2.15 Output Option In this section, you are given options that allow you to manipulate how you want your output to be presented. This section will ask you to check what you want to be generated in the output. Click all that apply. (see below)
Finally, after you enter all your variables into the TRENDS model, you may click “Submit.”
3. TRENDS MODEL OUTPUT This section provides an explanation of each output view generated from the TRENDS model. Depending on what you selected in the Output Option section in the model input, some of the views provided below will not appear in your final output.
3.1 “Variables I have Chosen for this Analysis” Output Window This page gives you a brief overview of the selections that you provided in the input section of the TRENDS model. Note that by clicking the “Get PDF format report here” in the upper left-hand corner, you can generate the page to appear in printable PDF format. (An example output is provided below)