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V. command, order, decree, enact, ordain, dictate, direct, give orders.

prescribe, set, appoint, mark out; set a task, prescribe a task, impose a task; set to work, put in requisition.

bid, enjoin, charge, call upon, instruct; require at the hands of; exact, impose, tax, task; demand; insist on &c (compel) 744.

claim, lay claim to, revendicate, reclaim.

cite, summon; call for, send for; subpoena; beckon.

issue a command; make a requisition, issue a requisition, promulgate a requisition, make a decree, issue a decree, promulgate a decree, make an order, issue an order, promulgate an order &c n.; give the word of command, give the word, give the signal; call to order; give the law, lay down the law; assume the command &c (authority) 737; remand.

be ordered &c; receive an order &c n..

Adj. commanding &c v.; authoritative &c 737; decretory, decretive, decretal; callable, jussive.

Adv. in a commanding tone; by a stroke of the pen, by a dash of the pen; by order, at beat of drum, on the first summons.

Phr. the decree is gone forth; sic volo sic jubeo [Lat.]; le Roi le veut [Fr.]; boutez en avant [Fr.].
742. Disobedience -- N. disobedience, insubordination, contumacy; infraction, infringement; violation, noncompliance; nonobservance &c 773.

revolt, rebellion, mutiny, outbreak, rising, uprising, insurrection, emeute [Fr.]; riot, tumult &c (disorder) 59; strike &c (resistance) 719; barring out; defiance &c 715.

mutinousness &c adj.; mutineering; sedition, treason; high treason, petty treason, misprision of treason; premunire [Lat.]; lese majeste [Fr.]; violation of law &c 964; defection, secession.

insurgent, mutineer, rebel, revolter, revolutionary, rioter, traitor, quisling, carbonaro, sansculottes [Fr.], red republican, bonnet rouge, communist, Fenian, frondeur; seceder, secessionist, runagate, renegade, brawler, anarchist, demagogue; Spartacus, Masaniello, Wat Tyler, Jack Cade; ringleader.

V. disobey, violate, infringe; shirk; set at defiance &c (defy) 715; set authority at naught, run riot, fly in the face of; take the law into one's own hands; kick over the traces.

turn restive, run restive; champ the bit; strike &c (resist) 719; rise, rise in arms; secede; mutiny, rebel.

Adj. disobedient; uncomplying, uncompliant; unsubmissive, unruly, ungovernable; breachy, insubordinate, impatient of control, incorrigible; restiff, restive; refractory, contumacious, recusant &c (refuse) 764; recalcitrant; resisting &c 719; lawless, mutinous, seditions, insurgent, riotous.

unobeyed; unbidden.

Phr. seditiosissimus quisque ignavus [Lat.] [Tacitus]; unthread the rude eye of rebellion [King John].
743. Obedience -- N. obedience; observance &c 772; compliance; submission &c 725; subjection &c 749; nonresistance; passiveness, resignation.

allegiance, loyalty, fealty, homage, deference, devotion; constancy, fidelity.

submissness, submissiveness; ductility &c (softness) 324; obsequiousness &c (servility) 886.

V. be obedient &c adj.; obey, bear obedience to; submit &c 725; comply, answer the helm, come at one's call; do one's bidding, do what one is told, do suit and service; attend to orders, serve faithfully.

follow the lead of, follow to the world's end; serve &c 746; play second fiddle.

Adj. obedient; complying, compliant; loyal, faithful, devoted; at one's call, at one's command, at one's orders, at one's beck and call; under beck and call, under control.

restrainable; resigned, passive; submissive &c 725; henpecked; pliant &c (soft) 324.


Adv. obediently &c adj.; in compliance with, in obedience to.

Phr. to hear is to obey; as you please, if you please; your wish is my command; as you wish; no sooner said than done.
744. Compulsion -- N. compulsion, coercion, coaction, constraint, duress, enforcement, press, conscription.

force; brute force, main force, physical force; the sword, ultima ratio [Lat.]; club law, lynch law, mob law, arguementum baculinum, le droit du plus fort [Fr.], martial law.

restraint &c 751; necessity &c 601; force majeure [Fr.]; Hobson's choice.

V. compel, force, make, drive, coerce, constrain, enforce, necessitate, oblige.

force upon, press; cram down the throat, thrust down the throat, force down the throat; say it must be done, make a point of, insist upon, take no denial; put down, dragoon.

extort, wring from; squeeze, put on the squeeze; put on the screws, turn on the screw; drag into; bind, bind over; pin down, tie down; require, tax, put in force; commandeer; restrain &c 751.

Adj. compelling &c v.; coercive, coactive; inexorable &c 739; compulsory, compulsatory; obligatory, stringent, peremptory.

forcible, not to be trifled with; irresistible &c 601; compelled &c v.; fain to.

Adv. by force &c n., by force of arms; on compulsion, perforce; vi et armis [Lat.], under the lash; at the point of the sword, at the point of the bayonet; forcibly; by a strong arm.

under protest, in spite of one's teeth; against one's will &c 603; nolens volens &c (of necessity) 601 [Lat.]; by stress of circumstances, by stress of weather; under press of; de rigueur.

with a gun to one's head.

