General catalogue of books printed from 1500 to july 1997 9-361 book two: Magazines, Museum Catalogues, Private and Puble Libraries, Contributions from Diallists, etc

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MARINARI, Onorio. Fabrica et Uso dell’Annulo Astronomico, Firenze, 1670.

MARINI, Giovanni Battista de. Nuova Scienza di Horologi. (New Science of Horlogy). Roma 1665

MARIO RAIMONDO (Barbadirame), Gio. Domenico Cassini, Astronomo e Matematico, Comunità Montana Intemelia, 1987

MARK Giohannes, Tractatum horologiorum, (non databile)

Marko, Eva und Stolberg, Lukas (1989) Zeitmesser - Von der Sonnenuhr zum Räderwerk., Graz.

MAROCCO Cristina, Su due meridiane a tangente del complesso del Collegio Romano a Roma (Stanza di San Luigi e Torre del Calandrelli), Tesi di laurea del Corso di Laurea in Matematica - Relatrice Nicoletta Lanciano- Roma,1993-94.

Marperger, Paul Jacob (1723) Horologiographia oder Beschreibung der Eintheilung und Abmessung der Zeit, sonderlich des Tages- und der Nachtstunden - durch die Sonnen-Zeiger, die Mond- und Sternen Uhren, auch durch künstliche Machinas, Uhrwerke und Glocken - Samt einem Capitel von dem Recht der Uhren und Glocken. Selbstverlag, Dresden und Leipzig. This work was reproduced in facsimile - Mõnchen, 1978.

MARQUET, Louis. "Le canon solaire du Palais Royal A Paris". (The cannon sundial of the Palais Royal in Paris). Another presentation of the previous article, but with different illustrations, including an original lithograph showing the Meridian of the Palais Royal, engraved after a design by Auger. In addition there are two cartoons, one showing the Sun donning an Artillery uniform before firing the canon; the other shows the Sun mounting a horse ready to journey round the earth to please the Commission of Sundials [taken from Cours d'astronomie de Cham 1819-1879]. AFAHA, No 11, Pages 18-22, 1982.

MARQUET, Louis. "Le canon solaire du Palais Royal". (The Canon Sundial of the Palais Royal). Historical note on the cannon sundial of the Palais Royal, the sundial being fitted with a focussing lens and a bronze cannon. As the sun passes over the meridian, the sun's rays, focussed on some gunpowder, cause it to ignite with a large noise, allowing those strolling by to set their pocket watches. The dial was installed in 1786 by Rousseau, a Paris watchmaker, and it was functioning up to about 1910. Thanks to the Lions-Club of the Palais Royal, the cannon sundial commenced to function anew on the 14 May 1975. Working on Wednesday only, sunshine permitting. L'Astronomie, Volume 93, September 1979.

MARQUET, N. and P. D. Literatura y Gnomonica, Analema No. 5, p. 12.

MARSHALL R.K., Sundials, New York, Macmillan, 1963

MARSHALL, Patricia Kihn. University of Nevada’s atmospherium-planetarium, Sky and Telescope, 26, pp 318-321, December 1963.

MARSHALL, Patricia Kihn. Sundials and Dialling - A Bibliography. Additional material added by Joseph Sternfeld April 1956, and William J Kihn May 1956. Plainfield N J, U.S.A., 1954.

MARSH-EDWARDS, J C. "At the Church that Orm Built - Kirkdale's unique sundial". Yorkshire Life. Page A short article with a good illustration of the dial and diagram of the runes. November 1973.

MARTELLI DA OSIMO Luigi, Dissertazione sull’orologio e sull’ore degli antichi Romani, Roma, 1812

MARTIN ASIN Fdo, Nuestro cielo -atlas, Inst. Geogr. Nac. Distr. Asuilar, 67p. 1982

MARTIN ASIN Fdo, Astronomia para ninos, Paraninfo, Madrid, 195 p., 1984

MARTIN ASIN Fdo, Astronomia, Paraninfo, Madrid, 419p., 1982

MARTIN ASIN Fdo, Problemas de Astronomia, Paraninfo, Madrid, 225p., 1980

MARTIN Carolyn, A Celebration of Cornish Sundials, Dyllansow Truran, Trewolsta, Trewirgie, Cornwall, UK, 48 pp., 1994. Includes a list of Cornish sundials.

