Tikkun Chatzot

Kamile Rupeikaite-Mariniuk (E)

Reflection of Biblical heritage in music of Anatolijus Senderovas

Talia Pecker-Berio (E)

Ha-Maqom: Space, Sound and the Idea of An ‘Elsewhere’ in Luciano

Berio’s Cronaca Del Luogo

Julia Kreinin (E)

Requiem by Gyorgy Ligeti: The Testimony of a Holocaust Survivor

492 Identity and Piyyut

Chairperson: Avigdor Herzog

Tuesday (2 Aug 2005) 11:30 - 13:30 Room: 2715

Kumiko Yayama (H)

Let's Sit Together: Socio-Cultural Aspects of the World of Singing of

Bakashot in Jerusalem

Merav Rosenfeld-Hadad

The Modern Paraliturgical Song of the Israeli Arab Jews

Mayer Gruber (H)

Penina Moise: An American Jewish Hymn Writer

Max Stern (H)

Psalms and Songs of Praise

493 Afternoon Intermezzo – B

Tuesday (2 Aug 2005) 14:15 - 15:00 Room: 2715

Sharon Bernstein

Yiddish Treasures: Rare Songs from the Collection of Meir Noy

494 Piyyutim Workshop – "Singing Communities Project" – B

Tuesday (2 Aug 2005) 14:15 - 15:00 Room: 2729



495 Sounds of Ashkenaz – A: The Synagogue Modes

Chairperson: James Loeffler

Tuesday (2 Aug 2005) 15:00 - 17:00 Room: 2715

Eliyahu Schleifer (E)

Hazzan, Bass, Zinger'l: The Eighteenth-Century Trio Style As Preserved

in Later Synagogue Music for Cantor and Choir

Boaz Tarsi (E)

Tonal and Modal Constructs in Manuscripts of Eastern and Western

European Origins and in American Practice

Amalia Kedem (E)

Musical and Social Factors at Work in the Israeli Ashkenazi Synagogue

496 Sounds of Ashkenaz – B: Contexts and Influences

Chairperson: Eliyahu Schleifer

Tuesday (2 Aug 2005) 17:30 - 19:30 Room: 2715

Naomi Cohen Zentner (H)

Sephardic Influences in the Liturgy of the Ashkenazi Orthodox Jews of


Rafi Ben-Moshe (H)

New Aspects in the Analysis of Chabad Nigunim

Abigail Wood (E)

"Images Turning Into Jewels": Yiddish Songbooks and the Shaping of

Collective Memory

497 Afternoon Intermezzo – C

Wednesday (3 Aug 2005) 14:15 - 15:00 Room: 2715

Tafilalt Ensemble

498 Piyyutim Workshop – "Singing Communities Project" – C

Wednesday (3 Aug 2005) 14:15 - 15:00 Room: 2729




500 Jewish Folklore in Eastern Europe

Chairperson: Harvi Golgberg

Tuesday (2 Aug 2005) 09:00 - 11:00 Room: 2718

Rita Genzeleva (E)

The Uncensored Satire of Soviet Jews: Purimspeils of the 1980s

Itzchak Ganuz (H)

The Maggid of Dubna's Preachings: Between Parable and Folklore

Maria Kaspina (E)

Jewish and Slavic Folk Remedies in the Popular Medicine of Eastern


Andrey Moroz (E)

The Representation of Jews and Evangelical Events in the Modern

Northern Russian Folk Tradition

Laima Anglickiene (E)

A Stranger but Quite Well-Known: The Image of the Jews in Lithuanian


455 Yiddish and Folklore (in Cooperation with Beth Shalom Aleichem)

Chairperson: Avraham Novershtern

Tuesday (2 Aug 2005) 15:00 - 17:00 Room: 2714

Vladislav Sokolovskiy

The Meeting of Cultural Worlds in Sholem Aleichem’s “Train Stories”

Nina Stepanskaya (E)

