Energy Invention Suppression Cases

Thomas Henry Moray: Radiant Energy Pump/Electricity Generator

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Thomas Henry Moray: Radiant Energy Pump/Electricity Generator

Thomas Henry Moray, Ph.D., (August 28, 1892 - May, 1974) was an inventor from Salt Lake City, Utah. Moray graduated from The Latter Day Saint's Business College. Moray studied electrical engineering through an international correspondence school course. He received a Ph.D. in electrical engineering from the University of Uppsala.

T. Henry Moray's research dates from the time he was 9 years old (1901). Over the 73 years of Moray's research, he left behind him a wealth of notes, not only pertaining to radiant energy, but a wide range of scientific research bordering all the way from the devulcanization of rubber, the influence of mineral reactions in the presence of high energy, bio-electronic effects (electrotherapy), sound pick up, solid-state physics, and finally the detection of energy that constituted the major endeavor of his work.
Moray was a pioneer in the field of electrical energy. As a youth he greatly admired Nikola Tesla and in particular was very interested in Tesla's obsession with the earth having a limitless supply of energy available to it from the universe. Like Tesla, Moray wanted to find out how to tap this energy. Like a lot of people he became amazed at the "crystal radio" where a crystal can be tapped with a fine wire to make a radio work – without any battery or power. Moray figured that if this was possible it should be possible to find a crystal (or "magnetic rock") that could be tapped for a power source.
Moray became very interested in the properties of certain rocks and crystal structures and the powders from them. He actually developed and utilized a transistor more than 20 years before anyone ever dreamed of such things. These solid materials are what he made his so-called Moray valves out of; they were like radio valves but were not using a heated coil like radio valves (also known as vacuum tubes in today’s terminology). They were all cold with no external power to feed them. They were a mixture of semi-conducting materials and intricate one-way conducting materials (diodes in today’s terminology). The Moray valve was therefore a solid-state device – unlike a radio valve that heated a plate to produce energy.
It is well documented that Moray developed a bipolar semiconductor as early as 1927. His germanium "valve" was working in 1931. In the 1930s Moray developed advanced semiconductors and transistor-like devices.
Moray provided a complete disclosure of his semi-conductor research to Dr. Harvey Fletcher of the Bell Laboratories. Dr. Fletcher later became head of the department at Bell Laboratories that developed the transistor. Moray, therefore, could be the true father of modern electronics since his work predated the Bell Laboratory bipolar transistor findings by at least 20 years.
During the 1930's T. Henry Moray was refused a patent on his cold semiconductor cathode because the patent examiner couldn't understand how it could emit electrons. The patent examiner reported that he could not allow the patent because he could not see how it would work since "the cathode had no means of being heated".
"He tried to patent his device, but the requests were denied because the item he called the "Moray valve' was too new a thought for the patent examiner. It was actually a germanium transistor, and solid states were unknown at the time." his son John Moray said. 20 years later the development of the transistor apparently proved that his device could actually have worked.
Both Nikola Tesla and Thomas Henry Moray consider harnessing cosmic energy (vacuum or zero point energy in today’s terminology) as the most practical method of producing energy yet discovered by man. Furthermore, they thought it is possible to utilize this vast source of energy from the universe without a prime mover at any point on the earth or in space – on the ground, in the air, on the water, under the water, or even underground.
Radiant energy is energy that is transported by waves. This includes energy transmission in the form of waves through space or various media. Radiant energy is also energy transferred through electromagnetic waves. Solar energy is a type of radiant energy. Radiant energy is the sum total of all the energy that comes to the earth from all the universe. The earth also reflects back radiant energy into the universe. Our sun directs electrically charged particles towards us. Radiant energy may be calculated by integrating or summing radiant power with respect to time. Radiant energy is usually expressed in joules.
During the 1920s Moray demonstrated a "radiant energy device" to many people who were unable to find a hidden power supply or batteries. Moray called his device a solid-state detector or the “Moray valve”. It basically comprised of a large antenna connected to a complex series of high-voltage capacitors, transformers, and semiconductors. By supposedly stimulating the existing oscillations of radiant energy from space, his device could generate electrical power without any man-made power input. By 1936, Moray had eventually engineered his device so that a 55-kilogram version could constantly produce 50 kilowatts of power for several days.
