Curriculum vitae jeremy d. Popkin

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"The Prerevolutionary Origins of Political Journalism," in Keith Baker, ed., The Political Culture of the Old Regime (Oxford: Pergamon, 1987) 203-223

*Reprinted in Jack R. Censer, ed., The French Revolution and Intellectual History (Chicago: Dorsey Press, 1989), 110-33

"Candide in the College History Survey Course." In Renée Waldinger, ed., Approaches to Teaching Voltaire's Candide (New York: Modern Language Association, 1987) 100-104
"Recent West German Scholarship on the French Revolution," in Journal of Modern History 59 (1987), 737-750
(with Jack R. Censer) "Historians and the Press." In Jack R. Censer and Jeremy Popkin, eds., Press and Politics in Pre-Revolutionary France (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1987), 1-23
"The Gazette de Leyde and French Politics, 1774‑1789." In Jack R. Censer and Jeremy Popkin, eds., Press and Politics in Pre-Revolutionary France, 75-132

"Buchhandel und Presse im napoleonischen Deutschland." Archiv für Geschichte des Buchwesens 26 (1986) 285‑296
"International Gazettes and Politics of Europe in the Revolutionary Period." Journalism Quarterly 62 (1985) 482‑88

"Les journaux républicains, 1795‑1799." Revue d'Histoire moderne et contemporaine 31 (1984) 143‑57
"Conservatism under Napoleon: The Political Writings of Joseph Fiévée." History of European Ideas 5 (1984) 385‑400
"The Book Trades in Western Europe during the Revolutionary Era." Papers of the Bibliographical Society of America 78 (1984) 403‑45
"Les Abonnés des journaux nantais en 1807." Annales de Bretagne 91 (1984) 385-91
"Zionism and the Enlightenment: The 'Letter of a Jew to his Brethren.'" Jewish Social Studies 43 (1981) 113‑120
"The Newspaper Press in French Political Thought, 1789‑1799." Studies in Eighteenth‑Century Culture 10 (1980) 113‑33
"The Journalists of the Directory: An Opinion‑Making Elite." Proceedings of the Consortium on Revolutionary Europe (1980), 1:3‑12
"The Royalist Press in the Reign of Terror." Journal of Modern History 51 (1979) 685‑700 (reprinted in T. C. W. Blanning, ed., The Rise and Fall of the French Revolution (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1996), 417-32).
"The French Revolutionary Press: New Findings and New Perspectives." Eighteenth Century Life 5 (1979) 90‑104

Research Notes and Articles in Reference Works

Article “Boukman Dutty,” in Dictionary of Caribbean and Afro-Latin American Biography (New York: Oxford University Press, forthcoming)

Article “Condorcet” in Encyclopedia of Race and Racism, 2nd ed., (Cengage, 2013)
Articles “André, Antoine d’,” “Clichy, club de,” “Colonies françaises,” “Du Rozoi, Pierre,” “Fiévée, Joseph,” “Galbaud, François-Thomas,” “Institut philanthropique,” “Peltier, Jean-Gabriel,” “presse contre-révolutionnaire,” “Rivarol, Antoine,” “Royou, Thomas-Marie,” in Jean-Clément Martin, ed., Dictionnaire de la Contre-Révolution (Paris: Perrin, 2011)

“France, 1750 to the Present,” in Peter Stearns, ed., Encyclopedia of the Modern World (New York: Oxford University Press, 2008)

“Response to Autobiographical Essays by Community Psychologists.” Journal of Prevention and Intervention in the Community 35 (2008), 97-100

“Jewish History, Family History, Autobiography: My Grandmother, My Father, and Myself,” AJS Perspectives, Spring 2007, 16-18.

“Teaching Case Study: The Calling of Katie Makanya.” George Mason University Center for History and New Media--Women in World History web site:
“The Historian-Autobiographers: Harvard in the memoirs of its own history scholars.” Harvard Magazine 107 (Nov.-Dec. 2004), 26-35.
“L’ego-histoire comme témoignage.” La Faute à Rousseau no. 33 (2003), 54-6.
“Journalism, Newspapers and Newssheets,” in Jonathan Dewald, ed., Dictionary of Early Modern Europe (New York: Charles Scribners, 2003)