Yiddish Song in the Belarussian Region As Based on Materials from the

Research Expeditions of the 20th Century: The Problem of Genre


Miriam Udel-Lambert (E)

Hammer and Iron: Discerning a Theory of Rhetoric in the Fables of

Eliezer Shteynbarg

Ester Whine-Kamenetzki (E)

Leo Kenig's “Bukh fun Lesterungen” (Book of Blasphemies)



501 Orientals, Orientalism and Oriental Culture

Chairperson: Yotam Hotam

Tuesday (2 Aug 2005) 11:30 - 13:30 Room: 2718

Dalia Cohen-Vital

The Representation of the Mizrahi [Oriental Jew] in the Canonical

Theatrical Repertoire

Dalya Markovich (H)

Matters of Memory: On Contemporary Israeli Mizrahy Identity in Modern


Ktzia Alon (H)

Father-Daughter Conflict in Mizrahi Poetry: Miri ben Shimhon and Vicky


502 The Dream and Its Dissolution: Longing, Crisis and Dissent in the

Autobiographical Literature of Israel

Chairperson: Shalom Sabar

Wednesday (3 Aug 2005) 09:00 - 11:00 Room: 3001 (Rabin building)

Yaffah Berlovitz (H)

Manufacturing MemoryAs a Folk-Tale: A Study of Zorach Barnett's

Memoirs (1843-1935)

Nili Aryeh-Sapir (H)

"Esther Put On Her Royal Apparel": The Personal Narrative of Zipora

Zabari, Queen Esther of an Early Tel-Aviv Purim Carnival

Hagit Rappel (H)

Between Collective and Autobiographical Memory: Kibbutz Yad-

Mordechai – A Case Study

Ilana Rosen (H)

Construction and Constructs in the Narrative of Immigrants and Settlers

from the South of Israel



503 Midrash and Folklore

Chairperson: Yehoshua Levinson

Wednesday (3 Aug 2005) 11:30 - 13:30 Room: 3001 (Rabin building)

Dina Stein (H)

Simeon the Righteous and the Nazirite: Perspectives on Introspection in

Talmudic Legends

Ruhama Weiss (H)

Tests of Kashrut: Sub-Groups of Repast-Assessment in the Talmud

Erik Alvstad (E)

“Transforming the Dream": Performative Speech in the Ritual of Hatavat


504 The 40th Anniversary of the Folk-Tale Archives in Israel

Chairperson: Haya Bar-Itzhak

Wednesday (3 Aug 2005) 15:00 - 17:00 Room: 3001 (Rabin building)

Edit Pintel-Ginsburg (H)

Studying Legends and Folk-Tales in a Digital Environment

Aliza Shenhar (H)

Studying Folklore in a Multicultural Society

Dan Ben-Amos (H)

The Tales of IFA in Historical Perspectives

Dov Noy


505 Local Folklore

Chairperson: Nili Aryeh-Sapir

Wednesday (3 Aug 2005) 17:30 - 19:30 Room: 3001 (Rabin building)

Shoshana Sitton (H)

The Tel Aviv Central Bus Station (Old and New) As Representative of

the Meeting Between East and West in Popular Culture

Sarah Lipetz (H)

The Biting Pen Proverb

Amar Dahamshe (H)

Seeking the Names of the Villages: Name, Dimension and Character in

the Popular Literature of the Galilean Arabs



506 The Jewish Women of Yemen

Chairperson: Bat-Zion Eraqi-Klorman

Thursday (4 Aug 2005) 09:00 - 11:00 Room: 3001 (Rabin building)

Nitza Druyan (H)

Yemenite Women in Transition from the Periphery to the Mainstream

Carmella Abdar (H)

Body, Hierarchy and Boundaries in the Dress of Jewish Women from


Vered Madar (H)

Yemenite Women's Songs Between Death and Birth

507 The Jerusalem Syndrome: Fantasy and Reality

Chairperson: Tamar Alexander

Thursday (4 Aug 2005) 11:30 - 13:30 Room: Buber 202

Eliezer Witztum and Moshe Kalian (H)

