Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us


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Drive Dan Pink
In the United States, the homeschooling movement has been growing at a remarkable pace over the past twenty years. And the fastest-growing segment of that movement is the “unschoolers”—families that don’t use a formal curriculum and instead allow their children to explore and learn what interests them. Unschoolers have been among the first to adopt a Type I approach to education. They promote autonomy by allowing youngsters to decide what they learn and how they learn it. They encourage mastery by allowing children to spend as long as they’d like and to go as deep as they desire on the topics that interest them. Even if unschooling is not for you or your kids, you can learn a thing or two from these educational innovators. Start by reading

John Taylor Gatto’s extraordinary book, Dumbing Us Down. Take a look at Home Education Magazine and its website. Then checkout some of the many other unschooling sites on the Web. For more information, go to
, and
One of the best ways to know whether you’ve mastered something is to try to teach it. Give students that opportunity. Assign each pupil in a class a different aspect of the broader topic you’re studying—and then have them take turns teaching what they’ve learned to their classmates. And once they’ve got it down, give them a wider audience by inviting other classes, teachers, parents, or school administrators to learn what they have to teach.
Also, at the start of a school term, ask students about their individual passions and areas of expertise. Keep a list of your experts, and then call upon them as needed throughout the term. A classroom of teachers is a classroom of learners.

The Type I Reading List Fifteen Essential Books
Autonomy, mastery, and purpose are integral to the human condition, so it’s no surprise that a number of writers—from psychologists to
journalists to novelists—have explored these three elements and probed what they mean for our lives. This list of books, arranged
alphabetically by author, isn’t exhaustive—but it’s a good starting point for anyone interested in cultivating a Type I life.

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