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From Cyborgs to Avatars

Francisco Varela, whose thoughts are influenced by Eastern philosophies, states that he has had only one question all of his life: “Why emergent selves, virtual identities, pop up all over the place creating worlds, whether at the mind/body level, cellular level, or the transorganism level? This phenomenon is so productive that it doesn’t cease creating entirely new realms: life, mind, and societies” (209). Even though he speaks of identities in terms of cellular, immune, and biological systems, this train of thought could easily be transposed to on-line environments where the population of emergent selves is growing faster than anyone could have ever imagined.

Indian religion is pantheistic—gods assume many forms, and complexity is naturally embraced. Hierarchies are extremely intricate, and to current western thought, highly problematic. Yet much of the initial coding and defining of computer-based worlds has been established by former hippies from San Francisco, who used Indian mythological names or terms to define these newly emergent worlds and selves. The result of this odd combination of the machine and Indian or New Philosophy are emergent selves in multi-user environments—“avatars,” a word that has assumed a much narrower meaning than its original theological referent. For most who are familiar with multi-user environments, the word simply means “an assumed identity in cyberspace.”

Breaking the Metaphor
It breaks the metaphor. The avatar is not acting like a real body. It reminds all the Black Sun's patrons that they are living in a fantasy world. People hate to be reminded of this. (Stephenson 102)
According to the Dictionary of Hinduism (1977), “avatara” means “descent,” especially of a god from heaven to earth. In the Puranas, an avatara is an incarnation and is distinguished from a divine emanation (vyuha), both of which are associated with Vishnu and Siva, but particularly the former. The avatara concept is probably a development of the ancient myth that, by the creative power of his Maya, a god can assume any format at will, as did Indra. The avatara concept in Hinduism is a very complex hierarchical system with gods assuming many different forms while visiting the earth with a specific mission.

The Longman Concise English Dictionary (1985) also defines avatar as the incarnation of Vishnu, a Hindu deity and an embodiment of a concept or philosophy. The Oxford English Dictionary (1990), on the other hand, tells us that avatar can mean the “descent of a deity to earth in an incarnate form (i.e., as in ‘the fifth avatar appeared as a dwarf’); a manifestation or presentation to the world (i.e., the avatar of mathematics); a display, a phase.” Referring to Webster's Dictionary (1989), an avatar is “a manifestation or embodiment of a person, concept, or philosophy; a variant phase or version of a continuing basic entity.” And finally, the Random House Dictionary (1995) describes an avatar as “[a]n embodiment or concrete manifestation as of a principle attitude, way of life, or the like.”

In contemporary India, distinguished personalities may be called avatars, which is a sign that, even at the source, the original theological meaning has shifted in popular culture. For instance, on the web page of The India Group Anil Srivastava refers to himself as “Anil Srivastava, avatar of global markets and emerging technologies, contemplates interactive media, networking, and online services from the omphalos of the Silicon Valley” (The India Group).
The source of the use of the word in computer industry, however, is a bit more difficult to identify. According to Peter Rothman, 38 founder of Avatar Software and Avatar Partners (and later DIVE Labs), “anyone claiming to know who used the word first, would be inventing the facts” (Personal Interview). Rothman and his partner found the word in the dictionary in 1982, simply liking Webster's definition, “the embodiment of a concept or a philosophy in a person” (Personal Interview). Appropriately, the debate about the origin of this term came up on The Well discussion forum, in which Neal Stephenson claimed that he was first to use the term in Snow Crash, but since the novel was not published until 1993, his claim was not acknowledged (The Well). Generally it is conceded that Randy Farmer and Chip Morningstar's “Habitat” was the first to use this term. They were inspired by the Hindu root of the word (Farmer, “Social Dimensions”).