The "Jerusalem Syndrome" – Fantasy and Reality – Historical Survey

Sarina Chen (H)

The Temple Mount: From Absolute Prohibition ("Karet") to Positive


Moti Inbari (H)

Religious Zionism and the Temple Dilemma: Major Trends

Maria Leppהkari

Drunken by Jerusaelm

474 Ritual Objects

Chairperson: Shulamit Laderman

Tuesday (2 Aug 2005) 09:00 - 11:00 Room: 2716

Ilia Rodov (E)

The Synagogue Ark As a Metaphor of a Stronghold of Faith

Bracha Yaniv (E)

The Torah Ark in Eastern European Synagogues: The Influence of the

Church Altar and the Depiction of the Forbidden

Vivian B. Mann (E)

New Evidence for the Medieval Tik of the Torah Scroll

Iwona Brzewska (E)

“Shivvitti” As a Reminder of God: Objects in Polish Museum Collections

Ester Juhasz

"Memento Mori" and the Representation of God in the "Shiviti-Menorah"



508 The Old and the New – Story-Tellers in Israel

Chairperson: Ilana Rosen

Thursday (4 Aug 2005) 15:00 - 17:00 Room: 3001 (Rabin building)

Yoel Shalom Perez (H)

The Typological Model of the Storytelling Art As a Research Tool for the

Study of Traditional and Modern Jewish Storytellers

Zila Zan-Bar-Zur (H)

Between Genotype and Phenotype: Masculine Metaphors in the World of

Female Jewish Storytellers from Afghanistan

Ariela Krasney (H)

The Art of the Jewish 'Badkhn': Convention and Improvisation




510 The Works of Hanoch Levin

Wednesday (3 Aug 2005) 11:30 - 13:30 Room: 2715

Zahava Caspi (H)

The Clichי and the Historical: The Relationship Between Media Images

and Authentic Memory in "The Boy Dreams" by Hanoch Levin

Nurith Yaari (H)

Epiphany in the Theatre of Hanoch Levin

Erella Brown (H)

Jewish and Christian Funeral Rites As a Window to the “Real” World of

Hanoch Levin

511 Politics and Identity in Israeli Theater

Chairperson: Nurith Yaari

Wednesday (3 Aug 2005) 15:00 - 17:00 Room: 2720

Ben-Ami Feingold (H)

Figure and Fiction:Nathan Alterman's Play "Pythagoras' Theorem"

Edna Nahshon (H)

The Mock Trial of Habima's 1936 Production of "The Merchant of


Yerushalmi Dorit (H)

Mask Plays in Jewish Theatre: Shmuel Bunim Directs the Works of Itzik


Ofir Maman (H)

Telem' Theatre for Ma'abarot and the Jewish Theme on the Israeli Stage:

From East to East



512 Jewish Themes in the Theater

Chairperson: Edna Nahshon

Wednesday (3 Aug 2005) 17:30 - 19:30 Room: 2720

Asnat Bar-On (H)

“Abel’s Sacrifice” by Noah Ben Shimon Melissa

Dalia Cohen-Knohl (H)

The Representaion of Religion and Observant Jews in Israeli Theatre

Sarit Cofman-Simhon (H)

"Ma'amarot": Metaphysics-in-Action

Orna Ben-Meir (H)

From Religious Gesture to Theatrical Image



The Seventh International Conference for the Study of Jewish

Names (in Cooperation with the Bar-Ilan University)

520 Antiquity

Chairperson: Yigal Levin

Sunday (31 July 2005) 11:30 - 13:30 Room: 2720

Yael Avrahami (E)

Giving Names to the Newborn in the Hebrew Bible

Siam Bhayro (E)

The Angel Name Shemihazah

Joel S. Burnett (E)

Divine Absence in Biblical Personal Names

Chananeal Mack (H)

“Mehetav`el, daughter of Matred, daughter of Me-zahav” (Genesis, 36: 39

[Note: verse 19 in the Original is a mistake])

