Balet, Leo (1913) Führer durch die Uhrensammlung., Stuttgart.
BALIANI Gio. Battista, De solari horologio (opere), 1666 (BMI)
BALL, Robert Sir. The Story of the Sun. Dated today but of interest. First edition, London 1893.
BALL, Thomas. "Sun-Dials at Escombe".
A lecture read to the Society of Antiquaries on 30th July 1930, reported in the Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, Volume 4, Series IV, Pages 247-250, with two photographs facing page 247. This describes the two sundials still on the pre-Conquest church of Escombe near Bishop Auckland, in County Durham. The writer says that Mrs Gatty had not mentioned these, but she writes of the one in the South wall (1900 edition). He also states that these have not been discussed before any society except cursorily. The Editor took exception to these remarks. The dial in the south wall is a Saxon gem, whereas that in the porch wall is 17th century and was rather decayed in 1933. Mr Ball does not give his own description of the Saxon dial, he quotes the description given in J R Boyle's County of Durham, page 510; which was taken from a paper written by Mr C Lynam. A diagram of the Pittington dial, on the Norman church north-east of Durham, is shown; and the unsatisfactory account is closed by the Editor again castigating the lecturer. Newcastle-on-Tyne 1933.
BALLESTEROS, Pedro. In the Naval Museum in Madrid is a brass sundial made by Pedro Ballesteros to a design of Feria. It is detailed in Instrumentos Náuticos en el Museo Naval by Garcia Franco Salvador, published in 1959. (Nautical Instruments in the Naval Museum [Madrid]). Madrid 1825.
Balmer, Heinz (1956) Beiträge zur Geschichte der Erkenntnis des Erdmagnetismus. Veröff. der Schweizer Gesellsch. für Gesch. Medizin und Naturw.
Balser, L. (1928) Einführung in die Kartenlehre (Kartennetze). Teubner, Leipzig und Berlin.
BALVAY, Lucien C. Evolution de L'Horologerie - Du Cadran Solaire à l'Horloge Atomique. (Evolution of Horology from the Sundial to the Atomic Clock. Most of Chapter 1 is devoted to the history of early timekeeping and the evolution of the sundial. Paris, 1968.
BALZUENA BOCH J.M., Los relojes de sol de tiempo medio, Iberica, nov., n. 125, 341-346, 1947
BANDINI A.M., De obelisco Caesaris Augusti..., 1750 (BMI)
BANDINI, A M. Dissertazione sopra un’antica piastra di bronzo che si suppose un orologio di sole. (Dissertation upon a plate of bronze metal which one supposes is a sundial). 1765
BANFO D., Le meridiane e i quadranti solari, Teknotre, 1990
BAPTISTE. Georges, La Mesure du Temps dans les Collections Belges.
[Time Measurement in Belgium Collections]. This is a sumptuous catalogue of an exhibition organised by the Société Générale de Banque, Brussels, from 22.1 to 7.4.1984. The whole catalogue has 322 pages but only the first half of about 135 pages is of interest to the diallist, under the title of "Les Instruments non Mechaniques" by Victor Rasquin. The instruments shown cover the whole field of gnomonics, in the form of an illustration in b & w and a short description. There are a few coloured illustrations, mainly of astrolabes, and there is a very good explanation of the working of an astrolabe, pages 34-36. Thin card glossy covers. Published by the Société Générale de Banque, Brussels, 1984. 21 x 24 cm. French text.
BARATTIERI G., Breve esposizione e spiegazione al popolo del Calendario celeste perpetuo...della facciata...della piazza grande di Piacenza, Orcesi regio stampatore, Piacenza, 1794.
BARBARIGO G., Metodo facile per descrivere gli orologi solari, Ed. G. Storti, 1790
BARBARO, Daniel. La Practica della Perspettiva, Venice, 1569.
BARBARO, Daniele. I dieci libri dell'Architettura, tradotti e commentati da Mons Daniel Barbaro eletto Patriarca d'Aquileia, da lui riveduti e ampliati; et ora in più comoda forma ridotti. (Ninth Book of Architecture ... [by Marcus Pollio Vitruvius], translation and commentary by M Daniel Barbaro, elected Patriarch of Aquilea, by him revised and enlarged, and now reduced to a more convenient form). It was the discovery of the 'Vitruvius' manuscript, and the later translations and commentaries which gave the
BARBOSO Alberto, Quadranti solari, Analemmi e foglie di betulla al vento, in "Astragalo", Cuneo, Ed. l'Arciere, n, 12, 1987
BARGONI, Carlo. Difetti dell’Oroloogio Regolato, Verona, 1797.
