Department of the navy (don) 17. 1 Small Business Innovation Research (sbir) Proposal Submission Instructions introduction

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Though commercial “fish-finder” technology has advanced significantly since the development of the Navy’s current marine mammal detection sonar system, the commercial “fish finder” systems are designed to alert users about the presence of fish rather than to accurately detect and identify marine mammals. Despite commercial broadband sonar systems having the range and resolution to detect marine mammals, the software to correctly identify and track these animals, which are difficult to detect since they often travel in groups of three or less, has not been developed. New algorithms and innovative techniques are needed to accurately detect, classify, and track small and large marine mammals (and other protected small species such as sea turtles) using the high-resolution capabilities of broadband sonar and matched filter receivers. When implemented, this technology could have a wider application in both the oil exploration and fishing industries, which also have requirements to avoid marine mammals.

The product described in the topic is expected to increase mission capability, increase performance, and/or reduce life-cycle costs. By utilizing high frequency broadband sonar techniques, the resolution of objects in the water will be enhanced to enable the specific identification of marine mammal order and fish species; hazards such as fishing nets; warning of the presence of swimmers and divers; and threats to ships such as UUVs. The required coverage includes a horizontal radius of at least 2 km, a volume approximately bounded by depths of 50 meters above and below the projector assembly/array center (nominally at a 50 to 100-meter depth below the surface), and continuous 360-degree coverage (on the horizontal axis). This high-frequency sonar cannot negatively affect the performance of the core platform passive and active surveillance capabilities. Life-cycle costs are minimized by adopting the usage of COTS technology to enable relatively inexpensive fabrication and commercial-grade reliability.

PHASE I: The Navy uses high-frequency sonar systems to detect mammals in the ocean, other wildlife, hazards, and small mobile man-made objects. Develop an innovative method, modeling tool, and feasibility study for an active sonar capability that can detect and identify marine wildlife in the vicinity of a ship. The focus of this research is in the development of methods, algorithms, and software to accurately detect and identify mammalian and reptilian marine life using a compact suite of transducers and other hardware that can be installed on a small ship. Develop a technical concept for implementation, a development plan, and a cost estimate to complete the design and prepare for production. The Phase I Option, if awarded, will include the initial design specifications and capability description to build a prototype in Phase II.

PHASE II: Based upon the Phase I results and the Phase II Statement of Work (SOW), the awardee will develop and deliver detailed specifications and a design for the sonar system prototype, both hardware and software. Subsequently, it will develop, implement, and deliver an operational prototype of the complete system and perform data collection and testing at sea in environments representative of Navy requirements, with an emphasis on the detection of smaller inhabitants such as sea turtles and seals. The awardee will compare realized results with predicted results and identify technical areas requiring additional development. The awardee will prepare a Phase III development plan to transition the technology for Navy and potential commercial use.

PHASE III DUAL USE APPLICATIONS: The awardee will be expected to support the Navy in transitioning the technology to Navy use. In conjunction with potential subcontractor teammates, the awardee will further refine the design and develop a production-ready sonar system. It will develop a user-friendly Human Machine Interface and enable user representatives to operate the system and validate the HMI and data display architecture. Additionally, the awardee will support operational testing, qualification, and approval by the Navy and National Marine Fisheries Service. After receiving approval, the awardee will be responsible for the production of and installation support for five or more sonar systems as an alternative in future marine mammal sonar systems in the SURTASS fleet other Navy applications. Private Sector Commercial Potential: The completed product has commercial applications for fishing, marine life research, marine life data gathering and tracking, oil exploration, and Government fishing enforcement agencies. The product is expected to be exportable without restrictions.


1. Zhang, Z.Y. “Echo time spreading and the definition of transmission loss for broadband active sonar.” Proceedings of ACOUSTICS 2011, Paper Number 97, 2 November 2011. URL last visited 7 Sept 2016:

2. Zhang, Z.Y. “Diver Detection Sonars and Target Strength: Review and Discussions.” 14th International Congress on Sound and Vibration (ICSV14), 9 July 2007. URL last visited 7 Sept 2016:

3. Simpson, Patrick K. & Denny, Gerald F. “A Comparison of Broadband and Narrowband Fisheries Sonar Systems.” Report No. SFS-01-01. August 19, 2001. Scientific Fishery Systems ( URL last visited 7 Sept 2016:

4. Letter of Authorization for SURTASS LFA. Department of Commerce. 15 August 2008. URL last visited 7 Sept 2016:

5. Jefferson, Thomas A., et al. “Marine Mammals of the World.” Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations. 1993. URL last visited 7 Sept 2016:

KEYWORDS: Broadband Sonar Capabilities; Compressed High-Intensity Radar Pulse (CHIRP); Pulse Coding for Sonar; Marine Mammal Detection and Tracking; Acoustic Transducer for Sonar; Digital Signal Processing for Sonar

Questions may also be submitted through DoD SBIR/STTR SITIS website.


