Curfew in Bauchi, North East Nigeria Over Religious Clash afp20090727614002 Abuja Hot fm in English 26 Jul 09

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[Description of Source: Isheri Nigerian Compass Online in English -- Website of the privately owned newspaper close to former Rivers State Governor Peter Odili; URL:]

Nigeria: Islamic Sect Reportedly Planning To Attack Prisons in Kano State

AFP20090921565002 Abuja Daily Trust Online in English 21 Sep 09

[Report by Lawan Danjuma Adamu: "Prison Boss Says: Boko Haram Regroups in Kano"]

Members of the notorious Boko Haram religious sect that scattered from Maiduguri after their violent clash with the authorities last July are regrouping in Kano State, state Controller of Prisons Alhaji Lawan Abubakar said in Kano yesterday. He also said security reports indicated there were plans by the sect members to attack prisons in Kano State in order to free their detained colleagues who were captured in the wake of the sect's ill-fated uprising.

In the wake of the uprising, dozens of Boko Haram members were arrested in Wudil town, some 40 kilometers away from Kano. The leader of the sect has been at large since the Kano government destroyed his house and the Boko Haram mosque in the area. Police authorities confirmed the arrest of 53 sect members in Wudil and another five in Bachirawa area in Kano metropolis.

Abubakar, who was explaining to Daily Trust why men of the Prisons Service fired sporadically into the air while arraigning sect members at a court in No Man's Land last week, said adequate measures had already been taken to beef up security around all prisons where members of the sect are being detained. He said armed policemen and men from the Civil Defence Corps have also been deployed to strengthen security around the prisons.

He said his men fired those shots at No Man's Land court premises in order to disperse the surging crowd that turned out to witness the arrival of the prison Black Maria truck conveying the sect members to court.

The prisons controller said security reports indicate that sect are now regrouping in Gezawa Local Government area of Kano State with the intent of launching attacks on some prisons where their colleagues are being detained.

Abubakar also said long before the security reports came in, his men were on red alert to forestall any threat to prisons, especially where Boko Haram members are held. That was why, he said, the prison wardens took pre-emptive action at the court premises because sect members could be lurking among the crowd.

However, the Prison Controller's claim that the Boko Haram members were regrouping in Kano was disputed both the police and the State Security Service (SSS) in the state, which said they were not aware of any such plan. Police Public Relations Officer (PPRO) of the Kano State Police Command Alhaji Baba Mohammed said he was not aware of any such reports and that all is calm in Kano State. He said, "There is no cause for alarm as we are always on top of any security situation."

Kano State Director of State Security Service Alhaji Bello Tukur Bakori said such security reports as indicated by the Prisons boss did not emanate from SSS. He demanded to know where it came from.

[Description of Source: Abuja Daily Trust Online in English -- Website of the independent pro-North daily; URL:]

Nigeria: Islamic Leader Urges Government, Universities' Union To Resolve Dispute

AFP20090921583007 Kano Daily Triumph Online in English 21 Sep 09

[Report by Umar Danladi Ado: "FG, ASUU Face-off: Sultan Adds Own Voice"]

Sultan of Sokoto, Alhaji Sa'ad Abubakar has appealed to the federal government and the Academic Staff Union of Universities (ASUU) to sheathe their swords to ensure that Nigerian universities are re-opened soon.

Abubakar made the passionate plea yesterday in Sokoto while addressing Nigerian Muslims as part of the Eid-el-Fitr celebrations.

According to the Sultan, the prolonged ongoing ASUU strike is a serious souce of concern for parents and other stakeholders.

Said he: ``The two parties should please have a re-think and compromise with a view to re-opening the universities."

The Sultan added that the stakeholders and the traditional rulers as leaders of the people are ready to give the required support and cooperation toward resolving the impasse.

Abubakar further commended the three tiers of government for their untiring efforts to better the lots of Nigerians.

``I want to specifically commend the Sokoto state government in this direction and the opening of the Ramadan feeding centres," the monarch stated.