Phr. I'll make him an offer he can't refuse.
745. Master -- N. master, padrone; lord, lord paramount; commander, commandant; captain; chief, chieftain; sirdar, sachem, sheik, head, senior, governor, ruler, dictator; leader &c (director) 694; boss, cockarouse, sagamore, werowance.

lord of the ascendant; cock of the walk, cock of the roost; gray mare; mistress.

potentate; liege, liege lord; suzerain, sovereign, monarch, autocrat, despot, tyrant, oligarch.

crowned head, emperor, king, anointed king, majesty, imperator [Lat.], protector, president, stadholder, judge.

ceasar, kaiser, czar, tsar, sultan, soldan, grand Turk, caliph, imaum, shah, padishah, sophi, mogul, great mogul, khan, lama, tycoon, mikado, tenno [Jap.], inca, cazique; voivode; landamman; seyyid; Abuna, cacique, czarowitz, grand seignior.

prince, duke &c (nobility) 875; archduke, doge, elector; seignior; marland, margrave; rajah, emir, wali, sheik nizam, nawab.

empress, queen, sultana, czarina, princess, infanta, duchess, margravine; czarevna, czarita; maharani, rani, rectrix.

regent, viceroy, exarch, palatine, khedive, hospodar, beglerbeg, three-tailed bashaw, pasha, bashaw, bey, beg, dey, scherif, tetrarch, satrap, mandarin, subahdar, nabob, maharajah; burgrave; laird &c (proprietor) 779; collector, commissioner, deputy commissioner, woon.

the authorities, the powers that be, the government; staff, etat major [Fr.], aga, official, man in office, person in authority; sircar, sirkar, Sublime Porte.

[Military authorities] marshal, field marshal, marechal; general, generalissimo; commander in chief, seraskier, hetman; lieutenant general, major general; colonel, lieutenant colonel, major, captain, centurion, skipper, lieutenant, first lieutenant, second lieutenant, sublieutenant, officer, staff officer, aide-de-camp, brigadier, brigade major, adjutant, jemidar, ensign, cornet, cadet, subaltern, noncommissioned officer, warrant officer; sergeant, sergeant major; color sergeant; corporal, corporal major; lance corporal, acting corporal; drum major; captain general, dizdar, knight marshal, naik, pendragon.

[Civil authorities] mayor, mayoralty; prefect, chancellor, archon, provost, magistrate, syndic; alcalde, alcaid; burgomaster, corregidor, seneschal, alderman, councilman, committeeman, councilwoman, warden, constable, portreeve; lord mayor; officer &c (executive) 965; dewan, fonctionnaire [Fr.].

[Naval authorities] admiral, admiralty; rear admiral, vice admiral, port admiral; commodore, captain, commander, lieutenant, ensign, skipper, mate, master, officer of the day, OD; navarch.

Phr. da locum melioribus [Lat.]; der Furst ist der erste Diener seines Staats [G.], the prince is the first servant of his state; lord of thy presence and no land beside [King John].
746. Servant -- N. subject, liegeman; servant, retainer, follower, henchman, servitor, domestic, menial, help, lady help, employe, attache; official.

retinue, suite, cortege, staff, court.

attendant, squire, usher, page, donzel, footboy; train bearer, cup bearer; waiter, lapster, butler, livery servant, lackey, footman, flunky, flunkey, valet, valet de chambre [Fr.]; equerry, groom; jockey, hostler, ostler, tiger, orderly, messenger, cad, gillie, herdsman, swineherd; barkeeper, bartender; bell boy, boots, boy, counterjumper; khansamah, khansaman; khitmutgar; yardman.

bailiff, castellan, seneschal, chamberlain, major-domo, groom of the chambers.

secretary; under secretary, assistant secretary; clerk; subsidiary; agent &c 758; subaltern; underling, understrapper; man.

maid, maidservant; handmaid; confidente [Fr.], lady's maid, abigail, soubrette; amah, biddy, nurse, bonne [Fr.], ayah; nursemaid, nursery maid, house maid, parlor maid, waiting maid, chamber maid, kitchen maid, scullery maid; femme de chambre [Fr.], femme fille [Fr.]; camarista; chef de cuisine, cordon bleu [Fr.], cook, scullion, Cinderella; potwalloper; maid of all work, servant of all work; laundress, bedmaker; journeyman, charwoman &c (worker) 690; bearer, chokra, gyp (Cambridge), hamal, scout (Oxford).

serf, vassal, slave, negro, helot; bondsman, bondswoman; bondslave; ame damnee [Fr.], odalisque, ryot, adscriptus gleboe [Lat.]; villian, villein; beadsman, bedesman; sizar; pensioner, pensionary; client; dependant, dependent; hanger on, satellite; parasite &c (servility) 886; led captain; protege [Fr.], ward, hireling, mercenary, puppet, tool, creature.

badge of slavery; bonds &c 752.

V. serve; wait upon, attend upon, dance attendance upon, pin oneself upon; squire, tend, hang on the sleeve of; chore [U.S.].

Adj. in the train of; in one's pay, in one's employ; at one's call &c (obedient) 743; in bonds.
747. [Insignia of authority.] Scepter -- N. scepter, regalia, caduceus; Mercury's rod, Mercury's staff, Mercury's wand; rod of empire, mace, fasces, wand; staff, staff of office; baton, truncheon; flag &c (insignia) 550; ensign of authority, emblem of authority, badge of authority, insignia of authority.

throne, chair, musnud, divan, dais, woolsack.

toga, pall, mantle, robes of state, ermine, purple.

crown, coronet, diadem, tiara, cap of maintenance; decoration; title &c 877; portfolio.

key, signet, seals, talisman; helm; reins &c (means of restraint) 752.
748. Freedom -- N. freedom, liberty, independence; license &c (permission) 760; facility &c 705.

scope, range, latitude, play; free play, full play, free scope, full scope; free stage and no favor; swing, full swing, elbowroom, margin, rope, wide berth; Liberty Hall.

franchise, denization; free man, freed man, livery man; denizen.

autonomy, self-government, liberalism, free trade; noninterference &c 706; Monroe Doctrine [U.S.].

immunity, exemption; emancipation &c (liberation) 750; enfranchisement, affranchisement.

free land, freehold; allodium; frankalmoigne [Fr.], mortmain [Fr.].

bushwhacker; freelance, free thinker, free trader; independent.

