Declaration: I declare that I wrote this thesis by myself and that I used only the sources listed in the bibliography section. Brno, April 2012 Adela Pilátová Acknowledgements

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It was the spread of political and economic power over the centuries and computer technology over the last few decades that have contributed to increase in the number of people who speak English. English speakers mainly come from business environment. More than ever before, being able to speak English means getting better job opportunities and earning more money. As the world is becoming more global, the need for global language is becoming more urgent. English serves as a global language nowadays.

Due to the fact that even in the Czech Republic and increasing number of companies have their corporate language English and that knowledge of English seems to be taken for granted in the process of employing people, a major question in this study is what is the knowledge of English language of people working in corporations? In what situation and context English language is mainly used and also to find expressions that are either used across corporations or in some industry specialization.

The findings of the survey may not be as surprising as expected. It is interesting to note that although employers complain about their employees’ knowledge of the English language, people in my survey evaluate themselves not lower than intermediate level of English knowledge. In majority of the cases the respondents claimed that their proficiency in English is higher than required by their employer. Nevertheless, all of the respondents claimed that the knowledge of English is either important or essential for their work, which would confirm the requirement from the side of employers. Further, all of the respondents admitted that they understand all of the expressions they use to conduct their job and a vast majority of them are also able to communicate fluently outside their work environment.

If we took these people as a sample of population in the Czech Republic it would mean that majority of people living in the Czech Republic are advanced in their English language knowledge. However, my survey was focused on minority of population of the Czech Republic as most of the respondents were educated young people, usually with a university degree. They work in white-collar positions in multinational companies. Therefore, these findings must not be taken as a measure of the whole population.

Focusing on the second aim, which was to prove that people in multinational companies use specific expressions difficult to be fully understood by people outside these companies, I must admit that this aim was fulfilled only partly. I received few expressions that are apparently used across corporations, but most of the words and collocations are specific and related to the field of work of each respondent. Moreover, when looking on the Internet I was able to find more specific idioms than those delivered by the respondents. This can be the result of their not-understanding either my task in the questionnaire or that fixed phrases are not being used in the environment of corporations in the Czech Republic.

While working on my thesis, I have come across several problems as multinational companies seem to be new phenomena. There have not been many resources that would explicitly fit my topic. In the future, it would be also interesting to analyze both the written documentation as well as emails along with the spoken interaction of people in corporations and to further investigate the knowledge of English language among these people.


This bachelor thesis deals with English as a Global language with primary focus on English as a corporate language. The theoretical part is devoted to research and summary of English becoming a lingua franca, spread of the English over the centuries, across the world and also what may happen with the language in future. Further the work deals with aspects of English in business. The main goal in the practical part is to demonstrate the knowledge of English language of people working in corporations and discover any specific expressions that are used by these employees.


Bakalářská práce se zabývá anglickým jazykem jako pojmem pro jazyk globální, prvotním cílem je analýza jazyka jakožto komunikačního prostředku v korporátních společnostech. Teoretická část se věnuje zjištěním a zhodnocením angličtiny jako jazykem univerzálním , šířením jazyka v průběhu století, ale i šířením celosvětovým, potažmo evropským. Práce se rovněž zabývá budoucností anglického jazyka a jeho užitím v podnikání. Hlavním cílem praktické části je poukázat na znalost anglického jazyka osob pracujících v mezinárodních společnostech a zjistit charakteristické výrazy používané zaměstnanci těchto společností.

List of references:

“About UN” United Nations.United Nations, 2012. Web. 28. Mar. 2012

Baker, Stephen et al. “The Great English Divide.” Bloomberg Businessweek. Bloomberg L.P., 13 Aug. 2001. Web. 1 Apr. 2012

Briney, Amanda. “Lingua Franca” Geography., 10 May 2011 Web. 10 Feb. 2012. <>

Carvajal, Doreen. “The Workplace: With limits, the rule is English.” The New York Times. The New York Times Company, 18 Feb. 2004. Web. 1 Apr. 2012.

Chulik, Amy. “Coaxing ‘Outside the Box’ Back In: The worst Corporate Jargon Offenders.”Career Builder., 6 Dec. 2012. Web. 15 Apr. 2012.

Crystal, David. English as a Global Language. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1997. Print.

Crystal, David. Language and the Internet. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2001. Print.

Donna Sylvie. Teach business English. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2000. Print.

Frendo, Evan. Teach business English. Harlow: Longmann, 2005. Print.

Graddol, David. The Future of English? London: The British Council, 1997. Print.

Graddol, David. English Next London: The British Council, 2006. Print

Graddol, David, Dick Leith, and Joan Swann. English: history, diversity and change London: Open University, 2006. Print.