An electrical generator may be considered as not in the true sense a generator – as electricity is not made by the generator – but is merely an electrical pump. Moray’s radiant energy device may then be referred to as a cosmic ray pump: that is, a high-speed electron oscillator serving as a detector of cosmic radiations which causes a pumping action or surging within its circuitry. Moray used the term “radiant energy” to describe that source of energy coming from the cosmos to earth and radiating from the earth back to where it came. This is the energy the Moray device captures and could be described as those particles of energy pervading all space.
What sort of an apparatus is Moray's radiant energy device? Briefly, it would appear to be similar to a radio receiving set of power proportions.
An antenna is connected to a 29-stage solid-state collector material; a small rounded pellet mixture of triboluminescent zinc, a semiconductor material, a radioactive or fissile material, and germanium. The device contains two coils of wire, or inductances. It also contains several condensers, or capacitors, of different sizes. There is a detector tube, or electronic valve, and two oscillator tubes. Added to this is a "bar of silver and a bar of copper", a starting device, and a step-down electrical transformer, reported to be 1000-to-1, primary to secondary.
After tuning of the device the semiconductor material acts as a one-way gate (diode in modern terminology) for surges of high-frequency background atomic ion energy which can go through the material more readily in one direction than the other. For conversion of ionic to electromagnetic energy to then be transformed into useful electrical power by conventional radio circuitry and a transformer, the device must be grounded.
All of this was enclosed in a box measuring about 30 inches long by 16 inches wide by 16 inches high. It weighed about 30 kilograms. There were no moving parts. Moray said there are no dangerous radiations surrounding the box when it is in operation.
Moray’s 30-kilogram radiant energy device produced 4 kilowatts of cold electricity which was able to power light bulbs. However, electric motors require special winding to increase their efficiency. While commercially available electric motors will operate on the power from a radiant energy device, they are not as efficient as motors running on ordinary commercial currents. Moray says when his motors are running in the dark they glow with a violet aura. His motors ran cold!
It has been estimated that using current dielectric technology that a 50-kilogram radiant energy device could be built to produce 300 kilowatts – sufficient to power buildings and also electric vehicles.
Some persons who have seen radiant energy power lights say the bulbs look as if they were filled entirely with white light, as if the gas itself which fill the bulbs were fully incandescent. Moray believes this to be true.
Radiant energy will heat electric flat irons and other electrical heating devices. It is claimed heating capacities are reached much more quickly with radiant energy than with commercial currents, and are considerably hotter than when powered with ordinary electric energy.
One photograph shows Moray demonstrating his generator as it powers 50 100-watt light bulbs and a 655-watt Hotpoint iron. Thus he proved that his radiant energy device was not running off batteries – as his detractors said it did.
By 1936 he had developed a generating unit that weighed about 55 pounds and was capable of producing as much as 50 kilowatts of power on a steady basis.
On several hundred occasions Dr. Moray lighted a bank of 35 light bulbs with power from his simple but ingenious radiant energy device. There were 20 150-watt bulbs on the panel. At the same time the generator powered a 600-watt glow heater and a 575-watt flat iron.
Moray, as Nikola Tesla before him, was unsuccessful in introducing his devices working on this principle. Some report that his secret was forgotten. Moray tried for several patents to no avail.
These valves are ONE reason why patents were continually refused – as he was told "there is no such thing as free energy".
"You must put energy in to get it out." As patents were applied for, there were refusals due to the fact that the patent applied for "infringed other patents". Even thought Moray patiently wrote details of how this could not be, the US Patent Office refused to allow any.
On the other hand, Moray gradually had perfected his device's output from a capacity to light one small incandescent light bulb to a present capacity claimed to be 50 kilowatts. Fifty kilowatts represents about 67 horsepower and, certainly, 67 horsepower is not to be disregarded. Many small factories do not use as much as 67 horsepower.
According to Moray, one of his radiant energy devices can be built for about $800 (year is unknown as there has been considerable inflation). Mass production methods might cut this price in half. Under these circumstances, a unit in a home would bring about a substantial saving in power bills over several years time.
As many as 100 persons have witnessed radiant energy demonstrations. Radiant energy, as it emerges from the Moray apparatus, may be considered a form of electricity. It is an alternating current, but an alternating current of very high frequency.