V. be free &c adj.; have scope &c n., have the run of, have one's own way, have a will of one's own, have one's fling; do what one likes, do what one wishes, do what one pleases, do what one chooses; go at large, feel at home, paddle one's own canoe; stand on one's legs, stand on one's rights; shift for oneself.

take a liberty; make free with, make oneself quite at home; use a freedom; take leave, take French leave.

set free &c (liberate) 750; give a loose to &c (permit) 760; allow scope &c n.. to, give scope &c n.. to; give a horse his head.

make free of; give the freedom of, give the franchise; enfranchise, affranchise.

laisser faire [Fr.], laisser aller [Fr.]; live and let live; leave to oneself; leave alone, let alone.

Adj. free, free as air; out of harness, independent, at large, loose, scot-free; left alone, left to oneself.

in full swing; uncaught, unconstrained, unbuttoned, unconfined, unrestrained, unchecked, unprevented, unhindered, unobstructed, unbound, uncontrolled, untrammeled.

unsubject, ungoverned, unenslaved, unenthralled, unchained, unshackled, unfettered, unreined, unbridled, uncurbed, unmuzzled.

unrestricted, unlimited, unmitigated, unconditional; absolute; discretionary &c (optional) 600.

unassailed, unforced, uncompelled.

unbiassed, spontaneous.

free and easy; at ease, at one's ease; degage [Fr.], quite at home; wanton, rampant, irrepressible, unvanquished.

exempt; freed &c 750; freeborn; autonomous, freehold, allodial; gratis &c 815; eleutherian.

unclaimed, going a begging.

Adv. freely &c adj.; ad libitum &c (at will) 600.

Phr. ubi libertas ibi patria [Lat.]; free white and twenty-one.
749. Subjection -- N. subjection; dependence, dependency; subordination; thrall, thralldom, thraldom, enthrallment, subjugation, bondage, serfdom; feudalism, feudality; vassalage, villenage; slavery, enslavement, involuntary servitude; conquest.

service; servitude, servitorship; tendence, employ, tutelage, clientship; liability &c 177; constraint &c 751; oppression &c (severity) 739; yoke &c (means of restraint) 752; submission &c 725; obedience &c 743.

V. be subject &c adj.; be at the mercy of, lie at the mercy of; depend upon, lean upon, hang upon; fall a prey to, fall under; play second fiddle.

be a mere machine, be a puppet, be a football; not dare to say one's soul is his own; drag a chain.

serve &c 746; obey &c 743; submit &c 725.

break in, tame; subject, subjugate; master &c 731; tread down, tread under foot; weigh down; drag at one's chariot wheels; reduce to subjection, reduce to slavery; enthrall, inthrall, bethrall; enslave, lead captive; take into custody &c (restrain) 751; rule &c 737; drive into a corner, hold at the sword's point; keep under; hold in bondage, hold in leading strings, hold in swaddling clothes.

Adj. subject, dependent, subordinate; feudal, feudatory; in subjection to, under control; in leading strings, in harness; subjected, enslaved &c v.; constrained &c 751; downtrodden; overborne, overwhelmed; under the lash, on the hip, led by the nose, henpecked; the puppet of, the sport of, the plaything of; under one's orders, under one's command, under one's thumb; a slave to; at the mercy of; in the power of, in the hands of, in the clutches of; at the feet of; at one's beck and call &c (obedient) 743; liable &c 177; parasitical; stipendiary.

Adv. under.

Phr. slaves - in a land of light and law [Whittier].
750. Liberation -- N. liberation, disengagement, release, enlargement, emancipation; disenthrallment, disenthralment; affranchisement, enfranchisement; manumission; discharge, dismissal.

deliverance &c 672; redemption, extrication, acquittance, absolution; acquittal &c 970; escape &c 671.

V. liberate, free; set free, set clear, set at liberty; render free, emancipate, release; enfranchise, affranchise; manumit; enlarge; disband, discharge, disenthrall, disenthral, dismiss; let go, let loose, loose, let out, let slip; cast adrift, turn adrift; deliver &c 672; absolve &c (acquit) 970.

unfetter &c 751, untie &c 43; loose &c (disjoin) 44; loosen, relax; unbolt, unbar, unclose, uncork, unclog, unhand, unbind, unchain, unharness, unleash; disengage, disentangle; clear, extricate, unloose.

gain one's liberty, obtain one's liberty, acquire one's liberty &c 748; get rid of, get clear of; deliver oneself from; shake off the yoke, slip the collar; break loose, break prison; tear asunder one's bonds, cast off trammels; escape &c 671.

Adj. liberated &c v.; out of harness &c (free) 748.

Int. unhand me!, let me go!,
751. Restraint -- N. restraint; hindrance &c 706; coercion &c (compulsion) 744; cohibition, constraint, repression, suppression; discipline, control.

confinement; durance, duress; imprisonment; incarceration, coarctation, entombment, mancipation, durance vile, limbo, captivity; blockade.

arrest, arrestation; custody, keep, care, charge, ward, restringency.

curb &c (means of restraint) 752; lettres de cachet [Fr.].

limitation, restriction, protection, monopoly; prohibition &c 761.

prisoner &c 754; repressionist.

V. restrain, check; put under restraint, lay under restraint; enthral, enthrall, inthral, inthrall, bethral, bethrall; restrict; debar &c (hinder) 706; constrain; coerce &c (compel) 744; curb, control; hold back, hold from, hold in, hold in check, hold within bounds, keep back, keep from, keep in, keep in check, keep within bounds; hold in leash, hold in leading strings; withhold.

keep under; repress, suppress; smother; pull in, rein in; hold, hold fast; keep a tight hand on; prohibit &c 761; inhibit, cohibit.

enchain; fasten &c (join) 43; fetter, shackle; entrammel; bridle, muzzle, hopple, gag, pinion, manacle, handcuff, tie one's hands, hobble, bind hand and foot; swathe, swaddle; pin down, tether; picket; tie down, tie up; secure; forge fetters; disable, hamstring (incapacitate) 158.

confine; shut up, shut in; clap up, lock up, box up, mew up, bottle up, cork up, seal up, button up; hem in, bolt in, wall in, rail in; impound, pen, coop; inclose &c (circumscribe) 229; cage; incage, encage; close the door upon, cloister; imprison, immure; incarcerate, entomb; clap under hatches, lay under hatches; put in irons, put in a strait-waistcoat; throw into prison, cast into prison; put into bilboes.

arrest; take up, take charge of, take into custody; take prisoner, take captive, make prisoner, make captive; captivate; lead captive, lead into captivity; send to prison, commit to prison; commit; give in charge, give in custody; subjugate &c 749.

