Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities Annual Report 2011–12

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Commitments receivable




Joint activity contributions




Water entitlements




Net GST recoverable on commitments




Total commitments receivable








Commitments payable




Capital commitments 1








Total capital commitments








Other commitments




Project commitments 2




Other 3




Total other commitments




Total commitments payable




Net commitments by type












Commitments receivable




Other commitments receivable




One year or less




From one to five years




Over five years




Total other commitments receivable




Total commitments receivable








Commitments payable




Capital commitments




One year or less




Total capital commitments payable








Project commitments




One year or less




From one to five years




Over five years




Total project commitments payable








Other Commitments




One year or less




From one to five years




Total other commitments




Total commitments payable




Net commitments by maturity




NB: Commitments are GST inclusive where relevant.

  1. Capital commitments relate to amounts payable in relation to the acquisition of water entitlements.

  2. Project commitments relate to grant amounts payable under agreement in respect of which the grantee has yet to complete the milestone required under the agreement.

  3. Other commitments relate to contracts for goods and services in respect of which the contracted party has yet to provide the goods and services required under the contract.

Table of Contents - Notes

Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities 1

Annual Report 2011–12 1

Environmental Credentials Statement 1

Contents 3

Letter of transmittal 5

Guide to the annual report 6

Structure 6

Executive summary 6

Report on performance by outcome 6

Financial statements 7

Glossary, list of requirements and index 7

Further information 7

Executive summary 8

Secretary’s review 8

Biodiversity and ecosystems 9

Waste 9

Carbon pricing 9

Sustainable communities 10

Antarctica 10

Water 10

Portfolio structure 10

Department overview 10

Our mission 10

Role and functions 10

Outcome and program structure 11

Outcome and program structure 11

Senior executive team 11

Organisation overview of the portfolio at 30 June 2012 12

Summary of financial performance 15

Outcome 1: Biodiversity and ecosystems 16

‘Conserving and protecting Australia’s unique biodiversity.’ 16

Main responsibilities for this outcome 16

Objectives 16

Highlights 17

Key achievements 19

Strategies 21

Program 1.1: Sustainable management of natural resources and the environment 21

Caring for our Country 21

Australia’s Biodiversity Conservation Strategy 2010–30 26

Biodiscovery 26

Convention on Biological Diversity 27

Tasmanian Forests Intergovernmental Agreement 27

Program 1.2 Environmental regulation, information and research 27

Australian Biological Resources Study 27

Progressing the government’s international whale conservation agenda 28

National Environmental Research Program 29

International marine conservation initiatives 29

Environmental biosecurity 29

Effective management of existing Commonwealth marine reserves 30

Development of new Commonwealth marine reserves 30

Migratory birds agreements 30

Montara Environmental Monitoring Program 30

Program 1.3 Carbon pollution reduction—land sector initiatives 31

Land Sector Carbon and Biodiversity Board 31

Biodiversity Fund 31

Regional Natural Resource Management Planning for Climate Change Fund (Stream 1) 32

Evaluation and conclusions 33

Caring for our Country 33

Round One Biodiversity Fund online survey 35

Review of recovery plans 35

Case Study 1: Southern Tanami Indigenous Protected Area (part of Working on Country) 36

Case Study 2: Bush Blitz Northern Territory style 37

Case Study 3: Dugongs (part of Caring for our Country) 38

Case Study 4: Working on Country (part of Caring for our Country) 38

Results for Deliverables and Key Performance Indicators 39

Program 1.1: Sustainable Management of Natural Resources and the Environment 39

Program 1.2: Environmental Information and Research 44

Program 1.2: Environmental Information and Research 47

Program 1.3: Carbon Pollution Reduction–Land Sector Initiatives 50

Operation of the Natural Heritage Trust of Australia Act 1997 54

Purpose and objectives of the Natural Heritage Trust 54

Caring for our Country 54

2011–12 Natural Heritage Trust expenditure 55

Outcome 2: Sustainable population and communities 59

‘Improving environmental quality, reducing pollution and promoting a sustainable Australia.’ 59

Main responsibilities for this outcome 59

Objectives 59

Highlights 59

Key achievements 60

Strategies 61

Leading and promoting national approaches 61

National legislation and policy development 64

Suburban Jobs 66

Evaluation and conclusions 67

Review of the Hazardous Waste (Regulation of Exports and Imports) Act 1989 and Regulations 67

