Employee handbook

Safety and Health Safety Policy

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Safety and Health

Safety Policy

Keith Ace Hardware takes employee safety very seriously. We will make every effort to provide a safe environment in which to work in accordance with the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970. Employees are expected to take an active part in maintaining this environment by observing all safety rules, and to keep the work place clean and neat. Please report all injuries (no matter how minor) to your supervisor immediately, as well as anything that needs repair or is a safety hazard.

Workplace Violence

Keith Ace Hardware strictly prohibits use of violence or threats of violence in the workplace and views such actions very seriously. Any employee who contributes to any form of violence will be subject to disciplinary action, including termination. Violent or threatening behavior must be reported immediately to a supervisor.


It is the policy of Keith Ace Hardware that no personal guns and/or weapons of any kind are allowed on the Company premises or in any location in which the employee represents the Company for business purposes. Weapons include guns, knives, explosives, or any other object generally considered to be a weapon and whose purpose is to cause harm to another person. Employees who violate this policy will be subject to disciplinary actions, up to and including employment termination.


Keith Ace Hardware’s policy is to provide a safe and healthy work environment for our employees and customers. Accordingly, smoking is not allowed in company buildings or within 20 feet of all exterior entrance ways. Cigarette butts and other materials related to tobacco use must be disposed of in designated containers.

  • Tobacco use is authorized only during breaks. Each break must be approved by the manager in advance to ensure there is sufficient coverage of business while employee is on break. If there is not sufficient coverage or we are too busy, no breaks will be allowed.

  • Tobacco use is only authorized in designated areas. There will be only one designated area per store and will be picked by the store manager. Ashtrays will be provided in designated areas, and are to be kept clean. People chewing or dipping must provide containers to spit in and throw away after each use.

  • Tobacco use is not authorized inside vehicles, buildings, offices, bathrooms, unloading areas, or garden center areas at any time, whether store is opened or closed; only in designated areas.

  • All rules apply when representing the company in any capacity such as sales calls, deliveries, etc. This will maintain a high level of professionalism and keep us from accidentally offending a customer. Strict adherence to this policy is expected.

Note: It is proven that tobacco may be harmful to your health. Keith Ace Hardware does not encourage tobacco use in any form.

Use of Company Property

Internet and Computer Usage

The use of Keith Ace Hardware automation systems, including computers, fax machines and all forms of Internet/Intranet access, is for company business and is to be used for authorized purposes only.

All automation systems are company resources and are provided as business communication tools. Electronic communication should not be used for personal solicitation, to distract co-workers, or to disrupt the workplace.

Unless specifically granted in this policy, any non-business use of the Company’s automation systems is expressly forbidden. Among other things, non-business use includes the following:

• Sending chain letters;

• Engaging in private or personal business activities;

• Misrepresenting oneself or the Company;

• Engaging in unlawful or malicious activities;

• Using abusive, profane, threatening, racist, sexist or otherwise objectionable language in either public or private messages;

• Creating, sending, receiving or accessing racist, sexist, threatening, pornographic, or otherwise objectionable or illegal materials. “Material” is defined as any visual, textual or auditory entry.

  • if received, delete or destroy it;

  • advise the sender of the material that you do not wish to receive any additional material of this nature;

  • if the originator of this material is another company employee, you should warn the employee of the company policy. If the employee persists in sending the material, you should report the matter to the G.O.

• Becoming involved in partisan politics;

• Causing congestion, disruption, disablement, alteration or impairment of company networks or systems;

• Downloading software;

• Using recreational games;

• Break any laws and regulations of the United States or any other country;

• Using for illegal purposes;

• Defeating or attempting to defeat security restrictions on company systems and applications.

It is a violation of company policy to store, view or print graphic files that are not directly related to an employee's job or business activity of the company. Example of these misuses might include downloading games, jokes, audio files, animation or movie segments. If you receive messages from fellow employees or outsiders that are in bad taste, it is recommended that you ask them to stop sending such material. Fellow employees should be reminded of company policy. If it continues, employees should report these matters to Keith General Office.

Violations of these policies could subject an employee to disciplinary action up to and including termination.

