Mallinson, D., Riggs, S., Culver, S., Ames, S., Horton, B., Kemp, A., 2009. The North Carolina Outer Banks Barrier Islands: A Field Trip Guide to the Geology, Geomorphology, and Processes. IGCP 495 – International Geoscience Programme Project 495 – Quaternary Land-Ocean Interactions: Driving Mechanisms and Coastal Response, 40 pp.
Mallinson, D., and Compton, J., 1995, Mixed carbonate-siliciclastic sequence stratigraphy utilizing strontium isotopes: in Miocene phosphate deposits of Florida; Fieldtrip Guidebook: 1st SEPM Congress on Sedimentary Geology; St. Petersburg Beach, FL, August, 1995.
Otte, L.J., Saunders, C.S., Mallinson, D.J., and Purser, M.T., 1987, Controls over peat deposition on the North Carolina Coastal Plain: in Geological Excursions in Virginia and North Carolina; GSA Guidebook, Southeastern Section, March, 1987, p. 145-177.
Contributor to: A.C. Hine and S.R. Riggs, eds., 1986, Geologic framework, Cenozoic history, and modern processes of sedimentation on the North Carolina Continental Margin: in SEPM Field Trip Guidebook, Southeastern U.S., Third Annual Meeting, 1986, Raleigh, NC., p. 132 - 194.
Mallinson, D., Culver, S., Leorri, E., Mitra, S., Mulligan, R., Riggs, S., Zaremba, N., Minnehan, J., Clunies, G., Lauback, C., 2014. New perspectives on the Holocene evolution of the North Carolina outer Banks Barrier Islands and Estuarine/Lagoon System. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs. Vol. 46, No. 6, p.266
Smith, C., Mallinson, D., Leorri, E., Culver, S., DeWitt, R., 2014. Flood-tide delta foraminifera, Ocracoke Inlet, North Carolina, USA. Geological Society of America Annual Meeting, Denver. GSA Abstracts with Programs, p. 266.
Reed, D., Culver, S., Leorri, E., Mallinson, D., Parham, P., Shazili, N., 2014. Reconstruction of mid- to late-Holocene paleoclimate, Sunda Shelf, off NE Peninsular Malaysia based on magnetic susceptibility of bulk sediment. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs. Vol. 46, No. 6, p.125
O’Driscoll, M., Humphrey, C., Mallinson, D., Smith, M., Hardison, S., 2014. Geoelectrical imaging of wastewater migration in coastal surficial aquifers, North Carolina, USA. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs. Vol. 46, No. 6, p.64
Hindes, H., Culver, S., Leorri, E., Mallinson, D., Parham, P., Shazili, N., 2014. Late Holocene paleoclimate reconstruction of the Sunda Shelf (South China Sea) off Kuala Terengganu, peninsular Malaysia based on magnetic susceptibility of bulk sediment. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs. Vol. 46, No. 6, p.344
Kegel, J., Kemp, A., Culver, S., Leorri, E., Mallinson, D., Barber, D., Horton, B., Morris, J., Woodson, A. 2014. Extension of the late Holocene sea-level record in North Carolina. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs. Vol. 46, No. 6, p.145.
Woodson, A., Culver, S., Leorri, E., Mallinson, D., Vijayan, V., Thunell, R., Parham, P., Shazili, N., 2014. Geochemical evidence of Holocene east Asian monsoon variability from Sunda Shelf, South China Sea sediments. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs. Vol. 46, No. 6, p.125
Riggs, S., Ames, D., Mallinson, D., Prentice, G., Hellman, R., 2014. Shackleford Banks back-barrier coastal system, Cape Lookout National Seashore, North Carolina: a re-evaluation of the evolutionary history. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs. Vol. 46, No. 6, p.818
O’Driscoll, M. A., Humphrey, C., Mallinson, D., Smith, M., & Hardison, S. (2014). Capacitively-coupled resistivity surveys to delineate subsurface wastewater migration in coastal surficial aquifers. Innovation in Soil Based Onsite Wastewater Treatment Conference.