MARTIN, Benjamin. The young trigonometer’s compleat guide; being the mystery and rationale of plane and spherical trigonometry, London, 1736. In two volumes.

MARTIN. Benjamin. The Description and Use of both the Globes, the Armillary Sphere, and Orrery.London, circa 1762.

MARTIN, Benjamin. A New and Comprehensive System of Mathematical Institutions, agreeable to the present state of the Newtonian Mathesis. Volume II is divided into six sections, in which dialling is included in III - Universal Perspective, and VI - Horology, or Clock-work. London 1764.

MARTIN, Benjamin. Gnomonics, or Perspective applied to Dialling. Usually bound up with Mathematical Institutions. London, 1764.

MARTIN, Benjamin. An appendix to the description and use of the globes, London, 1766.

MARTIN, Benjamin. The Description and Use of a new Portable Table Air Pump and Condensing Engine, London, 1766.

MARTIN, Benjamin. The New Art of Surveying by the Goniometer, London, 1766.

MARTIN, Benjamin. Horologia Nova: or, the New Art of Dialling, London, 1770.

MARTIN, Benjamin. The description and use of an orrey of new construction ... to which is adjoined a mathematical theory for calculating the wheelwork to the greatest degree of exactness, London, 1771.

MARTIN, Benjamin. The description and use of an opake solar microscope, London, 1774.

MARTIN, Benjamin. The Description and Use of a Case of Mathematical Instruments, London, 1800.

MARTIN, Benjamin. The Description and Use of an Universal Sliding Rule, London, not dated.

MARTIN, Carolyn, A Celebration of Cornish Sundials. 48 pages, 17 sketches, 1 map. Thin card covers, front over design from sundial at St. Columb Minor. Dyllansow Truran, Kernow, Cornwall, 1994. 21 x 15 cm. ISBN 1-85022-071-9. A catalogue of sundials in a localised area.

MARTIN, Carolyn. Meridian Line at Ramsgate, Bulletin 96.3, October 1996, p. 51.

MARTIN, Theodore Henri. Recherches sur la vie et les Ouvrages d’Heron d’Alexandrie, Paris, 1854.

Martin, Waldtraud de (1979) Die schöne Sonnenuhr im Schloßgarten - kleines Meisterwerk asu der Zeit des Baarock. Heimat an Lahn und Dill (NR. 106) S. 1-2

MARTINDALE, Adam. Description of a Plain and Easie Instrument by which may be made all sorts of Dyalls ... invented by Adam Martindale, Teacher of the Mathematics. 1668. Adam Martindale (1623-1686) spent most of his life teaching mathematics in Lancashire, his main profession being that of a non-conformist preacher in the areas of Rotherton in Cheshire, and Leigh in Lancashire, but he was teaching mathematics in Warrington in 1663. He wrote other works on surveying and sailing.

MARTINELLI DEL SPOLETTO, Dominico. Tratado de los reloxes elementares o el modo de hace reloxes con el aqua, la tierra, el ayre y el fuego. Y en que, con la mayor, facilidad y poquísima costa, se aprende a añadiries los más prodigiosos moveimientos de los Astros y planetas, como de diversas figuras, el canto de las aves, y otras invenciones.

(Treatise of elementary clocks, or the method of making clocks with water, earth, air and fire. And in which, with the greatest facility and lowest cost, one can learn moreover how to show the prodigious movement of the Stars and planets, in what manner with with many figures, the singing of the birds, and other inventions). This is the famous treatise of Martinelli, first written in Latin, translated into French, and here translated from French into the Castillian text by Dom Francisco Perez Pastor. See previous listing. Madrid 1770. (Reprinted El Cuadrante, pp. 162, Pontevedra, 1983).