BARKER, Francis & Son, Ltd. Whilst primarily scientific instrument manufacturers, sundials were long a speciality of the firm, and in supplying these for over a century, the products were shown in lists and catalogues published from 'Sun-dial House', 12 Clerkenwell Road, London.
Their horizontal dials could be provided with new or reconstituted stone pedestals, pedestals formed from balusters of the Old Kew Bridge, stone from the Old Newgate Prison, or a customer's own material. In the case of wall dials the firm preferred to undertake the whole work from the initial measurement of the aspect of the wall, thus allowing them to be responsible for the accuracy of the work. In addition to selling books on sundials, the firm published a small booklet, post free on application, which included articles on the magnetic compass and the sun-dial. In 1908 the firm supplied sundials as part of the collective exhibits of the British Horological Institute shown in the Franco-British Exhibition and were awarded a Grand Prix medal; in 1879 and 1870 medals were awarded in Sydney and Melbourne, Australia. Old dials were restored and renovated by 'experienced' workmen. Another service was the lecture by the Reverend C Butler of the Isle of Wight, with twenty-eight black and white, and six coloured, slides, which could be purchased at the cost of £5; or the set could be lent for philanthropic purposes, with terms by arrangement. Barker and Son are mentioned in several places in Mrs Gatty's The Book of Sun-Dials, an engraved dial plate sent to Mssrs Barker for restoration is shown facing page 134, of the 1900 edition. The firm also had a selection of old dials salvaged from demolished buildings. The firm went out of business after the Second World War. Details quoted from booklet circa 1930. London 1930.
BARNES Martin, A not so modern myth, BSS Bulletin No. 94.2 June 1994
BARNES, Dr Martin. Letters to the Editor - Brunel, BSS Bulletin 95.1, February 1995, p. 45.
BARON DE RIVIERS, Epigraphie Gnomonique, 1870
BARON DE RIVIERS, Inscriptions et devises horaires, in “Bulletin monumentale”, 1877, (1878, 1881, 1884 e 1885)
BARQUERO, P Miguel. La llamada hora de verano y au aplicación a España. (Summer time and its application to Spain). Nadrid 1917.
BARROW, Isaac. Apollonii Conica, Archimedes Opera, Theodosii Sphaerica, London, 1675.
BARSANTI D., ROMBAI L., Leonardo Ximenes, Ed. Medicea, Firenze, 1987
BARSTON, John. The Description and Uses of Barston's new-invented Universal Astronomical Quadrant. London 1740. John Barston (working 1738-40), patented this instrument in 1738, it included a heavy pendulum acting between two plates with wheel work to move a pointer over a scale to allow readings to a minute of arc upon a subsidiary scale. The quadrant was anufactured in conjunction with Joseph Turner, and recommended by both William Leadbetter and William Whiston.
Bartels, Julius (1946) Erdmagnetismus zu Gauß’ Zeiten und heute. Naturwiss. 49 S. 140-149
BARTHA, Lajos (1986) A potsdami napóra-széminárium és tanulságai (Das Seminar über Sonnenuhren in Potsdam und seine Lehren). föld és ég (NR. 6)S. 180-182
BARTHA, Lajos (1995) Protable Sundials - Selected from Hungarian Collections. Museen, Budapest.
BARTHA, Lajos and HOLLO, Szilvia A. A Medieval Ecclesiastical Sundial, BSS Bulletin 95.1, February 1995, pp. 34-35.
BARTHA, Lajos. "A Rennaissance Sun-dial of the Oxford Collection made by Father Hans Dorn". Paper read at the IIIrd National Meeting of the Csillagaszattörténeti Adatgyüjtõ Csoport (CsACs). Discusion of a pocket sundial with compass made in 1481 for use in Hungary, and now in the History of Science Museum, Oxford, part of the Lewis Evans collection. Although it bears the characteristics of Dorn's work, some elements and his initials are absent, the dial may be one made by one of his followers. Budapest 1986.
BARTHA, Lajos. "Design of instruments by Regiomontanus and in Hungary". Paper read at the Symposium celebrating the 550th anniversary of Regiomontanus 21-22 June 1986 at Budapest. M. Bartha outlines the improvements made by Regiomontanus in astronomical instruments, sundials, and sidereal dials/nocturnals in the 15th century, he also supplied instruments to King Matthias in Budapest. Budapest 1986.
