ping functions U and V is equivalent to detemtining two smooth surfaces: one that passes
through points (xk,y&,ut,) and the other that passes through (xt,,Yt,,W,) for 1
ure 3.13 shows a surface for U(x,y) with coetrol points given at the grid points.
Figure 3.13: Surface U(x,y).
Before an image undergoes geometric distortion, these surfaces are defined to be
ramp functions. This follows from the observation that u, =xk and vk=y in the absence
of any deformation. Introducing geometric distortions will cause these surfaces to devi-
ate from their initial romp configurations. Note that as long as the surface is monotoni-
cally nondecreasing, the resulting image does not fold back upon itself.
Given only sparse control points, it is necessary to interpolate a surface through
these points and closely approximate the unknown distortion function. The problem of
smooth surface interpolation/approximation from scattered data has been the subject of
much attention across many fields. It is of great practical importance to all disciplines
concerned with inferring an analytic solution given only a few samples. Traditionally,
the solution to this problem is posed in one of two forms: global or local transformations.
A global transformation considers all the control points in order to derive the
unknown coefficients of the mapping function. Most of the solutions described thus far
ave global polynomial methods. This chapter devotes a lot of attention to polynomials
due to their popularity. Generally, th polynomial coefficients computed from global
methods will remain fixed across the entire image. That is, the same polynomial
transformation is applied over each pixel.
It is clear that glob l1o-order polynomial mapping functions can only approxi-
mate these surfaces. Furthermore, the least-squares technique used to determine the
coefficients averages a local geometric difference over the whole image area independent
of the position of the difference. As a result, local distortions cannot be handled and they
instead contribute to errors at distant locations. We may, instead, interpolate the surface
with a global mapping by increasing the degree of the polynomial to match the number
of control points. However, the resulting polynomial is likely to exhibit excessive spatial
undulations and thereby introduce further artifacts.
Weighted least-squares was introduced as an alternate approach. Although it is a
global method that considers all control points, it recomputes the coefficients at each
pixel by using a weighting function that is biased in favor of nearby control points. In
this manner, it constitutes a hybrid global/local method, computing polynomial
coefficients through a global technique, but permitting the coefficients to be spadally-
varying. The extent to which the surface is interpolated or approximated is left to a
user-specified parameter.
If the control points all lie on a rectangular mesh, as in Fig. 3.13, it is possible to use
bicubic spline interpolation. For example, interpolating B-spl/nes or Bezier surface
patches can be fitted to the data [Goshtasby 89]. These methods are described globally
but remain sensitive to local data. This behavior is contrary to least-squares for fitting
polynomials to local data, where a local distortion is averaged out equally over the entire
image. With global spline interpolation (see Section 3.8), a local distortion has a global
effect on the transformed image, but its effect is vanishingly small on distant points.
A local transformation considers only nearby control points in evaluating interpo-
lated values along a surface. In this section, we describe piecewise polynomial transfor-
marion, a local technique for computing a surface from scattered points.
3.7.2. Procedure
One general procedure for performing surface interpolation on irregularly-spaced
3-D points consists of the following operations.
1. Partition each image into triangular regions by connecting neighboring control
points with noncrossing line segments, forming a planar graph. This process,
known as triangulation, serves to delimit local neighborhoods over which surface
patches will be defined.
2. Estimate partial derivatives of U (and similarly V) with respect to x and y at each of
the control points. This may be done by using a local method, with data values
taken from nearby control points, or with a global method using all the control
points. Computing the partial derivatives is necessary only if the surface patches
are to join smoothly, i.e., for C I, C 2, or smoother results. f
3. For each triangular region, fit a smooth surface through the vertices satisfying the
constraints imposed by the partial derivatives. The surface patches are generated by
using low-order bivariate polynomials. A linear system of equations must be solved
to compute the polynomial coefficients.
4. Those regions lying outside the convex hull of the data points must extrapolate the
surface from the patches lying along the boundary.
5. For each point (x,y), determine its enclosing triangle and compute an interpolated
value u (similarly for v) by using the polynomial coefficients derived for that trian-
gle. This yields the (u,v) coordinates necessary to resample the input image.
' C 1 and C 2 denote continuous first and second derivatives, respectively.
,L ... Ilrll L
3.7.3. Triangulation
Triangulation is the process of tesselating the convex hull of a set of N distinct
points into triangular regions. This is done by connecting neighboring control points
with noncrossing line segments, forming a planar graph. Although many configurations
are possible, we are interested in achieving a partition such that points inside a triangle
are closer to its three vertices than to vertices of any other triangle. This is called the
optimal triangulation and it avoids generating triangles with sharp angles and long edges.