MARTINELLI Domenico, Horologii elementari divisi in quattro parti, Venezia, 1669. This work was translated by Paster and Ozanam into French, the latter from 1694 onwards.

Martinelli, Domenico (1669) Horologi Elementari fatti con l`Aqua, con la Terra, con l`Aria, col Fuoco; alcuni Muti, & alcuni col Suono, tutti facili, e molto commodi., Venetia.

MARTINELLI, Domenico Spoletano. Horologi elementari divisi in quattro parti. [Clocks of the elements divided into four parts]. The fourth part deals with dialling. Venice, 1669. Latin text. This work was translated by Paster and Ozanam into French, the latter from 1694 onwards.

MARTINEZ, P José. Tratado de los reloxes asi universales como particulares. (Treatise of the clocks both universal and particular). Date and place of writing not known, this is a manuscript in the Biblioteca de las Cortes. 18th century.

MARTINI G.E., Trattato degli orologi solari degli antichi, (titolo tedesco Von den Sonnenuhren der alten, Lipsia, 1777.Nota: reperibile presso la Biblioteca dell’Università di Padova. E’ scritto in lingua tedesca e contiene una sola figura.

Martini, Georgius Henricus, (1777) Abhandlung von den Sonnenuhren der Alten - Aufgesetzet und durch Denkmale des Alterthums erläutert mit Kupfern. Crusius, Leipzig.

MARTINI, Georgius Henricus. Abhandlung den Sonnenuhren der Alter, Leipzig, 1777.

MARTINI, Georgius Henricus. Antiquarum Monimentorum Sylloge Collegit, Leipzig, 1787. Two volumes.

Martorelli da Osimo, Luigi (1812) Dissertazione sull’orologio e sull’ore degli antichi Romani., Roma.

MARTORELLI, Luigi. Dissertazione sull’Orologio ed sull’Ore gegli Antichi Romani, Rome 1812.

MARUCCHI Orazio, Nuovi studi sull'antichissimo orologio solare di Palestrina, in "Atti della Pontificia Accademia Romana di Archeologia, Rendiconti, serie III, volume VI, annate accademiche 1927-29, tip. Poliglotta Vaticana, Roma, 1930

MARUCCHI Orazio, The Sun-dial of Palestrina, in Brit. And Americ. Soc. I, sess. 1884/85.

MARUCCHI, Orazio. Di un Antichissimo Orologio Solare Recentimente Scoperto in Palestrina. Annali dell Instituto di Coresp. Archeolog. anno 1884. Rome, 1885.

MARUCCHI, Orazio. Manuale Pratico per la Misura e Stima dei Terreni, Rome, 1857.

MARZAGAGLIA Gaetano, Fascetto di pratiche matematiche, 1754 (BMI)

MARZOCCHI, Claudio. Alcune Royale Pratiche per Traceriare gli Orologi Solari, Rome, 1900.

MASALLES Roman J., Construccion de relojes de sol (1° parte), Tribuna de astronomia, n. 3, p.38-41, 1986

MASALLES Roman J., Construccion de relojes de sol (2° parte), Tribuna de Astronomia, n. 6, p.18-21, 1986

MASCART, Jean. "Clavius et l'Astrolabe". (Clavius and the Astrolabe). Bulletin Astronomique. This is an article of 66 pages, also bound up as a separate pamphlet. Paris, 1905.

MASCHERONI, J. Sulle ecc, a delineare le ore irregulari. (... ... etc, to delineate unequal hours). Bergamo 1784

MASCHERONI, Lorenzo. La Geometria del Compasso. (The geometry of compasses). Pietra Galeazzi. Pavia 1797

MASKELYNE, Nevil. The Nautical Almanac and Astronomical Ephemeris for the year 1769. Published by the order of the Commissioners of Longitude. Third edition, London 1768. - This was primarily intended for the finding of longitude by lunar methods which Nevil Maskelyne, the Royal Astronomer, favoured over all other methods. This edition is of interest in that it contains Maskelyne's instructions for observing the transit of Venus, by which event it was hoped to improve the accuracy of the values of longitude for various parts of the globe.