BARTHA, Lajos. 16th Century Sundials found during Excavations in Hungary, BSS Bulletin 90.2, June 1990, pp. 12-14.
BARTHA, Lajos. A Medieval Scratch Dial on the Gothic Church at Rudabßnya (Hungary), BSS Bulletin 90.1, February 1990, p. 3.
BARTHA, Lajos. Arveresre kerult egy tudomanyos mukincs, Fold es Eg, pp 194-196, July 1990. Auction of an Art Treasure of Science). An account of the sale at Christie’s, London, of several astrolabes. Date of sale not given. On the cover of this issue is a full page colour illustration of a Regiomontanus astrolabe.
BARTHA, Lajos. Feltamadt egy haromszaz eves napora, Fold es Eg, pp 196-197, July 1990. An outline of the new sundial at Seven Dials, London, the opening ceremony was on 29 June 1990.
BARTHA, Lajos. The Oldest Fixed Dials in Hungary, BSS Bulletin 92.2, p. 2.
Bartholomäus, Karl (1987) Richtungs-, Entfernungs- und Zeitbestimmung bei Homer. Verm.Ing. (NR. 4) S. 157-160
BARTHOLOMEUS, M. Horologium Hebreum sive Consilium quo modo Sancta Lingua spacio XXIV, Horarum a sex collegis sufficienter addiscipossit. (Hebrew clock followed by deliberation on how ...) Lipsiae, 1624.
BARTOLI, C. Del Modo di Misurare le Distantie, le Superficie, i Corpi, etc, Sebastiano Combi, Venezia, 1614.
BARTOLI, Cosimo. Del Modo Misurare le distantie, le superficie, i corpi le piante. On the way of measuring distances, surfaces, bodies and planes). Senese. Venice 1564
Bartsch, J. (1622) Jac Bartschii himlische zeiteriner de Wunder Sonn und Werk-Uhr., Strasbourg.
BARTSCH, Jacob. Jac. Bartschii himsliche zeiteriner de Wunder Sonn und Werk-Uhr. (Celestia indications of the wonder sun and mechanical clock by Jacob Bartsch). Strasbourg, 1622.
BARTSCHIUS, Jacobus. Usus Astronomicus Planispherii Stellate, Argentina, 1624.
BARTZ, J. "ùber sonneuhren". (About sundials). Journal der Uhrmacherkunst Allegemeines. Leipzig, n.d
Bartz, J. (188!) Über Sonnenuhren. All. Jour. der Uhrm.
Bartz, J. (1880) Transportable Sonnenuhr. Patentschrift (NR. 11 451) S. 1-2
BARWICK, Edward. On my friend Mr Sylvanus Morgan, His Book of Dialling, N P, 1652.
BARZIZZA Bottino, Gnomonica, Milano, 1915
BARZIZZA Bottino, Gnomonica, Milano, Hoepli, 1917
BARZIZZA Bottino, Gnomonica. L’orologio solare a tempo vero. Teoria e costruzione, Hoepli, Milano, 1892
BARZIZZA Bottino, L'orologio solare a tempo vero nella sua moderna applicazione, Milano, Hoepli, 1915.
BARZON, Antonio, FRANCESCATO, Guiseppe, MORPURGO, Enrico, and PETRICCI, Armondo, Tracatus Astrarii. vi + 195 pages, plus 60 pages of original folios of Latin manuscript, no illustrations in the modern text. Buckram on board covers. Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, Citta del Vaticano, 1960. 35 x 25 cm. Italian text. Deals with the construction of the Giovanni de Dondi astrarium.
Basanta Campos, José Luis (1992) Manuscritos Relojeros. Seperata de Academia, Boletin de la Real Academia San Fernando (NR. 74) S. 278-326
BASANTA CAMPOS, José Luis, La Rolojeria en Galicia. This first appeared in Bulletin de la Real Academia de Belles Artes de San Fernando, Ném. 72 Primer Semestre de 1991. pages 339-434. Reproduced as a separate pamph-let, Madrid 1991. Paper wrappers. 26 x 19 cm. It is mainly concerned with mechanical clocks but has a small section on sundials. Spanish text.
