2.5.2 Performance Standard and Design Verification Requirements A material change is subject to design verification as per anew well or installation as appropriate. The Verification Scheme itself may then be updated accordingly with the requirement for the ICB to review the changes as they would anew Verification Scheme. This also applies to a material change described in an addendum to the safety case (section 2.5.4). Fora material change that can be covered by an addendum, the Verification Scheme may also be temporarily revised by the addendum. Example For a material change that involves a flotel working in conjunction with a Production Installation, the material change must be subject to design verification and so, since the flotel is likely to have already been built, the petroleum undertaking will have to demonstrate that the flotel has been subject to a process that achieves the same outcomes as the verification process described here. The performance standards relating to the design, and construction of the material change are expected to be within, or updates to the existing performance standards rather than standalone documents that may not align with the existing performance standards. The performance standards themselves are required to be referenced in a safety case and a change to them may constitute a material change. In this case the ICB will need to review the impact on the Verification Scheme, as per section 2 of the Compliance Assurance System document.