The avatar name is apparently very popular these days. Numerous companies have registered various versions of the name, usually by adding a word next to it. Some recent examples are Avatar Partners, developing software for trading on the net; Avatar Holdings, a real estate developer of major resort, residential and recreational communities; and Avatar Systems, a moving company specialising in corporate relocations, just to name a few. The commercial world apparently has proprietary feelings towards the term. For example, at one point Avatar Partners were being threatened with a lawsuit by Avatar Financial Associates, who claimed to have been the first to have the name registered and trademarked (Rothman, Personal Interview). And then there is the Avatar nine-day course on “contributing to the creation of an enlightened planetary civilisation.” (Avatar). An enthusiastic testimonial on the net by a devotee claims, “I enrolled in the Avatar course in an attempt to alter behaviour patterns that were interfering with the proper conduct of my business. Avatar taught me how to easily deal with the beliefs that were causing my problems. . . . In addition, I found the Avatar experience to be delightful and amazing. My life is fuller, more meaningful, and pleasant since I became an Avatar” (Avatar).

Descent of the Avatar

The idea of the avatar “coming down” from an unspecified source in one of many possible manifestations connects well to the reverse hierarchy originally established by the scientific community at the inception of what would become the Internet: the client “uploads” to, and “downloads” from, the server that resides above. The software industry's debate on avatars is really about programmed object interactions passing between a variety of servers in real-time. Talking about avatars personalises the discussion and brings up issues having to do with the nature of identity, security, interpersonal relations, and societies of the Internet.

The concept of an avatar can also be easily transferred to the many variants of computer messages and presentations being transferred from the Web to “client” computer screens. And finally, all these concepts and hierarchies fit perfectly with financial markets that trade in numbers. The idea of products or services constructing themselves on a computer screen as a result of information “coming down” from the Internet and the World Wide Web is a very attractive prospect for entrepreneurs. There is a sense of power and control the owner of a server has, once removed from the flesh market.

What is particularly fascinating is the extent to which the mystical concepts of the word avatar are being read into various software applications. For instance, Peter Small writes in the introduction of his online book, Magical Web Avatars:

The mystical aspect implies that the deity “Vishnu” has no specific form or shape before manifesting as an avatar on earth. It is implicit that any physical appearance of an avatar is merely a temporary form or phase from an infinite variety of possibilities—a transient form from an indefinite, indefinable number of sources. It is the capturing of this concept, which makes the word avatar ideal for the purpose of describing the Web communication products which will be described in this book. (Small, “Magical Web Avatars”)
Thus product promotion is inextricably linked to mysticism and New Age values. This is true for many software programs with mystically encoded connotations, and for the marketing “gurus.”

New Ageism typically encompasses an eclectic mix of different religious elements claiming no allegiance to nationality or even specific gods. Still, the strong ideological character remains, linked very much to cultural processes and the marketing of products and ideas—and also seems to be pervasive in the structuring of a significant number of new, high-tech corporations. Certainly, the very choice of naming an identity in networked spaces an “avatar” indicates this trend. The avatar in cyberspace represents a strange interplay of left-wing utopianism with right-wing entrepreneurism, mixed up with esoteric spiritualism. The New Age religion operates in tandem with networking technologies and “organic” corporate structures—the new “cool” companies that are emerging all over the high-tech industry map.

Avatar identity is closely linked to the hierarchy of MUDs and MOOs, the text based initial version of avatars in cyberspace. It is generally acknowledged that the Arch-Wizards are those who “own” the MOO, and that those new to the environment are usually guests who progress in their status as they become more active and experienced. Most MUDs and MOOs prefer to allow users to retain anonymity so as not to destroy the online atmosphere by introduction of offline life. An exception to this would be MIT's MediaMOO, where each character has a “character name” and a “real_name.”39 Real names do not normally appear, but can be seen with the @whois command. Only janitors (administrators of the MOO) can set or change real names. Because the goal is to enhance community amongst media researchers, you must provide a statement of your research interests in order to be granted a character. Regardless of the specialized purpose of the MOO, whether it is the most down-and-dirty fantasy dungeon and dragon MOO or a MOO steeped in theory, people in charge of the code reside at the “top.”