Internet/Intranet Security

Keith Ace Hardware owns the rights to all data and files in any information system used in the Company. Internet use is not confidential and no rights to privacy exist. We reserve the right to monitor Internet/Intranet usage, both as it occurs and in the form of account histories and their content. We also have the right to inspect any and all files stored in private areas of the network in order to assure compliance with policy and State and Federal laws. The Company has taken necessary actions to assure the safety and security of our network. Any employee who attempts to disable, defeat or circumvent company security measures is subject to disciplinary action up to and including termination.

Computer software

Keith Ace Hardware has licensed the use of certain commercial software application programs for business purposes. Third parties retain the ownership and distribution rights to such software. No employee may create, use or distribute copies of such software that are not in compliance with the license agreements for the software.

Electronic Mail

The email system is intended for official company business and is to be used for authorized purposes only.

Email is not private

Keith Ace Hardware owns the rights to all data and files in any computer, network or other information system used in the Company. We also reserve the right to monitor electronic mail messages and their content. Employees must be aware that the email messages they send and receive using company equipment are not private and are subject to viewing, downloading, inspection, release and archiving by company officials at all times. No employee may access another employees’ computer, computer files or electronic mail messages without prior authorization from either the employee or an appropriate company official.

Guidelines for Email Writing

Employees are expected to communicate with courtesy and restraint with both internal and external recipients. Electronic mail should reflect the professionalism of the Company and should not include language that could be construed as profane, discriminatory, obscene, sexually harassing, threatening or retaliatory. Always use spell-check or proof read emails; typographical or grammatical errors and misspelled words are unacceptable. Employees should remember that email is a form of business communication and the language they use should reflect that fact at all times. It is recommended that using all capital letters, shorthand, idioms, unfamiliar acronyms and slang be avoided when using electronic mail as these types of messages are difficult to read.

Electronic Mail Tampering

Electronic mail messages received should not be altered without the sender’s permission nor should electronic mail be altered and forwarded to another user. In addition, unauthorized attachments should not be placed on another’s electronic mail message.

Telephone System

Keith Ace Hardware’s telephone system is for business purposes only. To keep expenses as low as possible, we only have enough phone lines at each location to handle our projected amount of business calls. Therefore, please observe the following rules:

  • Employees should take care of their personal business on their days off, or time off, so that calls should not have to be made or received in the stores. If conditions prevent this, make calls on breaks, or lunchtime, so that you can use a nearby pay phone or your own cellular phones.

  • Let friends and family members know that incoming personal calls should only be made in emergencies.

  • Personal cell phones should only be used on breaks or time off the clock.

  • Cell phones should be left in your car or in a locker. You should not carry your cell phone on you while working.

Although the occasional use of company telephones for personal reasons may be necessary, employees are expected to keep them brief. With the exception of emergency calls, all personal calls should be made during breaks or lunch time. No long distance calls are to be made on company phones which are not business related. Extensive personal use of company phones is grounds for discipline.

Office Supplies

Postage, shipping and office supplies paid for by the Company are for business purposes and are not to be used for an employee’s personal purposes. Improper use or theft of company equipment or supplies is grounds for disciplinary action, up to and including termination.

Discipline and Termination of Employment

All employees are expected to meet Keith Ace Hardware’s standards of work performance and conduct. When an employee deviates from these rules and standards, we reserve the right to take corrective action. Infractions that may result in discipline include, but are not limited to, performance-related problems, violations of Keith Ace Hardware’s rules and policies, and for behaviors that Keith Ace Hardware deem unacceptable.

Depending upon the facts and circumstances, disciplinary action may include counseling sessions, verbal warnings, written warnings, suspension or probation, or termination. The disciplinary process will be determined by management in light of the facts and circumstances of each case. We reserve the right to alter the order of disciplinary action described above, eliminate disciplinary steps, or to implement new disciplinary measures. We may also immediately terminate employment based on certain policy violations, the seriousness of the employee’s misconduct, and the employee’s past record.

Examples of conduct that may result in immediate termination: insubordinate behavior, theft, destruction of company property, untruthfulness about personal background, drug or alcohol abuse, or threats of violence. (This is not a complete list of offenses.)