Adj. restrained, constrained; imprisoned &c v.; pent up; jammed in, wedged in; under lock and key, under restraint, under hatches; in swaddling clothes; on parole; in custody, doing time &c (prisoner) 754; cohibitive; coactive &c (compulsory) 744 [Obs.].

stiff, restringent, strait-laced, hidebound, barkbound.

ice bound, wind bound, weather bound; cabined cribbed confined [Macbeth]; in Lob's pound, laid by the heels.
752. [Means of restraint.] Prison -- N. prison, prison house; jail, gaol, cage, coop, den, cell; stronghold, fortress, keep, donjon, dungeon, Bastille, oubliette, bridewell, house of correction, hulks, tollbooth, panopticon, penitentiary, guardroom, lockup, hold; round house, watch house, station house, sponging house; station; house of detention, black hole, pen, fold, pound; inclosure &c 232; isolation (exclusion) 893; penal settlement, penal colony; bilboes, stocks, limbo, quod [Lat.]; calaboose, chauki, choky, thana; workhouse [U.S.].

Newgate, Fleet, Marshalsea; King's Bench, Queen's Bench.

bond; bandage; irons, pinion, gyve, fetter, shackle, trammel, manacle, handcuff, straight jacket, strait jacket, strait-jacket, strait-waistcoat, hopples; vice, vise.

yoke, collar, halter, harness; muzzle, gag, bit, brake, curb, snaffle, bridle; rein, reins; bearing rein; martingale; leading string; tether, picket, band, guy, chain; cord &c (fastening) 45; cavesson, hackamore [U.S.], headstall, jaquima [U.S.], lines, ribbons.

bolt, deadbolt, bar, lock, police lock, combination lock, padlock, rail, wall, stone wall; paling, palisade; fence, picket fence, barbed wire fence, Cyclone fence, stockade fence, chain-link fence; barrier, barricade.

drag &c (hindrance) 706.

753. Keeper -- N. keeper, custodian, custos [Lat.], ranger, warder, jailer, gaoler, turnkey, castellan, guard; watchdog, watchman; Charley; chokidar, durwan, hayward; sentry, sentinel; watch and ward; concierge, coast guard, guarda costa [Sp.], game keeper.

escort, bodyguard.

protector, governor, duenna [Sp.]; guardian; governess &c (teacher) 540; nurse, nanny, babysitter, catsitter, dogsitter, bonne [Fr.], ayah.
754. Prisoner -- N. prisoner, prisoner of war, POW, captive, inmate, detainee, hostage, abductee, detenu [Fr.], close prisoner.

jail bird, ticket of leave man, chevronne [Fr.].

V. stand committed; be imprisoned &c 751.

take prisoner, take hostage (capture) 789.

Adj. imprisoned &c 751; in prison, in quod [Lat.], in durance vile, in limbo, in custody, doing time, in charge, in chains; under lock and key, under hatches; on parole.
755. [Vicarious authority.] Commission -- N. commission, delegation; consignment, assignment; procuration; deputation, legation, mission, embassy; agency, agentship; power of attorney; clerkship; surrogacy.

errand, charge, brevet, diploma, exequatur [Lat.], permit &c (permission) 760.

appointment, nomination, designation, return; charter; ordination; installation, inauguration, investiture, swearing-in; accession, coronation, enthronement.

vicegerency; regency, regentship.

viceroy &c 745; consignee &c 758; deputy &c 759.

[person who receives a commission] agent, delegate, consignee &c 758.

V. commission, delegate, depute; consign, assign; charge; intrust, entrust; commit, commit to the hands of; authorize &c (permit) 760.

put in commission, accredit, engage, hire, bespeak, appoint, name, nominate, return, ordain; install, induct, inaugurate, swear in, invest, crown; enroll, enlist; give power of attorney to.

employ, empower; set over, place over; send out.

be commissioned, be accredited; represent, stand for; stand in the stead of, stand in the place of, stand in the shoes of.

Adj. commissioned &c v..

Adv. per procurationem [Lat.].
756. Abrogation -- N. abrogation, annulment, nullification, recision; vacatur [Lat.]; canceling &c v.; cancel; revocation, revokement; repeal, rescission, defeasance.

dismissal, conge [Fr.], demission; bounce [U.S.]; deposal, deposition; dethronement; disestablishment, disendowment; deconsecration; sack [Slang], walking papers, pink slip, walking ticket; yellow cover [Slang].

abolition, abolishment; dissolution.

counter order, countermand; repudiation, retraction, retractation; recantation &c (tergiversation) 607; abolitionist.

V. abrogate, annul, cancel; destroy &c 162; abolish; revoke, repeal, rescind, reverse, retract, recall; abolitionize; overrule, override; set aside; disannul, dissolve, quash, nullify, declare null and void; disestablish, disendow; deconsecrate.

disclaim &c (deny) 536; ignore, repudiate; recant &c 607; divest oneself, break off.

countermand, counter order; do away with; sweep away, brush away; throw overboard, throw to the dogs; scatter to the winds, cast behind.

dismiss, discard; cast off, turn off, cast out, cast adrift, cast out of doors, cast aside, cast away; send off, send away, send packing, send about one's business; discharge, get rid of &c (eject) 297; bounce [U.S.]; fire [Slang], fire out [Slang]; sack [Slang].

cashier; break; oust; unseat, unsaddle; unthrone, dethrone, disenthrone; depose, uncrown; unfrock, strike off the roll; disbar, disbench.

be abrogated &c; receive its quietus; walk the plank.