In this manner, only nearby data points will be used in the surface patch computations
that follow. Several algorithms to obtain optimal triangulations are reviewed below.
In [Lawson 77], the author describes how to optimize an arbitrary triangulation ini-
tially created from the given data. He gives the following three criteria for optimality.
1. Max-min criterion: For each quadrilateral in the set of triangles, choose the triangu-
lation that maximizes the minimum interior angle of the two obtained triangles.
This tends to bias the tesselation against undesirable long thin tdangies. Figure
3.14a shows tdangie ABC selected in favor of triangle BCD under this criterion.
The technique has computational complexity O (N4/3).
2. The circle criterion; For each quadrilateral in the set of triangles, pass a circle
through three of its vertices. If the fourth vertex lies outside the circle then split the
quadrilateral into two triangles by drawing the diagonal that does not pass through
the vertex. This is illustrated in Fig. 3.14b.
3. Thessian region criterion: For each quadrilateral in the set of triangles, construct the
Thessian regions. In computational geometry, the Thessian regions are also known
as Delaunay, Dirichlet, and Voronoi regions. They are the result of intersecting the
perpendicular bisectors of the quadrilateral edges, as shown in Fig. 3.14c. This
serves to create regions around each control point P such that points in that region
are closer to P than to any other control point. Triangulation is obtained by joining
adjacent Delaunay regions, a result known as Delaunay triangulation (Fig. 3.15).
An O (N 32) angulation algorithm using this method is described in [Green 78].
An O(Nlog2N) recursive algorithm that determines the optimal triangulation is
given in [Lee 80]. The method recursively splits the data into halves using the x-values
of the control points until each subset contains only three or four points. These small
subsets are then easily triangulated using any of Lawson's three criteria. Finally, they are
merged into larger subsets nti!xall the triangular subsets are consumed, resulting in an
optimal triangulation of the co .ol points. Due to its speed and simplicity, this divide-
and-conquer technique was ust in [Goshtasby 87] to compute piecewise cubic mapping
functions. The subject of triangulations and data structures for them is reviewed in [De
Floriani 87].
3.7.4. Linear Triangular Patches
Once the triangular regions are determined, the scattered 3-D data (xi,Yi,Ui) or
(xi,Yi,Vi) are partitioned into groups of three points. Each group is fitted with a low-order
bivariate polynomial to generate a surface patch. In this manner, triangulation allows
(a) (b)
Figure 3.14: Three criteria for optimal triangulation [Goshtasby 86].
(a) (b)
Figure 3.15: (a) Delaunay tesselation; (b) Triangulation [Goshtasby 86].
only nearby control points to influence the surface patch calculations. Together, these
patches comprise a composite surface defining the corresponding u or v coordinates at
each point in the observed image.
We now consider the case of fitting the triangular patches with a linear interpolant,
i.e., a plane. The equation of a plane through three points (x,yl,Ul), (x2,Y2,U2), and
(x3,Y3,U3) is given by
Ax +By+Cu+D = 0 (3.7.1)
A u2 1 B = C = x2
= Y2 u2 D
- x2 ; Y2 ; = - x2 Y2 112
u3 1 u3 Y3 Y3
Reprinted with permission from pattern Recognition, Volume 19, Number 6, "Pintowise Linear
Mapping Functions for Image Registration" by A. Goshtasby. Copyright ¸1986 by Pergamon
As seen in Fig. 3.15b, the triangulation covers only the convex hull of the set of
control points. In order to extrapolate points outside the convex hull, the planar triangles
along the boundary are extended to the image border. Their extents are limited to the
intersections of neighboring planes.
3.7.5. Cubic Triangular Patches
Although piecewise linear mapping functions are continuous at the boundaries
between neighboring functions, they do not provide a smooth transition across patches.
In order to obtain smoother results, the patches must at least use C interpolants. This is
achieved by fitting the patches with higher-ordered bivariate polynomials.
This subject has received much attention in the field of computcr-aided geometric
design. Many algorithms using N-degree polynomials have been proposed. They
include N=2 [Powell 77], N=3, 4 [Percell 76], and N=5 [Akima 78]. In this section,
we examine the case of fitting triangular regions with cubic patches (N=3). A cubic
patch fisa third-degree bivariate polynomial of the form
f (x,y) = at +a2x +a3y +anx2 +asxy +a6y2 +a7x3 +asx2y +a9xy2 +alOY 3 (3.7.2)
The ten coefficients can be solved by determining ten constraints among them.