Case Study 1: National Television and Computer Recycling Scheme 67

Case Study 2: Enforcement of the Fuel Quality Standards Act 2000 68

Results for Deliverables and Key Performance Indicators 69

Program 2.1: Management of hazardous wastes, substances and pollutants 69

Program 2.3: Sustainable communities 73

Operation of the Product Stewardship Act 2011 75

Purpose of the Act 75

Operational aspects of the Act 75

Voluntary product stewardship 75

Co-regulatory product stewardship 75

Regulatory (mandatory) product stewardship 76

Product notice 76

Product Stewardship Advisory Group 77

Freedom of Information 78

Administrative Appeals Tribunal 78

Reporting 78

Financial information 78

Additional information 78

Operation of the Ozone Protection and Synthetic Greenhouse Gas Management Act 1989 79

Purpose 79

Operation 79

Licensing 80

Quota 80

Revenue 80

End-use regulations 80

Product stewardship 81

Permits 81

Projects funded from the Ozone Protection and SGG Account 84

Refrigeration and air conditioning 85

Compliance and enforcement activities 85

Finances 86

Fire protection 86

Finances 86

Montreal Protocol’s Multilateral Fund 87

Operation of the Hazardous Waste (Regulation of Exports and Imports) Act 1989 88

Purpose of the Act 88

Operational aspects of the Act 88

Compliance and enforcement 88

Freedom of Information 88

Administrative Appeals Tribunal 88

Reporting 89

Monitoring and evaluation 89

Financial information 89

Committees 89

Additional information 89

Operation of the Fuel Quality Standards Act 2000 90

Purpose of the Act 90

Operational aspects of the Act 92

Fuel quality standards 92

Amendments to the Fuel Quality Standards Regulations 2001 92

Compliance and enforcement 92

Freedom of Information 93

Administrative Appeals Tribunal 93

Reporting 93

Monitoring and evaluation 94

Financial information 94

Committees 94

Operation of the Product Stewardship (Oil) Act 2000 101

Purpose of the Act 101

Operational aspects of the Act 101

Compliance and enforcement 103

Reporting 103

Product stewardship levy 103

Product stewardship benefits 104

Financial Information 106

Committees 106

Outcome 3: Antarctica 107

‘Advancing Australia’s interests in the Antarctic.’ 107

Main responsibilities for this outcome 107

Objectives 107

Highlights 107

Key achievements 108

Strategies 109

Case Study 1: Antarctic Oceanographic Research: a changing Southern Ocean 110

Case Study 2: Ice core reveals unusual decline in eastern Australian rainfall 110

Results for Deliverables and Key Performance Indicators 111

Program 3.1: Antarctica: Science, Policy and Presence 111

Outcome 4: Sustainable water 116

‘Improving water management to promote resilient and sustainable communities.’ 116

Main responsibilities for this outcome 116

Objectives 117

Highlights 117

1000 gigalitres of environmental water delivered since inception 117

More than halfway to bridging the gap 117

Infrastructure investment 117

Key achievements 118

Northern Victoria Irrigation Renewal Project, Stage 2 (NVIRP2) 118

Finalisation of the National Water Knowledge and Research Platform 118

Establishment of the Office of Water Science 118

Establishment of the Commonwealth Environmental Water Office 118

Launch of the National Hydrologic Modelling Platform 118

Strategies 119

Evaluation and conclusions 119

Survey of water entitlement sellers under the Restoring the Balance in the Murray–Darling Basin Program 120

Internal Audit Report–Management-initiated Review of the Sustainable Rural Water Use and Infrastructure Program (SRWUIP) 120

Audit of the Private Irrigation Infrastructure Operators Program by the Australian National Audit Office 120

Internal Audit Report–Good Start Review Function of the Commonwealth Environmental Water Holder 121

Case Study 1: First Private Irrigation Infrastructure Operators Program project completed 121

Results for Deliverables and Key Performance Indicators 123

Program 4.1: Water Reform 123

Operation of the Water Efficiency Labelling and Standards Act 2005 133

Purpose 133

2011–12 highlights 134

Operational aspects of the Act 135

Compliance and enforcement 135

Committees 137

Water Efficiency Labelling and Standards Officials Group 137

Water Efficiency Labelling and Standards Advisory Group 137

Communication 137

Consumer research 137

Reporting 137

Additional information 137

Annual report 2011–12 138

Commonwealth Environmental Water 138

Contents 138

Executive summary 138

The Commonwealth Environmental Water Office 138

Commonwealth environmental water in 2011–12 138

Progress on key issues 139

Tables 139

Executive summary 140

Overview for 2011–12 140

Outlook for 2012–13 141

The Commonwealth Environmental Water Office 142

Establishment of the Commonwealth Environmental Water Office 142

Improving transparency, accountability and stakeholder engagement 142

Advisory groups 143

Working with others 144

Commonwealth environmental water in 2011–12 145

Commonwealth environmental water available for use in 2011–12 145

Use of Commonwealth environmental water in 2011–12 146

Catchment summaries 146

Case Study 1: Providing fish refuge from the impact of hypoxic blackwater in the Murray River 150