521 Toponyms

Chairperson: Yoel Elitzur

Sunday (31 July 2005) 14:30 - 16:30 Room: 2720

Yehuda Ziv (H)

Mailman's Principle

Lea Mazor (H)

"Might" and "Strength" in Israeli Place Names During the First Years of

Statehood – Biblical and Ideological Aspects

Ronny Reich (H)

On the Names "Gihon" and "Shiloah"

Yossi Spanier (H)

“From the Sole of the Foot unto the Head…": Body Parts in Geographic

Descriptions in the Bible



522 Hebrew Literature

Chairperson: Boris Kotlerman

Sunday (31 July 2005) 17:00 - 19:00 Room: 2720

Ephraim Hazan (H)

The Name As a Linguistic and Stylistic Factor in [Jewish Medieval]

Spanish Poetry

Juliette Hassine (H)

Sol-Hatsadique: Onomastic Characteristics in the Construction of a

Cultural Heroine

Lea Garfinkel (H)

The Artist As Creator: Endowing Names in Literary Work

Sara Friedman (H)

Names and Naming in Hebrew Literary Translation

523 Between East and West

Chairperson: Avraham Greenbaum

Monday (1 Aug 2005) 09:00 - 11:00 Room: 2720

Chana Tolmas (E)

Occupations of Bukharan Jews at the End of the 19th Century (Based on

Nicknames and Family Names)

Zofia Abramowicz (E)

Jewish Names in Bialystok

Ruven Enoch (H)

Hebrew Names in the Speech of Georgian Jews

Bracha Yaniv (E)

"Perlstecker" and "Golgstecker": Some Specialist Surnames in Tailoring

524 The Modern Age

Chairperson: Meir Bar-Ilan

Monday (1 Aug 2005) 11:30 - 13:30 Room: 2720

Jean-Pierre Stroweis (E)

Name Changes During the British Mandate

Michael Falk (E)

The Days of the Week As Jewish Surnames

Ofra Malka Birenbaum (H)

Jewish Israeli Identity in Proper Names of Settlers in Samaria

Aviel Kranzler (H)

Israeliness and Jewishness – Israeli Names versus Jewish Names



525 The Last Millennium

Chairperson: Refael Yankelevitch

Monday (1 Aug 2005) 15:00 - 17:00 Room: 2720

Israel Rozenson (H)

Geographic Names in Jewish Sources from the Period of the Crusades

Elinoar Bareket (H)

Jewish Personal Names in Fatimid Egypt During the 11th Century

Yaakov Lattes (H)

Social Stratification and Topography According to the Names Contained

in the Register of the Jewish Community of Rome

Yosef Rivlin (H)

Double Given-Names Among Ashkenazic Jewry

526 The Essence of Jewish Names and Panel Discussion: Onomastics

and Jewish Studies

Chairperson: Aaron Demsky

Monday (1 Aug 2005) 17:30 - 19:30 Room: 6837 (Hendeles Zwig


Aharon Appelfeld (H)

My Family Names


Ariel Toaff

James L. Kugel (E)

Shalom Rosenberg (E)



The Hebrew Book, Libraries and Archives

530 The History of Jewish Publishing – Session A

Chairperson: Zeev Gries

Sunday (31 July 2005) 11:30 - 13:30 Room: 2605

Denis Levy-Willard (E)

The Hebrew Book Trade in the Middle Ages

Ruthie Kalman (H)

What Is the Goddess Venus Doing in the 1547-1575 Edition of

Maimonides’ "Mishneh Torah"?

Gila Prebor (H)

"Sepher Ha-Ziquq" by Domenico Yerushalmi (1555-1621) and Its

Influence on Hebrew Printing

Anat Gueta (H)

The Development of New Reading Habits Following the Introduction of

Hebrew Printing to the Lives of 16th Century Jews

531 The History of Jewish Publishing – Session B

Chairperson: Anat Gueta

Sunday (31 July 2005) 14:30 - 16:30 Room: 2605

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