Hinse, Andrew. “Get Your International Business Terms Right.” CBS. CBS Interactive Inc., 7 June 2007. Web. 1 Apr. 2012. <>

Hudečková, Kamila. “Bez znalosti angličtiny jste na pracovním pohovoru out.” iDnes. Mafra, a.s., 3 Mar. 2010. Web. 7 Apr. 2012

“Issues Global.” The History of English. n.p., n.d. Web. 28 Mar. 2012 <>

Jenkins, Jenifer. English as a lingua franca: attitude and identity. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2007. Print.

Jones, Leo, and Richard Alexander. International business English: a course in communication skills. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1992. Print.

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“Lingua Franca." Encyclopædia Britannica. Encyclopædia Britannica Online. Encyclopædia Britannica Inc., 2012. Web. 27 Mar. 2012.

McAlpine, Rachel. Global English for Global Business. Wellington: CC Press, 2005. Web. 7 Apr. 2012. PDF file. <>

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Reynolds, Neil. “Spread the word: English is unstoppable.” The Globe and Mail. The Global Language Monitor, 2012. Web. 30 Mar. 2012

Tagliabue, John. “In Europe, Going Global Means, Alas, English.” The New York Times. The New York Times Company, 19 May 2002. Web. 1 Apr. 2012

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"cloud computing." TechTerms, 2012. Web. 15 April 2012.

List of charts


English as a Corporate Language

Anglický jazyk – jazyk korporátních společností

  1. Pohlaví:



  1. Věk:

  1. Pracuji na pozici:

  1. Společnost, ve které pracuji, působí v oboru:

  1. Společnost, ve které pracuji má angličtinu jako komunikativní jazyk:



  1. Znalost anglického jazyka je pro výkon Vašeho povolání:




  1. Moje úroveň znalosti anglického jazyka je:


 Základní (obecná)

 Základní (omezená - nezbytná pro můj obor)

 Středně pokročilá (obecná)

 Středně pokročilá (specializovaná pro můj obor)

 Pokročilá (obecná)

 Pokročilá (specializovaná pro můj obor)

 Velmi pokročilá na úrovni rodilý mluvčí

  1. Požadavek společnosti, ve které pracuji, na úrovni jazyka pro mou profesi je:


 Základní (obecná)

 Základní (omezená - nezbytná pro můj obor)

 Středně pokročilá (obecná)

 Středně pokročilá (specializovaná pro můj obor)

 Pokročilá (obecná)

 Pokročilá (specializovaná pro můj obor)

 Velmi pokročilá na úrovni rodilý mluvčí

  1. Při výkonu svého povolání se setkávám s anglickým jazykem:



Několikrát měsíčně

Několikrát týdně

Každý den

  1. Anglickým výrazům používaným při výkonu svého povolání používané v rámci komunikaci:


Rozumím částečně

Rozumím zcela

  1. S angličtinou se většinou setkávám ve formě:


Písemné formální

Písemné neformální

Mluvené formální

Mluvené neformální

  1. Angličtinu používám v komunikaci

Pouze v rámci společnosti (interní účely)

V komunikaci se zákazníky (externí účely)

Interní i externí účely

  1. V anglickém jazyce jsem schopen komunikovat i v běžné (mimopracovní) komunikaci:





  1. Níže prosím uveďtě nejčastější výrazy v anglickém jazyce, které ve své práci používáte nebo vídáte. Jde zejména o ustálené výrazy a fráze. V případě, že znáte nebo existuje český výraz uveďte jej prosím vedle anglického:

Prosim o zaslani na

1 The terms native, second or foreign language speakers are further defined in chapter 3.2. Speakers of language

2 David Crystal in his book mentioned that the United Nations were established with five official languages – English, French, Spanish, Russian and Chinese. However, on the web page of the United Nations is written that originally the United Nations were established with English and French as working languages and later were added Arabic, Chinese, Russian and Spanish.

3 Cockney is a London dialect, used mostly by working class (“Cockney”)

4 Braj Kachru is Jubilee Professor Emeritus of Liberal Arts and Science at the University of Illinois. He introduces the term World Englishes. (“Braj Kachru”)

5 Brazil is one of the most important economies, outside India and China.

6 According to article of Andrew Hinse, the difference among international, multinational, global and transnational is as follows.

International companies – they are exporters and importers without investments outside their national border. Products and services are made exclusively in their home country.

Multinational companies – they have investments in foreign countries. They adapt their products to local markets in which they operate in.

Global companies – their investments are spread in several countries. However, they have one headquarter that lead the business strategy. Their products are about the same or similar but keep the market requirements and low costs at the same time.

Transnational – complex companies that are difficult to be managed. They invest in different countries. The companies have either one headquarter or delegate power to manage the company at national levels. Research and Development is also delegated to national markets. (Hinse “Get Your International Business Terms Right”)

7 Terminologies often add more terms by shift of meaning, i.e. semantic neologism

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