Carryover of Commonwealth environmental water 151

Progress on key issues 151

2011–12 Portfolio Budget Statement key performance indicators 152

Priorities for 2011–12 152

Draft Basin Plan and environmental watering plan 153

Business and information systems 153

Commonwealth environmental water trading framework 154

Monitoring, evaluating and reporting on the use of Commonwealth environmental water 154

Environmental water shepherding 155

New South Wales water shepherding 155

Queensland water shepherding 155

Management of Commonwealth environmental water 155

Transparency and accountability in the use of Commonwealth environmental water 158

Commonwealth environmental water reporting 158

Environmental Water Holdings Special Account 2011–12 158

Appendix A—Commonwealth Environmental Water Office holdings in the Murray–Darling Basin 160

Appendix B—Commonwealth environmental water delivered in the Murray–Darling Basin in 2011–12 162

Appendix C—Basin catchment summaries of Commonwealth environmental water use in 2011–12 163

Appendix D—Commonwealth environmental water carryover into 2012–13 172

Appendix E—Ecological and management objectives for environmental water use under different water availability scenarios 174

Outcome 5: Environment protection and heritage conservation 176

‘Protecting and conserving Australia’s heritage – our natural, Indigenous and historic treasures.’ 176

Main responsibilities for this outcome 176

Objectives 177

Highlights 177

Key achievements 177

Protection of matters of national environmental significance 177

Heritage Conservation. 178

Protection of the Alligators River Region 179

Strategies 179

Program 5.1: Environment protection and heritage conservation 179

International heritage 179

Kokoda Initiative 180

World Heritage management 180

National and Commonwealth heritage listings 181

National and Commonwealth heritage management 182

Indigenous heritage 182

Committees 182

Program 5.2: Environmental regulation 186

Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 and the Environment Protection (Sea Dumping) Act 1981 187

Compliance and enforcement 192

The Supervising Scientist Division 193

Map 5.1: Alligator Rivers Region, Northern Territory 194

Evaluation and conclusions 195

Protection of matters of national environmental significance 195

The Supervising Scientist Division 196

Case Study 1: National Heritage listing of the West Kimberley 196

Case Study 2: Australia protects US warships lost in the Battle of the Coral Sea 197

Case Study 3: Listing of koalas 198

Case Study 4: A new paradigm for assessing water quality performance downstream of the Ranger uranium mine 199