MASPERO H., Les Instruments astronomiques del Chinois au temps des Han, in "Mél. chinois et bouddhistiques", n.6, Bruxelles, 1939

MASSENET et HARDANT. Eléments d'Astronomie nautique. (Elements of nautical astronomy). Paris 1921.

MASSENET et HARDANT. Traité de Navigation. (Treatise of Navigation). Paris 1923.

MASTERS, John Neve. Amusing Reminiscences of Victorian Times and of Today. Pages 121-128 deal with sundials and clocks. John Neve Masters was a Master Watchmaker and Mayor of Rye. Rye, 1921.

Mathematisch-Physiklischer Salon, Dresden, 1874.

MATHER, William. The Young Man’s Companion, London, 1755.

MATHER, William. The Young Man's Companion. Also some Secrets of Surveying, Astronomy, Dialling and Glazing, Navigation and Geography. This is a compendium of mathematical practices. 1684.

MATHESIPHILOS. Otia mathematica seu opusculum tripartitum de horologiis sciathericis. (Leisure mathematics or a little work in three parts for shadow clocks). Salzbruck, 1719.

MATHIESON, J. "Geodesy: A Brief Historical Sketch". Scottish Geographical Magazine, Volume 43, No 6. Explanations of the attempts to determine the length of arc of a degree [at a particular latitude], and outlining Robert Norwood's attempt in 1633, where he computed 69.20 miles, modern methods have established to be 69.168 miles; November 1926.

MATTEI Raffaele, Sul vecchio gnomone di S. Maria del Fiore in Firenze: brevi considerazioni, 1890

Matthey, W. (1951) Sebstian Münsters Deutschlandkarte von 1525 auf einem Messingastrolabium. Germ. Nationalmuseum. Nürnberg 96 S. 42-51

MATVEEV, V Yu. (MATVEYEV, Vladmir) Zapadnoevropeiskie Solnechnye i Zvezdnye Chasy v Sobranii Ermitzha (seredina XVI - nachalo XVII vv), Offprint from Vosprosy Istorii Estestvoznaniya i Tekniki Vol 2, pp 154-157, Akademiya Nauk SSSR, Moscow, 1981. (West European Sun and Star Dials in the Hermitage Collection, mid 16 - early 17 centuries).

MATVEYEV V. Iu., Dials in the Hermitage Museum Collection, 1995

Mauch, Christof und Eckart Mauch (1984) Horologisches Lexikon Bd. UVT, Tübingen.

MAUDERLI S., Zeitbestimmung und Zeitdienst. Technische Mitteilungen. Schweiz. Telegraphen- und Telephonverwaltung. 14Jg, n° 1, p. 1-17, 1936

Mauersberger, Peter (1959) Beobachtungsergebnisse über das Hauptfeld und die Säkularvariation. Geomagnetismus und Aeronomie (NR. 3) S. 3-92

MAURICE, Klaus, Einwurt su einer planetarischen Uhr fur Kardinal Albrecht IV von Brandenburg, Pantheon, International Zeitschrift fur Kunst, 33, No 2, pp 111-113, Munich, 1975.

Maurice, Klaus (1968) Von Uhren und Automaten - Das Messen der Zeit. Prestel, München.

Maurice, Klaus (1978) Zeit von den Gestirnen - Sonnen-, Mond- und Sternenuhren aus drei Jahrhunderten. Schottenheim, München.

Maurice, Klaus (1982) Zeit von den Gestirnen. S. 1-3

MAURO B., L’equazione del tempo, OMT, n° 40, 1991

MAUROLYCUS, Franciscus. Opuscula Mathematica, Venice, 1575.