O'Driscoll, M. J., Humphrey, C., Mallinson, D. J., Smith, M., & Hardison, S. (2013). Quantifying subsurface wastewater migration in coastal surficial aquifers: A geoelectrical approach. Water Resources Research Institute of NC.
Manda, A. K., Sisco, S. M., & Mallinson, D. J. (2013). Impact of a shallow groundwater table on onsite wastewater treatment systems and implications for climate change and sea level rise. Water Resources Research Institute of NC.
Riggs, S. R., Ames, D., Mallinson, D. J., Prentice, G., & Hellman, R. (2013). CAPE LOOKOUT COASTAL SYSTEM: GEOLOGIC FRAMEWORK CONTROLS ON LATE HOLOCENE EVOLUTION, CAPE LOOKOUT NATIONAL SEASHORE, NC. Geological Society of America Annual Meeting, Denver.
Zaremba, N. J., Mallinson, D. J., Leorri, E., Culver, S., Mitra, S., Ryan Mulligan, Caitlin Lauback, Jeffery Minnehan (2013). THE STRATIGRAPHIC EXPRESSION OF RAPID PALEOENVIRONMENTAL CHANGE IN AN ESTUARINE SYSTEM: PAMLICO SOUND, NC. Geological Society of America Annual Conference, Denver, CO.
Woodson, A. L., Culver, S. J., Mallinson, D. J., Vijayan, V. R., Thunnell, R., Eduardo Leorri, Peter Parham, Noor Shazili (2013). A RECORD OF HOLOCENE PALEOCLIMATE FROM THE SUNDA SHELF, SOUTH CHINA SEA. Geological Society of America Annual Conference, Denver, CO.
Leorri, E., Mallinson, D. J., Culver, S. J., Mitra, S., Mulligan, R., Stanley Riggs, Caitlin Lauback, Jeffery Minnehan, Nicholas Zaremba, Kelli Moran (2013). COASTAL HYDRODYNAMICS AND NATURAL GEOLOGICAL EVOLUTION (CHANGE) PART 1: GEOLOGICAL INDICATORS OF RAPID CLIMATE CHANGE IN ESTUARINE SYSTEMS DURING THE HOLOCENE. Geological Society of America Annual Meeting, Denver.
Mallinson, D. J., Culver, S., Leorri, E., Mitra, S., Mulligan, R., Stanley Riggs, Nicholas Zaremba, Caitlin Lauback, Jeffrey Minnehan, Kelli Moran (2013). COASTAL HYDRODYNAMICS AND NATURAL GEOLOGICAL EVOLUTION (CHANGE) PART 2: PROCESSES AND DRIVERS OF LARGE-SCALE COASTAL REORGANIZATION. GSA, Denver, Co.
Clunies, G., Mulligan, R., Mallinson, D., Walsh, J., (2013). HYDRODYNAMICS OF THE ALBEMARLE-PAMLICO ESTUARINE SYSTEM IN RESPONSE TO WIND AND TIDAL FORCING. American Geophysical Union Ocean Sciences Meeting.
Mallinson, D.J., Culver, S.J., Riggs, S.R., Farrell, K., Parham, P., 2012. Quaternary evolution of northeastern North Carolina's coastal system and adjacent upland. GSA Abstracts with Programs, Annual Meeting, Charlotte, NC. Vol 44, No. 7.
Mallinson, D.J., Culver, S.J., Leorri, E., Mitra, S., Mulligan, R., Riggs, S.R., Clunies, G., Lauback, C., Minnehan, J., 2012. Large-scale coastal behavior of a barrier fronted coastline in response to Holocene sea-level rise and storm impacts. GSA Abstracts with Programs, Annual Meeting, Charlotte, NC. Vol 44, No. 7.
Lauback, C., Culver, S., Leorri, E., Mallinson, D., Mitra, S., Minnehan, J., Mulligan, R., 2012. Isotopic evidence for episodic marine water incursions into Pamlico Sound, NC during the Holocene. GSA Abstracts with Programs, Annual Meeting, Charlotte, NC. Vol 44, No. 7.