Results for Deliverables and Key Performance Indicators 200

Program 5.1: Environment Protection and Heritage Conservation 200

Program 5.2: Environmental Regulation 203

Operation of the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 206

Contents 206

Overview 207

Protecting the environment 211

1.1 Protecting matters of national environmental significance 211

World and National Heritage 211

World Heritage List 212

National Heritage List 212

Commonwealth Heritage List 212

Wetlands of international importance 212

Threatened species, ecological communities and migratory species 213

1.2 Wildlife trade and management 217

Live imports 217

Sustainable wildlife industries 218

Wildlife trade permits 219

Fisheries assessment and approvals 219

1.3 Protected areas 219

Commonwealth reserves 219

2. Promoting ecologically sustainable development 223

2.1 Strategic Approaches 223

Strategic assessments 223

Case Study 1: Western Sydney’s growth centres program strategic assessment 224

Case Study 2: Molongolo Valley Strategic Assessment 225

Marine bioregional planning 226

Bilateral agreements 226

2.2 Environmental impact assessment 227

Referrals 228

Assessments and approvals 229

Case Study 3: Regional Rail Link 229

Meeting statutory timeframes for assessment approach and approval decisions 230

Actions by the Australian Government and actions on Commonwealth land 230

Case Study 4: BP seismic survey referral decision under the EPBC Act 230

Case Study 5: Chevron Wheatstone approval under the EPBC Act 231

Statements of reasons 232

Reconsideration of a decision 232

Sea dumping 232

2.3 Compliance and enforcement 233

Working with others 233

Compliance audit plan 234

Breaches and investigations 235

Legal actions 237

3. EPBC Act regulatory reform 239

Regulatory reform taskforce 239

Legislation amendments 242

Appendix A: Statistics 243

Appendix B: Committees 256

Threatened Species Scientific Committee 256

Indigenous Advisory Committee 256

Appendix C: 2011–12 publications 258

Guidelines and policy statements 258

Pamphlets, factsheets, and other publications 259

Appendix D: Key threatening processes and threat abatement plans 260

Corporate outcome 262

Sustainable performance 262

‘Fostering a culture of excellence, achievement and good governance.’ 262

Main responsibilities for this outcome 262

Corporate governance 262

Corporate and operational planning 262

Executive committees 263

Internal audit 264

Risk management 265

External scrutiny 268

Courts and tribunals 268

Commonwealth Ombudsman 268

Auditor-General reports 268

Parliamentary committee reports 269

Environmental sustainability 274

How the department applies the principles 274

Contribution of outcomes 274

Environmental performance 276

Canberra offices 280

Darwin/Jabiru 284

Parks Australia 288

Australian Antarctic Division 293

Human rights 301

Human resources 301

Workforce profile 302

Performance management 302

Workforce planning 302

Enterprise agreement 303

Learning and development 303

Code of conduct and ethical standards 304

Remuneration for senior executive service officers 304

Disability reporting mechanisms 304

Social inclusion 305

Stakeholder relations 308

Public affairs 308

Online information 308

Ministerial and parliamentary services 308

Community Information 309

Service charter 309

Inquiries and complaints 309

Feedback on performance of service delivery 309

Support for environment, heritage and sustainability organisations 310

International policy advice 311

Procurement 313

Economic Indicators 318

Financial performance 319

Financial performance of departmental activities 319

Financial performance of administered activities 322

Financial position 326

Total assets 326

Total liabilities 326

Total equity 327

Asset management 327

Appendix 1—Workforce profile 327

Appendix 2—Occupational health and safety 329

Work health and safety 329

Health and safety initiatives 330

Workers compensation premium 330

Notifiable incidents 331

Details of notices 331

Investigations conducted by Comcare 332

Appendix 3—Grants programs 332

Outcome 1 Biodiversity and Ecosystems 332

Outcome 2 Sustainable Population and Communities 332

Outcome 3 Antarctica 332

Outcome 4 Sustainable Water 333

Outcome 5 Environmental Protection and Heritage Conservation 333

Appendix 4—Advertising and marketing expenditure 333

Appendix 5—Freedom of information 334

Appendix 6—Corrections to material errors in 2010–11 annual report 335

Appendix 7—Global Reporting Initiative 335

Appendix 8—Agency Resources Statement 2011–12 340

Appendix 9—Expenses for Outcome 343

Expenses for Outcome 1 343

Expenses for Outcome 2 345

Expenses for Outcome 3 346

Expenses for Outcome 4 347

Expenses for Outcome 5 349

Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities 

Financial Statements 352

Summary of Significant Accounting Policies 367

Events After the Reporting Period 386

Expenses 386

Income 390

Financial Assets 392

Non-Financial Assets 396

Payables 401

Interest Bearing Liabilities 403

Provisions 405

Restructuring 407

Cash Flow Reconciliation 412

Contingent Assets and Liabilities 413

Related Party Disclosures 413

Senior Executive Remuneration 414

Remuneration of Auditors 418

Financial Instruments 419

Financial Assets Reconciliation 422

Administered – Expenses 423

Administered – Income 426

Administered – Financial Assets 427

Administered – Non-Financial Assets 429

Administered – Payables 434

Administered – Cash Flow Reconciliation 435

Administered – Contingent Assets and Liabilities 436

Administered – Investments 436

Administered – Financial Instruments 436

Administered – Financial Assets Reconciliation 439

Appropriations 440

Special Accounts 449

Compensation and Debt Relief 455

Reporting of Outcomes 457

Cost Recovery 462

Net Cash Appropriation Arrangements 462

Natural Heritage Trust of Australia 463

Financial Statements 463

Note 1: Summary of Significant Accounting Policies 471

Note 2: Events After the Reporting Period 476

Note 3: Expenses 476

Note 4: Income 477

Note 5: Financial Assets 479

Note 6: Payables 480

Note 7: Cash Flow Reconciliation 481

Note 8: Contingent Assets and Liabilities 481

Note 9: Remuneration of Auditors 481

Note 10: Financial Instruments 482

Note 11: Financial Assets Reconciliation 484

Note 12: Special Accounts 484

Note 13: Compensation and Debt Relief 485

Note 14: Reporting of Outcomes 485

Glossary of terms, abbreviations and acronyms 486

List of requirements 494

Index 498

A 498

B 499

C 499

D 502

E 502

F 504

G 504

H 505

I 506

J 507

K 507

L 507

M 508

N 509

O 510

P 510

Q 511

R 512

S 513

T 514

U 515

V 515

W 515

Y 516

Back cover (L to R) 517

Front cover (L to R) 517

Outcome images 517

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