BASANTA CAMPOS, José Luis, Reloges de Piedra en Galicia. 194 pages, profusely illustrated with b & w and coloured plates. Fundacién Pedro Barrié de la Maza, Pontevedra, Spain, 1986. Board covers, both front and rear have illustrations of stone sundials. 28 x 23 cm. Book jacket bearing the same illustrations as book covers. An excellent treatise sponsored by the Museo de Pontevedra. Inscribed "To my friend Charles K. Aked with affection - Basanta II.87". Spanish text. Reviewed in Antiquarian Horology, but the indexing is so poor that the item could not be found.
BASANTA CAMPOS, José Luis. Bibliografia Relojera Espanola 1265-1972. This work lists many of the sundial treatises published in Spain with a number of title pages of the early works illustrated. The book commences with an entry on Alfonso X Libros del Saber Astronomia, the first book of which deals with sundials - Libros del relogio de la piedra de la sombra. (Book of shadow dials). Pontevedra, 1975.
BASANTA CAMPOS, José Luis. Relojeros de Espana - Diccionario Bio-Bibliografico. (Clocks of Spain Biographical and Bibliographical Dictionary). This contains many references to dials and dialling literature, with a portrait of Antonio de Nebrija who produced a table of the times in various places in Europe in 1517. Pontevedra, 1972.
BASANTA CAMPOS, José Luis. Relojeros de España. (Clockmakers of Spain). With 600 biographical notes of clockmakers. Pontevedra 1972.
BASANTA CAMPOS, José Luis. Relojes de Piedra en Galicia. (Clocks of Stone in Galicia). An excellent treatise of sundials in Galicia in northern Spain, centred on Pontevedra. The colour illustrations are quite superb and the treatment of sundials is the best ever published in Spain. Pontevedra, 1986.
Bäschlin, F. (1947) L’oeuvre scientifique et technique du General G. Bibliotheque scientifique 8. Ed. du Griffon: Neuchatel
Baschmakowa, I.G. und A.P. Juschkewitsch (1965) Die Entstehung der Bezeichnungssysteme für die Zahlen. Enzyklopädie der Elementarmathematik. Red. P.S. Alexandroff u.a. Bd.1
Bassermann-Jordan, Ernst von (1905) Die Geschichte der Räderuhr., Frankfurt a. M..
BASSERMANN-JORDAN, E von. Uhren, Bibliothek fur Kunst-und-Antiquitatensammler, N P, 1914.
BASSERMANN-JORDAN, Ernst. Uhren, Richard Carl Schmidt & Co, Berlin, 1914. First edition.
BASSERMANN-JORDAN, Ernst. Uhren, Richard Carl Schmidt & Co, Berlin, 1920. Second edition.
BASSERMANN-JORDAN, Ernst. Uhren, Richard Carl Schmidt & Co, Berlin, 1922. Third edition. in 8, VII-188 pp. with 135 figg.
BASSERMANN -JORDAN E von, Die Geschichte der Zeitmessung und der Uhren, 2 voll., Berlino, 1922-1925
Bassermann-Jordan, Ernst von (1926) Alte Uhren und ihre Meister., Leipzig.
Bassermann-Jordan, Ernst von (1928) Eine Sonnenuhr des Hohen Mittelalters an der Klosterkirche zu Otterberg (Rheinpfalz). Die Uhrmacherkunst 53 (NR. 14) S. 242-244
BASSERMANN-JORDAN, Ernst von. The Book of Old Clocks and Watches. There are many references and illustrations of sundials, the main text on dialling is on pages 32-36, 56-68, 72-78, 95-116, 194-206, but references are scattered throughout the whole book. There are many excellent dials shown, again not all placed together. The work was translated from the German text of 1961 by H Alan Lloyd. London, 1964.
Bassermann-Jordan, Ernst von und Hans von Bertele, (1961) Uhren. Klinkhardt & Biermann, Braunschweig.
BASSOLI Federico, L'oriuolo di Leonardo da Vinci per il convento di S. Donato a Scopeto, in "Sapere", Fasc. 415/416, 1952
BATEMAN, Doug. Sundials in the Afternoon, BSS Bulletin 90.3, October 1990, p. 4. A meeting to be held at Crowthorne, Berkshire.
BATEMAN, Douglas A. The Noon Sundial, pp 4, 5 illustrations, 1996. Describes the noon sundial installed in the new Headquarters of DERA, formerly RAF Farnborough.
BATH, Geoffrey. "The Chapel Dial". The Post Master, Winter 1972, Pages 15-20. This is a journal published by Merton College, Oxford. Oxford 1972.
Baudin, Louis (1987) Das Leben der Inka - Die Andenregion am Vorabend der spanischen Eroberung. Manesse, Zürich.
