Faà di Bruno, Giovanni Matteo [Horatio, Orazio] Fabbri, Anna Maria

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Feldmann, Fritz

(b Gottesberg [now Boguszów], Silesia, 18 Oct 1905). German musicologist. He entered the University of Breslau in 1924 and studied musicology under Max Schneider and Anton Schmitz, taking the doctorate in 1931 with a dissertation on the university’s Codex 2016. He completed his Habilitation in musicology at Breslau in 1937 with a work on music in medieval Silesia. He was acting director of the Hochschulinstitut für Schul- und Kirchenmusik of Breslau University (1939–41), and, after military service (1941–5), he worked as a secondary school teacher in Hamburg (1948–52). He began lecturing at Hamburg University in 1950 and in 1954 he was appointed professor at the Staatliche Musikhochschule, Hamburg. He became editor of the Musik des Ostens in 1965 and in 1966 succeeded Wiora as diector of the Herder Institut für Musikgeschichte, which he brought from Kiel to Hamburg; he also headed the Fachgruppe für Musikgeschichte which was attached to the institute.

Feldmann was recognized as an authority on the music of Silesia and eastern Germany. His work concentrated on the sources and texts of music from these regions and the contribution of Silesian music to musical development in Germany until 1945; he also collected a vast amount of material for his planned Silesian music dictionary. His other writings include articles on sources for medieval and Renaissance music, musical rhetoric, number symbolism and Schumann.


Der Codex Mf.2016 des Musikalischen Instituts bei der Universität Breslau (diss., U. of Breslau, 1931; Breslau, 1932)

Musik und Musikpflege im mittelalterlichen Schlesien (Habilitationsschrift, U. of Breslau, 1937; Breslau, 1938/R)

‘Zur Frage des Liederjahres bei R. Schumann’, AMw, ix (1952), 246–69

‘Untersuchungen zum Wort-Ton-Verhältnis in den Gloria-Credo-Sätzen von Dufay bis Josquin’, MD, viii (1954), 141–71

‘Mattheson und die Rhetorik’, GfMKB: Hamburg 1956, 99–103

‘Musiktheoretiker in eigenen Kompositionen: Untersuchungen am Werk des Tinctoris, Adam von Fulda und Nucius, DJbM, i (1956), 39–65

‘Numerorum mysteria’, AMw, xiv (1957), 102–29

‘Das “Opusculum bipartitum” des Joachim Thuringus (1625)’, AMw, xv (1958), 123–42

‘Untersuchungen zur Courante als Tanz insbesondere im Hinblick auf die Klaviersuiten-Courante J.S. Bachs’, DJbM, vi (1961), 40–57

‘Der Anteil des deutschen Ostens an der Musikentwicklung in Deutschland’, Leistung und Schicksal, ed. E.G. Schulz (Cologne, 1967), 218–33

ed.: Musik des Ostens, v (1969) [incl. ‘Zur Literatur über das Musikleben ostdeutscher Städte’, 157–62; ‘Einige Grundgedanken zur Musik-Topographie’, 163–73]

ed., with L. Hoffmann-Erbrecht: Musik in Schlesien: Schlesiens Musik, einst und jetzt (Dülmen, 1970)

‘Studien zur Geschichte der Schulmusik Schlesiens’, Hamburger Mittel- und Ostdeutsche Forschungen, vii (1970), 153–206

with K.H. Taubert: Historische Tänze der musikalischen und choreographischen Weltliteratur (Cologne, 1973/R [inc. ‘Von der Basse danse bis zur Allemande’, 3–16; ‘Von der Courante bis zum Menuett’, 17–29]

Die schlesische Kirchenmusik im Wandel der Zeiten (Lübeck, 1975)

Die Sängerin Elisabeth Röchel: Donna Anna in Hoffmanns Don Juan: Persönlichkeit und Familie’, Mitteilungen der E.T.A. Hoffmann-Gesellschaft, xxi (1975), 27–37

‘Die Entwicklung der deutschen Musik im Osten von 1400 bis 1900’, Deutsche Musik im Osten, ed. G. Massenkeil and B. Stasiewski (Cologne, 1976), 1–19

ed. with H. Unverricht: Musik des Ostens, viii (1982) [Feldmann Fs, 75th birthday; incl. list of pubns]


Missa anonyma II aus dem Codex Breslau Mf.2016, Cw, lvi (1956)

Johannis Tinctoris: Missa 3 vocum, CMM, xviii/1 (1960)

ed. H.J. Moser: Sing- und Musizierbuch: eine Haus- und Schulmusiksammlung schlesischer Meister aus dem 14.–19. Jahrhundert (Dülmen, 1971)


Feldmayr, Johann Georg

(b Pfaffenhofen an der Ilm, 17 Dec 1756; d Hamburg, after 1831). German composer. He received his early musical training at Indersdorf monastery. About 1780 he joined the Hofkapelle of Kraft Ernst, Prince (Fürst) von Oettingen-Wallerstein. Although recruited as a violinist, Feldmayr also played the flute and sang tenor solos in the Wallerstein church, where his wife (née Monica Kekhuter) was the soprano soloist. During his 13 years at Wallerstein, he composed a substantial body of music for various court ensembles. Apart from 22 wind partitas, the bulk of this is vocal music: liturgical settings for the Wallerstein church and numerous arias and cantatas intended to celebrate the births, weddings and namedays of the prince and his family. In 1800 Feldmayr attempted unsuccessfully to find employment at the court of the Duke of Mecklenburg-Schwerin. Two years later he moved to Hamburg, where he remained for the rest of his life.


most MSS, including many autographs, in D-HR (for details see Haberkamp)


Liturgical: Requiem, c, 1791; Requiem, E; 2 TeD, 1792; Miserere, E, 1793; Lit, 1797; Salve regina; Vespers, D-KZa; Miserere, E, attrib. Seldmayr

Schrecken lagert sich (orat), 1791

Sultan Wampun, oder Die Wünsche (chbr op, 3, A. von Kotzebue), Wallerstein, 1797

Other works: 24 cants.; 2 choruses; 17 arias, 1v, orch, 3 in D-DO; duet, S, T, orch


2 syms., 1 in D-BAR; 4 concs., 1 for fl, op.1 (Offenbach, n.d.), 3 for ob; 4 symphonies concertantes, 1 for ob, bn, 1 for vn, ob, 2 for 2 hn; 2 serenades, one dated 1790; 22 wind partitas, incl. arrs. of other works






L. Schiedermair: ‘Die Blütezeit der Öttingen-Wallerstein’schen Hofkapelle’, SIMG, ix (1907–8), 83–130

J. Piersol: The Oettingen-Wallerstein Hofkapelle and its Wind Music (diss., U. of Iowa, 1972)

G. Haberkamp, ed.: Thematischer Katalog der Musikhandschriften der Fürstlich Oettingen-Wallerstein’schen Bibliothek Schloss Harburg (Munich, 1976)


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