Adj. abrogated &c v.; functus officio [Lat.].

Int. get along with you!, begone!, go about your business!, away with!,
757. Resignation -- N. resignation, retirement, abdication, renunciation, abjuration; abandonment, relinquishment.

V. resign; give up, throw up; lay down, throw up the cards, wash one's hands of, abjure, renounce, forego, disclaim, retract; deny &c 536.

abrogate &c 756; desert &c (relinquish) 624; get rid of &c 782.

abdicate; vacate, vacate one's seat; accept the stewardship of the Chiltern Hundreds; retire; tender one's resignation.

Adj. abdicant.

Phr. Othello's occupation's gone [Othello].
758. Consignee -- N. consignee, trustee, nominee, committee.

agent, delegate; commissary, commissioner; emissary, envoy, commissionaire [Fr.]; messenger &c 534.

diplomatist, diplomat, diplomate, corps diplomatique [Fr.], embassy; ambassador, embassador; representative, resident, consul, legate, nuncio, internuncio, charge d'affaires [Fr.], attache.

vicegerent &c (deputy) 759; plenipotentiary.

functionary, placeman, curator; treasurer &c 801; factor, bailiff, clerk, secretary, attorney, advocate, solicitor, proctor, broker, underwriter, commission agent, auctioneer, one's man of business; factotum &c (director) 694; caretaker; dalal, dubash, garnishee, gomashta.

negotiator, go-between; middleman; under agent, employe; servant &c 746; referee, arbitrator &c (judge) 967.

traveler, bagman, commis-voyageur [Fr.], touter, commercial traveler, drummer [U.S.], traveling man.

newspaper correspondent, own correspondent, special correspondent.

759. Deputy -- N. deputy, substitute, vice, proxy, locum tenens, badli, delegate, representative, next friend, surrogate, secondary.

regent, viceregent, vizier, minister, vicar; premier &c (director) 694; chancellor, prefect, provost, warden, lieutenant, archon, consul, proconsul; viceroy &c (governor) 745; commissioner &c 758; Tsung-li Yamen, Wai Wu Pu; plenipotentiary, alter ego.

team, eight, eleven; champion.

V. be deputy &c n.; stand for, appear for, hold a brief for, answer for; represent; stand in the shoes of, walk in the shoes of; stand in the stead of.

ablegate, accredit.

Adj. acting, vice, vice regal; accredited to.

Adv. in behalf of.


760. Permission -- N. permission, leave; allowance, sufferance; tolerance, toleration; liberty, law, license, concession, grace; indulgence &c (lenity) 740; favor, dispensation, exemption, release; connivance; vouchsafement.

authorization, warranty, accordance, admission.

permit, warrant, brevet, precept, sanction, authority, firman; hukm; pass, passport; furlough, license, carte blanche [Fr.], ticket of leave; grant, charter; patent, letters patent.

V. permit; give permission &c n., give power; let, allow, admit; suffer, bear with, tolerate, recognize; concede &c 762; accord, vouchsafe, favor, humor, gratify, indulge, stretch a point; wink at, connive at; shut one's eyes to.

grant, empower, charter, enfranchise, privilege, confer a privilege, license, authorize, warrant; sanction; intrust &c (commission) 755.

give carte blanche [Fr.], give the reins to, give scope to &c (freedom) 748; leave alone, leave it to one, leave the door open; open the door to, open the flood gates; give a loose to.

let off; absolve &c (acquit) 970; release, exonerate, dispense with.

ask permission, beg permission, request permission, ask leave, beg leave, request leave.

Adj. permitting &c v.; permissive, indulgent; permitted &c v.; patent, chartered, permissible, allowable, lawful, legitimate, legal; legalized &c (law) 963; licit; unforbid, unforbidden; unconditional.

Adv. by leave, with leave, on leave &c n.; speciali gratia [It]; under favor of; pace; ad libitum &c (freely) 748, (at will) 600; by all means &c (willingly) 602; yes &c (assent) 488.

Phr. avec permissin [Fr.]; brevet d'invention [Fr.].
761. Prohibition -- N. prohibition, inhibition; veto, disallowance; interdict, interdiction; injunction, estoppel [Law]; embargo, ban, taboo, proscription; index expurgatorius [Lat.]; restriction &c (restraint) 751; hindrance &c 706; forbidden fruit; Maine law [U.S.].

V. prohibit, inhibit; forbid, put one's veto upon, disallow, enjoin, ban, outlaw, taboo, proscribe, estop [Law]; bar; debar &c (hinder) 706, forefend.

keep in, keep within bounds; restrain &c 751; cohibit, withhold, limit, circumscribe, clip the wings of, restrict; interdict, taboo; put under an interdiction, place under an interdiction; put under the ban, place under the ban; proscribe; exclude, shut out; shut the door, bolt the door, show the door; warn off; dash the cup from one's lips; forbid the banns.

Adj. prohibitive, prohibitory; proscriptive; restrictive, exclusive; forbidding &c v.. prohibited &c v.; not permitted &c 760; unlicensed, contraband, impermissible, under the ban of; illegal &c 964; unauthorized, not to be thought of, uncountenanced, unthinkable, beyond the pale.

Adv. on no account &c (no) 536.

Int. forbid it heaven!, &c (deprecation) 766.

hands off!, keep off!, hold!, stop!, desist!, cease and desist!, avast!,

Phr. that will never do; don't you dare; forget it; don't even think about doing it; go ahead; make my day [Dirty Harry] [Iron.].
762. Consent -- N. consent; assent &c 488; acquiescence; approval &c 931; compliance, agreement, concession; yieldance, yieldingness; accession, acknowledgment, acceptance, agnition.

settlement, ratification, confirmation, adjustment.

permit &c (permission) 760; promise &c 768.

