All teaching, books, and courses on time management comedown to helping you ask and answer the question, What is the most valuable use of my time right now Your ability to ask and answer this question accurately, and then to do exactly what is the
most valuable use of your time, determines your success in your career as much as or more than any other single factor.
Get Started and Keep GoingYou can use a series of strategies, tactics, methods, and techniques to get started and then to keep going until you complete the most important task before you. To manage your time effectively
and get maximum results, you begin with clear goals to which you are committed.
Some of the most important questions that you can ask and answer on a regular basis are the following. What am I trying to do. How am I trying to do it. How is this working for me Am I getting the kinds of results I want. What are my assumptions. What if my assumptions in this area are wrong. Could there be abetter way to achieve the results that I want. If I was starting this work over again, what would I do differently?
Once you are clear about your most important goal or objective,
your top priority, you can use a series of proven methods and techniques each day to get your most important task completed on time.
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