He also urged other state governments to emulate it adding, ``the youth skills acqusition programme deserves a special commendation."

The Sultan further called on the Sokoto state government to introduce cooperative shops to alleviate the suffering of the people especially during various religious and cultural festivities.

The Sultan decried the recent Boko Haram crises in some parts of the country, suggesting that the only panacea to such a happening is for the people to acquire both Western and religious education.

''This is the only way they will be able to separate the chaffs from the grains as regards Western education and know the solutions rather than rejecting it completely," he explained.

Abubakar further appealed to the Ulama in the country to preach with the highest sense of caution and the fear of God.

'' The clerics are very important in uniting the Muslim Ummah as well as the peace and unity of the nation generally,'' the Sultan added.

[Description of Source: Kano Daily Triumph Online in English -- Website of the Kano State government daily; URL:]

Nigeria: Lawyer Condemns Killing of Boko Haram Sect Leader

AFP20090922651003 Lagos Channels Television in English 2200 GMT 05 Aug 09

Still on violence in northern Nigeria, the former president of the Nigerian Bar Association [NBA], Mr Olisa Agbakoba, has also condemned the killing of the Boko Haram leader, Mohammed Yusuf. Mr Agbakoba said that the violence is a symptom of a deeper problem, bordering on Nigeria's unity as a nation. He said that unless the different tribal groups in Nigeria agree to stay together and adopt one nationality, the country is heading towards disintegration.

[Begin Agbakoba recording] Two identities. How can we have a country with two identities? For instance, my good friend, Governor Fashola is very strong on his tax administration and you can see what he is doing with tax in relation to the environment. But the question I ask is: why should I be good to pay taxes but not good to stand for election. Can I Olisa Agbakoba, stand election in Lagos?

That is the reason you have the conflict in now Maiduguri because there is this nonsense about indigenes and non indigenes and the constitution recognizes it. And yet we talk about a strong, united Nigeria. It is not possible. Not possible at all. So our leaders must really address these sore points. We need a new constitution that flattens Nigeria and creates one Nigeria. [end recording]

Meanwhile, the Nigerian Army is insisting that it handed over sect leader Mohammed Yusuf alive to the police last week before he was killed under controversial circumstances. The commander of the operation, Col Dan Ahanotu, said that the sect leader was interrogated by senior military officers before the handover. Col Ahanotu said that he personally arrested Mr Yusuf and handed him over to the police after a short questioning the same day, only to be told that he died in a shoot-out.

He goes on to say that a senior military officer conducted the interrogation on Mohammed Yusuf.

The Nigeria Police have denied that the Boko Haram sect leader was killed while in their custody, saying that he died while trying to escape.

The sect leader was killed after security forces pounced on the self-styled Taliban fundamentalist group in several northern Nigerian states.

[Description of Source: Lagos Channels in English -- independent television]

Nigeria: Group Uncovers Alleged Plot To Launch 'Jihad' in Cross River State

AFP20090922565005 Lagos Daily Sun Online in English 22 Sep 09

[Report by Boniface Nzama: "Boko Haram: CAN Alleges Jihad Plot on C' River"]

There is palpable fear of sectarian bloodbath in Cross River State, as leadership of the state chapter of Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN) has uncovered an alleged plot by some Islamists to launch a holy war in Calabar.

The state chapter of CAN, other senior clerics and heads of various Christian churches have already sent a save-our-soul message to Governor Liyel Imoke, saying "now is the time to avert the looming religious carnage," as the fundamentalists were reported to have set up training camps in strategic parts of the state, in preparation for a bloodbath.

Clerics who signed the SOS included the President of Catholic Secretariat of Nigeria (CSN), Archbishop Joseph Ukpo who doubled as the Catholic Archbishop of Calabar Metropolitan Archdiocese, state President of Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN), Bishop Archibong E. Archibong, President of Christian Council of Nigeria (CCN), Bishop Tunde Adeleye, President of Pentecostal Fellowship of Nigeria (PFN), Bishop Emma Isong, and the leader of Evangelical Churches of West Africa (ECWA), Reverend Ijioma Okoro.

