Contents october 2013 I. Executive orders

Part I. General Provisions

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Part I. General Provisions

Chapter 17. Corrupt and Prohibited Practices

§1797. Penalty Guidelines

A. - B.4. …

a. On ordinary violation(s) of classes IV or V within a 12-month period, the trainer shall be fined $500 on the first violation; $1,000 on the second violation; and on the third and subsequent violations the trainer shall be fined $1000, the purse shall be redistributed and the case referred to the commission for further action.

b. On extraordinary violation(s) of classes IV or V in a manner that might affect the performance of a horse within a 12-month period, the trainer shall be fined $1,000 and the purse shall be redistributed on the first offense. On the second and subsequent violations, the trainer shall be fined $1000, the purse shall be redistributed and the case referred to the commission for further action.

c. On gross violation(s) of classes IV or V in a manner that intends to affect the performance of a horse, the trainer shall be fined not less than $1,000, the purse shall be redistributed and the case referred to the commission for further action.

AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S. 4:141 and R.S. 4:148.

HISTORICAL NOTE: Promulgated by the Department of Economic Development, Racing Commission, LR 19:613 (May 1993), amended by the Office of the Governor, Division of Administration, Racing Commission, LR 28:1014 (May 2002), LR 30:1017 (May 2004), LR 40:

Family Impact Statement

This proposed Rule has no known impact on family formation, stability, and/or autonomy as described in R.S. 49:972.

Poverty Statement

This proposed Rule has no known impact on poverty as described in R.S. 49:973.

Public Comments

The domicile office of the Louisiana State Racing Commission is open from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., and interested parties may contact Charles A. Gardiner III, executive director, or Larry Munster, assistant executive director, at (504) 483-4000 (holidays and weekends excluded), or by fax (504) 483-4898, for more information. All interested persons may submit written comments relative to this proposed Rule for a period up to 20 days, exclusive of weekends and state holidays, from the date of this publication to 320 North Carrollton Avenue, Suite 2-B, New Orleans, LA 70119-5100.

Charles A. Gardiner III

Executive Director


RULE TITLE: Corrupt and Prohibited Practices

There are no anticipated costs or savings to state or local governmental units associated with the proposed Rule change, other than one-time costs directly associated with its publication. The proposed Rule provides that stewards redistribute the purse for the following: a) gross violations (severity level III) of Section ARCI Category IV/V; b) extraordinary violations (severity level II) of ARCI Category IV/V; and c) third violation of ARCI Category IV/V at any severity level within a 12-month period. This proposed Rule change merely codifies current practice.


The proposed Rule change will not result in any increase in revenue collections of state or local governmental units.


The proposed Rule change will not result in any estimated costs and/or economic benefit to directly affected persons or non-governmental groups


There is no effect on competition and employment as a result of the proposed administrative Rule change.

Charles A. Gardiner III

Evan Brasseaux

Executive Director

Staff Director


Legislative Fiscal Office


Department of Health and Hospitals

Bureau of Health Services Financing

Coordinated Care Network

Prescription Drugs Prior Authorization Form
(LAC 50:I.3303 and 3503)

The Department of Health and Hospitals, Bureau of Health Services Financing proposes to amend LAC 50:I.3303 and §3503 in the Medical Assistance Program as authorized by R.S. 36:254 and pursuant to title XIX of the Social Security Act. This proposed Rule is promulgated in accordance with the provisions of the Administrative Procedure Act, R.S. 49:950 et seq.

The Department of Health and Hospitals, Bureau of Health Services Financing adopted provisions which implemented a coordinated system of care in the Medicaid

Program designed to improve performance and health care outcomes through a healthcare delivery system called coordinated care networks, also known as the BAYOU HEALTH Program (Louisiana Register, Volume 37, Number 6).

Act 312 of the 2013 Regular Session of the Louisiana Legislature directed the Department of Health and Hospitals to establish provisions requiring managed care organizations participating in coordinated care networks to use a standard form for the prior authorization of prescription drugs. In compliance with the directives of Act 312, the department now proposes to amend the provisions governing coordinated care networks in order to require participating managed care organizations (health plans) to utilize a standard form for the prior authorization of prescription drugs.

Title 50


Part I. Administration

Subpart 3. Medicaid Coordinated Care

Chapter 33. Coordinated Care Network Shared Savings Model

§3303. Shared Savings Model Responsibilities

A. - T.3. …

U. The department shall require all managed care organizations participating in coordinated care networks to utilize the standard form designated by the department for the prior authorization of prescription drugs, in addition to any other currently accepted facsimile and electronic prior authorization forms.

1. A CCN-S may submit the prior authorization form electronically if it has the capabilities to submit the form in this manner.

AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S. 36:254 and Title XIX of the Social Security Act.