V. consent; assent &c 488; yield assent, admit, allow, concede, grant, yield; come round, come over; give into, acknowledge, agnize, give consent, comply with, acquiesce, agree to, fall in with, accede, accept, embrace an offer, close with, take at one's word, have no objection.

satisfy, meet one's wishes, settle, come to terms &c 488; not refuse &c 764; turn a willing ear &c (willingness) 602; jump at; deign, vouchsafe; promise &c 768.

Adj. consenting &c v.; squeezable; agreed &c (assent) 488; unconditional.

Adv. OK, yes &c (assent) 488; by all means &c (willingly) 602; no problem; if you please, as you please; be it so, so be it, well and good, of course; please do; don't hesitate.

Phr. chi tace accousente [It].
763. Offer -- N. offer, proffer, presentation, tender, bid, overture; proposal, proposition; motion, invitation; candidature; offering &c (gift) 784.

V. offer, proffer, present, tender; bid; propose, move; make a motion, make advances; start; invite, hold out, place in one's way, put forward.

hawk about; offer for sale &c 796; press &c (request) 765; lay at one's feet.

offer oneself, present oneself; volunteer, come forward, be a candidate; stand for, bid for; seek; be at one's service; go a begging; bribe &c (give) 784.

Adj. offering, offered &c v.; in the market, for sale, to let, disengaged, on hire.
764. Refusal -- N. refusal, rejection; noncompliance, incompliance; denial; declining &c v.; declension; declinature; peremptory refusal, flat refusal, point blank refusal; repulse, rebuff; discountenance.

recusancy, abnegation, protest, disclaimer; dissent &c 489; revocation &c 756.

V. refuse, reject, deny, decline, turn down; nill, negative; refuse one's assent, withhold one's assent; shake the head; close the hand, close the purse; grudge, begrudge, be slow to, hang fire; pass (at cards).

be deaf to; dismiss, turn a deaf ear to, turn one's back upon; set one's face against, discountenance, not hear of, have nothing to do with, wash one's hands of, stand aloof, forswear, set aside, cast behind one; not yield an inch &c (obstinacy) 606.

resist, cross; not grant &c 762; repel, repulse, shut the door in one's face, slam the door in one's face; rebuff; send back, send to the right about, send away with a flea in the ear; deny oneself, not be at home to; discard, spurn, &c (repudiate) 610; rescind &c (revoke) 756; disclaim, protest; dissent &c 489.

Adj. refusing &c v.; restive, restiff; recusant; uncomplying, unconsenting; not willing to hear of, deaf to.

refused &c v.; ungranted, out of the question, not to be thought of, impossible.

Adv. no &c 536; on no account, not for the world; no thank you, thanks but no thanks.

Phr. non possumus [Lat.]; your humble servant [Iron.]; bien oblige [Fr.]; not on your life [U.S.]; no way; not even if you beg on your knees.
765. Request -- N. request, requisition; claim &c (demand) 741; petition, suit, prayer; begging letter, round robin.

motion, overture, application, canvass, address, appeal, apostrophe; imprecation; rogation; proposal, proposition.

orison &c (worship) 990; incantation &c (spell) 993.

mendicancy; asking, begging &c v.; postulation, solicitation, invitation, entreaty, importunity, supplication, instance, impetration, imploration, obsecration, obtestation, invocation, interpellation.

V. request, ask; beg, crave, sue, pray, petition, solicit, invite, pop the question, make bold to ask; beg leave, beg a boon; apply to, call to, put to; call upon, call for; make a request, address a request, prefer a request, put up a request, make a prayer, address a prayer, prefer a prayer, put up a prayer, make a petition, address a petition, prefer a petition, put up a petition; make application, make a requisition; ask trouble, ask one for; claim &c (demand) 741; offer up prayers &c (worship) 990; whistle for.

beg hard, entreat, beseech, plead, supplicate, implore; conjure, adjure; obtest; cry to, kneel to, appeal to; invoke, evoke; impetrate, imprecate, ply, press, urge, beset, importune, dun, tax, clamor for; cry aloud, cry for help; fall on one's knees; throw oneself at the feet of; come down on one's marrowbones.

beg from door to door, send the hat round, go a begging; mendicate, mump, cadge, beg one's bread.

dance attendance on, besiege, knock at the door.

bespeak, canvass, tout, make interest, court; seek, bid for &c (offer) 763; publish the banns.

Adj. requesting &c v.; precatory; suppliant, supplicant, supplicatory; postulant; obsecratory.

importunate, clamorous, urgent; cap in hand; on one's knees, on one's bended knees, on one's marrowbones.

Adv. prithee, do, please, pray; be so good as, be good enough; have the goodness, vouchsafe, will you, I pray thee, if you please.

Int. for God's sake!, for heaven's sake!, for goodness' sake!, for mercy's sake!,

Phr. Dieu vous garde [Fr.]; dirigenos Domine [Lat.]; would you be so kind as to.
766. [Negative request.] Deprecation -- N. deprecation, expostulation; intercession, mediation, protest, remonstrance.

V. deprecate, protest, expostulate, enter a protest, intercede for; remonstrate.

Adj. deprecatory, expostulatory, intercessory, mediatorial.

deprecated, protested.

unsought, unbesought; unasked &c (ask) &c 765.

Int. cry you mercy!, God forbid!, forbid it Heaven!, Heaven forefend, Heaven forbid!, far be it from!, hands off!, &c (prohibition) 761; please don't.
767. Petitioner -- N. petitioner, solicitor, applicant; suppliant, supplicant; suitor, candidate, claimant, postulant, aspirant, competitor, bidder; place hunter, pot hunter; prizer; seeker.

beggar, mendicant, moocher, panhandler, freeloader, sponger, mumper, sturdy beggar, cadger; hotel runner, runner, steerer [U.S.], tout, touter.

