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3.2.1 Citizenship by Birth
The citizenship by birth is also called Jus Sanguinis. In Nigeria, there are some conditions to fulfill in order to acquire citizenship by birth i. For instance, all persons born in Nigeria before independence either of whose parents or any of whose grandparents belong to an indigenous Nigerian community. ii. All persons born in Nigeria after independence either of whose parents or any of whose grandparents is a Nigerian Citizen are automatically citizens of Nigeria. You should also remember that the citizenship by Jus Sanguinis does not necessarily mean that you must be born within Nigeria. As long as your parents are citizens of Nigeria, it does not matter where you are born in order to acquire citizenship status. However, this is different from the so-called law of soil or place. In the case of the law of soil (also called Jus Soli), any person born within the territorial jurisdiction of a State is automatically a citizen of that State irrespective of the citizenship of the parents. This is clearly stated in the 14
Amendment of the United States of America All persons born or naturalized in the United States and subject to the jurisdiction thereof are citizens of the United States and the State wherein they reside

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