BAUDUSSON. Le Rapportun Exact, Paris, 1787.
Bauer, H.-J. (1993) Analyse und Programmierung der Zifferblätter von Sonnenuhren. Selbst, Karlsruhe.
Bauer, Ingold (1990) Sonnenuhr des Kaisers Augustus - Anzeige der Tag und Nachtgleichen. De Zonnewiyzerkring (NR. 2) S. 7-9
Bauer, Louis Agricola (1895) Beiträge zur Kenntnis des Wesens der Säcular-Variation des Erdmagnetismus., Berlin.
Bauer, Otto (1984) Die Sonnenuhr der Fachhochschule. Kölner Technische Mitteilungen 99 (NR. 5/6) S. 1-2
Bauer, Wolfgang, Irmtraud Dümotz und Sergius Golowin (1980) Lexikon der Symbole. Fourier, Wiesbaden.
BAUMANN, Arthur, Sonnenuhren im Astronomie unterricht ... (Sundials in Astronomical instruction ... ). n.d.
BAUMANN, Arthur (1992) Die Länge des lichten Tages. SFAU XXXI S. 203-204
BAUMANN, Arthur (1992) Globusbasteln. SFAU XXXI S. 205-209
BAUMANN, Arthur (1993) Zeitschätzung ohne Uhr. SFAU XXXII S. 136-139
BAUMANN, Arthur (1994) Der Robinson-Kalender. SFAU XXXIII S. 198-200
BAUMANN, Arthur (1995) Eine Armillasphäre mit Sternfinder. SFAU XXXIV S. 127-132
BAUMANN, Arthur, Die Lange des lichten Tages. Zonnewijzerkring 79.2, pp 129-130.
Baumer, Dorothea (1996) Das Angebot hat Klasse, die Fülle verführt - Zur 41ten Deutschen Kunst- und Antiquitätenmesse in München. Süddeutsche Zeitung (NR. 276) S. 1-2
Baumhof, Gregor Fr. (1991) Die Sonnenuhr in Niederaltaich. Die Beiden TürmeNieraltaicher Rundbrief- 27 (NR. 60) S. 82-88
BAVIN, Thomas. Instructions to Thomas Bavin on a voyage to determine Latitudes, Longitudes, Magnetic Variations, amongst many other things.
The main instrument for determining all these was a universal dial thus: 'Also if you have with you 3 good Clockes made, as is aforesayd with your vniversall Dyall you may with them precisely observe the longetude of every place both by Sea and land duly observing those instructions I gave your for the same'. Again on folio 4: 'Also lett him carry a vniversall Dyall And by that Dyall sett your clock precisely from tyme to tyme by the Sonne and kepe your Clock in suche precise sort going .3. or .4. Dayes before the 19. June next to thend you may thereby observe the Iuste mynute of the hower of the day when the eclipse of the Sonne shall then and there appearvnto you. And note the same exactly The which eclipse will appeare to vse att London att .4. of the Clocke and .5. mynutes in the morning the same 19. day of June as the Almanack of this yeare .582. will shewe. By which observacion you may certainly knowe the true longetude of the place where you shall make this observacion yf the same eclipse shall then and there appeare vnto you'. There is much more in the same vein. British Library, Add. Ms. 38823, folios 3v-5v. London 1582. The author of the instructions is not known, but is someone of high authority with a sound knowledge.
BAXANDALL D., Mathematics, London, 1926
BAYER, Theophilus Siegfried. De Horis Sinicus et Cyclo Horario commentations accedit einsdem auctoris parergon sinicum de Calendariis Sinicis. Typis Academias Scientarum. St Petersburg 1735
BAYER, Theophilus Sigefrid. De Horis Sinicis, Petropolis, 1735.
BAYS S., Mathematiciens fribourgeois: Jean Juat (1600-?). Bull. Soc. frib. sci.nat. Vol. 128, p. 165-185, 1927 (Diss. ueber Sonnenuhr, 1622 Freiburg/Breisgau)
BAZIN, P. Les Ivoiriers dieppois au Musée de Dieppe, Dieppe, 1972.
BEAR, M, and JENKINS, C F. Sundials and Timedials. Background information with a collection of models for cutting out and making. 1987.
Beausard, P. (1595) Annuli astronomici instrumenti cum certissimi tum commodissimi usus., Duisburg.
BEAUSARD, P. Author of dialling treatise, title, place, and date of publication not found. See M T entry.