For instance, Avatar III - The Crypt is owned and run by a company in the UK that specializes in games.40 Avatar III is a beta site that presumably will become commercial as soon as enough players visit it regularly. When you first enter the site, you will get promotional materials--not at all enshrouded in fantasy--about the company that produces the MOO. The avatar inhabitants are Shopkeepers, Moneychangers, Pawnbrokers, Peddlers, Town Guardsmen, Market Traders and Citadel Traders. The Avatar classes are very different, and quests are allocated to suit the skills of the different classes. The site's narrative and hierarchy uncannily resembles the class system England is so familiar with.

Rose, a user of the five-year-old Avatar III MOO since its inception, has gained the status of a god. She logs on daily to help newbies, and in this way gains points. One needs 1,000 experience points to move to the second level, and 1,024,000 to get to the twelfth and highest level. Gods have the power to move up levels to ensure that the lower level gods can't force higher-level gods to do things.41 Users are encouraged to help those on lower levels, which not only teaches human relations, but ensures a growing community. Thus the ones at the “top” assume a role similar to those held be religious figures of the past. By providing incentives they function as primary agents of socialization, and become more powerful in the process.42

Particularly interesting about Avatar III is that the role-playing game is housed in a commercial shopping site--Silicon Village. Thus, an entire community is formed around the shopping site where users have the illusion of anonymity. The Arch-Avatars (owners), on the other hand, can easily track all the personal information they may need on users’ likes and dislikes, newsgroup postings, favorite web sites, and navigational habits. As soon as users enter a site, they can track where they go, what they click on, their domain name, computer type, and general location. Personal information is fast becoming a most precious commodity, and those who are positioned as packagers and resellers of it will profit the most in the Information Age. With the introduction of the World Wide Web and the Graphical Interface, avatars have moved into the visual realm and an entire industry of identity building is emerging.

Descent of the Graphical Avatar

It is truly awe inspiring to survey how much progress industry has made in figuring out ways to cash in on the potential markets of the World Wide Web. Star-featured chat rooms sponsored by large companies, soap operas, online trading, and role-playing games seem to promise the most success—in other words, any space that could potentially form large communities that will regularly log on to communicate, exchange ideas, and spend cybercash.

Of course, none of these developments would be taking place with this kind of speed if the Web were a text-only environment. Although text-based MOOs and MUDs are still very active communities and there will probably always be a place for them, the real gold rush started with the introduction of graphical user interfaces. Graphical Multi-User Conversations (GMUKs) are something of a cross between a MOO and a chat room or channel. Rather than limiting users to text-only communications as in most virtual chat environments, GMUKs add an audio-visual dimension that creates the illusion of movement and space.

The most popular GMUK to date is Time-Warner's, The Palace, a client/server program that creates a visual and spatial chat environment.43 Currently, there are many Palace sites located across the Internet, varying widely in technical and artistic sophistication as well as graphical themes. Jim Bumgardner and Mark Jeffrey created and designed The Palace at Time Warner's Palace Group. The software driving the environment was released in November 1995. More than 300,000 client versions have been downloaded since then, and over 1,000 commercial and private-hosted Palace communities have been established. Major investors include Intel, Time Warner, Inc., and Softbank, as well as companies like Capitol Records, Twentieth Century Fox, Fox Television, Sony Pictures, and MTV (Suler, Psychology of Cyberspace).