MAUROLYCUS, Franciscus. Quadranti Fabrica et ejus Usus, Venice, 1546.

MAUXY de LOCHE, R de. "Les cadrans solaires et leur construction". (Sundials and their construction). A very slight essay on sundials for the absolute beginner. AFAHA, No 10, Pages 37-41, 1981.

MAY W.E., How the Chronometer went to Sea, Antiquarian Horology, 638-664, 1976

MAY, W E. "The History of the Magnetic Compass". Mariner's Mirror, Journal of the Society for Nautical Research, Volume 38, No 3. August 1952.

MAY, W E. From Lodestone to Gyro-Compass. A brief account of compass development. London 1952.

MAY, W E. The Birth of the Compass. Published by the Admiralty Compass Department. Slough 1950.

MAYALL R.N. e MARGARET L.., Sundials, Boston, 1962

MAYALL R.N., “Hunting Sundials”, Sky and Telescope, July 1972.

MAYALL R.N., Making portable Sundials, Sky & Telescope, Jul. 1964

MAYALL, R N; & MAYALL, M L. Sundials - How to Know, Use and Make Them. First edition Boston, 1938. A reprinted version was published in Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1973.

MAYALL, R Newton. Sundials: how to know, use and make them, Hale, Cushman & Flint, Boston, 1938.

MAYALL, R Newton. Sundials: how to know, use and make them, Sky Publishing, Cambridge MA, 1973.

MAYALL, R. Newton, and MAYALL, Margaret L., Sundials. How to Know, Use and Make Them. ix + 197 pages, 37 figures, 53 photographic plates. Board covers with silver-on-red horizontal sundial signed William Boyerg, London, Clockmaker Fecit, 116 30.E. Book jacket with illustration of armillary dial on the campus of Phillips Academy, Andover, Massachussets, seen to better advantage opposite page 161 in the book. Branford, Boston, first published 1938 and reprinted in 1952. 20-5 x 15 cm. Page xiii carries a list of over 30 errors. A popular overview of dialling for amateurs and probably a model for A. Waugh's later book on sundials, qv. The name on the cover dial should probably be Boyer, he worked in London around 1753, which seems reasonable for the dial illustrated. There is no London clockmaker listed with the name of Boyerg.

Mayer, G. U. (1610) De Sole tempore Hiskiae retrogrado., Wittenberg.

MAYER, L A. Islamic astrolabists and their works, Geneva, 1956.

MAYER, L A. Nova tabulae motuum solis et lunae, Commentarii Societatis Regiae Scientiarum Góttingensis, 2, pp 383-430, 1953.

Mayer, Tobias (1745) Mathematischer Atlas, in welchem aauf 60 Tabellen alle Teile der Mathematic vorgestellet. Johann Andreas Pfeffel, Augsburg.

MAYETTE, J. De la Mesure du Temps, et reglage des montres et horloges. [Including "La determination ... de l'heure moyenne ou civile. L'organisation de cadrans solaires ordinaires ... horizontaux ou vertical. La construction du cadran équatorial ... de l'abbé Gingoux]". (The Measurement of Time, and regulation of watches and clocks. The determination of mean or civil time. The organisation of ordinary sundials, horizontal or vertical. The construction of an equatorial sundial according to the principles of Abbott Gingoux). Two plates. Lyon 1890.

MAZZUCCATO Michele, Meridiane in montagna, Nueter, anno XX, n° 40, pp. 224-227, 1994

Mc Call, Claire (1993) Claire Mc Call on the Sundials of Cumbria. Cumbria Life Magazine (NR. 1) S. 53-55

McCLUNEY Ross, A choice of sundial Books, Compendium Vol 1, n°3, August, 1994.

McCLUNEY Ross, Chairman’s Column, Compendium Vol. 1, n° 2, May 1994.

McCLUNEY Ross, Greetings, Compendium vo.1, n°1, february 1994.

