
TVET provision in the digital age

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TVET provision in the digital age

To an extend enabling trainees to master digital skills entails adopting several relevant pedagogies, breaking the subject down into small steps, encouraging lots of practises under careful supervision, combining face-to-face and digital learning experiences, and giving trainees early feedback. The ability and motivation of trainees to study on their own is a key differentiator (Okolie et al., 2021). Because of this, it is important to give trainees places where they can take charge of their own education. In the same way that digitization lets people study more deeply on their own, it also opens the door to more ways to work together at both the national and international levels.
The internet era has altered the way TVET is run, as the director of a university-community transformation centre notes. In the TVET context, technologically integrated learning is pervasive, and learning happens not only in reaction to teaching but also as a result of a social environment that encourages knowledge acquisition (Abd Karim & Mustapha, 2022). Both his exhortation to "go far beyond the traditional idea of teaching as the delivery of information" and his conceptualization of web-based education as an expanding level of continuity are echoed.

  • Web 2.0 as a web of connections between individuals

  • Web 3.0 as a network of connections for knowledge

  • Web 4.0 as a connection of intelligence

  • Web 5.0 is in the process of being formed and is continually evolving (Abd Karim & Mustapha, 2022)

All throughout the world, TVET centres are feeling the effects of digitization while also being presented with prospects for growth. The sheer scale of training and re-skilling needed presents the first of two significant difficulties for the global TVET system, but one that digital connectivity and integration may help to provide for and actualize. Digitization has also made it feasible for workers in all fields and at all levels to routinely update their skills, change their career paths, or even switch to totally new jobs in order to keep up with the ever-evolving digital environment and find success in their chosen fields.
The third theme is related to the first two: where does TVET end and something else begin? Is the goal of TVET only to provide those components of capacity building that no one else (universities, professional societies, company training programmes, etc.) provides, given that almost every job is both practical and theoretical in a world where collar colour is no longer distinguishable? Conversely, does the industry compete with the previously enumerated service providers? Should we reconsider our definitions, ambitions, objectives, and missions in light of the digital revolution? Eventually, secondary education may be incorporated into tertiary, lifelong, and higher education, supported by blended interactions and adaptive routes(McLean, 2022).
Obviously, TVET needs to do a lot more and a lot better. While the TVET teacher may employ a broad variety of media and devices to convey information, the trainees' knowledge grows in direct proportion to the specificity of the instructional approaches and technology used. "Google, YouTube, and other software answer almost any question," said the CEO of Motivis Learning, "but you cannot count on any search engine or social media platform to put content in a way that is good for kids" (Wekesa, 2020). In a world where information is readily accessible via the Internet and mobile devices, this implies that the instructor is competent enough to assist students in maximising the benefits of the learning

tools, or that the "teacher" must still "instruct." TVET teachers, like conventional school teachers, have a substantial impact on the overall development of their students, but their capacity to do so is dependent on their expertise with digital tools and practises.

Although the digital future will change what is taught and how it is "delivered" in TVET, there is no need to choose between a human teacher and a digital learning platform. TVET in the digital age needs top-notch teachers and cutting-edge tools, just as "digital education needs good teachers and the teaching profession needs digital education" (Ovcharuk et al., 2020). The human teacher will still be important for designing blended learning experiences, inspiring students, helping with time and task management, providing role models for important life skills, encouraging students to go deeper into topics, encouraging the growth of higher-order thinking (analytical, conceptual, and creative), and ultimately ensuring the success of their education.They will still be in charge of diagnosis, evaluation, and accreditation, but with the help of modern technology, they will be more of a "guide by the side" than a "sage on the stage", 'teacher- centred' education or 'traditional' education.

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