[poor person] pauper, homeless person, hobo, bum, tramp, bindle stiff, bo, knight of the road (poverty) 804; hippie, flower child; hard core unemployed; welfare client, welfare case.

canvasser, bagman &c 758; salesman.



768. Promise -- N. promise, undertaking, word, troth, plight, pledge, parole, word of honor, vow; oath &c (affirmation) 535; profession, assurance, warranty, guarantee, insurance, obligation; contract &c 769; stipulation.

engagement, preengagement; affiance; betroth, betrothal, betrothment.

V. promise; give a promise &c n.; undertake, engage; make an engagement, form an engagement; enter into an engagement, enter on an engagement; bind oneself, tie oneself, pledge oneself, commit oneself, take upon oneself; vow; swear &c (affirm) 535, give one's word, pass one's word, pledge one's word, plight one's word, give one's honor, pass one's honor, pledge one's honor, plight one's honor, give credit, pass credit, pledge credit, plight credit, give troth, pass troth, pledge troth, plight troth; betroth, plight faith.

assure, warrant, guarantee; covenant &c 769; attest &c (bear witness) 467.

hold out an expectation; contract an obligation; become bound to, become sponsor for; answer for, be answerable for; secure; give security &c 771; underwrite.

adjure, administer an oath, put to one's oath, swear a witness.

Adj. promising &c v.; promissory; votive; under hand and seal, upon oath.

promised &c v.; affianced, pledged, bound; committed, compromised; in for it.

Adv. as one's head shall answer for.

Phr. in for a penny in for a pound; ex voto [Lat.]; gage d'amour.
768a. Release from engagement -- N. release &c (liberation) 750.

Adj. absolute; unconditional &c (free) 748.
769. Compact -- N. compact, contract, agreement, bargain; affidation; pact, paction; bond, covenant, indenture; bundobast, deal.

stipulation, settlement, convention; compromise, cartel.

Protocol, treaty, concordat, Zollverein [G.], Sonderbund [G.], charter, Magna Charta [Lat.], Progmatic Sanction, customs union, free trade region; General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade, GATT; most favored nation status.

negotiation &c (bargaining) 794; diplomacy &c (mediation) 724; negotiator &c (agent) 758.

ratification, completion, signature, seal, sigil [Lat.], signet.

V. contract, covenant, agree for; engage &c (promise) 768.

treat, negotiate, stipulate, make terms; bargain &c (barter) 794.

make a bargain, strike a bargain; come to terms, come to an understanding; compromise &c 774; set at rest; close, close with; conclude, complete, settle; confirm, ratify, clench, subscribe, underwrite; endorse, indorse; put the seal to; sign, seal &c (attest) 467; indent.

take one at one's word, bargain by inch of candle.

Adj. agreed &c v.; conventional; under hand and seal.

Phr. caveat emptor.
770. Conditions -- N. conditions, terms; articles, articles of agreement; memorandum.

clauses, provisions; proviso &c (qualification) 469; covenant, stipulation, obligation, ultimatum, sine qua non; casus foederris [Lat.].

V. make terms, come to terms &c (contract) 769; make it a condition, stipulate, insist upon, make a point of; bind, tie up.

Adj. conditional, provisional, guarded, fenced, hedged in.

Adv. conditionally &c (with qualification) 469; provisionally, pro re nata [Lat.]; on condition; with a string to it.
771. Security -- N. security; guaranty, guarantee; gage, warranty, bond, tie, pledge, plight, mortgage, collateral, debenture, hypothecation, bill of sale, lien, pawn, pignoration; real security; vadium.

stake, deposit, earnest, handsel, caution.

promissory note; bill, bill of exchange; I.O.U.; personal security, covenant, specialty; parole &c (promise) 768.

acceptance, indorsement, signature, execution, stamp, seal.

sponsor, cosponsor, sponsion, sponsorship; surety, bail; mainpernor, hostage; godchild, godfather, godmother.

recognizance; deed of indemnity, covenant of indemnity.

authentication, verification, warrant, certificate, voucher, docket, doquet; record &c 551; probate, attested copy.

receipt; acquittance, quittance; discharge, release.

muniment, title deed, instrument; deed, deed poll; assurance, indenture; charter &c (compact) 769; charter poll; paper, parchment, settlement, will, testament, last will and testament, codicil.

V. give security, give bail, give substantial bail; go bail; pawn, impawn, spout, mortgage, hypothecate, impignorate.

guarantee, warrant, warrantee, assure; accept, indorse, underwrite, insure; cosign, countersign, sponsor, cosponsor.

execute, stamp; sign, seal &c (evidence) 467.

let, sett; grant a lease, take a lease, hold a lease; hold in pledge; lend on security &c 787.

Phr. bonis avibus [Lat.]; gone where the woodbine twineth.
772. Observance -- N. observance, performance, compliance, acquiescence, concurrence; obedience &c 743; fulfillment, satisfaction, discharge; acquittance, acquittal.

adhesion, acknowledgment; fidelity &c (probity) 939; exact &c 494; observance.

V. observe, comply with, respect, acknowledge, abide by; cling to, adhere to, be faithful to, act up to; meet, fulfill; carry out, carry into execution; execute, perform, keep, satisfy, discharge; do one's office.

perform an obligation, fulfill an obligation, discharge an obligation, acquit oneself of an obligation; make good; make good one's word, make good one's promise, keep one's word, keep one's promise; redeem one's pledge; keep faith with, stand to one's engagement.

Adj. observant, faithful, true, loyal; honorable &c 939; true as the dial to the sun, true as the needle to the pole; punctual, punctilious; literal &c (exact) 494; as good as one's word.

Adv. faithfully &c adj..

