Does smartphones provides users with an interfaces to help users to remember how make phonecalls?The answer is yes. Smartphones always comes with a defualt installed app call Phone which when open contains other labeled buttons like the Dialpad for entering numbers and the Contact button which contains all saved contacts. Tap the Call button
to make the call and when done, you can end up the call with End call button.
What is the range of errors that are possible using smartphone?Smartphone screens could gets stuck and unresponsive during normal usage despite you touching the panel.
What measures are thereto permit users to recover easily from the errors?Smartphones allow users to perform hard reset in situations like this. Hard reset can be done by pressing the power button for 10 seconds
Does smartphones provide interface support have been provided to help users remember how tocarry out tasks, especially for applications and operations they use infrequently?The answer is yes. Smartphones provides many interface support system that allows the user to interact with the device's apps,
features, content and functions.
What types of interface support have been provided to help users remember how to carryout bbtasks, especially for applications and operations they use frequently?Most smartphones has a voice assistant that has been designed to let you carryout a full range of interactions. Examples of these voice assisstance include Apples Siri and Samsung’s BixBy.
The device
also offer faceted navigation,
browsing, and searching to guide users based on the standard taxonomy.
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