PARTICIPATION IN THE SACRAMENTS AS AN AID TO DISCIPLESHIP We are told that the righteous will live by faith This means that if we are to grow as a disciple we must have an increase in faith. But where does this increase in faith come from Since it is a gift of God and not of works there must be someway to access God’s grace to find this gift of faith. As part of our corporate worship the churches of Christ partake of the sacraments. Given to us by Christ as a primary means by which to communicate his grace to us they have real significance for the discipleship of the believer. Here the benefits of the new covenant are effectively applied to us, primarily working in us the gift of faith. Particularly, as disciples of Christ, we are called onto regularly partake of the Lord’s Supper. It is through this sacrament that Christ promises that our unity with him will grow and that his very life will be reproduced in us as faith. As Christ told us Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood remains in me, and I in him" (John 6.56).