McCLUNEY Ross, The briggs dial - A personal encounter, Compendium Vol 1, n°4, December, 1994.

McCLUNEY Ross, The fuzziness of solar shadows, Compendium Vol 1, n°3, August, 1994.

McCLUNEY, Ross. A Choice of Sundial Books, Compendium, Vol. 1, No. 3, pp. 2-4.

McCLUNEY, Ross. Chairman’s Column, Compendium, Vol. 1, No. 2, pp. 2-3. (More details of the proposed organization of the new sundial society).

McCLUNEY, Ross. Chairman’s Column, Compendium, Vol. 1, No. 4, pp. 2-3. (General discussions on NASS affairs).

McCLUNEY, Ross. Greetings. Compendium, Vol 1, No. 1, pp. 2-3. (Introducing the new Sundial Society - NASS).

McCLUNEY, Ross. President’s Column, Compendium, Vol. 2, No. 4, pp. 5-6. (Outline of previous year’s NASS activities).

McCLUNEY, Ross. The Briggs Dial - A Personal Encounter, Compendium, Vol.1, No. 4, pp. 4-7.

McCLUNEY, Ross. The Fuzziness of Solar Shadows, Compendium, Vol. 1, No. 3, pp. 11-15.

McCLUNEY, SAWYER & TERWILLIGER. Organization, Compendium, Vol. 1, No. 1, p. 15. (Outlines the aims of the new sundial society - NASS).

McCRACKEN, A. "Notes on Some Dumfrieshire Sundials". Dumfries & Galloway Natural History and Antiquarian Society, Volume 50, pages 109-114. 1973. This includes descriptions of twelve local dials, with three line drawings.

McDOWELL G., Review : a sundial for your garden, Compendium vol. 3, n°3, Sept., 1996.

McDOWELL G., The druid Hill Park polyhedral dial, Compendium Vol 2, n°2, June, 1995.

McDOWELL, George L. Quiz - Photo Analysis, Compendium, Vol. 3, No. 2, pp. 28-29.

McDOWELL, George. Quiz Answer: Photo Analysis, Compendium, Vol. 3, No. 3, pp. 27-28.

McDOWELL, George. Review Brandmaier’s A Sundial for your Garden, Compend-ium, Vol. 3, No. 3, p. 2-3.

McGIBBON, D and ROSS, T. The Castellated and Domestic Architecture of Scotland. Appendix to Volume V. - This work was republished as a facsimile reprint by Thin, Edinburgh, 1977. Edinburgh, 1892. This is an enlargement of the thesis by Thomas Ross first published in 1890 in the Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, the number of the listed dials being increased to 111. There is also an extensive section on the early Scottish Masters of Works, Master Masons and Architects, which includes sundial makers.

McKENNA, F S. "Some Minor Antiquities". The Kist, Volume 21, pages 11-14. 1981. Description of the Obelisk Dial at Asknish House, Lochgilphead.

McLENNAN, I. A major planetarium in Rochester, Sky and Telescope, 35, pp 208-210, April 1968.

McVEAN C., Anemoscope and meridian in the Tower of the winds, Bulletin of the B.S.S. N. 95/2 - 6/1995 p. 24

McVEAN Colin, Albert, BSS Bulletin No. 96.3 October 1996

McVEAN Colin, Exhibits at Grantley Hall, BSS Bulletin No. 96.3 October 1996

McVEAN Colin, Sundials for fun, Time Tellers, Fairford, Gloucester, 1995, pp. 182, 107 ill.

McVEAN Robert, The Transylvanian analemmatic sundial, BSS Bulletin No. 94.2 June 1994

McVEAN, Colin. Albert, Bulletin 96.3, October 1996, pp. 27-28.

McVEAN, Colin. Anemoscope and Meridian Line in the Tower of the Winds, BSS Bulletin 95.2, June 1995, pp. 24-27.

McVEAN, Colin. Laying out a Vertical Declining Dial, BSS Bulletin 93.2, pp. 28- 29.

