Unauthorized Collaboration: Students cannot combine efforts on academic work, whether in or out of the classroom, unless specifically authorized by the instructor. The absence of any instructions indicates that collaboration is not permitted. A student seeking unauthorized collaboration has violated the honor code even if aid is not received. A student knowingly giving unauthorized aid had also violated the honor code.
Unauthorized Use of Materials: It is the student’s responsibility to determine which materials can be used in all academic work both in and out of the classroom. Follow all directions explicitly or you will be risking a zero for the assignment! The submission for credit of the same work in more than one course is prohibited unless both instructors give prior permission.
Plagiarism:Three or more consecutive words taken from the written or oral work of another person must be placed in quotation marks, and appropriately referenced in text. Paraphrasing another’s statements or ideas must also be clearly referenced in text. All pictures or diagrams that were not wholly designed by you need to be appropriately referenced in the accompanying figure legend. Finally, all sources consulted in the preparation of an academic work must be included in the bibliography whether or not direct quotes or paraphrasing are used. The failure to give credit to sources of information or ideas in work submitted for academic credit is plagiarism.