HISTORICAL NOTE: Promulgated by the Department of Health and Hospitals, Bureau of Health Services Financing, LR 37:1578 (June 2011), amended LR 40:

Chapter 35. Coordinated Care Network Managed Care Organization Model

§3503. Managed Care Organization Model Responsibilities

A. - S.3. …

T. The department shall require all managed care organizations participating in coordinated care networks to utilize the standard form designated by the department for the prior authorization of prescription drugs, in addition to any other currently accepted facsimile and electronic prior authorization forms.

1. A CCN-P may submit the prior authorization form electronically if it has the capabilities to submit the form in this manner.

AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S. 36:254 and Title XIX of the Social Security Act.

HISTORICAL NOTE: Promulgated by the Department of Health and Hospitals, Bureau of Health Services Financing, LR 37:1583 (June 2011), amended LR 40:

Implementation of the provisions of this Rule may be contingent upon the approval of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), if it is determined that submission to CMS for review and approval is required.

Family Impact Statement

In compliance with Act 1183 of the 1999 Regular Session of the Louisiana Legislature, the impact of this proposed Rule on the family has been considered. It is anticipated that this proposed Rule will have no impact on family functioning, stability and autonomy as described in R.S. 49:972.

Poverty Impact Statement

In compliance with Act 854 of the 2012 Regular Session of the Louisiana Legislature, the poverty impact of this proposed Rule has been considered. It is anticipated that this proposed Rule will have no impact on child, individual, or family poverty in relation to individual or community asset development as described in R.S. 49:973.

Public Comments

Interested persons may submit written comments to J. Ruth Kennedy, Bureau of Health Services Financing, P.O. Box 91030, Baton Rouge, LA 70821-9030. She is responsible for responding to inquiries regarding this proposed Rule. The deadline for receipt of all written comments is 4:30 p.m. on the next business day following the public hearing.

Public Hearing

A public hearing on this proposed Rule is scheduled for Wednesday, November 27, 2013 at 9:30 a.m. in Room 118, Bienville Building, 628 North Fourth Street, Baton Rouge, LA. At that time all interested persons will be afforded an opportunity to submit data, views or arguments either orally or in writing.

Kathy H. Kliebert



RULE TITLE: Coordinated Care Network
Prescription Drugs Prior Authorization Form


It is anticipated that implementation of this proposed Rule will have no programmatic fiscal impact to the state other than the cost of promulgation for FY 13-14. It is anticipated that $328 ($164 SGF and $164 FED) will be expended in FY 13-14 for the state’s administrative expense for promulgation of this proposed Rule and the final Rule.


It is anticipated that the implementation of this proposed Rule will not affect revenue collections other than the federal share of the promulgation costs for FY 13-14. It is anticipated that $164 will be collected in FY 13-14 for the federal share of the expense for promulgation of this proposed Rule and the final Rule.


This proposed Rule amends the provisions governing coordinated care networks in order to require all managed care organizations to utilize a standard form for the prior authorization of prescription drugs. It is anticipated that implementation of this proposed Rule will not have economic costs or benefits to coordinated care networks for FY 13-14, FY 14-15, and FY 15-16.


This Rule has no known effect on competition and employment.

J. Ruth Kennedy

Evan Brasseaux


Staff Director


Legislative Fiscal Office


Department of Health and Hospitals

Bureau of Health Services Financing
Office for Citizens with Developmental Disabilities

Home and Community-Based Services Waivers

Children’s Choice
Housing Stabilization and Transition Services
(LAC 50:XXI.11303 and 12101)

The Department of Health and Hospitals, Bureau of Health Services Financing and the Office for Citizens with Developmental Disabilities proposes to amend LAC 50:XXI.11303 and §12101 in the Medical Assistance Program as authorized by R.S. 36:254 and pursuant to Title XIX of the Social Security Act. This proposed Rule is promulgated in accordance with the provisions of the Administrative Procedure Act, R.S. 49:950 et seq.

The Department of Health and Hospitals, Bureau of Health Services Financing and the Office for Citizens with Developmental Disabilities amended the provisions governing the Children’s Choice Waiver to clarify the provisions of the waiver and to adopt provisions for a self-direction initiative which will allow participants and their families to receive coordination of Children’s Choice services through a direct support professional rather than a licensed enrolled provider agency (Louisiana Register, Volume 39, Number 9).

The department now proposes to amend the provisions governing the Children’s Choice Waiver in order to include housing stabilization transition services and housing stabilization services as covered services under the waiver program. These services will enable participants who are transitioning into a permanent supportive housing unit to secure and maintain their own housing in the community.