“Un américain à Ambérieu,” La Faute à Rousseau (Oct. 2002), 57-8
“Autobiography,” pp. 1:108-11; “Censorship,” pp. 1:216-9; and “Publishing,” pp. 3:372-78, in Alan Kors, ed., Oxford Encyclopedia of the Enlightenment (New York: Oxford University Press, 2003)
“First-Person Narrative and the Memory of the Holocaust,” Ideas 9 (2002), 16-25
“Introduction” to Zelda Popkin, Quiet Street, new edition (Lincoln, Neb.: Bison Books, 2002), vii-xii.
“French Social History,” in Peter Stearns, ed., Encyclopedia of European Social History (New York: Charles Scribners, 2001), 1:283-95
“Introduction: The Abbé Grégoire: A Hero for Our Times?” in Jeremy D. Popkin and Richard H. Popkin, eds., The Abbé Grégoire and His Causes (Kluwer Publishing, 2000), ix-xv
"Media and Communications," in Jack Goldstone, ed., Encyclopedia of Political Revolutions (Washington, D.C.: Congressional Quarterly Publications, 1998), 345-7
“Saying Farewell to a Library.” Kentucky Review, 14 (1998), 3-9
"Les médias et les révolutions, hier et aujourd'hui," Matériaux pour l'histoire de notre temps, no. 46 (1997), 24-6
"Censorship" in Jeremy Black and Roy Porter, eds., Dictionary of Eighteenth Century World History (London: Penguin, 1997)

Articles "Babeuf," pp. 85-95; "Calonne," pp. 267-76; "Marat," pp. 1288-1298; and "Sieyès," pp. 1765-1774; in Research Guide to European Historical Biography (Washington, D.C.: Beacham Publishing, 1992)
"Journals/Newspapers/Pamphlets" in John Yolton et al, eds., Blackwell Companion to the Enlightenment (Oxford: Blackwell, 1991), 253
"La Gazette de Leyde," in J. Sgard, ed., Dictionnaire des Journaux (Paris: Universitas, 1991), 1:468-9
"Marat en Hollande: un témoignage inconnu." Dix-huitième siècle 22 (1990), 291-3

Article "Pamphlet." In E. Barnouw et al., eds., International Encyclopedia of Communications (1989), 3:242-4
Articles "J.W. von Archenholtz," "Joseph Goerres," "Johan Valckenaer" and "J.D. Van der Capellen tot den Poll." In P. Marsh and D. Nicholls, eds., Biographical Dictionary of Modern European Radicals and Socialists, vol. I (London: Harvester Press, 1988), pp. 5-6, 103-105, 267-8, 268-70.
"Joseph Fiévée." In E. Newman, ed., Historical Dictionary of France from the 1815 Restoration to the Second Empire (Westport, Ct.: Greenwood Press, 1987) 1:412-3

"Materials for the Study of the French Revolution in Chicago‑Area Libraries." French Historical Studies 14 (1986) 587-90

"La Déclaration des droits de l'Homme de 1789 aux Pays-Bas." Annales historiques de la Révolution française no. 265 (1986) 307-10
"The Condorcet‑Suard Correspondence." Eighteenth‑Century Studies 18 (1985) 550‑57
Articles "Batz, Baron de," 84‑5; "Boissy d'Anglas," 101‑103; "Club de Clichy," 197‑199; "18 fructidor, coup d'état of," 265‑268; "Institut philanthropique," 476‑78; and "13 vendémiaire, journée of," 966‑68. In B. Rothaus and S. Scott, eds., Historical Dictionary of the French Revolution. Westport, Conn: Greenwood Press (1985)
Articles "François Bernard" (5‑7), "Jean Luzac" (157‑62) and "Jean Manzon" (162‑3) in J. Sgard, ed., Dictionnaire des Journalistes. Supplement IV. Grenoble: Centre des Etudes des Sensibilités, 1985
"Matériaux pour l'histoire de la Révolution française à Chicago." Annales Historiques de la Révolution française no. 261 (1985) 373‑5

"De Maistre optimiste: cinq lettres inédites." Annales Historiques de la Révolution française no. 231 (1978) 92‑100

Book Reviews

Sara E. Johnson, The Fear of French Negroes: Transcolonial Collaboration in the Revolutionary Americas. In H-France Reviews (forthcoming)

Suzanne Desan et al., eds., The French Revolution in Global Perspective. In Canadian Journal of History (forthcoming)

Philippe Lejeune, Autogenèses. In A/b: Autobiography Studies (forthcoming)
Mary Jo Maynes, Jennifer L. Pierce, and Barbara Laslett, Telling Stories: The Use of Personal Narratives in the Social Sciences and History in Life Writing (forthcoming)
Karen Hagemann et al., eds. Gender, War and Politics: Transatlantic Perspectives, 1775-1830. In French History (forthcoming)
Eric Saunier, ed., Figures d’esclaves : Présences, paroles, représentations. In Annales historiques de la Révolution française (forthcoming)
Julie Rak, Boom! Manufacturing Memoir for the Popular Market. In La Faute à Rousseau, no. 65 (Feb. 2014), 59-60
Philippe Girard. The Slaves Who Defeated Napoleon. In The Historian 75 (2013). 846-7