Smith, M.J., O’Driscoll, M.A., Mallinson, D.J., and Humphrey, C., 2012. Geophysical and water quality characterization of on-site wastewater treatment system effluent plumes at two schools in the North Carolina coastal plain. GSA Abstracts with Programs, Annual Meeting, Charlotte, NC. Vol 44, No. 7.
Riggs, S.R., Mallinson, D.J., Culver, S.J., Ames, D., Corbett, D., Kemp, A., Horton, B., 2012. A 2100-year record of coastal system changes in response to shifts in rates of relative sea-level rise. GSA Abstracts with Programs, Annual Meeting, Charlotte, NC. Vol 44, No. 7.
Minnehan, J., Mitra, S., Scalise, K., Mallinson, D., Leorri, E., Culver, S., Lauback, C., 2012. Using sediment organic geochemistry to interpret barrier island integrity in the late Holocene. GSA Abstracts with Programs, Annual Meeting, Charlotte, NC. Vol 44, No. 7.
Ames, D., Riggs, S., Culver, S., Mallinson, D., 2012. Sea-level rise and public policy in coastal North Carolina. GSA Abstracts with Programs, Annual Meeting, Charlotte, NC. Vol 44, No. 7.
Ellis, A., Culver, S., Corbett, D., Mallinson, D., Buzas, M., Shazili, N., 2012. Environmental effects of floating fish cages in the Setiu estuary/lagoon of Terengganu, Malaysia. GSA Abstracts with Programs, Annual Meeting, Charlotte, NC. Vol 44, No. 7.
Thornberg, H., Culver, S., Corbett, D., Mallinson, D., Buzas, M., Shazili, N., 2012. Foraminiferal and geochemical evidence of environmental change in response to aquaculture in the Setiu estuarine-lagoonal system, Terengganu, Malaysia. GSA Abstracts with Programs, Annual Meeting, Charlotte, NC. Vol 44, No. 7.
Moran, K., Mallinson, D., Culver, S., Mulligan, R., Leorri, E., 2012. Late Holocene evolution of Currituck Sound, North Carolina, USA: environmental change driven by sea-level rise, storms and barrier island morphology. GSA Abstracts with Programs, Annual Meeting, Charlotte, NC. Vol 44, No. 7.
Smith, M.J., O’Driscoll, M.A., Mallinson, D.J., and Humphrey, C., 2012. 4-D geophysical and water quality characterization of on-site wastewater treatment system effluent plumes in eastern North Carolina. NC Water Resources Research Institute Conference, Raleigh, NC. March 27-28, 2012.
Mallinson, D., Culver, S., Mulligan, R., Leorri, E., Mitra, S., Riggs, S., Moran, K., 2011. Tidal regime and morphodynamic changes in estuarine systems as a function of sea-level rise. Eos Transactions, 2011 Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, CA.
Smith, M., O’Driscoll, M.A., Mallinson, D.J., Humphrey, C., and Hardison, S., 2011. Non-intrusive geophysical characterization of on-site wastewater treatment systems and effluent plumes. 27th Annual NC Onsite Water Protection Conference, Raleigh, NC. October 11-13, 2011.
Moran, K., Mallinson, D.J.., Culver, S.J., Mulligan, R., Leorri, E., 2011. Late Holocene geologic and morphodynamic response to sea-level rise in a back barrier lagoon: preliminary findings. GSA Abstracts with Programs, Annual Meeting, Minneapolis, October, 2011.
Ames, D.V., Riggs, S.R., Mallinson, D.J., and Culver, S.J., 2011. The “Perfect Conflict”: infrastructure versus natural dynamic processes in national coastal parks and refuges: North Carolina Outer Banks. GSA Abstracts with Programs, Annual Meeting, Minneapolis, October, 2011.