Title 50


Part XXI. Home and Community-Based Services Waivers

Subpart 9. Children’s Choice

Chapter 113. Service

§11303. Service Definitions

A. - M.3.a. …

N. Housing Stabilization Transition Services

1. Housing stabilization transition services enable participants who are transitioning into a permanent supportive housing unit, including those transitioning from institutions, to secure their own housing. The service is provided while the participant is in an institution and preparing to exit the institution using the waiver.

2. Housing stabilization transition services include the following components:

a. conducting a housing assessment to identify the participant’s preferences related to housing (i.e., type, location, living alone or with someone else, accommodations needed, and other important preferences), and his/her needs for support to maintain housing, including:

i. access to housing;

ii. meeting the terms of a lease;

iii. eviction prevention;

iv. budgeting for housing/living expenses;

v. obtaining/accessing sources of income necessary for rent;

vi. home management;

vii. establishing credit; and

viii. understanding and meeting the obligations of tenancy as defined in the lease terms;

b. assisting the participant to view and secure housing as needed, which may include arranging for and providing transportation;

c. assisting the participant to secure supporting documents/records, completing/submitting applications, securing deposits, and locating furnishings;

d. developing an individualized housing support plan based upon the housing assessment that:

i. includes short and long term measurable goals for each issue;

ii. establishes the participant’s approach to meeting the goal; and

iii. identifies where other provider(s) or services may be required to meet the goal;

e. participating in the development of the plan of care and incorporating elements of the housing support plan; and

f. exploring alternatives to housing if permanent supportive housing is unavailable to support completion of the transition.

3. Housing stabilization transition services are only available upon referral from the support coordinator. This service is not duplicative of other waiver services, including support coordination. This service is only available to persons who are residing in a state of Louisiana permanent supportive housing unit, or who are linked for the state of Louisiana permanent supportive housing selection process.

4. Participants may not exceed 165 combined units of this service and housing stabilization services.

a. Exceptions to exceed the 165 unit limit may be made only with written approval from the Office for Citizens with Developmental Disabilities.

O. Housing Stabilization Services

1. Housing stabilization services enable waiver participants to maintain their own housing as set forth in the participant’s approved plan of care. Services must be provided in the home or a community setting.

2. Housing stabilization services include the following components:

a. conducting a housing assessment to identify the participant’s preferences related to housing (i.e., type, location, living alone or with someone else, accommodations needed, and other important preferences), and his/her needs for support to maintain housing, including:

i. access to housing;

ii. meeting the terms of a lease;

iii. eviction prevention;

iv. budgeting for housing/living expenses;

v. obtaining/accessing sources of income necessary for rent;

vi. home management;

vii. establishing credit; and

viii. understanding and meeting the obligations of tenancy as defined in the lease terms;

b. participating in the development of the plan of care and incorporating elements of the housing support plan;

c. developing an individualized housing stabilization service provider plan based upon the housing assessment that includes short and long term measurable goals for each issue, establishes the participant’s approach to meeting the goal, and identifies where other provider(s) or services may be required to meet the goal;

d. providing supports and interventions according to the individualized housing support plan. If additional supports or services are identified as needed outside the scope of housing stabilization service, the needs must be communicated to the support coordinator;

e. providing ongoing communication with the landlord or property manager regarding the participant’s disability, accommodations needed, and components of emergency procedures involving the landlord or property manager;

f. updating the housing support plan annually or as needed due to changes in the participant’s situation or status; and

g. providing supports to retain housing or locate and secure housing to continue community-based supports if the participant’s housing is placed at risk (e.g., eviction, loss of roommate or income). This includes locating new housing, sources of income, etc.

3. Housing stabilization services are only available upon referral from the support coordinator. This service is not duplicative of other waiver services, including support coordination. This service is only available to persons who are residing in a state of Louisiana permanent supportive housing unit.

4. Participants may not exceed 165 combined units of this service and housing stabilization transition services.

a. Exceptions to exceed the 165 unit limit may be made only with written approval from the Office for Citizens with Developmental Disabilities.

AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S. 36:254 and Title XIX of the Social Security Act.

HISTORICAL NOTE: Promulgated by the Department of Health and Hospitals, Office of the Secretary, Bureau of Health Services Financing, LR 28:1983 (September 2002), amended by the Department of Health and Hospitals, Office of the Secretary, Office for Citizens with Developmental Disabilities, LR 33:1871 (September 2007), amended by the Department of Health and Hospitals, Bureau of Health Services Financing and the Office for Citizens with Developmental Disabilities, LR 36:324 (February 2010), LR 40:

Chapter 121. Reimbursement

§12101. Reimbursement Methodology

A. - B. …

1. Family support, crisis support, center-based respite, applied behavioral analysis (ABA-based therapy), aquatic therapy, art therapy, music therapy, sensory integration, hippotherapy/therapeutic horseback riding, housing stabilization transition services, and housing stabilization services shall be reimbursed at a flat rate per 15-minute unit of service, which covers both service provision and administrative costs.