TITLE: Computerized Psychological Techniques to Teach Knowledge and Increase Skill Levels Quickly



OBJECTIVE: Develop a computerized innovative interactive visual, audio, and kinesthetic training program that increases the speed of learning, comprehension, and performance aboard ships to better cross-train sailors quickly.

DESCRIPTION: The operation of modern warships is complicated. Sailors on board must be thoroughly trained before attempting to sail or fight with the advanced technologies embodied in the systems-of-systems that envelop the ship environment. The current trend is to reduce staffing to minimize risk and automate wartime functions with the help of computer-guided systems. Learning to operate these advanced systems effectively without a plan can be cost prohibitive, thus, the need for advanced training techniques is necessary. This topic is focused on finding the best combination of human interaction and computer-guided learning techniques to improve training. Coupled externally with existing combat system simulation systems, a human trainer will teach sailors how to effectively learn and operate advanced ship systems quickly and accurately using psychological training techniques. One primary output for this effort is a curriculum for “training the trainer” to enhance the use of existing computer simulation training. The target system is the human brain, and although it may be possible to read from a computer screen and learn, this effort is about reaching each individual and coaching him or her to reach the highest potential possible using capabilities of the subconscious mind. This topic is about accelerating learning and improving performance. It is not about replacing the existing training systems.

There are three major deliverables for this SBIR, not including the Phase I Final Report. 1) In Phase II the small business shall deliver a course curriculum training manual, in source text, such that the Navy can reproduce, update, extend and use for training courses of the future. 2) the small business will build and deliver a computer based training video which demonstrates core techniques with presentations depicting the use of psychological tools and extended techniques 3) small business will build and deliver an example training manual using the course curriculum template TBD representative topic for the Zumwalt class combat system. The goal is development of an effective set of methods and processes which will increase sailor learning speed, comprehension, and performance with the aid of advanced human behavioral techniques.

On board and underway the trainer will be crew member(s) who become experts at the training techniques. The Navy expects to be self-sufficient in this training task. Sailors will be trained to use their subconscious mind, akin to what is known as “being in the zone” - a concentration level or “state” modern athletes use when describing their enhanced abilities at the top of their game. By using “psychological anchoring” (a mental marker) for states of awareness, the operator will be calm, at a high state of functional awareness, and react at peak performance levels.

One potential technology is Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP), which enables faster training and learning with better comprehension than previous training techniques. This method incorporates creating psychological anchors to assist individuals in learning. Cooperative learning is another successful teaching strategy in which small teams, each with students of different levels of ability, use a variety of learning activities to improve their understanding of a subject. Other technologies that address rapid training are encouraged to be applied to reach the best solution set.

The crux of this research effort is to discover how to accelerate learning using the subconscious mind in a military context. The results will provide metrics for determining the level of each trainee’s improvement during that session of training, and logged such that improvement metrics over time can be captured. The innovation sought will provide each trainee the ability to improve their training time efficiency and learning retention, and enhance their actual performance - all by a goal factor of two times or greater. By addressing the foundational skills at a deep level whereby the sailor can act nearly instinctively in his or her role, the Navy will have expanded capabilities and create an advantage that empowers the fighting force with expertise in their actions and supports fielding a precision team.

PHASE I: The company will identify and develop a concept for an improved teaching tool. The concept will explain in detail the technique to be employed through a description of how the particular behavioral patterns will be used to create the desired outcomes. The developed concept will explain what advances are to be gained by creating applications with stimulus and response patterns that act as psychological anchors for future behavior. Feasibility will be determined with testing metrics designed with control groups trained in the traditional manners of teaching. The outcomes based on testing will prove the efficacy of the methods used. A Phase I Option, if awarded, will develop a roadmap that will be required to show how this technology will be matured into a prototype. An initial layout and capabilities description will be provided in the Phase I Option.

