2014 US RAND RR750 Enhancing performance under stress - stress innocuation training in battlefield airmen
A Comparison of Skills to Optimize Performance Under Stress Skill Air Force PJs Army Special Forces Navy SEALs Definition Mental skills foundation √ √ Understanding the relationship between performance and psychological states (e.g., thoughts, emotions) Confidence √ √ Focus on strategies to build, sustain, and protect confidence a feeling of self-assurance Goal-setting √ √ √ Focus on personally meaningful goals supported by core values breaking larger objectives into manageable tasks Attention control concentration √ √ √ Emphasis on understanding how attention works and how to control it to enhance focus and concentration Energy/ arousal control √ √ √ Practical skills on managing arousal levels and the stress response to meet the demands of the situation and restoring energy Imagery/ visualization √ √ √ Mental rehearsal of successful outcomes to build confidence and promote effectiveness Self-talk √ √ Internal dialogue to guide thoughts, emotions, performance, etc. Compartment- alization √ √ Dividing or segmenting adverse events or setbacks for later processing