Ellis, A., Culver, S., Corbett, D., Mallinson, D., 2011. Determining the Impacts of Aquaculture on the Setiu Estuary and Lagoon of Terengganu, Malaysia using Foraminifera, Sediment Grain-Size, and Stable Carbon and Nitrogen Isotope Ratios. GSA Abstracts with Programs, Annual Meeting, Minneapolis, October, 2011.
Mallinson, David J., Culver, Stephen J.; Riggs, Stanley R.; Ames, Dorothea V.; Leorri, Eduardo, Mulligan, Ryan, 2011. Evidence For Rapid Coastal Changes During The Holocene: The Role Of Climate, Sea Level And Thresholds. Geological Society of America, Southeastern Section, Program with Abstracts.
Culver, Stephen J.; Mallinson, David J.; Riggs, Stanley R., Corbett, D. Reide; Ames, Dorothea V.; Farrell, Kathleen M, Grand Pre, Candace A.; Horton, Benjamin P.; Kemp, Andrew, 2011. Holocene Coastal Change in Northeastern North Carolina. Geological Society of America, Southeastern Section, Program with Abstracts.
Best, Kelly M.; Mallinson, David J.; Culver, Stephen J., 2011. Quaternary Geologic Evolution of the Croatan Beach Ridge Complex, Bogue Sound, and Bogue Banks, Carteret County, NC. Geological Society of America, Southeastern Section, Program with Abstracts.
Riggs, Stanley R.; Ames, Dorothea V.; Culver, Stephen J., Mallinson, David J., 2011. Battle For North Carolina’s Coasts: Evolutionary Past, Present Crisis, and Vision for the Future. Geological Society of America, Southeastern Section, Program with Abstracts.
Riggs, S.R., Mallinson, D.J., Culver, S.J., Ames, D.V., 2010. Evolution of the North Carolina Barrier Island System in Response to Rising Sea Level: A Vision for the Future. Abstracts with Programs, Geological Society of America National Meeting.
Culver, S., Mallinson, D., Riggs, S., & Ames, D. 2010. The Holocene Foraminiferal Record Of Northeastern North Carolina As A Harbinger Of Future Coastal Change. Abstracts with Programs, Geological Society of America Joint Northeastern and Southeastern Section Meeting.
Mallinson, D. J., Culver, S., Riggs, S., Blanton, B., & Luettich, R., 2010. A Coupled Geologic And Hydrodynamic Modeling Approach To Hindcast And Forecast The Response Of A Coastal System To Sea-Level Rise And Geomorphic Change. Abstracts with Programs, Geological Society of America.
Dietsche, A., Mallinson, D., & Culver, S., 2010. Geological evolution of North Core Sound, North Carolina, in response to Holocene Sea-level rise. Abstracts with Programs-SE Geological Society of America.
McDowell, K., Culver, S., & Mallinson, D., 2010. Holocene Geologic Development Of The Cape Hatteras Region, Outer Banks, North Carolina. Abstracts with Programs-SE Geological Society of America.
Parham, P., Culver, S., Riggs, S., Mallinson, D., 2010. Luminescence Ages For Suffolk Shoreline In Northeastern North Carolina. NE/SE GSA Regional Meeting, Baltimore, MD
Ames, D., Riggs, S., Culver, S., Mallinson, D., 2010. Geomorphic linkages between transgressing simple barrier islands and back-barrier flats in response to climate change, North Carolina Outer Banks. NE/SE GSA Regional Meeting, Baltimore, MD
Mallinson, D. J., Culver, S., Riggs, S., & Ames, D., 2009. Geologic Characterization and the Geomorphic and Paleoclimate Significance of Paleo-Inlets on the Outer Banks of North Carolina, USA. Association of American Geographers Annual Conference.
Mallinson, D. J., Culver, S., Riggs, S., & Blanton, B., 2009. Modeling Past and Future Coastal Reorganization in Response to Tidal Regime Change: Northeastern North Carolina Coastal System. SEGSA.