If a photograph of a single bulb lighted with radiant energy is taken the print shows a large, dark ring, perpendicular to the base of the bulb. This ring looks like a circle of translucent black fog. It seems the light somehow reflects itself on the air, or projects a shadow of itself there.
The demonstrations attracted newspapers and scientists from Bell Laboratories and from the Department of Agriculture, but none could attest to how the device actually operated nor could evidence of fraud be found. Even though eminent scientists examined his device during and after its operation, and admitted that they could not understand the source of the power they had witnessed, still he was never able to gain their support for his work.
Moray refused to sell his technology to corporate interests, fearing its misuse.
In the later 1930's engineers from the Rural Electrification Administration (REA) were ordered to work with him by President Franklin Delano Roosevelt. A controversy grew between the inventor and the government engineers. As a result Dr. Moray charged that the REA was trying to sabotage his work.
Moray reported that he and his family had been threatened and shot at on several occasions. His laboratory was ransacked to stop his research and public demonstrations. Repeated assassination attempts were made against his life. It was necessary for him to bulletproof his automobile since he was shot at while driving down the public street. Small wonder that Moray developed an extremely alert and suspicious nature, and visitors to his desk often noticed a fully loaded pistol lying on the desktop within easy reach of his hand!
In 1940 Moray demonstrated before the members of the Public Utilities Commission (in Utah?) his free energy generator. It maintained a continuous output of 250,000 volts with no apparent input.
The next day Moray was found shot in his lab, and all of his notes were stolen. Moray had been wounded by shotgun pellets in his lab by an attempt to frighten him into handing over the secrets of his work. Except for his own skill with a pistol to successfully defend himself against his assailants, Moray would have been murdered.
An REA engineer named Felix Frazer who was Moray’s assistant had gone berserk and smashed the Moray device with an axe. It was never rebuilt. The frustrated inventor could not afford to duplicate his invention. He went to his grave many years later convinced that the destruction of his device was part of a communist plot. Frazer apparently was angered that Moray would not sell his device to corporate interests.
There is a rumor that to stop the USSR getting this technology the equipment was destroyed by Moray's assistant. Or, the equipment was destroyed because Moray refused to unconditionally hand over all aspects of the devices he had built. It was further claimed that one of his sons dumped the entire contents of Moray’s laboratory into a river – because of continued threats and harassment – not only to himself but to his family as well.
The entire truth may never be known, but it is a fact that Fraser became enraged and grabbed a sledgehammer and smashed Dr. Moray's device to pieces.
"Dad believed to his dying day it was all part of a communist plot," John Moray said. "He had refused to cooperate with certain known communists so his invention paid the price," Moray added.
"It certainly smacks of some kind of conspiracy," the younger Moray mused.
The tragedy of it all was in the fact that Dr. Moray's years of research and development, and his entire fortune were wiped out when his device was smashed with a sledgehammer. It had taken Moray 20 years and $200,000 of his own money to develop it.
"Because of the expense and hardship in rebuilding the generator, which the patent office had refused to consider, my father never actually completed more than one unit at a time as he perfected it.
"Each updated model used parts from the previous model as he made improvements in successive stages."
Another factor in the total destruction of this marvelous technology was the demise of the various companies that provided Dr. Moray with components. Both the Great Western Radio Co. and the Baldwin Electric Co., which he worked with vanished as part of his resources.
"Inflation, the massive war effort and threats to my father's life spelled doom to any ideas he may have had for replacing the destroyed generator device," the younger Moray claimed. However, more than $200,000 in the late 1920's and early 1930's would indeed translate into many millions today.
Make no mistake about it; Dr. Moray did what he claimed to have done. He had achieved free energy. The Soviet Union even offered to provide him his own fully equipped laboratory in Russia, with no expense spared, and to back his experiments fully. Fraser could have been a trained Soviet agent who had succeeded in working his way into Moray's confidence and gaining access to Moray's laboratory as a technician and assistant. When Moray still refused to give his invention and services to the Soviet Union, the assistant destroyed the device, smashing it to pieces with a sledgehammer.
Sadly, T. Henry Moray died with his dream unrealized and the original device destroyed.

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