Geethanjali college of engineering and technology


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aecs lab
There are broadly three types of oral presentations. They are i. Impromptu ii. Extempore iii. Seminar

Impromptu refers to the type of oral presentation were the person has to speak on the spot without any previous preparation this skill demands a good level of presence mind and self confidence apart from the skill of organizing the materiel in a quick pace. Impromptu reflects highly competitive and agile environment in which we work. In the absence of earlier arrangement of ideas and structuring of arguments, the speaker might fail to present a coherence speech. The looseness as when compare to a seminar presentation is expected. However, one should make an attempt to reduce chaotic presentation.
In this format of presentation, the speaker is given time for presenting his speech. He or she has time to work and rework his or her arguments and ideas taking into consideration the equipments of the delivery say brevity, coherence and ample supporting evidence etc. in extempore, we cannot directly use the materiel, that is, read it out while delivering it to the audience. Consequently, extempore presentation demands a deeper and thorough understanding of the issue/topic being spoken.
For a student, seminar is important an early exposure to this form of oral presentation is a must. Seminars are regularly organized and conducted in colleges with a primary objective of evaluating certain features that are present in both the two earlier forms- Impromptu and Extempore. These provide the speaker with ample time to collect the material and organize ideas.

Further, in a seminar like impromptu, the presence of mind, quick k grasp of situation and prompt action are essential. Ina seminar the speaker can access his or her material directly.

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