Time/Warner’s “avs,” as Palace members affectionately call them, fall into two overall categories. The first are the standard set of “smileys” that come with the Palace program. These faces are available to “newbies” that visit the Palace program, and are available to all users, including unregistered “guests.” The standard avs are associated with newbies, the unregistered guests who are considered a lower class of the Palace population. They have not paid the registration fee, they do not belong to the Palace culture, and they are limited to wearing only the standard avs and props. They cannot create their own avatars and are reduced to wearing a smiley that identifies them as a newbie. Only after paying the registration fee can the user unlock the prop-creating/editing feature of the Palace software. At that point they are able to choose from Animal, Cartoon, Celebrity, Evil, Real, Idiosyncratic, Positional, Power, Seductive or “Other” avatars.44 The Palace is an excellent example of an environment in cyberspace that is a combination of an established entertainment industry’s approach to pre-packaged programming for the public, reminiscent of developments such as Disneyland or any planned community.
Earth to Avatar

The biggest problem faced by industry in developing multi-user environments for avatars is the fact that people can assume many identities and be difficult to track. This is largely due to the lack of a universal standard allowing the avatars to move from one virtual world to another. There are a number of avatars currently on the Web--VRML, 2D, text, Voxel-drawn ones, and Virtual Humans (which refers to the group set up by VR News to exchange information about the development of autonomous agents that look like human beings).

Buying patterns, monetary exchange, security, and authentication must be developed and maintained on the avatar in order for a market to be fully developed. Using standardised avatars can help in using Internet search engines for avatars and avatar properties. Finally, avatar companies have become common—they can price their avatars at a lower cost, make them available to more people, and guarantee broader applicability.

In October, 1996, at the Earth to Avatar Conference in San Francisco, architects of 3D graphical interfaces on the Web met to discuss the lack of avatar standards. When former Apple Computer Chairman John Sculley gave his analysis of the future of cyberspace at the conference, he said that once the technology is shown to work and standards are agreed on, the big league players will move into cyberspace. As avatars become members of self-organising groups, Sculley sees them as “a driving force shaping the economics of this industry”(Wilcox, “Bringing Behaviors to VRML”).

The Universal Avatar Standards (UAS) group stated that their core aim is to focus on the nature of avatars with regard to such issues as gender representation, ID authentication, personal expression versus social constraints, avatar versus world scale, and the communication of emotion. Maclen Marvit, teleologist of Worlds in San Francisco, provides this overview of UAS’s approach:

We are at a point in our industry where lots of companies are doing innovative things, both technically and artistically. The goal of UA is to allow users to move as freely as possible between the technologies and find the best experiences in each, while maintaining a consistent identity. So if Bernie moves from one “world” [developed using] one technology to another “world” in another technology, he can maintain his avatar's representation, his Internet phone number and his proof of identity.” (Wilcox, “Bringing Behaviors to VRML”)

The proposal provides architecture for managing thousands of geographically distant users simultaneously, with interactive behaviours, voice, 3-D graphics, and localised audio. It uses a powerful concept known as “regions,” which allows for multiple contiguous worlds, accelerated 3-D graphics, and efficient server/client communications. The avatar standards issue is crucial to the success of VRML as a commercially viable language. Until there is some common definition of an avatar and universality of movement between spaces on the Internet, it seems unlikely that any VRML company can hope to make serious money (Wilcox, “Bringing Behaviors to VRML”). The proposal discusses creation of a link to a user profile, coded in HTML and containing data the user wishes to be known either about his fantasy identity or a true one, including proof of identity, vendor-specific extensions, and a user's history. A history could reference games, for example, wizard status in a Role Playing Game (RPG), or it could hold marketing information about purchases made by credit card (Wilcox, “Bringing Behaviors to VRML”).

The Internet as it exists today is a large market testing ground—a living laboratory of sorts. It is clear that most companies are moving in the direction of developing multi-user communities with standardised avatars. Because standardisation renders identity in fixed and accountable form, the connection between the user’s physical self and bank accounts will not be confused. What will be confusing by design, however, is the power status of the avatar—i.e., who is really the “user” and who the “used.” In a paradox of power relations, the corporations practice their accustomed method of top-down hierarchy to lift lowly users into the avatar’s “god sphere.” Be as gods, the hidden god thus decrees—but it is technology and its invisible priests (those who control the servers) who are the real avatars of the god sphere. When the Internet2 “descends,” and when avatars are standardised and cybercash perfected, we will be looking out upon a world that we cannot even imagine, because it has been imagined for us (Vesna, “Ars Electronica,” 168-180).