Mallinson, D. J., Culver, S., Riggs, S., Blanton, B., & Theiler, E. R., 2008. Observations and Models of Coastal Tidal Variations and Sedimentation in Response to Coastal Geomorphic Reorganizations: Northeastern North Carolina Coastal System. Eos Transactions AGU, 89(53), Fall Meeting Supplement, Abstract OS53F-08.
Best, K., Mallinson, D., & Culver, S., 2009. Geologic Evolution of Pleistocene and Holocene Coastal Features, Carteret County, North Carolina. SEGSA.
Burdette, K., Rink, J., & Mallinson, D., 2009. Optical Dating Of Thirteen Mile Beach Ridge Sequence Near Apalachicola, Northwestern Florida, USA. SEGSA.
Culver, S. J., Mallinson, D. J. , Kemp, A., Horton, B., Grand Pre, C., Stanley Riggs, 2009. The foraminiferal record of Holocene coastal evolution and storm-driven barrier island collapse, Outer Banks, North Carolina. Association of American Geographers Annual Conference.
Mallinson, D. J., Culver, S., Riggs, S., & Blanton, B., 2009. Modeling Past And Future Coastal Reorganization In Response To Tidal Regime Change: Northeastern North Carolina Coastal System. SEGSA.
Mallinson, D. J., Culver, S., Smith, C., Riggs, S., & Ames, D., 2009. Geologic Characterization and the Geomorphic and Paleoclimate Significance of Paleo-Inlets on the Outer Banks of North Carolina, USA. Association of American Geographers Annual Conference.
McDowell, K., Mallinson, D., & Culver, S., 2009. Holocene Geologic Development Of The Central Hatteras Flats And Buxton Beach Ridges, Outer Banks, North Carolina. SEGSA.
Parham, P., Culver, S., Riggs, S., & Mallinson, D., 2009. Future Evolution Of The Northeastern North Carolina And Southeastern Virginia Coastal System Based On The Late Quaternary Stratigraphic Record. SEGSA.
Mallinson, D., Burdette, K., Rink, J., Mahan, S., Peltier, R., 2008. New Insights into Quaternary Sea-Level Fluctuations and Isostasy Based on OSL, Geophysical, and Sedimentological Investigations of Paleo-Shoreline Features on the Southeast U.S. Atlantic Coastal Plain. AGU-Ocean Sciences, Eos
Thieler, E.R., List, J.H., Culver, S.C., Riggs, S.R., Mallinson, D.J., Corbett, D.R., Walsh, J.P., Ames, D.V., McNinch, J.E., Wehmiller, J.F., Horton, B.P., Farrell, K.M., 2008. Geologic influence on different time and space scales of coastal evolution of the northern Outer Banks, North Carolina. Eos Transactions AGU, 89(53), Fall Meeting Supplement, Abstract OS53F-02.
Metger, L., Culver, S., Mallinson, D., Riggs, S., 2008. Holocene Paleoenvironmental Change In Southern Pamlico Sound, North Carolina. GSA Abstracts with Programs
Parham, P., Riggs, S., Culver, S., Mallinson, D., 2008. Stratigraphy And Late Quaternary Geologic History Of Buckridge Coastal Reserve, Tyrrell County, North Carolina. GSA Abstracts with Programs
Moore, C., Mallinson, D., 2008. Geoarchaeological Investigations Of Stratified Holocene Aeolian Deposits Along The Tar River In North Carolina. GSA Abstracts with Programs
Corbett, D R; Walsh, J P; Seaver, K; Mallinson, D J; 2008. Characteristics of Storm Deposits on the Louisiana Continental Shelf: Insights from Sedimentological and Radiochemical Examinations. Eos Transactions; AGU Ocean Sciences Meeting, Orlando, FL, March 2008
Mallinson, D., 2007 (invited). Past and Future APES: The Geologic and Historic Evolution of the Outer Banks and Albemarle Pamlico Estuarine System and Potential Impacts of Projected Climate Change. In Atlantic Estuarine Research Society/Southeast Estuarine Research Society Annual Meeting, Pine Knoll Shores, NC: Abstracts with Programs. Pine Knoll Shores, NC.
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