Gilles Feyel et al., Dictionnaire de la presse française pendant la Révolution. In H-France Review (July 2013)

Siân Reynolds. Marriage and Revolution: Monsieur and Madame Roland. In H-France Review (June 2013)
Peter McPhee. Robespierre: A Revolutionary Life. In Journal of Historical Biography 11 (2012), 107-9
Jay M. Smith. Monsters of the Gévaudan: The Making of a Beast. In H-France Review 11 (Oct. 2012)
Olivier Gliech. Saint-Domingue und die Französische Revolution: Das Ende der weißen Herrschaft in einer karibischen Plantagenwirtschaft. In William and Mary Quarterly, 3rd ser., 69 (2012), 865-7
Simon Burrows et al., “The French Book Trade in Enlightenment Europe” (on-line data base). In British Journal of Eighteenth-Century Studies on-line review (Oct. 2012)
Alon Confino. Foundational Pasts: The Holocaust as Historical Understanding. In Journal of Public History 34 (2012), 88-9
Madeleine Dobie. Trading Places: Colonization and Slavery in Eighteenth-Century French Culture. In Journal of Modern History 84 (2012), 735-6
Rachel Hammersley. French Revolutionaries and English Republicans: The Cordeliers Club, 1790-1794. In H-France Review (May 2012)

William Doyle. Aristocracy and its Enemies in the Age of Revolution. In Journal of Social History 45 (2011), 291-3
Barbara Caine. Biography and History. In Biography 34 (2011), 329-31
Simon Burrows. A King’s Ransom: The Life of Charles Théveneau de Morande. In English Historical Review 126 (2011), 1545-6
Olivier Ferret, Anne-Marie Mercier-Faivre and Chantal Thomas, Dictionnaire des Vies Privées (1722-1842) In H-France Review (on line) (Oct. 2011)
Michael Sonenscher, Sans-Culottes: An Eighteenth-Century Emblem in the French Revolution. In History of Political Economy 43 (2011), 777-79

Denise Davidson. France after Revolution: Urban Life, Gender, and the New Social Order. In French Politics, Culture and Society 28 (2010), 127-9
Mona Ozouf. Composition française. Retour sur une enfance bretonne. In Annales Histoire, Sciences Sociales 65 (2010), 545-6
Harvey Mitchell. Voltaire’s Jews and Modern Jewish Identity: Rethinking the Enlightenment. In Journal of Jewish Studies 61 (2010), 181-2

Jean Dubray. La Pensée de l’abbé Grégoire: Despotisme et liberté. In Journal of Modern History 81 (2009), 961-2

David Lawday. Napoleon’s Master: The Life of Prince Talleyrand. In The Historian 71 (2009), 164-5
Barack Obama, Dreams of My Father. In La Faute à Rousseau, no. 52 (Oct. 2009), 6-8
Jennifer Jensen Wallach. [Closer to the Truth than Any Fact] Memoir, Memory, and Jim Crow. In Journal of Interdisciplinary History 39 (2009), 129-30
Florence Gauthier. L’Aristocratie de l’épiderme. Le combat de la Société des Citoyens de Couleur 1789-1791. In H-France Review (Feb. 2009)


Frédéric Régent. La France et ses esclaves. In H-France email list-serv, July 2008

Pierre Karila-Cohen. L’État des esprits. L’Invention de l’enquête politique en France (1814-1848). In Revue d’histoire moderne et contemporaine 56 (2008), 324.
Thierry Rigogne. Between State and Market: Printing and Bookselling in Eighteenth-Century France. H-France email list-serv, Apr. 2008
Geoff Eley. A Crooked Path: From Cultural History to the History of Society. In Journal of Modern History 80 (2008), 110-2
Suzanne Lachenicht. Information und Propaganda. In Revue d’histoire moderne et contemporaine 55 (2008), 192.
Stephen A. Toth. Beyond Papillon: The French Overseas Penal Colonies, 1854-1952. In Journal of Interdisciplinary History 38 (2008), 603-4

Jean-Clément Martin, dir. La Révolution française à l’oeuvre. In H-France email listserv (Nov. 2007)

David Bell, The First Total War: Napoleon’s Europe and the Birth of Warfare as We Know It. In H-France Forum 2 (2007) [on line]

John Merriman, Police Stories: Building the French State, 1815-1851. In The Historian, 69 (2007), 387-88