Voluntary Termination

As an at-will employee, you have the right to resign at any time for any reason. However, Keith Ace Hardware requests two weeks notice of resignation to minimize disruption of work. On the last day of employment, you will be required to surrender all company property. Prior to departure, you will be asked to participate in an exit interview.

Final Pay

Terminating employees will receive all compensation to which they are entitled. Employees who are terminated involuntarily will receive their final paycheck on the next pay date. If an employee voluntarily quits or resigns, all wages are payable on the next pay date.

Customer Expectations / Satisfaction

Customer Relations

The customer is what makes this business go. Without the customer, we do not open our doors. If the customer does not leave with a favorable impression of us, he will not return. If he does not return, we do not stay in business. Every customer is critical to our business and everyone is our employer. They pay our bills.

When a customer enters our store he or she needs to be greeted by the most enthusiastic, most pleasant, most energetic person that he/she has come across. That person is you. As soon as you hear the doors or bell indicating that a customer has arrived, you should immediately stop what you are doing and see that the customer is tended to. If you are the first one there, wait on that customer. If someone else arrives before you, say hello, extend the social courtesies, and return to what you were doing. Always keep an ear tuned to the customers coming in, there is nothing more important than waiting on customers- not stocking, not checking in merchandise, not bookkeeping, nothing else is as important.

Customer Complaints

Customer complaints can come in many forms. Looking at something without buying it can be either a price complaint or just that they do not like the brand, etc. A customer saying something like, “it sure is dark in here” is a complaint.

If you sense a complaint, either verbally or not, please write it in our complaint file. We check this regularly and do what we can to correct issues. If it is something that needs immediate attention, take it straight to your manager so they can take action. If a customer has a complaint, they may want to write it down themselves. Please encourage this and give them a complaint sheet, put it in the complaint file, and let your manager know.

If you have a loud or angry customer, always try and lead them to the back room or office, away from the checkout and other customers. Try to settle the problem after they have made their complaint. Often, just letting someone voice their concerns will make them feel much better. If additional action needs to be taken, ask them “What can I do to make this situation right with you?”. Most times what they tell you is very simple and can be taken care of easily with the customer leaving happy. If you have a customer that wants something unrealistic, tell them you can't approve that and get help.

Always try to handle complaints at the moment you sense them. If you can't, get some help, but try and take care of it before the customer leaves the store so they will know we care.

If you can not handle it in the store, contact Nathan Dossey, District Manager, at Keith General Office.

Appearance of Premises

At all times each employee should be conscious of the appearance of the store: the merchandise, display shelves, floor area, windows, and the outside.

In the morning, when merchandise is being moved outdoors, if there is any trash, dirt, etc., take care of it. Never step over trash; pick it up.

The appearance of our store, like the appearance of each of us, is extremely important subconsciously and consciously to the customers. Everything we can do to improve their perception of our store as a pleasant, clean, inviting place to shop, will do nothing but benefit us.

In our Procedures Manual there is a list of our minimal acceptable standards for appearance, cleanliness, and organization.

Miscellaneous Information

Employee Purchases

It is our policy to give all personnel and their immediate family members (who reside within your household) the benefit of buying merchandise we stock, or can order at any of our stores, at the lowest price possible. This policy is good only for regular household purchases and is not intended to be used for you or your family's business purposes. If your family has business needs, we would like to have a chance at earning their business. We can not offer our discounted employee's rates for business needs. However, get with your store manager and see if the business is eligible for discounts and special purchase prices.

All employees are encouraged to use this benefit whenever possible. But please do not abuse the system, these are very low margin sales. Abuse can put a store’s profitability and future in jeopardy.

The following guidelines will apply:

  • All regular stock items will be at regular retail less 20% discount. If the item is on sale, it can be purchased at the sale price or at a 20% discount off regular retail, whichever is less. No double discounting. This excludes all low margin items such as guns, water heaters, pipe, etc. See your manager if there are any doubts. No items may be purchased below cost unless it is a closeout approved by the G.O.

  • Special orders may be made on items that we do not stock. These items may be purchased at total delivered cost plus 10%. Special order items must be picked up and paid for on the day of arrival to the store.

  • Sale items may not be purchased by employees until after the sale is over unless you have the permission from the manager. Customers must get first consideration on all merchandise.