McVEAN, Colin. Long Newnton Church Dial, BSS Bulletin 92.2, p. 36.

McVEAN, Colin. One Way of Looking at it - Equatorial and Polar Dials, BSS Bulletin 91.1, February 1991, pp. 11-13.

McVEAN, Colin. The Transylvanian Analemmatic Sundial, BSS Bulletin 94.2, June 1994, pp. 39-41.

McVEAN, Colin. Swindon Memorial Sundial, BSS Bulletin 93.3, October 1993, p. 39.

McVEAN, Sundials for Fun. 183 pages, 107 figures. Thin card covers with illustration of Zodiac on front. Privately published by Time Tellers, Fairford, Gloucester. ISBN 0-9526550-0-4. 30 x 21 cm. Price #12. A general survey of dialling from a practical point of view.

McVEAN. Colin, Time Tellers. Pages 65, 37 figures plus b & w photo-graphs. A4 format in comb binder with clear plastic covers. Privately published by the author, Fairford, Gloucester, 1994. Only the first 17 pages deal with sundials. Intended for children and adults of late mental development. See BSS Bulletin 95.2, page 50 for book review.

McVEAN. Colin. Exhibits at Grantley Hall, Bulletin 96.3, October 1996, p. 24.

McWILLIAMS, Rita M. An Artist’s Impeccable Timing, Garden Design, pp 25-27, mid-1990’s. This is an American journal, the article outlines the dialling creations of Lee Hervey.

MEADOWS, Peter J. North Declining Vertical Dials Revisited, Bulletin 97.1, January 1997, p. 47.

MEADOWS, Peter J. North Declining Vertical Dials, BSS Bulletin 95.3, October 1995, pp. 33-34.

MEADOWS, Peter J. Vertical Dial Furniture, BSS Bulletin 94.3, October 1994, p. 41-43.

MEDICI, Mario. "La meridiana della Collegiata di Balerna". (The meridian line of the Collegiate at Balerno). L'informatore, Mendrisio 1978.

MEEUS, J. Tables of moon and sun, Kessel-Lo, Belgium, 1962.

Meier, L; Steinbach, M; Weßlau, K.-H. (1981) Grundlagen der Konstruktion von Sonnenuhren. Feingerätetechnik (NR. 30) S. 466-468,477

Meiers, Benjamin und Oliver Müller (1995) Eine Sonnenuhr für Merzig. Selbst (NR. 1) S. 1-15

MEIRALDI, Francesco Antonio. Metodo pratico per delineare orologi solari orizontali e verticali ed equinoziali astronomici italian e babilonici. (Practical method for delineating horizontal, vertical and equinoctial sundials with astronomical, Italian and Babylonian hours). Beautifully prepared tract on 36 pages 160 x 216 mm, with 9 drawings which are the work of a skilled artist. 1777.

Meis, Roland (1978) Die alte Uhr. Klinhardt & Biermann, Braunschweig.

Melchger, Paul (1968) Nürnberg und seine Uhrmacher vor dem 17ten Jahrhundert. SFAU VIII S. 6-13

MELIDA J., El Teatro Romano de Merida, in Revista de Archivos, Bibliotecas y Museos, n° 3, 1915. Descrive hemicyclium del Museo Nazionale Bardo (Gibbs cat. 1042)

MELLA F.A., La misura del tempo nel tempo, Hoepli, Milano, 1990

MELO, V. N. de. El Quadrante de Mafra (II), Analema No. 4, p. 2.

MENDAX, Máximo. Narraciones Gnomonico-Araqueo-Logicas, Analema No. 1, p. 16.

MENDAX, Máximo. Narraciones Gnomonico-Arqueo-Lógicas, Analema No. 4, pp. 10-12.

MENDEL G., (sugli orologi solari di Istanbul) in Catalogue des sculptures grecques, romaines et Byzantines, vol. 2, p. 567.

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