Others who signed the SOS entitled, "Bloodbath imminent in Cross River State," were the state Vice president of CAN, Reverend Farther Malachy E. Ephraim, State secretary of CAN, Most Reverend O. Ukpabi, and the State treasurer of CAN, Reverend Augustine Ogar.

Coming few days after the sectarian bloodbath in which several Christian clerics were killed and property worth millions of Naira destroyed in some parts of the North by members of the Boko Haram sect, CAN in Cross River State, has alleged that some Islamic sect members have sent messages through internet and text messages, informing heads of various churches about their preparation to unleashed terror on the state.

Following the bloodbath scare, Daily Sun checks revealed that weekly activities in some churches have ebbed, as scores of Christian faithfuls were said to have become scared of participating in their routine church programmes.

The CAN leadership in the state said sources privy to the plot, have allegedly linked the sect to Al Shabad and Al Quadda which were said to have penetrated the state, in their alleged effort to impose Islam on all parts of Nigeria.

In a two-page document which was addressed to the state Governor and made available to Daily Sun, the state leadership of CAN said authentic information gathered, allegedly revealed that the fundamentalists have planned to carry out a ten-day jihad in the state, from September 29 to October 8.

The Jihad was allegedly intended to capture Cross River State, to enable the sect establish a base to raid the entire South-South, and other southern parts of the country.

According to the petition which was copied to the State House of Assembly, Assistant Inspector-General of Police in-charge of zone six, Calabar, the Chief Justice of the State, Commissioner of Police, and Paramount Rulers, the Clerics alleged that the sect has listed "203 Christians, especially clergymen and businessmen in the state,"| as targets for elimination in the course of the jihad.

[Description of Source: Lagos Daily Sun Online in English -- Website of the privately owned daily close to former Abia State Governor Orji Kalu; URL:]

Islamic Leader Says Nigeria 'Not Yet Addressed' Root Cause of Sectarian Crisis

AFP20090923565002 Lagos This Day Online in English 23 Sep 09

[Report by Mohammed Amin: "Boko Haram Saga Not Yet Over, Says Sultan"]

Sultan of Sokoto, Alhaji Muhammad Sa'ad Abubakar III, has said the Boko Haram debacle that engulfed some parts of the country recently is not yet over, as the root cause of the problem has not been addressed by the Federal Government.

Speaking during a chat with newsmen in his palace in Sokoto yesterday, the monarch maintained that the death of the sect leader, Mohammed Yusuf, would not bring an end to the problem.

He noted that most of those killed during the crisis came from outside the state, adding that most of Borno State indigenes who belonged to the sect were not killed.

He said despite the death of the sect leader, the followers are still lurking around and are likely to regroup, stressing that the government had not yet addressed the root of the problem.

"If you look at the issue critically, you will observe that the problem is still there, despite the killing of the Boko Haram leader. Now that the leader of the sect is dead, what about the followers, they have scattered and there are indications that they are regrouping," the Sultan stated.

According to him, the problems that led to the emergence of the sect had lingered over a given period of time because people were not really talking to one another, but expressed optimism that with concerted efforts such problems were surmountable.

The monarch further said recent measures adopted at the Nigerian Inter Religious Council (NIREC) deliberations were assuring that, in a couple of years, all these issues would be a thing of the past.

He expressed satisfaction with the conduct of some Islamic scholars who showed a lot of understanding during the Ramadan fast, by not attacking religious sects and the views of other preachers.

On the recent sack of some traditional rulers by the state government, the Sultan explained that the dethroned district heads went into politics, contrary to the warning issued to them at the inception of the present administration.

On the global economic meltdown, the monarch said Nigeria is not really worst hit, as most businesses in the country are not linked to the global economic system, adding that with the ongoing reforms embarked upon by the Central Bank Governor (CBN) Sanusi Lamido Sanusi, the financial sector would witness change.

The Sultan stressed the need for Nigerians to come up with new ideas on how to solve problems bedevilling the nation rather than criticizing government policies and blaming past leadership.