PHASE II: Based on the Phase I results and the Phase II Statement of Work (SOW), the small business will develop and deliver a course curriculum training manual, in Microsoft Word source format, such that the Navy can reproduce, update, extend and use for training courses of the future processes, select an application within the combat system, and validate the new teaching tool as a prototype. The new teaching tool prototype should include 1) a training computer video (embedded in Microsoft Power Point) which includes core visual and audio presentations depicting the use of psychological training exercises and tools (for scaling and repeatability) with extended techniques delivered by a human trainer and 2) using the template course curriculum, the small business will build and deliver an example training manual using the course curriculum template representative topic for the Zumwalt class combat system. This template curriculum shall demonstrate the core technology processes with examples enabling the Navy to build advanced learning systems using the latest psychological techniques and tools. The delivery mechanism should be Microsoft Word, and include instructions and embedded training on how to build training courses with the technology, as there are many subsets of systems on board that require training. The prototype will be validated by showing it provides for accentuated learning and memory retention of individuals in a deep-learning state, which conditions the sailor for faster assimilation of information during learning exercises. The prototype will be delivered in Phase II ready to test with the Integrated Warfare System (IWS) 9.0 combat systems training program. The company will create plans for Phase III development.

PHASE III DUAL USE APPLICATIONS: The Navy will use the final technology to certify and test in IWS 9.0 combat systems. The small business shall demonstrate the ability to create a course curriculum for one or more combat system topics, also to be delivered in the Phase III segment of this SBIR. The small business will deliver the competencies required to perform training which will be passed on in “train the trainer” sessions for Navy personnel. Those newly trained individuals will assist in the validation, testing, and certification of the resulting training tool for Navy use, and will represent best knowledge on using the technology. The small business will support the Navy in implementing the training required to use the developed technology. Private Sector Commercial Potential: Learning techniques and improvements are helpful in almost any industry that teaches and instructs its employees or students. The technology will benefit the medical field as a cooperating learning aid for medical surgery, where skilled hands and extreme accuracy are paramount to success. Another likely candidate is manufacturing, where very exact tolerances are required for advanced assembly of components. Colleges and universities could change their curriculums to benefit their students with this technology.


1. Grinder, Michael. “Righting the Educational Conveyor Belt.” 2nd Edition. Portland, Oregon: Metamorphous Press. 1991.

2. Beaver, Diana. “NLP for Lazy Learning: How to Learn Faster and More Effectively.” London, England: Collins & Brown. 2002.

3. Bandler, Richard. “Richard Bandler’s Guide to Trance-Formation: How to Harness the Power of Hypnosis to Ignite Effortless and Lasting Change.” Deerfield Beach, FL: Health Communications, Inc., 2008.-

KEYWORDS: Cross-Training; Speed of Learning; Neuro Linguistic Programming; Cooperative Learning; psychological anchors; techniques for the subconscious mind.

Questions may also be submitted through DoD SBIR/STTR SITIS website.


TITLE: Biologic SONAR and Processing Network Improvement for Situational Awareness

TECHNOLOGY AREA(S): Ground/Sea Vehicles

ACQUISITION PROGRAM: PMS397 – OHIO Replacement Program Office

OBJECTIVE: To develop a behavioral algorithm to increase efficiency and improve reliability of high frequency SONAR applications and SONAR processing networks.

DESCRIPTION: Submarine SONAR systems face interference from environmental clutter (e.g. scattering and reverberation) and other sources of sounds. Echolocating bats have developed exceptional resilience to interference when sharing the same acoustic space, that exceeds the strategies currently employed in SONAR systems. This topic will apply lessons learned from biological studies, especially bat SONAR, to processing and networking optimization theories. There are two clear SONAR applications for this adaptation. First, the SONAR technology where sound is transmitted and received for echolocation can be improved by adapting biological methods for clutter suppression and achieve greater efficiency. Second, the SONAR processing network can be improved by optimizing efficiency in high network traffic applications such as high frequency SONAR.

The Navy seeks to develop a behavioral algorithm that optimizes efficiency in a dynamic, high-throughput SONAR environment and processing system network. The current submarine SONAR technology relies on the IEEE standards for SONAR development and processing which uses feedback from preceding events to multiplicatively adjust the mean delay time before attempting to retransmit a jammed transmission. Understanding and utilizing a biological response to the same problem will lead to innovative and highly efficient adaptation to SONAR processing systems. As the oceans’ environments become more cluttered and populated, greater demands in high frequency SONAR will be required to navigate these environments.

A successful project will provide an understanding of the biological response to the cluttered environment and high traffic networks and develop an implementation plan for how the Navy might adapt SONAR systems to use the biological response in a new technology. Performance measures will include effectiveness to differing ocean floor types (e.g. rock vs. silt) as well as minimizing other acoustic scattering affects. The Navy will benefit from this topic by realizing the optimum efficiency in the processing systems, which will lead to reduction in data latency and improved effectiveness of high frequency SONAR sensors in cluttered environments.

PHASE I: The company will develop the concept for adapting the biological response to cluttered SONAR environments and a plan for implementation. The project will establish the feasibility in a SONAR simulation and networking environment to demonstrate that the concept meets the Navy’s need. The company will provide a plan that addresses technical risk reduction and provides performance goals and key technical milestones. The Phase I Option, if awarded, will include the initial design specifications and capabilities description to build a prototype in Phase II.

