From Former Sons and Daughters of

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Some farmer said we were hard to match

I knew one who guarded his melon patch

Our mothers never believed us half so bad

But we knew of many a licken we “orter” had
That was in the good old summertime

The nights lively and doing fine

Apple cutting in order, Weevely Wheat the game

I laugh at our kids now they play so tame
In those days there was no submarine boat

and no airplane to get our goat

but gee! If we had a party line,

our girl's dad, would have been cussin half the time
But now in 40 years we've scattered wide

some have crossed over the great divide

but those who have moved far east or west

should greet this homecoming as the very best
And why shouldn't we form an alumni band

making the role complete as we can

so when days of greeting roll round

our mail list will be easily found?
I am located in Denton, a Texas town

my pastor called me his monkey clown

others of my family on their dignity stand

while I promise to grow civil fast as I can
My big jolly family keeps me quite spry

three bright grandchildren, you couldn't buy

youngest daughter in a Kansas college this year

another in a normal, located right here
My only boy is somewhere in France

with others enlisted he's taking his chance

but I'm believing it won't be long

till they all come home with the victory song
Till then we can only pray for the best

trusting God and our boys to care for the rest

though our hearts are heavy and sometimes sad

we should make this homecoming the best we've had
And now I close, I should have written less

but first move a vote of thanks to the Sumner Press

it's the paper of "pep" and strictly up to now

we might do without it but I hardly see how
I referred to myself, but let it be understood

it's a good report from others that’ll do me good

I trust you are prospering and happy today

so now for your letters and the good things you say

Austin, Arkansas

January 16, 1918

Editor Press:

As I have never made an attempt to write to the Pink Press before, I will try to write a few lines, as probably some of the families and friends would be glad to hear from me.

It was about twenty four years ago in February, when my father moved to Sumner, on Tick Ridge and worked for Capt. Davis that year and then moved to T. L. Jones’s son’s farm, where Oscar Fyffe did live and probably does yet.

I was married to Laura Nadine, of West Salem, when my father lived there, and then he moved away, but I remained there three years and then moved to what was called the John Bryan farm and later bought the Uncle Neddy Heath farm later selling it, I bought the Dave Delong place, on the county line, which I sold to Otis Klingler and moved to Olney, buying stock for A. L. Odor one year and then I purchased a farm of 160 acres of land and in Lonoke County, Arkansas, and with my family of my wife and three children, moved here in November 1911, and afterwards a girl baby was added to the family, but from some cause, a death Angel came and claimed her at the age of 1 year and 10 months old.

All of the family with that exception has had good health here and like the country fine.

We have a nice home here, have built a new house and a barn.

One year ago I traded my Olney property for 80 acres in Lincoln County, Arkansas. I have not any claim on Illinois at all now.

I farm and also work at the carpenter trade too, and have more work than I can do and never run out of a job. As this is my first attempt to write the Pink Press I will close.


John Z. Gorbet


Norris City, Illinois

January 22, 1918

To the readers of the Sumner Press:

I was born and raised in Lawrence County, two and three-quarter mile southeast of Chauncey, and lived there until I was married to Frank Gray. We then moved to Norris City and bought us a little home of 50 acres, which we can now call our own. It is nicely located southeast of Norris City about two miles.

We have several close neighbors who are very good to as. We have lived here nine years in the spring and like it very much.

Have two dear children-Beulah May, age 8 and James Benjamin, age 6, who are in the second grade at school.

I have made a visit to my old home once every year since moving away. You will all remember me as Frances Haines, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John W. Haines.

We wish one and all many blessings and prosperity the next year.

Yours respectfully,

Frances Gray

(John Z. Gorbet)

Biographical Note:

John Zachary Gorbet was born January 2, 1879 in Jackson County, Indiana to Benjamin J. and Elizabeth (nee Foss) Gorbet. Om March 31, 1899 he married Laura Isabell Nadine daughter of Frances and Mary Elizabeth (nee McManaman) Nadine, born on January 16, 1879. According to census records four children were born: Berlin Floyd (b. May 1900); Gladys Irene (b. abt. 1903); Ralph (b. abt. 1907); Ida Laura (b. 1912 d. 1914). John Died on April 18, 1951. Laura died December 15, 1966. They are buried next to their young daughter in Oak Grove Cemetery Lonoke County, Arkansas.

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