BEAUSARD, P. Annuli Astronomici, Antwerp, 1553.
BECCARIA, Joannes Baptista. Gradus Taurinensis, Edito della tipografia Regia, Torino, 1774.
BECHER, Jo. Joachini, Theoria & experienta de nova temporis dimeniendi ratione et accurata horologiorum constructione. (Theory and practice of new time measurers and sundials). Londoni, 1680.
BECHER Jo. Joachini, De nova temporis dimitiendi ratione, et accurata horologiorum constructione, Londini, 1680
Beck, Hanno (1959 - 1961) Alexander von Humboldt., Wiesbaden.
Beck, J. (1623) De instrumento Cylindri recte adhibendo., Tübingen.
Beck-Calkoen, van (1797) De horologiis veterum sciothericis. Hulst van Keulen, Amsterdam.
Becker, Karl-Ernst (1977) Christian Huygens Horologium (mit Übersetzung und Anmerkungen. Selbstz, Düsseldorf.
Beckmann, Dieter und Bernd Epperlein (1989) Astronomie - Grundkurs. Manz, München.
BECKMANN, J. A History of Inventions, Discoveries and Origins, translated from the German by W Johnston, 4th edition, London, 1846. In two volumes.
Becquaert, Cathérine (1974) L’Horloge solaire du Lycée Stendhal (à Grenobele)., Grenoble.
BEDINI Silvio A., Bernardo Facini and the Farnese planisferologio, Biblioteca Vaticana, Città del Vaticano, 1985
BEDINI Silvio A., Johann Wolfgang Gelb of Ulm 17h century lock and instrument maker, in Physis, anno VI, 1964
BEDINI Silvio A., The 17h century table clepsydra in Physis, anno X, Firenze, 1968
BEDINI, Silvio A. Sundials and dialling, a bibliography of Italian and other references, Bedini, Ridgefield, CT, n d.
BEDOS, Dom Francois de Celles. La Gnomonique pratique, ou l’Art de tracer les Cadrans Solaires, prima edizione, Briasson, Despilly, Hardy, Paris, 1760.
BEDOS, Dom Francois de Celles. La Gnomonique Pratique ou l’Art de Tracer les Cadrans Solaires, pp. 428, 35 plates, Paris, 1760. Also reprinted by Léonce Laget in 1978, Paris. Advertisement of Léonce Laget, ANCAHA No. 24, p. 88. REPRINT limited to 500 examples. Also ANCAHA No. 25, p. 12; No 25, p. 25.
BEDOS, Dom Francois de Celles. Le Gnomonique Pratique, Paris, 1774.
BEDOS, Dom Francois de Celles. La Gnomonique Pratique, ou l’art de tracer les Cadrans Solaires, Facsimile reprint of the 1760 edition by Leonce Laget, Paris, 1978.
BEDOS, Dom Francois de Celles. Le Gnomonique Pratique, Paris, 1780.
BEDOS, Dom Francois de Celles. Le Gnomonique Pratique, Paris, 1790.
BEECK CALKOEN, J F van. Dissertatio mathematico-antiquaria de horologiis veterum sciothericis; cui accedit theoria solariorum horam azimuthum et altitudinem solis una exhibentium. (Mathematical-antiquarian dissertation on old shadow clocks - hemicylium; also theory of the sun's azimuth and altitude is shown). Amstelodami 1797.
BEER, A et al. An 8th-Century Meridian Line: I-Hsng’s Chain of Gnomons and the pre-History of the Metric System. Offprint from Vistas in Astronomy, Vol 4, pp 3-28.
BEESON, CFC, Clockmaking in Oxfordshire. Museum of the History of Science, Oxford, 1989
Published by the Antiquarian Horological Society in conjunction with the Banbury Historical Society, 1962. Pages 76-80 list the sundials recorded by Dr Beeson in his researches into Oxfordshire clockmaking. Of these a number have not survived, sixteen of those listed are noted as having disappeared, some are known only from the records or prints by Loggan, Williams, Rawlinson, and other engravers of plates illustrating Oxford colleges and buildings. It is by no means certain that the recorded information is factual since much of the attribution is by tradition as in the similar situation in Trinity College, Cambridge, where Sir Isaac Newton is credited with the dial in the Court although it was erected long after he was a student there.
BEGUIN R., Cadran solaire. Almanach. Edition Zoe: Geneve, 1982 (Sonnenuhr IM Buch. Fuer jeden Tag eine andere Seite)
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