"I think we should focus on how to solve the myriad of problems afflicting the nation rather than apportioning blame on the military and past leadership. This will not augur well for the progress of the nation," he said.

About two months ago, violent religious crisis orchestrated by the Boko Haram sect had engulfed some states in the North, which led to loss of lives and destruction of property.

Members of Boko Haram, which means Western education is sin, had clashed with policemen in Bauchi, leaving many dead in the wake of the attack.

The violence soon spread to Borno, Yobe and Kano States with even more casualties recorded. The Maiduguri enclave of the sect was levelled by the Nigerian security forces. Though the military men had taken control of the headquarters of the sect, however, the fleeing members of the group were alleged to have set ablaze the Makera Police Station in the suburb of Maiduguri.

[Description of Source: Lagos This Day Online in English -- Website of the independent daily; URL:]

Nigeria: Commentary Says Modernization 'Not' Dependent on Western Education

AFP20090925564011 Abuja Daily Trust Online in English 22 Sep 09

[Commentary by Iguda: "The Dilemma of Western Education"]

Contrary to what anti-western education (Boko Haram heretics) thought, many scholars studied and analyzed the impact and imprint of this system of education on our natives culturally and socially. Yoruba Muslim community of Lagos was almost the first victim of western education since 1899, terrified by missionary schools engulfing them turning their children to Christianity.

At times missionaries' confession scared natives to not wholeheartedly open up for the new system of education especially in Northern part of the country. Take for instance the confession of Mr. P.G.S Baylis on 23rd December 1926 thus ' attempt must therefore be made to harmonize our new learning with the indigenous culture with the aim of finding a society psychologically sound and able in which was best and what should be proved acceptable in western culture were without prejudice accepted. By this attempt of harmonization, lip service be paid to some aspect of Islam ( Qur'anic schools inclusive) and with such a deliberate neglect , it would possible to eliminate the Islamic value by the result of this harmonization'. Ref. No k6487 (142), 1926.

Historians and political scientists are in the best position to further explain this impact and the motive behind colonial education in terms of funding and content of the curriculum. This is what obviously raised suspicion against what ever bears or rather assumes western pattern, be it education or life style, particularly in Muslim dominated region of the North.

If these facts and many other substantial proves do exist, is it therefore rational to boycott western education? This, is what some Muslim intellectuals try to find out solution for , especially when a glance is cast on the negative impact of Western education on present generation of Arab Muslims in Tunis, Lebanon, Syria to mention but a few. On their coming back from Paris after graduation, two renowned Egyptian ladies, Huda Sha'arawy and Safiya Zuglul, celebrated their liberation from shackles and gags of Islam and tore hijab and then set it ablaze before a crowd of hundred young ladies. Here in Nigeria a similar episode happened when some graduates developed Marxist ideology as freethinkers.

Subsequently, an idea of Islamization was introduced in America by an erudite scholar, Ismail Alfaruqi, to emancipate future generation from intellectual slavery and cultural imperialism.

My little book (Dafin Boko Da Maganinsa) is nothing but an attempt to popularize Islamisation of knowledge Project that seeks to link all fields of knowledge with the teachings of Islam. Let there be hardworking and prudent young Muslim generation which would excel in pure and applied sciences, engineering and arts as true ambassadors of the faith. The book is however unconnected in whatever form with putting barrier between Islam and modern science and technology, and also unconnected with bypassing the law, encouraging violence or intimidation. From the beginning, the book discussed concept of society and social system, relationship between education and society (full excerpt of the famous speech of Alhaji Junaidu Wazir of Sokoto, October 1981 during the National Merit Award at A.B.U Zaria) was portrayed. The book went further to show the contribution of Islam to Science and Technology and how Europe benefited from ample discoveries and intellectual treatises of Muslim scholars especially via Sicily and Italy. A worth noting point here is the unit explaining some Quranic verses that explicitly and vividly shade light on anatomy and human embryology, geology, oceanography and astronomical facts in full agreement with the findings of modern Sciences.