Soon we may even have trouble determining if avatars are “real” people or virtual identities due to the latest photo-realistic technologies that are being developed. A most striking example is the recent partnership of NASA with TGraphco Technologies to develop a product called Digital Personnel. TGraphco Technologies, Inc. (G-TEC) has acquired the exclusive worldwide rights to a patent pending technology that makes it possible to create photo-realistic animated humans for e-commerce and e-support applications. NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) and the California Institute of Technology (CalTech), Pasadena, CA, developed the technology. Current enhancements, focused on applying this technology to commercial applications, are now underway at JPL under a co-development effort sponsored by G-TEC. Digital Personnel is a human-image animation computer system that manipulates stored images of a person's facial movements in response to phonemes (the smallest units of speech). The system is driven by language rather than by manual animation controls (G-Tech). The result is photo-realistic animation of a person speaking. With Digital Personnel we witness an emergence of a digital body combined with a database and agency, a photorealistic avatar with the ability to replicate a person in multiple places, without actually being present.

Chapter 5: Database Aesthetics45

Avatars are ultimately containers of data about people who created representations of themselves in cyberspace. This data is usually stored, retrieved, archived and used by those who control the servers, in academic, business or art context.

It is of great importance for artists who are focused on working on the networks to consider the historical background of databases and to make ambitious efforts at archiving, cataloguing, and organising information. Database organisation and interface design directly implicates interface design, or what many are referring to as Information Architecture—the design of information spaces that determine how we navigate, access, and retrieve data. When referring to the data, I mean information that is static, waiting to be accessed in some form. Information is a more dynamic form of data, connected to searching and assembling into specific configurations, which is referred to as knowledge.

Cataloguing, archiving, and arranging information as objects, images, or words is very much related to knowledge production and the building of institutions. Printing press technology opened the doors to the last great wave of knowledge production—which resulted in an enormous number of books and the development of academic and publishing markets. We are now at a point where once again there is an enormous effort to catalogue and organise the vast information available through the Internet as a new establishment and virtual “institution” emerges.

Artists working on the networks are essentially concerned with the creation of a new type of aesthetic that involves not only a visual representation, but invisible aspects of organisation, retrieval, and navigation as well. Data is the raw form that is shaped and used to build architectures of knowledge exchange and active commentary on the environment depends on the vast, intricate network with its many faces.

What emerges when considering the landscape of digital data on the networks is the reconnection of “libraries” as depositories of knowledge and “museums” as the exhibitors of creative commentary on our current state of being. In other words, text, image, and object, are not separated institutionally anymore, nor does text assume primacy or authority over image anymore. What is still being established is how these libraries and museums will materialise and who will participate in this collective effort of information architecture.

Directory: publications
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publications ->  Preparation of Papers for ieee transactions on medical imaging
publications -> Adjih, C., Georgiadis, L., Jacquet, P., & Szpankowski, W. (2006). Multicast tree structure and the power law
publications -> Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (eth) Zurich Computer Engineering and Networks Laboratory
publications -> Quantitative skills
publications -> Multi-core cpu and gpu implementation of Discrete Periodic Radon Transform and Its Inverse
publications -> List of Publications Department of Mechanical Engineering ucek, jntu kakinada
publications -> 1. 2 Authority 1 3 Planning Area 1
publications -> Sa michelson, 2011: Impact of Sea-Spray on the Atmospheric Surface Layer. Bound. Layer Meteor., 140 ( 3 ), 361-381, doi: 10. 1007/s10546-011-9617-1, issn: Jun-14, ids: 807TW, sep 2011 Bao, jw, cw fairall, sa michelson

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