Foreign languages

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Foreign languages
Exercise1.Fill in each blank space with the correct auxiliary verb:
1. ________ he changed much over the years?
a) Has b) Does c) Is
2. ________ she Polish?
a) Has b) Does c) Is
3. ________ he like to drive at night?
a) Has b) Does c) Is
4. ________ you normally read before you go to bed?
a) Do b) Are c) Have
5. ________ I look tired?
a) Do b) Am c) Have
6. ________ you seen that movie several times already?
a) Do b) Are c) Have
7. ________ he leaving tomorrow?
a) Has b) Does c) Is
8. ________ she been to Greece before?
a) Has b) Does c) Is
9. ________ they coming at 7?
a) Do b) Are c) Have
10. ________ they always cheat?
a) Do b) Are c) Have

Ex 2. Complete the sentences with correct verbs.

1. Ice - cream and cake ….his favourite dessert.
2. A man’s best friend and companion… his dog.
3. Halloween ….a festival celebrated on October 31.
4. African and Indian elephants……….the same.
5. Today people …..starting to move out of some cities.
6. Britain………. a country of leisure, with people spending more and more time and money on having fun and relaxing.
7. There …..many special things about sumalak.
8. I …….. happy and you ….. coming to visit us.
9. The stones and nuts ……. placed at the bottom of the cauldron.
10. There …. a number of traditions for weddings that have survived into the 21 st centures.
Ex 3. translate into English.
1. Bizlar ingliz tili darsidamiz. 2. Men sizni ko’rganimdan hursandman. 3. Ob- havo yaxshi. 4. Bizlar darsga tayyormiz.5. Mening dadam shifokor. 6. Umida 20 yoshsda. U yaxshi hamshira. 7. Hamma talabalar kinoteatrda. 8. Toshkent O’zbekistonning poy’taxti. 9. Samarqand O’zbekistonning qadimiy shaxarlaridan biri. 10 . Bir yilda 4 ta fasl bor.
2. ___________________________________________________________________

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