B.2. - D.1.c. …

AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S. 36:254 and Title XIX of the Social Security Act.

HISTORICAL NOTE: Promulgated by the Department of Health and Hospitals, Office of the Secretary, Bureau of Health Services Financing, LR 28:1987 (September 2002), LR 33:1872 (September 2007), amended by the Department of Health and Hospitals, Office for Citizens with Developmental Disabilities, LR 34:250 (February 2008), amended by the Department of Health and Hospitals, Bureau of Health Services Financing and the Office for Citizens with Developmental Disabilities, LR 36:324 (February 2010), LR 36:2280 (October 2010), LR 37:2157 (July 2011), LR 39:2504 (September 2013), LR 40:

Family Impact Statement

In compliance with Act 1183 of the 1999 Regular Session of the Louisiana Legislature, the impact of this proposed Rule on the family has been considered. It is anticipated that this proposed Rule will have a positive impact on family functioning, stability, and autonomy as described in R.S. 49:972 as it will provide support for the unification of families in a home setting.

Poverty Impact Statement

In compliance with Act 854 of the 2012 Regular Session of the Louisiana Legislature, the poverty impact of this proposed Rule has been considered. It is anticipated that this proposed Rule will have a positive impact on child, individual, or family poverty in relation to individual or community asset development as described in R.S. 49:973 as it is expected to ensure waiver participants have access to housing-related support services.

Public Comments

Interested persons may submit written comments to J. Ruth Kennedy, Bureau of Health Services Financing, P.O. Box 91030, Baton Rouge, LA 70821-9030. She is responsible for responding to inquiries regarding this proposed Rule. The deadline for receipt of all written comments is 4:30 p.m. on the next business day following the public hearing.

Public Hearing

A public hearing on this proposed Rule is scheduled for Wednesday, November 27, 2013 at 9:30 a.m. in Room 118, Bienville Building, 628 North Fourth Street, Baton Rouge, LA. At that time all interested persons will be afforded an opportunity to submit data, views or arguments either orally or in writing.

Kathy H. Kliebert



RULE TITLE: Home and Community-Based
Services WaiversChildren’s Choice
Housing Stabilization and Transition Services


It is anticipated that implementation of this proposed rule will have no programmatic fiscal impact to the state other than the cost of promulgation for FY 13-14 since the Children’s Choice Waiver is a capped waiver. It is anticipated that $738 ($369 SGF and $369 FED) will be expended in FY 13-14 for the state’s administrative expense for promulgation of this proposed Rule and the final Rule.


It is anticipated that the implementation of this proposed Rule will not affect revenue collections other than the federal share of the promulgation costs for FY 13-14. It is anticipated that $369 will be collected in FY 13-14 for the federal share of the expense for promulgation of this proposed Rule and the final Rule.


This proposed Rule amends the provisions governing the Children’s Choice Waiver to include housing stabilization transition services and housing stabilization services as covered services under the waiver program. Waiver participants will have a greater array of services to choose from, but there will be no projected net fiscal impact to the state since the Children’s Choice Waiver is a capped waiver program. It is anticipated that implementation of this proposed Rule will not have economic costs or benefits to Children’s Choice Waiver providers for FY 13-14, FY 14-15, and FY 15-16.


It is anticipated that the implementation of this proposed rule will have no effect on competition and employment.

J. Ruth Kennedy

Evan Brasseaux


Staff Director


Legislative Fiscal Office


Department of Health and Hospitals

Bureau of Health Services Financing


Office for Citizens with Developmental Disabilities

Home and Community-Based Services Waivers

New Opportunities Waiver
Policy Clarifications and New Services
(LAC 50:XXI.Chapters 137-143)

The Department of Health and Hospitals, Bureau of Health Services Financing and the Office for Citizens with Developmental Disabilities propose to amend LAC 50:XXI.Chapters 137-143 and to adopt §§13931-13937 in the Medical Assistance Program as authorized by R.S. 36:254 and pursuant to Title XIX of the Social Security Act. This proposed Rule is promulgated in accordance with the Administrative Procedure Act, R.S. 49:950 et seq.

The Department of Health and Hospitals, Bureau of Health Services Financing and the Office for Citizens with Developmental Disabilities amended the provisions governing the reimbursement methodology for the New Opportunities Waiver (NOW) to reduce the reimbursement rates as a result of a budgetary shortfall in state fiscal year 2013 (Louisiana Register, Volume 39, Number 4).

The department now proposes to amend the provisions governing the NOW in order to clarify the provisions of the waiver and to add the following new services to the waiver program: 1) housing stabilization transition; 2) housing stabilization; 3) remote assistance; and 4) adult companion care.

Title 50


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