Suzanne Desan, The Family on Trial in Revolutionary France. In Journal of Social History 40 (2007), 991-95
Anna Julia Cooper, Slavery and the French and Haitian Revolutions. In H-France email listserv (Oct. 2006)
Patrick Hutton. Philippe Ariès and the Politics of French Cultural History. In Journal of Modern History 78 (2006) 499-501
Doris Garraway, The Libertine Colony. In H-France email listserv (March 2006)
Charles Coulton Gillispie. Science and Polity in France: The Revolutionary and Napoleonic Years. In The Historian 68 (2006), 384-6

John Morton Blum, A Life with History, and Forrest McDonald, Recovering the Past: A Historian’s Memoir. In Reviews in American History (2005), 621-27
Sudhir Hazareesingh, The Saint-Napoleon: Celebrations of Sovereignty in Nineteenth-Century France. In European Legacy 10 (2005), 767-8

Yves Bénot and Marcel Dorigny, eds., Rétablissement de l’esclavage dans les colonies françaises. Aux origines de Haïti. In H-France email review, v. 4, no. 91 (Sept. 2004)
Pierre Rétat, dir., La Gazette d’Amsterdam, and Karin Angelike, Louis-François Mettra: Ein französischer Zeitungsverleger in Köln. In Eighteenth-Century Studies 37 (2004), 483-6
Michael Kwass, Privilege and the Politics of Taxation in Eighteenth-Century France. In Journal of Modern History 76 (2003), 188-9
Sarah Maza, The Myth of the French Bourgeoisie. In H-France email list (Feb. 2004).
Gérard Noiriel, Penser avec, penser contre. In H-France email list (Dec. 2003)
James Livesey, Making Democracy in the French Revolution. In The European Legacy 8 (2003), 84-5

Hannah Barker and Simon Burrows, eds., Press, Politics and the Public Sphere in Europe and North America, 1760-1820. In History of Political Thought 24 (2003), 533-5

David A. Bell, The Cult of the Nation. In French Politics, Culture and Society 21 (2003) 134-7

Pierre Nora, ed., Rethinking France: v. 1 The State. In Esprit créateur 48 (2003), 105-6

William Reddy, The Navigation of Feeling. In H-France email list (Nov. 2002)
Michael Rapport, Nationality and Citizenship in Revolutionary France. In The Historian 65 (2002), 228-9
Roberto Romani, National Character and Public Spirit in Britain and France 1750-1914. In H-France email list (July 2002)
Stefan Maechler, The Wilkomirski Affair. In Biography 25 (2002) 369-71
James Amelang, The Flight of Icarus. On ASECS Web site (2002)
Simon Burrows, French Exile Journalism and European Politics 1792-1815. In American Historical Review 107 (2002), 628-9
Jay Caplan, In the King’s Wake; Elisabeth Bourguinat, Le Siècle de persiflage; Antoine de Baecque, Les Eclats de rire. In Eighteenth-Century Studies 35 (2002), 295-9
Arno Mayer, The Furies: Violence and Terror in the French and Russian Revolutions. In American Historical Review 106 (2001), 926-7
Jens Ivo Engels, Königsbilder: Sprechen, Singen und Schreiben über den französischen König in der ersten Hälfte des achtzehnten Jahrhunderts. In English Historical Review 116 (2001), 967-8

Peter Novick, The Holocaust in American Life. In Judaism 50 (2001), 112-7

Bruno Benoît. L’Identité politique de Lyon. In Journal of Social History (2000), 481-2
Gilbert Shapiro and John Markoff, Revolutionary Demands. In Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Sciences 569 (May 2000), 188-9
Bernadette Fort, ed. Les Salons des ‘Mémoires secrets’. College Art Association e-mail list
Dale Van Kley et al. The French Idea of Freedom. In American Historical Review 104 (1999), 248-9
Pierre Nora et al., Realms of Memory, v. III. In Esprit créateur 39 (1999), 94-5
Matt Matsuda. The Memory of the Modern. In American Historical Review 103 (1998), 1609
Marc Martin. Médias et journalistes de la République. H-France email net, June 1998
Bob Harris. Politics and the Rise of the Press: Britain and France, 1620-1800. H-France email net, April 1998
Pierre Nora et al., Realms of Memory, v. II. In Esprit créateur 38 (1998), 117-8