  • Another employee must process all sales or payments on accounts. No one may ring up his or her own sales.

  • After hours sales are permitted only in the case of emergency. If this case should arise, you must contact your manager and he or she must accompany you to the store to make the sale. Store managers must have another employee accompany them to the store and ring up their sales. The G.O. must be informed of any after hours sales the next morning.

  • Employee purchase benefits are available only after three months continuous employment.

  • All shopping must be done off the clock. No shopping on company time.

Bulletin Boards

To keep our employees informed, the Company provides bulletin boards located at each store that provide access to important posted information and announcements. Employees are responsible for reading this information.

Personal Information Changes

Employees are responsible for promptly notifying G.O. of any change in their personal information. This includes address, telephone number, marital status, name change, citizenship, tax withholding allowances, emergency contact information, insurance beneficiary or dependent insurance coverage. Complete Personal Change Form and fax to Judy's Attention at Keith General Office.

Changes in personal data may affect employee benefits so prompt reporting of these changes is important.

Expense Reimbursement

Almost all expenses are handled and paid by the General Office. Whenever possible, try to let the G.O. handle all incurred business expenses.

Keith Ace Hardware will reimburse employees for reasonable pre-approved company sponsored business expenses. Before the expenses are incurred, contact the G.O. to find out exactly what will and will not be paid by the company.

We will try to prepay what we can, such as airline tickets, hotels, etc. For all other expenses the company has agreed to pay but cannot prepay, you will be responsible to pay and then turn in your itemized receipts with completed Expense Reimbursement Form to the G.O. to be reimbursed.

If you must purchase an authorized item for the company whether it is merchandise, fixtures, or supplies, contact the G.O. first. We will either give you a check or authorize you to use petty cash to purchase the item.

Always bring back the original itemized receipt. If you paid for it with your own funds, turn in the receipt and the completed/signed Expense Reimbursement form and we will reimburse you promptly. If you used cash out of the store drawer, turn in completed/signed Paid Out form with original itemized receipt and the paid out cash register receipt to the G.O.

Borrowing Money and Cashing Checks

This company does not loan money to anyone under any circumstances. Borrowing money or putting IOU’s in the cash register or petty cash funds for personal use is totally unauthorized and will be prosecuted as theft.

We do not cash personal or payroll checks for employees or anyone else. Employees are welcome to make a purchase and pay with a personal check for the amount of the purchase only.

Sale of Assets other than Merchandise

The sale of company assets, other than the normal sale of inventory merchandise by ringing up a normal cash register sale is strictly unauthorized. If there is an item to be sold it should be handled by the store manager and a G.O. Representative.

Returns, Refunds, and Exchanges

We have a policy concerning returns, refunds, and exchanges. Strict adherence to these guidelines is expected. Anyone caught falsifying returns, refunds or exchanges will be terminated and may face prosecution.

You can find this policy in the Policy & Procedure Manual under Returns, Refunds, and Exchanges.

Personal Property

Keith Ace Hardware does not assume responsibility for any personal property located on its premises, in vehicles or in parking areas. Employees are to use their own discretion when choosing to bring personal property to the workplace and do so at their own risk.


It is our policy as a company to not get involved in politics at any level; local or national. Our store premises, show windows, vehicles, etc., are not to be used for posting any candidate's cards, pictures or any type of political message that takes a position.

We prefer that our managers and employees take no active part in politics. Electioneering on behalf of any candidate for public office is objectionable.

We prefer that our personnel cater to the friendship of all, by taking no part in matters of this kind.

Receipt of Employee Handbook

Employee Acknowledgement

I acknowledge that I have received and read a copy of the Keith Ace Hardware Employee Handbook which outlines the policies, benefits and expectations of Keith Ace Hardware, including my responsibilities as an employee.

I understand that this handbook is a general guide and does not constitute an employment agreement or a guarantee to continued employment. I also understand that the employer can make changes to this handbook at any time without notice.

I further acknowledge that my employment is at will. I understand that I have the right to terminate the employment relationship at any time and for any reason, with or without cause or notice, and that the Company has the same right.

____________________________________________ _________________________

Employee’s Signature Date
Employee’s Name (printed)

January 1, 2013

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