Phr. ignoscito saepe alteri nunquam tibi [Lat.]; tempori parendum [Lat.]; to God, thy country, and thy friend be true [Vaughan].
773. Nonobservance -- N. nonobservance &c 772; evasion, inobservance, failure, omission, neglect, laches [Law], laxity, informality.

infringement, infraction; violation, transgression; piracy.

retraction, retractation, repudiation, nullification; protest; forfeiture.

lawlessness; disobedience &c 742; bad faith &c 940.

V. fail, neglect, omit, elude, evade, give the go-by to, set aside, ignore; shut one's eyes to, close one's eyes to.

infringe, transgress, violate, pirate, break, trample under foot, do violence to, drive a coach and six through.

discard, protest, repudiate, fling to the winds, set at naught, nullify, declare null and void; cancel &c (wipe off) 552.

retract, go back from, be off, forfeit, go from one's word, palter; stretch a point, strain a point.

Adj. violating &c v.; lawless, transgressive; elusive, evasive.

unfulfilled &c (fulfill) &c 772.

774. Compromise -- N. compromise, commutation, composition; middle term, mezzo termine [It]; compensation &c 30; abatement of differences, adjustment, mutual concession.

V. compromise, commute, compound; take the mean; split the difference, meet one halfway, give and take; come to terms &c (contract) 769; submit to arbitration, abide by arbitration; patch up, bridge over, arrange; straighten out, adjust, differences, agree; make the best of, make a virtue of necessity; take the will for the deed.


1. Property in general
775. Acquisition -- N. acquisition; gaining &c v.; obtainment; procuration, procurement; purchase, descent, inheritance; gift &c 784.

recovery, retrieval, revendication, replevin [Law], restitution &c 790; redemption, salvage, trover [Law].

find, trouvaille, foundling.

gain, thrift; money-making, money grubbing; lucre, filthy lucre, pelf; loaves and fishes, the main chance; emolument &c (remuneration) 973.

profit, earnings, winnings, innings, pickings, net profit; avails; income &c (receipt) 810; proceeds, produce, product; outcome, output; return, fruit, crop, harvest; second crop, aftermath; benefit &c (good) 618.

sweepstakes, trick, prize, pool; pot; wealth &c 803.

subreption [Fraudulent acquisition]; obreption; stealing &c 791.

V. acquire, get, gain, win, earn, obtain, procure, gather; collect &c (assemble) 72; pick, pickup; glean.

find; come upon, pitch upon, light upon; scrape up, scrape together; get in, reap and carry, net, bag, sack, bring home, secure; derive, draw, get in the harvest.

profit; make profit, draw profit, turn a quick profit; turn to profit, turn to account; make capital out of, make money by; obtain a return, reap the fruits of; reap an advantage, gain an advantage; turn a penny, turn an honest penny; make the pot boil, bring grist to the mill; make money, coin money, raise money; raise funds, raise the wind; fill one's pocket &c (wealth) 803.

treasure up &c (store) 636; realize, clear; produce &c 161; take &c 789.

get back, recover, regain, retrieve, revendicate, replevy [Law], redeem, come by one's own.

come by, come in for; receive &c 785; inherit; step into a fortune, step into the shoes of; succeed to.

get hold of, get between one's finger and thumb, get into one's hand, get at; take possession, come into possession, enter into possession.

be profitable &c adj.; pay, answer.

accrue &c (be received) 785.

Adj. acquiring, acquired &c v.; profitable, advantageous, gainful, remunerative, paying, lucrative.

Phr. lucri causa [Lat.].
776. Loss -- N. loss; deperdition, perdition; forfeiture, lapse.

privation, bereavement; deprivation &c (dispossession) 789; riddance; damage, squandering, waste.

V. lose; incur a loss, experience a loss, meet with a loss; miss; mislay, let slip, allow to slip through the fingers; be without &c (exempt) 777.1; forfeit.

get rid of &c 782; waste &c 638.

be lost; lapse.

Adj. losing &c v.; not having &c 777.1.

shorn of, deprived of; denuded, bereaved, bereft, minus, cut off; dispossessed &c 789; rid of, quit of; out of pocket.

lost &c v.; long lost; irretrievable &c (hopeless) 859; off one's hands.

Int. farewell to!, adieu to.
777. Possession -- N. possession, seizin [Law], seisin [Law]; ownership &c 780; occupancy; hold, holding; tenure, tenancy, feodality, dependency; villenage, villeinage; socage, chivalry, knight service.

exclusive possession, impropriation, monopoly, retention &c 781; prepossession, preoccupancy; nine points of the law; corner, usucaption.

future possession, heritage, inheritance, heirship, reversion, fee, seigniority; primogeniture, ultimogeniture.

futures contract [right of future possession; financial instruments], warrant, put, call, option; right of first refusal.

bird in hand, uti possidetis [Lat.], chose in possession.

V. possess, have, hold, occupy, enjoy; be possessed of &c adj.; have in hand &c adj.; own &c 780; command.

inherit; come to, come in for.

engross, monopolize, forestall, regrate, impropriate, have all to oneself; corner; have a firmhold of &c (retain) 781 [Obs.]; get into one's hand &c (acquire) 775.

belong to, appertain to, pertain to; be in one's possession &c adj.; vest in.

Adj. possessing &c v.; worth; possessed of, seized of, master of, in possession of; usucapient; endowed with, blest with, instinct with, fraught with, laden with, charged with.

possessed &c v.; on hand, by one; in hand, in store, in stock; in one's hands, in one's grasp, in one's possession; at one's command, at one's disposal; one's own &c (property) 780.

unsold, unshared.

Phr. entbehre gern was du nicht hast [G.]; meum et tuum [Lat.]; tuum est [Lat.].
777a. Exemption -- N. exemption; absence &c 187; exception, immunity, privilege, release.

V. not have &c 777; be without &c adj.; excuse.

Adj. exempt from, devoid of, without, unpossessed of, unblest with; immune from.

not having &c 777; unpossessed; untenanted &c (vacant) 187; without an owner.

unobtained, unacquired.
778. [Joint possession.]

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