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14. The value of the variable can be kept variant by using which keyword?

(A) Constant (B) Volatile (C) Private

15. Which of the following is the incorrect keyword name?
(D) Public

(A) Char

16. void *ptr;

(B) Printf (C) else (D) Both A & B

myStruct myArray[10];

ptr = my Array;

Which of the correct way to to increment the variable ptr?

(A) Ptr = ptr + sizeof(myStruct); (C) Ptr = ptr + sizeof(myArray);

(B) ++(int*)ptr;

(D) Increament(ptr); ptr= ptr + siazeof (ptr)

17. "My salary was increased by 15 %!" Which of following statement will produce exact statement?

(A) printf (" \ " My salary was increased by 15%%! \"\n"); (B) printf ("My salary was increased by 15%! \n");

(C) printf ("My salary was increased by 15'%' ! \ n");

(D) printf("\''My salary was increased by 15 \ % \! \"\n");

18. What is difference between a declaration and a definition of variable?

(A) Both can occur multiple times but declaration can occur only once (B) A declaration can occur once, but definition can occur many times (C) There is no difference between them

(D) A definition occurs once, but declaration can occur many times

19. int testarray[3] [2] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ,6,7 , 8, 9,10, 11, 12}

What is value of testarray[2][1][0]?

(A) 3

20. int a=10,b;

b=a++ + ++a ;

(B) 1 (C) 9 (D) 7

printf ("%d, %d, %d, %d",b,a++ ,a,++a) ; What is output of above code?

(A) 12,10,11,13 (B) 22,10,11,13 (C) 12,11,11,11 (D) 22,13,13,13

21. int x[] = {l,4,8,5,1,4}

int *ptr,y;

ptr = x + 4;

y = ptr -x;

What does y in sample code above equal?

(A) -3 (B) 0 (C) 4

22. 11^5 What does operation produce?

(D) 4 + sizeof (int)

(A) 1 (B) 14 (C) 6 (D) 8

23. #define MAX_NUM 15

Referring to the sample above what is MAX_NUM?

(A) MAX_NUM is an integer variable (B) MAX_NUM is an integer constant

(C) MAX_NUM is pre-compiler constant

24. int x=2*3+4*5;

What value will x contain?

(D) MAX_NUM is pre-processor macro

(A) 22

25. int var1;

(C) 46 (B) 26 (D) 70

if a variable has been declared with file scope, as above, can it safely be accessed globally?

(A) No it would need to have been globally initially declared using global keyword. (B) Yes; it can be referenced through register specifier

(C) Yes; it can be referenced by public specifier.

(D) No; it would need to have been declared with static variable.

26. time_t t;

Which one of the following statements will properly initialize variable t with current time?

(A) t = etime(); (C)t = clock();

27. char *ptr;

char mystringD = "abcdefg";

ptr = myString;


What string does the ptr points?

(A) defg (B) fg

(B) t = localtime ();

(D) time(&t);

(C) cdefg (D) efg

28. double x=-3.5,y=3.5; printf("%. Of:%Of\ n" ,ceil (x),ceil(y));

Printf("%. Of:%.Of\ n",floor (x),floor(y)); What is output of above code?

(A) 3:4

Answers :

(B) 4.4 (C) 4.3 (D) 3.3










13.A 14.B










24.B 25.A




1. What action is exactly performed when the prototype of the function is mentioned?

(A) Defining it (B)Call to the function (c) Declaring it (D)None of the above

2. In which of the case the default statement "all the case statement are false "is executed?

A. For B .Swtich C.Do while D. If else

3. Each case statement in which switch () is separated by.........

A. Exit B. Continue C. Break

4. The keyword 'else' can be used with.........

A. Do while() B. Switch() statement C. For()

D. Goto
D. If statement

5. We can select one task switch between the function in a program by using ..............statement

A. While() statement B. Switch() statement

C. Do while () statement D. If statement

6. The Positive value is Display by which function?

A. abs() B. s C. pow() D. None of the above

7. Recursion is the process in which a function calls.....

A. itself B. Another function C. main() function

8. If there are too many recursive calls it may result to.........
D. None of the above

A. Memory overflow B .Stack overflow C. Queue Overflow D. All the above

9. In C which of the function can't be call recursively?

A. main() function B. private Function C. Public function D. None of the above

10. 'break' statement is used to exit from:

A. an if statement B. a for loop C. a program D. the main() function

11. The control statement that allows us to make a decision from number of choice is called

A .structure B. switch statement C. if loop D. for loop

12. Which header file is essential for using strcmp() function?

A. text.h B. strcmp.h C. strings.h D. string.h

13. malloc() function used in dynamic allocation is available in which header file?

A. stdlib.h B. conio.h C. stdio.h D. mem.h

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