PHASE II: Based on the results of Phase I and the Phase II Statement of Work (SOW), the company will develop a a behavioral algorithm and provide this algorithm in software form for evaluation and delivery. The behavioral algorithm will be evaluated to determine its capability in meeting the performance goals defined in Phase II and the Navy requirements for high frequency SONAR systems and network efficiency. System performance will be demonstrated through prototype evaluation and modeling or analytical methods over the required range of parameters including differing environmental factors. Evaluation results will be used to refine the prototype into an initial design that will meet Navy requirements. The company will prepare a Phase III development plan to transition the technology to Navy and potential commercial use.

PHASE III DUAL USE APPLICATIONS: The company will be expected to support the Navy in transitioning the technology for Navy use. The project will further refine behavioral algorithms and software to support high frequency SONAR systems and processing networks according to the Phase II for evaluation to determine their effectiveness in an operationally relevant environment. The company will work directly with the SONAR system prime integrator to provide support and level of effort engineering services as the company’s software integration lead. Once integrated into the SONAR processing system, the company will support the Navy for test and validation to certify and qualify the system for Navy Submarines and Unmanned Underwater Vehicle (UUV) use. Private Sector Commercial Potential: This project will also apply to commercial applications to optimize wireless communication networks. By characterizing biological behavioral algorithms, this project can be adapted for optimized efficiency in a dynamic, high-throughput wireless communications network.


1. Biological Sonar Systems. Science Blogs, September 24, 2007.

2. Dobbins, Peter. “Dolphin sonar—modeling a new receiver concept.” December 15, 2007.

KEYWORDS: SONAR Clutter; High Frequency SONAR; Biological SONAR; Bat SONAR, Network Efficiency, Echolocation; Active Sensing Systems

Questions may also be submitted through DoD SBIR/STTR SITIS website.


TITLE: Innovative Capstan Rim Friction Coating

TECHNOLOGY AREA(S): Battlespace, Electronics, Sensors

ACQUISITION PROGRAM: PMS401 OA-9070B and OA-9070A (688 Class), OK-542 (Ohio Class), OA-9070E (VA Class) Handler Programs as well as the Ohio Replacement Program

OBJECTIVE: Develop a new coating to improve friction coefficient on capstan drive rims to improve array deployment forces.

DESCRIPTION: Submarines need to be able to deploy a towed array when required. The current Thin-line handler is a dual capstan with multiple functions, one of which is to deploy the array from the SSN Ballast Tank. The amount of deployment force is directly dependent on the coefficient of friction of the capstan rim. By increasing the friction coefficient between the Towed Array and capstan rims by 30 – 40% using a new material, deployment issues due to slippage will be reduced or eliminated by an estimated range of 50%.

Current Towed Array handlers use friction between a driven rim and the array aft termination module (ATM) to deploy the array. The rims, which are surface treated to a rough finish, deteriorate during use. As a result, the array may not deploy due to ATM slippage on the capstan. The Navy is seeking an innovative coating that will improve the coefficient of friction between the Copper Nickel (CuNi) capstan rims and the urethane ATM that can be applied in an operational ballast tank environment. The applied coating needs to be able to withstand the harsh environments that the towed array handlers are exposed to.

It is envisioned that the development is a combination of material assessment and developmental testing to quantify friction coefficient and bond ability to CuNi. The ability to coat the capstan rims in the ballast tank environment is seen as the manufacturing piece. There are two areas where this improvement can save life-cycle costs. 1. The rims are currently removed by divers and sent off for machining and then a second dive is needed to re-install. The machining and second dive would be avoided. Secondly, and more importantly, the submarines suffer about two Out of Commissions (OOCs) per year with the inability to deploy. This high friction coating on the rims would add design margin and prevent those OOCs.

PHASE I: Develop a concept for the use of different materials that can be applied to the capstan to increase friction between the urethane ATM and the CuNi rim. The concept should have supporting simulation/calculation showing improvement in friction between the array and rims. The company will need to demonstrate the theoretical feasibility of the application. The Phase I Option, if awarded, will include the initial design specifications and capabilities description to build a prototype in Phase II.

Directory: osbp -> sbir -> solicitations -> sbir20171
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solicitations -> Navy small business innovation research program
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solicitations -> Navy 11. 3 Small Business Innovation Research (sbir) Proposal Submission Instructions
sbir20171 -> Air force 17. 1 Small Business Innovation Research (sbir) Phase I proposal Submission Instructions
sbir20171 -> Department of the navy (don) 17. 1 Small Business Innovation Research (sbir) Proposal Submission Instructions introduction

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