In the second chapter, the book discusses the historical background of Hausa land before and after the advent of Islam thereby highlighting the social reformation attained by Hausaland after the advent of Islam, Shehu bn Fodio revivalism up to the coming of Whiteman with western type of education. The preceding chapters of the book discussed in greater detail the impact of western education on the present world Muslim generations(excerpt of the famous book of the Late Malam Lawan Danbazau; Gazawar Yanboko A Dangantakarsu Da Jama a) was highlighted. In the third chapter, the concept of Islamisation of knowledge was discussed pointing out the successes and impediments so far recorded by the project. Food for thought on different topics of interest on the Islamic contemporary issues was annexed in the chapter. The book contains appendixes on important historical notes on Sultan Attahiru famous poet 'Zuwan Annasara' speeches of Luggard in 1903 and famous but inspired speech of the Late Wazir of Sokoto Alhaji Junaidu on Education And Society 1978 and 1980 were all illustrated.

The book came to vehemently oppose the view of the extremists who held that acquiring knowledge in western system of education is haram and at the same time came to sensitize those who look at westernization in education as a sacred cow, facts pointed out by Walter Rodney in his book How Europe Underdeveloped Africa are living testimony that westernization is not a prerequisite for development. Professor Samuel Huntington on his visit to Saudi Arabia in 1996 interestingly observes 'It's possible after all to modernize without westernizing. This optimism is based on three powerful examples, M'azab region, Saudi Arabia and Malaysia. Indeed after decade of fantastic modernization the young Saudi intellectuals seem to be more committed to orthodox Islam than they were 15 years ago.'

[Description of Source: Abuja Daily Trust Online in English -- Website of the independent pro-North daily; URL:]

Nigeria: Kano State Governor Rejects Reported Regrouping of Islamic Sect Members

AFP20090928578013 Kano Daily Triumph Online in English 28 Sep 09

[Report by Aliyu Yusuf: "Alleged Regrouping of Boko Haram Members: Kano is Safe, Shekarau Re-Assures"]

Governor Ibrahim Shekarau of Kano state has refuted insinuations that members of the Islamic sect "Boko Haram'' are re-grouping in the state, saying the notion is baseless.

Reputing the insinuations during a popular two-hour radio programme: ''Da bazarku'' at Radio Kano, yesterday morning, the governor disclosed that such information got its root from unsubstantiated remarks by one prison official in the state.

He explained that government in collaboration with all security agencies is doing its best to ensure that nothing like "Boko Haram'' re-surfaces again in the state, saying that all hands should be on deck to achieve that.

The governor then called on the people in the state to report any strange activity to relevant authorities so that adequate measures can be taken.

Commenting on ASUU [Academic Staff Union of Universities] strike, the governor described it as unfortunate, saying the situation has created problems for both students and the university system in the country.

He lamented that both the federal government and ASUU members have problems for failing to bring out issues as they were as well as understand what is possible and what is not.

Governor Shekarau said to any right thinking person, strike actions should be viewed as a hindrance to educational development of any nation and therefore both parties should go back to drawing board and arrive at a consensus.

Expressing concern on the issue further, the governor said on his part he has contacted the relevant authorities including the Secretary to the Government of the Federation (SGF), and chairman of the Governors Forum on the matter, saying very soon, the forum would hold a meeting with a view to seeing what impact the governors will make in bringing to an end the ASUU and federal government's face off.

On the recent confrontation between some pensioners and the state government, the governor said the problem resulted from mis-understanding from some of them which is directly political.

He explained that it was a leadership tussle among members that created such misunderstanding , saying some of them have vowed to create confusion, but everything is now over.

He, however, gave them an opportunity to come up with anything new that will guide the government to ensure that they get their entitlements promptly.

Re-acting to a question on the policy which stipulates that permanent secretaries should retire after serving eight years, the governor described the development as dangerous, adding that at the end this will encourage corruption and other related offences among the permanent secretaries who know that they are going after certain period.

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