36 Enhancing Performance Under Stress Stress Inoculation Training for Battlefield Airmen of someone on your team was affected by difficult operational conditions (e.g., weather, heat,
time pressure, presence of enemy combatants, etc ◦ Why do you think this individual’s performance was affected ◦ Do you think additional training could have helped If so, how Please describe a time when you had to deal with (x stressor).
◦ How did you handle this stressor? Did you use any particular strategies?
Future Preparation and Execution How confident are you now in being able to perform under a range of stressful conditions What factors
have affected your confidence, either positively or negatively Would you or others in your unit benefit from additional training while experiencing a range of stressful conditions If so, please describe the types of stressors and tasks (e.g., extraction) that might better prepare you or enhance your performance under stress.
Summary Evaluation Overall, how well did your training prepare you to handle the challenges of performing your tasks
in a stressful environment