Three relations are obtained from the coordinates of the three vertices. Six relations are
derived from the partial derivatives of the patch with respect to x and y at the three ver-
tices. Smoothly joining a patch with its neighbors requires the partial derivatives of the
two patches to be the same in the direction normal to the common edge. This adds three
more constraints, yielding a total of twelve relations. Since we have ten unknowns and
twelve equations, the system is overdetermined and cannot be solved as given.
The solution lies in the use of the Clough-Tocher triangle, a widely known C tri-
angular interpolant [Clough 65]. Interpolation with the Clough-Tocber triangle requires
the triangular region to be divided into three subtriangles. Fitting a surface patch to each
subtriangle yields a total of thirty unknown parameters. Since exactly thirty constraints
can be derived in this process, a linear system of thirty equations must be solved to com-
pute a surface patch for each region in the triangulation. A full derivation of this method
is given in [Goshtasby 87]. A complete review of triangular interpolants can be found in
[Barnhill 77].
An interpolation algbrJ. tffm offering smooth blending across patches requires partial
derivative data. Since this is generally not available with the supplied data, it must be
estimated. A straightforward approach to estimating the partial derivative at point P con-
sists of fitting a second-degree bivariate polynomial through P and five of its neighbors.
This allows us to determine the six parameters of the polynomial and directly compute
the partial derivative. More accurate estimates can be obtained by a weighted least-
squares technique using more than six points [Lawson 77].
Another approach is given in [Akima 78] where the author uses P and its m nearest
points P1, P2 ..... Pm, to form vector products Vii =(P-Pi)x(P-Pj) with Pi and Pj
being all possible combinations of the points. The vector sum V of all Vij's is then
calculated. Finally, the partial derivatives are estimated from the slopes of a plane that is
normal to the vector sum. A similar approach is described in [Klucewicz 78]. Aldma
later improved this technique by weighting the contribution of each triangle such that
small weights were assigned to large or narrow triangles when the vector sum was calcu-
lated [Akima 84]. For a comparison of methods, see [Nielson 83] and [Stead 84].
Despite the apparently intuitive formulation of performing surface interpolation by
fitting linear or cubic patches to triangulated ragions, partitioning a set of irregularly-
spaced points into distinct neighborhoods is not straightforward. Three criteria for
"optimal" triangulation were described. These heuristics are arbitrary and are not
without problems.
In an effort to circumvent the problem of defining neighborhoods, a uniform
hierarchical procedure has recently been proposed [Burr 88]. This method fits a polyno-
mial surface to the available data within a local neighborhood of each sample point. The
procedure, called hierarchical polynomial fit filtering, yields a multiresolution set of
low-pass filtered images, i.e., a pyramid. Finally, the set of blurred images are combined
through multiresolution interpolation to form a smooth surface passing through the origi-
nal data. The recent l/terature clearly indicates that surface interpolation and approxima-
tion from scattered data remains an open problem.
As is evident, inferring a mapping function given only sparse scattered correspon-
dence points is an important problem. In this section, we examine this problem in terms
of a more general framework: surface fitting with sophisticated mapping functions well
beyond those defined by polynomials. In particular, we introduce global splines as a gen-
eral solution. We discuss their definition in terms of basis functions and regularization
theory. Research in this area demonstrates that global splines are useful for our purposes,
particularly since they provide us a means of imposing constraints on the properties of
our inferred mapping functions.
We examine the use of global splines defined in two ways: through basis functions
and regularization theory. Although the use of global splines defined through basis func-
tions overlaps with some of the techniques described earlier, we present it here-to draw
attention to the single underlying mathematical framework. Since they do not depend on
any regular structure for the data, they are particularly useful for surface interpolation
from scattered data.
3.8.1. Basis Functions
Global splines using basis functions is one of the oldest global interpolation tech-
niques. It consists of the following procedure:
1. Define a set of basis functions hi(x,y), where i = 1 ..... K.
2. Define a set of correspondence points (xj,yj,uj), where j = 1 ..... M, and uj refers to
the surface height associated with point (xj,yj). In this discussion, we limit our-
selves to computing a surface for u. The process must be repeated for v as well.
3. Define the interpolating function to be a linear combination of these basis functions.
We refer to the interpolation function as a spline. For example, the expression for
mapping function U is a spline that passes through the supplied correspondence
points. It is given as
$(x,y) = ai hi(x,y) (3.8.1)
for some ai.