Henri-Jean Martin, The French Book. In Sixteenth-Century Journal 28 (1997), 1392-3
Pierre Nora et al., Realms of Memory, v. I In Esprit créateur 37 (1997), 93-4
Robert Darnton. The Forbidden Best-Sellers of Pre-Revolutionary France and The Corpus of Clandestine Literature in France 1769-1789. In Journal of Modern History 69 (1997), 154-7
Werner Giesselmann. 'Die Manie der Revolte'. In Journal of Social History 29 (1996), 1004-6
Harriet B. Applewhite. Political Alignment in the French National Assembly, 1789-1791. In American Historical Review 100 (1995), 529-30
Antoine de Baecque. Le Corps de l'histoire. In Romance Quarterly 42 (1995), 119-20.
Marc Martin. Trois siècles de publicité en France. In Journal of Modern History 66 (1994) 804-6
Arlette Farge, Dire et Mal Dire, Michèle Fogel, Les Cérémonies de l'information dans la France du XVIe au XVIIIe siècle, and Gudrun Gersmann, Im Schatten der Bastille. In Eighteenth-Century Studies 28 (1994) 151-4
Wyger Velema. Enlightenment and Conservatism in the Dutch Republic. In History of European Ideas 18 (1994) 840-1

André Kaspi. Les juifs pendant l'occupation. In Shofar 11 (1993) 101-3
Paul Mendes-Flohr. Divided Passions: Jewish Intellectuals and the Experience of Modernity. In Shofar 11 (1993) 112-4
Harvey Chisick. The Production, Distribution, and Readership of a Conservative Journal.... In American Historical Review 98 (1993) 881-2
Colin Lucas, ed. Rewriting the French Revolution. In History of European Ideas 17 (1993) 109-10

Christine Fauré. Democracy without Women. In History of Education Quarterly (1992) 374-76
Lynn Hunt. The Family Romance of the French Revolution. In Eighteenth-Century Studies 26 (1992), 355-9
J. Bosher, The French Revolution (1988); R. Reichardt et al., Die Französische Revolution (1988). In Journal of Modern History 63 (1991), 144-7
Roger Chartier, ed. The Culture of Print. In Libraries and Culture 26 (1991), 615-6
Gerhard Steiner. Das Theater der deutschen Jakobiner. In Lessing Yearbook 23 (1991), 263-5
Brigitte Schlieben-Lange, ed. Fachgespräche in Aufklärung und Revolution. In Lessing Yearbook 23 (1991), 260-1
Robert J. Goldstein. Censorship of Political Caricature in Nineteenth-Century France. In Journalism Quarterly 68 (1991) 554-5
Hans-Jürgen Lüsebrink and Rolf Reichardt. Die 'Bastille.' Zur Symbolgeschichte von Herrschaft und Freiheit. In Eighteenth-Century Studies 24 (1991), 506-8
Robert Darnton. Edition et Sédition. In Eighteenth-Century Studies 25 (1991), 99-103
Henri Kubnick. Les Mémoires de la Bastille. In The Eighteenth Century: Current Bibliography, n.s. 15, II:66.
Daniel Moran. Toward the Century of Words. Johann Cotta and the Politics of the Public Realm in Germany, 1795-1832. In German Studies Review 13 (1990), 548-9
G. van den Heuvel. Der Freiheitsbegriff der Französischen Revolution (1988). In American Historical Review 95 (1990) 177-8
E. Schulin. Die Französische Revolution (1988). In American Historical Review 95 (1990), 838-9

J. Black. The English Press in the Eighteenth Century (1987). In Eighteenth-Century Studies 21 (1987-8) 265-68
J. Polasky. Revolution in Brussels, 1787-1793 (1986). In Social History/Histoire sociale 21 (1988), 193-95

R. Martucci. La Costituente ed il problema penale in Francia

(1789-1791) (1984). In American Historical Review 92 (1987) 427-8
L.C. Rosenfield, ed. Condorcet Studies I (1984). In Journal of the History of Philosophy 24 (1986) 414-6
O. Murphy. Charles Gravier, Comte de Vergennes (1982). In Eighteenth‑Century Studies 18 (1985) 270‑2

W. Doyle, Origins of the French Revolution (1980), G.A. Kelly, Victims, Authority and Terror (1982) and P. Higonnet, Class, Ideology and the Rights of Nobles during the French Revolution (1981). In Eighteenth‑Century Studies 17 (1984) 358‑63

O. Dann, ed. Lesegesellschaften und bürgerliche Emanzipation (1981). In Journal of Modern History 55 (1983) 305‑6

J.W. Schulte Nordholt. The Dutch Republic and American Independence (1982). In William and Mary Quarterly 40 (1983) 479‑81

W. Giesselmann. Die Brumairiansche Elite (1977). In Journal of Modern History 54 (1982) 125‑7

Presentations at Professional Meetings
American Historical Association, 1978, 1980, 1985, 1989, 1997, 2010

American Society for Eighteenth‑Century Studies, 1984, 1987, 1989, 2008

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